And Then It Happened: An Unexpected Romance (7 page)

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“I mean like like-like.”

“What the fuck does that mean?” He was growing annoyed so I held up my hands.

“I mean like do you like me more than a friend because that would be…”

His eyes narrowed slightly. “Be what?”


“So it would be weird if I liked you as more than a friend. Is that a bad thing?”

“Yes!” I don’t know why I said that, but the word just slipped out. The thought of dating Adrian wasn’t the worst thing considering the guys I’d met recently. But even so, if anything did happen between Adrian and I, I knew I would be the one broken at the end of it all. He was the epitome of everything I didn’t like in guys and yet, for some reason I still enjoyed being around him.

But it couldn’t ever be anything more than sheet-forts and sexting. Because Adrian Thatcher was a womanizer and womanizers never gave girls forever.

Adrian stared at me for a moment before asking, “Why is it a bad thing…I’m not saying I like-like you or whatever, but if I did, why does it revolt you so much?”

“Do you really want to know?”

“I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t want to know.”

Don’t do it. He’ll never lay you if you tell him what you
really think…

“Fine, well, you sleep around too much. I wouldn’t trust you if we were together. I’d always wonder if you were wishing you were with someone else. You’re way to into yourself. I can tell by the way you strut around, showing off your perfect body, and you take absolutely nothing seriously. I can’t stand a guy who hides behind humor instead of really opening up and examining how he really feels,” I added on an exhaled breath.

I glanced over at Adrian as an extended silence pulsed between us.

“Well shit, Janice. That was pretty harsh…”

“And I hate how you continually pretend not to know my name.”

“Anything else?” he asked.

I scoured my mind for anything else I’d like to add but came up blank.

“Nope. I’m good,” I said with a small smile.

I could feel Adrian’s eyes on me and I avoided his gaze. I’d never been that honest with anyone in my entire life and I enjoyed how it felt. For some reason I felt I could be open with Adrian without repercussions and it was liberating.

I heard the blanket rustle next to me and I peeked over. Adrian was turned toward me, his brow furrowed in thought.

“Did you really mean all that stuff?”

I shrugged, suddenly feeling bad for being so honest. “Yeah,” I said softly. “Sorry.”

“Right,” he replied, turning to glance at the ceiling of our sheet-fort. “That was definitely not what I was expecting.”

My heart thudded in my chest and without thinking I reached over and placed my hand on his outstretched arm
and squeezed lightly. I tried to not examine how good the muscles that bunched beneath my fingers felt.

“Is that why you didn’t ask me to pose for your paintings?”

I shook my head adamantly. “No. I was going to ask you, but I’ve been preoccupied.”

He glanced at me like he didn’t believe me, so I changed the subject.

“You can have a go at me if it’d make you feel better,” I said, running my thumb along his bicep.

He turned toward me, his dark eyes meeting mine.

“I would if I could, but I’m having a hard time coming up with any faults you may have.”

I blinked at him, soaking in his comment and my heart flipped excitedly in my chest until he opened his mouth once more.

“It’s just because I don’t know you. Give it time. I’m sure there is something you do that is god-awful and when I find out what it is, you’ll be the first to know.”

I couldn’t help it. I pinched him.


Chapter Four


The rumble of Adrian’s stomach woke me up. I peeled my eyelids back and peered at his blurred figure as he pushed himself up and out of the tent. I heard the cupboards in my kitchen open and close before he reappeared a few minutes later.

“You have absolutely nothing to eat in this house,” he said. “Is that why you’re so skinny and small?”

I stretched my legs out. “No, I just haven’t made it to the store lately.”

“Well, get up. I at least have something to eat at my place.”

“I’m not hungry,” I replied, not wanting to move despite being extremely uncomfortable.

“I have cake.”

I grunted as I pushed myself upright. A woman could eat cake anytime, two in the morning included.

I followed him over to his place and as he went to the kitchen to get food, I decided to make myself at home.

“Are you sheets clean?” I called out as I walked up his stairs.

“Yeah,” he shouted.

he walls going up to the second floor were covered with pictures of him and his family. Somehow it didn’t surprise me to see such obvious affection splattered around his house. The more I got to know Adrian, the more I learned he was capable of deep feelings.

I heard Adrian’s footsteps behind me as I entered his room without asking. I knew right where it was because this house was the same design as mine only flipped. Inside, the room was decorated in ric
h colors. The bed was made of dark mahogany with a dark green comforter spread neatly across it. A light colored chair sat by the window with a quilt thrown over it and in the corner was an antique dresser. Overall, the eclectic furniture gave the room a homey feel.

“Wow, this was not what
I was expecting,” I said, as I turned to glance at Adrian.

“Why’s that?”

“Well, to start there’s no whips and chains and the bed isn’t adorned with red velvet sheets.”

“Please, I’m not some tacky twenty dollar hotel. I do have class and my parents actually gave me the furniture. I just haven’t had a chance to go out and buy anything of my own.”

“How nice,” I replied, as I lowered myself onto his bed and expelled a large sigh.

“Wow, your bed is really comfortable,” I added as I sprawled out. “What kind of sheets are these anyway?” I slid my bare legs against the silky smooth fabric as I rested my head on his pillow. Adrian propped a slice of cake on the bed stand and slid in next to me.

“The most expensive,” he replied.

“They sure do feel nice. I’m kind of jealous. I buy my sheets at Target. They’re the cheap kind.”

“Well, you can stay here tonight if you like them so much,” he said with a smile.

“I can? Wow, you must really like me.”

“And why’s that?”

“Because I’m not having sex with you and you’re still letting me sleep over.”

“Janice, I can do all kinds of things while you’re still sleeping.”

I shot him a glare as I sat up and grabbed my cake. “I’d call you a pig, but you already know that,” I said, closing my eyes as the chocolate melted on my tongue.

“Good, huh?” he asked, as he took a bite of his sandwich, his eyes watching me intently.

“Good? More like heavenly. Where did you get this?”

“I made it.”

“Stop lying, Adrian. You suck at it.”

“I’m serious. I made it.”

I studied his face, my eyes searching his until I realized he was telling the truth.

“Holy crap. You did make this. Wow…”

“Don’t sound so surprised. I actually love to cook.”

“Since when?”

“Since I realized it helped get me laid.”

I sighed heavily. “I should have known. It always comes back to sex.”

“That’s men. It’s what makes their world go round.”

“And what about love?” I couldn’t help but ask.

“What about it?”

“Don’t you wish love made your world go round?”

“I’ve never been in love so I don’t know what I’m missing I guess.”

“Love is great. It really is.”

“Even though when Craig left your world stopped spinning?”

I frowned at his intuitive comment. “Yeah, I guess you’re right, but when it’s good, it’s really good.”

Adrian bit into his sandwich, obviously in thought. I felt my eyes start to grow heavy.

“Maybe I’ll give love a shot,” he said seriously.

“Maybe you should, but there’s one problem.”

“What’s that?”

“You have to find some gullible girl to fall for you first,” I said on a yawn. “But that shouldn’t be hard. I’m thinking there are a bunch of empty headed females out there.”

Adrian grunted as he finished off his sandwich.

“I’m just going to close my eyes for a bit,” I said as I yawned once more.

“Sure, yeah, okay,” Adrian said softly as the room slowly faded to black.

I don’t remember anything else after that, but when I woke up, the sun was peeking over the horizon and I was wrapped around Adrian’s warm, half clothed body. And he felt so good that I didn’t want to leave.

Then stay, stupid.

Despite wanting nothing more than to stay put, I forced myself to leave. I needed to get out. I didn’t want him to get the wrong idea.
didn’t want to get the wrong idea. So I snuck out with just one backwards glance at Adrian’s slumbering figure and kicked myself the entire way home.




My phone rumbled next to me as I sat at Starbucks later that morning scouring the Internet for jobs. My townhouse was paid for thanks to years of saving my hard earned money as well as my parents, who felt incredibly guilty for ignoring me my entire life. So in return I got money when they thought of me, but even so, I couldn’t rely on them. I still needed a job, even if it was just part time.

I glanced down at my screen and saw Adrian’s name pop up.

I can’t believe you left me all alone this morning.

I smiled as I typed back.
I didn’t want you to get the wrong impression.

I was already planning our elopement.

I giggled to myself, causing a young girl to glance over at me in confusion. I bit my lip and replied,
Where to? Las Vegas?

I was thinking something a little classier. Maybe a courthouse or something.

The Orange County courthouse is pretty cute.

Done. When should we plan this?

My heart fluttered at his flirting despite knowing it meant nothing.

The point of me leaving this morning was so this WOULDN’T happen.

You still slept with me last night.

I slept next to you.

And on me. Don’t think I didn’t feel you lying on top of me earlier.

I slapped my hand across my forehead.
Caught me. You just happen to be incredibly warm.

I feel so used…

Is that a bad thing?

You can use me anytime, Janet.

It’s Jane

:) I know that.

I didn’t know what to say to that so I set my phone on the table and continued scanning job listings online. I didn’t have much of a resume, as I’d worked as a receptionist since graduation. I was kicking myself for lacking any kind of foresight while I was in college. At the time, though, I believed Craig and I would be together forever and he’d provide for me. When I was with him, I didn’t need a career. I just needed a job. I was paying for that mindset now.

My phone buzzed, pulling me out of my thoughts.

When are we hanging out again? I miss you already.

My heart did that stupid flutter again and I pushed it aside. Adrian was never serious. I needed to play his game if I wanted to come out whole.

I miss you too. I can’t stop thinking about you.

Silence greeted me and I stared at my phone in horror. Quickly I typed out:
Just kidding! We can hang out anytime.


Relieved I sighed audibly and wrote,
:) Anytime.

So let’s finish our Twenty Questions game
, Adrian wrote a few minutes later.

Don’t you have anything better to do?

Nope. I live for stuff like this.

I glanced at the people milling around the coffee shop. Most of them were students from Cal State Fullerton and I suddenly felt incredibly old.
But I’m at Starbucks right now and I’d feel weird sexting around all these people.

Which Starbucks are you at?

The one off of State College and Chapman.

Cool. Be right there.

And before I could type back a message, Adrian was striding through the doors. I could feel the women in the room stop and stare as he made his way through the crowd of people in line. He really was something to behold.

“Hey,” he said, smiling only at me and I suddenly felt incredibly special.

“Hi,” I replied as he pulled out a chair and lowered himself onto it. “You following me?”

He grinned
. “No, I was actually just across the street at Panera with my business partner.”

“Business partner? You mean for your at-home porn company?”

He placed a finger on his lips. “Shhh, don’t tell. It’s a secret.”

And then he leaned back and placed his hands behind his head. I, and every other female in the shop, ogled him as the muscles in his arms bunched and flexed. Holy mother, this was bad.

“So really though,” I began, “what business is this?”

“Oh just a computer programming site. Nothing big,” he said before he glanced around, “So this is where you hang out?”

“Yeah, and sometimes I go to McClain’s down the street.”

“Been there. Love how it’s open all night. So what are you working on?” he asked, leaning forward and glancing at my screen.

“Just searching for a job. I don’t have much of a resume though.”

His forehead bunched in confusion. “Thought you were going to focus on your art.”

“Unless you’re famous, no one makes money off their art.”

“Ah,” he replied, casually grabbing my drink and taking a large sip before making a face, “What the hell is that?”

“Espresso with milk.”

He looked offended. “You’re seriously the only girl I know who drinks manly drinks at Starbucks.”

“Well, what do you normally get?”

“Something with a lot of sugar. Like a hot chocolate or a white mocha. Speaking of which, that sounds delicious right now.”

He pushed himself up without another word and strode into line. I watched as he casually started speaking with a girl in front of him who flirted outrageously with him. She leaned forward, touched his chest with her ugly, pink nails and smiled like a chimpanzee. She looked ridiculous, but for some reason I felt a little envious. I’d never had that kind of confidence with attractive guys. If one started talking to me, I’d flounder around like a fish out of water and stammer like I had a speech impediment. All in all, it never made a good impression.

Which is why you’re still single.

“Oh shut it,” I muttered as my eyes followed Adrian up to the cash register. He smiled and gestured toward the menu behind the counter and the girl who was taking his order pushed up her glasses and blushed.

Now that was more like it. A girl just like me.

When Adrian came striding back to me, I rolled my eyes, pretending I hadn’t just been staring at him the whole time.

“So did you get anyone’s number while you were up there?”

He arched an eyebrow at me. “No, why would I have done that?”

“Because you flirt with every female around you. It’s like you’re some kind of siren, beckoning them in with that smile of yours.”

“Hey, I’m just a friendly guy.”

I sighed heavily. “If that’s what you want to call it.”

“I do. I’m a friendly guy. Don’t you think so?”

“Sometimes you can be,” I said, finishing off my drink and staring him down. “There have been a few times you’ve been nice.”

His mouth opened as he stared at me. “I’m nice to you all the time…”


“…Most of the time…”

Bigger stare.

“…Some of the time and that’s as far as I’m going.”

“Thank you,” I replied with a smile. “You do have your moments, though.”

“And they’re growing closer and closer together, right?”

I shrugged and glanced back at my computer.

“Right, Jane?”

“I guess,” I said, knowing my comments were starting to annoy him.

“You guess?” He threw his hands in the air. “Ugh, you’re seriously not going to admit that I’ve been nicer lately?’

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