Angela's Salvation (27 page)

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Authors: Michelle Hughes

BOOK: Angela's Salvation
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"Definitely not allowed, I'm here to protect you now and anyone who attempts to hurt what is mine will suffer."  He managed to smile to diminish the violence he felt toward the man that had hurt the woman he loved, but he was brimming with anger inside.

Shaking her head, she lifted up on her tip toes and kissed him quickly.  "With you by my side Nolan, nothing frightens me anymore."  It was a beautiful but strange feeling knowing this incredible man had managed to take away years of fear and anger with his love.

Her words made him feel like a God and he relaxed in the knowledge that she trusted him to take care of her.  "Marry me," he demanded, wrapping his arms around her and lifting her off her feet, crushing her to him.

This was the last thing she'd expected him to say in his current mood, but the joy that filled her heart brought tears to her eyes.  "Yes," she felt his lips on hers and knew that there was nowhere else in this entire world that she would rather be but here in his arms.

When he lowered her to her feet again, he grinned widely.  "I guess I should have bought a ring first."  She agreed, and he couldn't even begin to explain the euphoria that filled his soul knowing she was willing to spend the rest of her life with someone as undeserving as him.

Laughing softly, her hand reached up to caress his chiseled cheek. "Why do things the traditional way when we can make up the rules as we go."  It was one of the many things she loved about this incredible man, nothing was ever expected.

"I will put a ring on that finger and the entire world will know you belong to me."  Lifting her hand he kissed the spot where a ring would go, "for now I'll mark you with a kiss." Winking at her, he grabbed her hand and they walked downstairs.

They were both laughing as they got into the waiting limousine, and she couldn't remember at time when her heart had ever felt so light.   The good feeling lasted until they pulled up in front of the courthouse and she tensed.

He could see her change in attitude instantly, and pulled her close to his side as they made their way out of the car and through the barrage of reporters.  "No matter what happens in here today, that man will never have the ability to hurt you again." At her small nod, his rage at the monster they were about to face surfaced again.

Angela knew she would have to testify against the man that had destroyed her life for so many years, and part of her was terrified as she saw him again.  The woman that she had become refused to allow him to destroy the happiness she had found with Nolan though, and she decided it was time to free the memories that had made her a victim for so long.

When she was called to the stand to discuss the breaking and entering and assault charge, she did something she had thought to never have the courage to reveal.  She told her story of all the things the man had done to her in her young years, leaving not one detail out.  Focusing her attention on Nolan, she relieved those horrible memories and by the time she had given her statement, the entire courtroom was completely silent.

One objection had been made from the defense, but the Judge had silenced it immediately and for the first time in her life she felt free from the past.  He couldn't hurt her anymore, or hide the secrets of what he'd done to her.  No matter how he tried to deny the accusations she'd thrown against him, she was finally free from the secrets that had shaped her entire life.

When the case was over, he had been tried and convicted of breaking and entering and assault, and the Judge encouraged her to file a case against him for rape.  As he was taken away it felt like for the first time in her life someone had actually heard her cries and she knew it was enough that her story was out.  Walking into Nolan's arms she felt like the burden of suffering she'd carried with her for so long could finally be released.

"I'm so proud of you Ang," he knew that telling her story was the hardest thing she'd ever do in this life, and if she could admit her past then he wouldn't be much of a man if he couldn't do the same.

When they met the reporters outside, for the first time he told his story to the public.  Angela held his hand, and stood proudly by him as he allowed his own past to be revealed.  He knew that admitting the truth had given him his own way of destroying the demons that had hung over his head for so many years. 

They left the courtroom behind and he took her shopping for an engagement ring.  All the misery of their pasts was spirited away as he dropped to his knees in the store and again asked her to be his wife.  A group of people had gathered around them, and neither of them minded that their special moment was witnessed by strangers.  The public which he had always shown his mocking side too got to see a different man as he wrapped the woman of his dreams in his arms, promising to love her for the rest of his life.

The security team was in
frenzy by the time they'd finally gotten them back to the limo.  Lenny had worried that something horrible would happen with them being so public, but for the first time in his long career he had a new found respect for the people.  Love was obviously enough to keep even the fans respectable for a brief moment, he thought with a smile as he slid in the passenger side beside the driver.

The stories flooded the newspapers and talk shows the next day about their reveal from the past. 
Both of them were pleasantly shocked that even the reporters showed compassion for what they had suffered.  They spent the day inside, enjoying each other's company, needing a little time together before they answered questions about their history.

"I'm giving Rachel the cabin," Angela said as she snuggled next to him on the oversized couch.

"So you're moving in with me now," he waggled his eyebrows hoping she'd say yes, the thought of being without her even a night would drive him crazy.

"Mr. Fitzgerald that would hardly be proper," she giggled thinking nothing they did would probably be proper.

"Well it's not like you'll have time to go home anyway," he gave a trademark smirk and then grinned.

"And what do you plan on doing to keep me busy, Mr. Fitzgerald?  You do have a company to run, I might remind you."  She loved having him all to herself but she knew he couldn't take time off indefinitely.

"I could think of several things," he nuzzled his lips against her lip, "but I was thinking of touring with this gorgeous diva."

He was going to go on tour with her, throwing herself into his arms she laughed and kissed him, and then laughed again. "There is only room for one Diva in your life Mr. Fitzgerald, and don't forget it."

"Bossy little thing aren't you," he chuckled and pulled her into his lap.  "There's only one lady I'd want to share the stage with sweetheart."  He kissed her deeply and smiled, having already talked to Sanders about running the recording studio while he was on tour.  Never would he have thought he'd perform again, but she gave him the desire to dream.



19 Epilogue



The tour was a huge success, selling out all venues across the United States.  To the delight of their fans, they got married during one of their concerts after the last encore of the night.  They'd become the presses sweethearts of the year, and it was rare not see their picture planted across the tabloids.

Back at a hotel that she couldn't even remember what city was in, she stripped off all the stage clothes, and stared at the incredible man waiting in bed for her.  "Do you think you'll still love me when I'm fat?" Glancing in the mirror, she didn't see any changes in her body yet, but she knew it was just a matter of time.

"I think I'd love you if you were a beached w
hale gorgeous girl, but I don't think you have to worry about that anytime soon."  Climbing out of bed he joined her at the mirror, and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"It may be sooner than you think," turning in his arms she looked up into his beautiful face and smiled, "we're going to have a baby."  The thought of being pregnant with his child thrilled and terrified her at the same time, but it was his thoughts that concerned her at the moment.

His hands lowered to her flat stomach and his eyes filled with awe.  "Just when I thought life couldn't be any better, you give me the greatest gift of all."  Tears filled his eyes and he pulled her into his arms gently, terrified he would hurt their unborn child.

Relief flooded her mind, knowing he was okay with this.  They'd never talked about having children, so she had no idea how he was going to react to the news.  It had taken everything she had in her to sneak away from him long enough to visit a physician, since he rarely let her out of his sight these days. 

"When are we expecting?" This woman was amazing and he was beyond blessed to have found someone so incredible who was willing to share his life.  Holy hell, he was going to be a father, he thought in amazement.

A soft laugh escaped her lips, feeling more love
in her life in that moment than she ever thought would be possible.  "I just found out so we'll have to get a due date when we get back home."

"We should cancel the last two shows," he couldn't let her perform now, what if something happened.

"Mr. Fitzgerald we are not going to disappoint our fans, we have a long time to worry about the little person making his debut." Giggling at the look of panic in his eyes, she wrapped her arms around him thankful to have someone so incredible to share this little life with.

"Okay we'll finish the tour, but you need extra rest, and when this tour is over we are taking off until, well until we decide how to raise a baby on the road."  There was no way in hell his son or daughter was going to be without mom or dad and raised like those other little hellions by nannies.  "We're going to need a bigger bus, or maybe a
camper and we need to start researching how kids are affected by being raised while traveling." 

She couldn't stop laughing at his frantic thoughts, and knew there was only one way to calm him down.  "We have plenty of time for that, now would you stop worrying and love me."

"I don't know if we should have sex, what if we hurt the baby?" Was it safe to have sex during pregnancy, wouldn't it poke the baby in the head, he worried.

"Nolan Fitzgerald it is perfectly safe to sleep with your wife, and let me just warn you it's more unhealthy to deny me when I need you so desperately." She couldn't help it, she laughed until tears streamed down her face.  Who would have thought the man who was once claimed smart ass of the year was losing it over the thought of having sex with his pregnant wife.

Considering they'd made love the night before, he doubted it could be that harmful this early in her pregnancy, and made a mental note that after this tour was over he would research everything he could on the issue.  He loved her with all the gentleness he felt in his heart. 

Giving in to the desire that only he could bring her, she felt the world was complete.  Later that evening as he rested on her breast she knew that he had given her more than just the dream of happily ever after, he had become her salvation.
























Michelle Hughes



Michelle currently resides in Verbena, Alabama with her husband and five children. She is the owner of Tears of Crimson Books, LLC.  When she's not writing she can be found enjoying the delights that Alabama has to offer with her family.  To discover more great books by Michelle Hughes or for guest appearances, visit


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