And Then It Happened: An Unexpected Romance (18 page)

BOOK: And Then It Happened: An Unexpected Romance
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When we lowered ourselves into the seats, I waited for Adrian to put the armrest down, but he didn’t. Instead he reached over and grabbed my hand.

As his thumb brushed over my fingers, I turned toward him and said softly, “I’m sorry for what I said earlier.”

“I know,” he replied, his eyes meeting mine.

“If we keep this up…”


“Yeah, if.”

Adrian’s eyes narrowed. “So
we keep this up…what?”

“We should tell each other if we want to see other people.”

“And why would we see other people?”

He seemed genuinely confused at my comment, so I explained, “Adrian, you’re not a relationship type of guy. I’m looking for someone who wants to be with me and only me.”

“And I’m not that guy?” he asked slowly.

“No. You’re not.”

Yes, you are!

Adrian nodded, his thumb stilling its circular motion. “So let me get this straight. You want all of this,” he said, gesturing to himself, “until you find something better.”

“That makes me sound like a bitch, Adrian and isn’t that what friends with benefits is anyways? We satiate each other until something better comes along?”

Adrian shrugged, “So I’m not good enough?”

My eyes widened and I tightened my grip on his hand. “No. I mean, you’re great, but it can’t last, Adrian. You have a list of rules to make girls not fall in love with you. Right?”

“I just haven’t found the right girl yet,” he replied. “Those girls you heard me with were just empty sexual encounters.”

“And you’ll probably look back and think the same thing about me. Oh there’s Jane, that girl I messed around with for a time.”

I waited for him to deny it, but he didn’t. Instead he directed his gaze to the screen and stared at the commercials rolling across it. I didn’t know what else to say. I wanted Adrian, I loved how he made me feel and how I was
so assertive and strong around him, but in the end, he wasn’t going to commit to me. He just wasn’t that kind of guy. His bedroom door was a revolving one, where women came and went on a daily basis. It was just a fluke that he’d been with me for so long. Soon, he’d grow bored and leave me. And his friends would have a name for me just like Creepy Clara and they would talk about me when they met up. I would be reduced to nothing more than a memory.

“So what are you looking for in your dream guy?” Adrian finally asked, turning those brown eyes on me and causing me to melt a little bit.

“What? I don’t know. I haven’t really decided what I’m looking for. I guess I just want someone who will treat me fairly, who will love me and who won’t leave me for someone better.”

“And what if I’m that guy?”

I couldn’t tell if he was being serious or not. “Adrian, tell me truthfully, could you see yourself with me and only me for fifty years? Could you be faithful to me that entire time?”

Adrian was silent for a moment, but when he opened his mouth to respond, a clattering behind us had Adrian turning around.

“Could you grab my phone? It fell,” a pretty woman from behind us said.

Adrian smiled widely, flashing those perfect teeth and I could see the woman, whose phone he was retrieving, flush deeply. It solidified my theory. Adrian was hot and he had a way with women.
Could I live with someone who just had to smile at a woman and had her dropping her panties? I wasn’t quite sure I could. I was still pretty insecure. I still didn’t understand why someone like Adrian would want to be with someone like me. The question kept looming in the back of my mind, nagging me over and over again.

As Adrian handed her the phone back, his fingers accidentally brushed over hers and she giggled slightly.

I rolled my eyes as he turned his attention back to me.

“What was I saying?” he asked.

“Exactly my point,” I whispered before standing up and walking to the row that hugged the wall. At least in this spot no one else was around us and we were concealed by the shadows.

“What’s wrong?” he asked, as he took a seat next to me. “Why did we just move?”

“Nothing’s wrong. I just didn’t want that woman watching you the entire movie.”

“She wouldn’t have watched me. Why would she have done that?”

“Because you made her giggle. You made a grown woman giggle.”

“I smiled at her and retrieved her phone.”

“Exactly, now imagine if you really put on the charm. Women would be unable to resist you,” I replied, growing slightly annoyed at his obliviousness.

“You resisted me for quite some time.”

“Yeah, well I’m not your average girl, I guess.”

“You’re telling me. I had to work pretty hard to get you.

“You have me,” I said softly, not bothering to add ‘for the time being’ because I believed it was implied.

, it’s not. You want him forever. Admit it!

Adrian nodded, his lips brushing over mine as the lights dimmed and
the previews started. Almost immediately Adrian’s hands were sliding up my thighs. I glanced around, nervous and excited about what he had in store for me. We were the only ones in the far back corner, which meant I wasn’t going to stop Adrian from doing what he was going to do.

“What about the movie?” I asked, weakly protesting because I didn’t want to seem too easy.

He responded by kissing me.

And kissing me.

Until the credits rolled across the screen.




We stumbled out of the theater, buzzing with sexual energy. Adrian walked stiffly, his erection straining against his pants. I was ramrod straight, trying to portray modesty when I’d been thoroughly kissed, groped and fingered in the back of a movie theater.

When we got into his truck and before we even turned it on, I was in his lap. He was digging his hands into my hair, kissing me like he never wanted to let me go. It wasn’t until car lights penetrated our sex educed haze that Adrian reluctantly pushed me off his lap and started the truck, breaking every law in his effort to get home as quickly as possible.

When we pulled up to the curb in front of his house, he slammed on his brakes and undid his seatbelt. And then he was on top of me, his hips grinding into mine as we worked ourselves into a frenzy. I felt like I was in high school all over again, where make out session lasted two hours and dry humping was the thing to do. When we finally came, breathless and replete, Adrian pushed himself off me.

“Shit, that was hot. Haven’t done that since high school.”

I pulled my shirt down and grinned at him.

“You’re fucking sexy,” he added, brushing my tangled hair behind my ear.

“Thank you,” I said with a shy smile.

“So you want a guy who is faithful and who loves you, but what about a guy who gives you raging orgasms?” Adrian asked, a small smile
playing on his lips.

“Yeah, I can see the appeal. I never knew what the big deal was until I met you.”

Adrian smiled widely. “I’m glad I’m able to help expand your horizons. I love expanding horizons.”

We sat in his truck for a few more minutes, the two of us catching our breath and straightening our clothes.

“I should probably take a shower,” Adrian said, glancing down at his stained pants.

I nodded, biting back a grin. “Yeah, you should.”

“Want to stay at my place? We could work on expanding your horizons.”

“And what else needs to be expanded?”

“I can think of a zillion things. We could sixty-nine...”

“We could have sex, you know,
” I blurted, finding sudden confidence.

Adrian swallowed. “Yeah, we could, but I’m okay with waiting.”

My eyes narrowed as I watched him. “You’re okay with waiting? Who are you and what have you done with Adrian?

“I promise it’s still me over here.”

“So let me get this straight. You want to wait to have sex?”

“Sure, yeah.”

“And why is that exactly?”

He glanced away. “Just want y
ou to be comfortable with this…”

My mind stuttered and stopped as I had an epiphany that I’d been too turned on to notice before.

“Oh my god, you’re scared that if you have sex with me you’ll grow tired of me.”

“What? No!” Adrian seemed appalled by my comment, but I knew I’d hit the nail on the head.

“Yes, that’s it exactly. I’ve been wondering why you haven’t been pressuring me and that’s why…”

“Or maybe I just want you to know that I’m not that guy who fucks girls and
then leaves them…”

“Yeah or that,” I said dryly before slapping a hand over my forehead and exclaiming, “I can’t believe I didn’t see it before. I’m so stupid.”

“You’re not stupid because you’re theory is bogus,” Adrian said, his anger from last night returning.

“I know you pretty well, Adri
an, and I know that’s the reason why. You’re pretty transparent.”

Adrian muttered something before pushing the door to his truck open and sliding out. I followed quickly, not wanting us to get into an argument when we’d just made up.

“Adrian, wait. Am I staying over or not?”

Adrian shrugged. “You know, Jane I can overlook some of your hang ups because of what Craig did to you, but you constantly thinking I’m this big asshole who’d fuck you and then leave you is getting pretty old.”

“I didn’t mean…I mean, I just…”

“Maybe you should just stay at your place tonight. I’m tired.”

“But you can’t sleep well without me,” I protested, growing desperate. This was all going so wrong. Between my awkward sense of humor and my stubbornness I would be single for the rest of my life. 

“Well, since this is only temporary, as you keep reminding me, I guess I have to get used to it someday. Might as well start now.”

My heart sank as he turned around and strode through his door. I just stood outside, fighting back tears. I didn’t know what to do, so I went through my front door and just stood there.

I’d really messed things up with Adrian. First I’d told him that I didn’t care if he slept with other girls and then insulted him by saying he was so insensitive that he would do me and then leave me. He had every right to be mad, but I also knew that despite what he said to the contrary, my assumption was correct.

He was scared to have sex with me because he thought he would grow tired of me. That’s why he’d been putting it off for so long.

I strode upstairs and took a shower before changing into an oversized t-shirt. I lay in bed, fuming over Adrian’s inability to admit that I
was right. Fuming that I couldn’t very well go to bed when Adrian was two feet away upset with me. He needed me to sleep and I needed him.

Hitting my mattress with both hands, I sat up, tired of these games
we were playing. We were going to find out once and for all if we were compatible.

I marched into his house, taking the stairs two at a time. When I reached his bedroom, I pushed the door open. Adrian was lying in bed, but his head popped up as I made my way toward him.

“What are you doing?” he asked as I straddled his legs, pulling down his boxers without hesitation.

“I’m going to fuck you and then we’ll decide how this will play out,” I replied, grabbing his cock and shoving my underwear to the side.

He gave no argument, so I sank down on him, our bodies connecting with a delicious slap. He filled me just as I’d imagined and I knew that this was going to be one hell of a ride.

“Fuck,” he groaned, his hips arching to meet my downward movement.

“Yes,” I moaned as we moved together. I lost track of time, of where we were. All I could feel was Adrian’s body crashing up into mine as his fingers dug into my hips.

I was so close, so close to the edge and I could tell he was too. A light sheen of perspiration was building on his body, causing the sound of us joining to grow louder. He was on fire, causing me to combust somewhere in my chest. It spread until I was groaning like a wild animal, my head thrashing side to side as he bucked into me over and over.

“Fuck…I…no condom feels so good,” he grunted, his fingers now rubbing over my clit.

It was just what I needed. I arched my back, my hips undulating sloppily against him as he roared upward.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he groaned as he came inside of me. I felt his cock pulsing within my opening, felt the warm liquid fill me.

And then I collapsed on top him, not even bothering undo our tangled bodies.

“Shit, that was amazing,” he said breathlessly.

“Yes.” It was all I could manage.

“Tell me you’re on birth control,” he said, brushing my wayward hair off my forehead.

“I am. Have been for years.”

“Thank god. I can never go back to condoms after that. Never.”

I hummed into his chest as he held me against him. Finally
, I rolled off him, my body shivering slightly from the overhead fan blowing across my wet skin. I snuggled into him for warmth as he pulled a blanket over us. I didn’t say anything for a while and neither did he.

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