And Then It Happened: An Unexpected Romance (20 page)

BOOK: And Then It Happened: An Unexpected Romance
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My mood immediately lightened. “Hi. How are you?”

“Good. Sorry I haven’t called, but I’ve been busy with work.” Sadie ran a clothing and jewelry shop with her business partner Julian in Berkley and often worked late hours.
Owning her own business took a ton of dedication and consumed her time. To be honest I was surprised she even found the time to call me each week.

“It’s okay. I’ve been busy too.”

“With Adrian?”

I snuck a peek at him and was happy he hadn’t heard her say that.


“Ah, well, then I don’t feel like such a shit friend. Anyways, the reason I’m calling
is to tell you that there’s a craft and art show in LA so I’m going to be in SoCal. Want to meet up?”

Excitement bubbled up within me. “Yes, of course.”

“And bring some of your stuff. We can sell some of your art at my stand.”

I wasn’t sure I wanted to do that, but I was totally going to go to see Sadie. “Sure. So when are you going to be here.”

“In two days. Want to stay with me for a few nights? We can catch up, watch some girly flicks, convince Julian to shave that god awful beard.”

“Yes, what night?” I asked with a laugh.

“Saturday, Sunday and then we’ll leave on Monday.”

“Yes, perfect. I can’t wait. I’ll see you soon. I’m so excited.”

“I’m excited too.”

We hung up, both anticipating our reunion.

“Who was that? Adrian asked, breaking through my excited haze.

“That was Sadie. We’re meeting up in two days in LA,” I replied, nearly bouncing in my seat.

“For what?”

“A craft fair.”

“That sounds awful. You’re going for the day?”

“For two days actually.”

Adrian’s face dropped. “Seriously? You’re staying the night in LA?”

, in two days I’ll be meeting up with her. Don’t be too excited for me,” I said dryly.

“I’m not excited for you. I don’t want you staying so far away in a place that has questionable morals. LA might as well be Montana.”

“Except it’s sunnier and much more ethnically diverse. And who are you to talk about morals? You have the moral compass of an anteater.”

Adrian shot me a look as we pulled up to the house.

“That made no sense, by the way,” Adrian said as he lugged our bags of food through the door.

“It makes perfect sense to me,” I replied, not even bothering to explain.

We put the food away in silence, taking the time to make ourselves sandwiches. As we ate them, Adrian was watching me, tension in his gaze.

“What?” I asked around a mouthful of bread.

He shrugged, glancing away.

“Hey, tell me what’s up. You look…I don’t know…worried.”

“I never worry,” he replied. “I’m just thinking about what the fuck I’m going to do while you’re gone for two days. How the hell am I going to get laid?”

I doubted he’d have any problem with that, especially considering Cassandra earlier.

Just the thought of her made me angry and I blurted without thinking, “Maybe Cassandra could help you out.”

“Maybe she could,” he said, his eye becoming mere slits as he watched me. “Would that bother you?”

“Nope. Do whatever you want. You’re a big boy.”

“I am, but just so you know I’m not planning on sleeping with anyone other than you for quite some time.”

His comment caused my heart to leap in my chest. I didn’t want it to show so I took another bite of my sandwich.

“I hope you’ll extend me the same courtesy while you’re gone, babe.”

“Maybe. Unless I happen to meet Colin Kaepernick. Then all bets are off.”

Adrian’s brow rose. “Kaepernick, huh?”

“Yeah. He’s a stud. A total stallion.”

“And you’d ride him like one?” Adrian asked with a smirk.

“In a heartbeat.”

Adrian chuckled lightly as we finished off our food. When we were done
, Adrian glanced at me.

“So you going to sell any of your artwork at this craft fair?”

“Sadie wants me too, but I’m not sure that’s a good idea.”

“Well, would my painting be featured?”

“Probably not. The series isn’t done.”

Without another word Adrian grabbed my hand and pulled me upstairs.

“Well then, let’s get to work. And if you happen to give me another blowjob at the end I won’t complain.”

I made sure to trip him as he strode up the stairs.




Night crowded in on me as I lay in bed next to Adrian. I had finished my first painting of him and couldn’t wait to begin to start the second one. The first one had turned out great and even though Adrian had pestered me to see it, I hadn’t let him. I wanted to show him the complete set. And with any luck, those would be done in a few weeks.

For a few hours I had been able to concentrate solely on painting. Cassandra had been forgotten as well as the fact that he could have her anytime he wanted. I really needed to learn how to trust men. Maybe they weren’t all bad. Maybe Adrian wasn’t Craig. Maybe Adrian was a good guy.

He is and you know it!

He was and he proved it to me over and over again, day after day. I needed to let my guard down. And the sex was fantastic. After I had finished painting him, he pushed me onto the floor and had his way with me. And even though I said I wouldn’t, I begged for him to make me come. But now it was my turn. And I was taking no prisoners.

I quietly pushed myself up, thanking heaven that Adrian slept like a rock and made my way over to my closet. Inside was a gag gift given to me by Sadie last year for my birthday. A pair of padded pink handcuffs.

They would do nicely, I thought as I made my way over to the bed.

I watched Adrian’s bare chest rise and fall as I straddled his thighs. Gently
, I maneuvered his hands above his head before clasping them to the wooden headboard with the handcuffs.

And then the torture ensued. This was no ordinary seduction. This was Fifty Shades in reverse.

I tugged the sheet down and slowly worked his cock with my hand until it stood at attention. And then I licked him from base to head, taking care to slide my tongue across the vein that ran underneath.

“Shit, Janie.” Adrian said, slowly waking up. I heard the metal clank against the headboard. “What the fuck?”

He rattled his hands back and forth and when he realized he was stuck he said lowly, “Jane. Untie me.”

“Nope,” I muttered as I kissed my way up his chest. “You’re going to beg for it.”

Adrian growled. Literally growled and I felt myself clench in excitement.

“I’m going to get you back for this,” Adrian said, tugging on his restraints once more. “And you’re not going to know what hit you.”

“Catch me if you can,” I said slyly once I reached his mouth. I bit down lightly on his lip and he grunted in response.

“I want to touch you right now,” Adrian said. “Let me out of these damn handcuffs.”

“I’ll take them off if you beg,” I said, running my tongue across his jaw to his ear. As I nibbled on his earlobe, he shook his head.


“Fine, then here are the rules,” I began, arching my hips so Adrian’s cock slid between my legs. He groaned at the sensation and his primal response had my skin breaking out in goose bumps.

“First you don’t come unless you beg.”

“Fuck you, Janice.”

“You will be in just a minute,” I said slowly, moving my body upward until I was sitting over him.

“And your other rules?” he asked, his chest rising and falling in quick bursts.

“That was my only rule,” I said
as I sank down on him.

“Fine by me…oh fuck,” he groaned as I lifted myself up until he was positioned once more outside of me. I rolled my hips, teasing his head with my entrance, but didn’t let him in.

“Get ready to beg,” I said with a smirk as I slowly lowered myself onto him once more.

“And get ready to fuck me all night,” he replied, the handcuffs once again rattling on the headboard.

“I can do all night.”

But that was a lie. I was turned on and I knew it would only be a matter of time before I would give in and let him go.

So I hoped I was
irresistible and
much of a temptress to win this little game.

“Bring it on.”

And so I did.




Adrian was panting, a fine sheen of sweat layering his taut muscles.

“I can’t take it anymore,” he groaned, his hips thrusting upward. It was a twisted little game I was playing, but it was working well. If I said I wasn’t as turned on as he was
, I’d be lying. I was just as desperate to get him to beg. I wanted to come and I wanted to come badly.

“You know what you have to do,” I panted.

“Shit, Jane. Really?”

I sat up, his cock brushing against my opening. He tried to thrust upward, but I sat up straighter.

“Fuck, Jane. It’s like you trained at Guantanamo.”

I slanted him a sly smile and he grunted. “Fine. Please, Janie. Please end my misery and fuck me.”

“Was that so hard?” I asked as I lowered myself onto him completely.

He didn’t respond and I’d forgotten I’d asked him anything at all. All I felt was him moving inside of me, the pressure building in my abdomen and the sweat dripping down my neck.

“Fuck. Fuck. I love this…” he stammered, our bodies clashing together sloppily. I felt myself going over the edge and I dug my nails into his chest.

“I’m coming,” I moaned right before I broke apart.

“Fuck! I love…you…shit,” Adrian thrust upward, his whole body shaking as he emptied himself inside of me.

I collapsed on top of him, panting. I could feel his chest heaving beneath me as we lay replete and completely satisfied. His previous words were muddled in my mind and at the moment I was unable to process them. My whole body felt too good. Everything felt so good.

I was awoken from my sex-educed haze by a rattle of metal on wood.

“You going to uncuff me now?” Adrian asked.

I peeked up at him through lowered lashes. “Maybe…if you beg.”

Adrian arched his hips and I squirmed at the feeling of his softening cock inside of me.

“Fine,” I said pushing up and fumbling on the nightstand for the key. My breasts brushed over Adrian’s face and as I leaned up to grab the key, I felt his teeth bite down on my nipple.

I yelped in surprise and pulled away from him.

“What was that for?” I asked, placing my hands on my hips.

“For torturing me, babe. I’m going to get you back.”

“Try and I’ll make the next time even worse,” I replied saucily before unlocking the cuffs.

Adrian rubbed his wrists as we lay side by side on the bed before he turned to face me. “So despite hating that you bested me, I loved that.”

The words he spoke sparked recognition and I turned to face him, my heart slowly picking up its pace.

“What?” he asked, his brow furrowing at my sudden change of mood.

I felt my cheeks redden and I glanced at the sheets. “I think I remember you saying you loved me.”

Adrian as quiet for a moment, his body entirely still before he chuckled, “Did I? Well that’s a first.”

I slapped at his chest as our eyes met. “Yes, you did. And it’s a good thing I don’t believe you because then I’d really be screwed.”

His laughter died off. “And how’s that?”

“Because you didn’t mean it…right?”

“And would it be so bad if I did?” he asked, annoyance flashing across his features.

“No, but I don’t know…you didn’t mean it, right?” I was growing slightly desperate. I didn’t need Adrian loving me because he’d end up leaving me and I’d be right back where Craig left me. And I’d miss the sex. At least with Adrian it was mind blowing.

No way. You’d miss him, just having him around.

Adrian sighed heavily before rolling out of bed. “Yeah, I don’t mean it. Now can we shut up about it? I have to take a piss and you’re starting to nag.”

His harsh words froze me to the bed and I watched as his strong legs carried him across the room. I shivered slightly, pulling the covers up and over my body, suddenly feeling incredibly lonely.

Great. Now you ruined everything.

A moment later
, the shower turned on and I rubbed my eyes with my fingers. What was wrong with me? I was totally in love with Adrian and yet I kept pushing him away. I huffed loudly and stared at the ceiling. I really needed to be honest with myself and with him, I thought when his phone buzzed in his pants pocket. It kept buzzing, his pants vibrating nosily on the metal chest at the end of my bed, until I retrieved it.

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