Ares: (Gods of Old Book 1) (10 page)

BOOK: Ares: (Gods of Old Book 1)
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“Wow, this is impressive,” she whispered with a grin. “It’s spectacularly beautiful, but how in the world are you able to keep it so clean?” She was impressed by the entire home, but it literally sparkled and smelled like lemon wax and floor polish. It was, well, incredible. “You must have an army of cleaners that do this place daily.”

“Not really,” he grinned at her as he leaned on the railing of the deck. “A few ladies from the village come to clean once every two weeks. Mainly it’s just to keep them busy really. The place doesn’t need a cleaner. I’ve got a protective spell over the entire place with a bit extra. It keeps all dust and dirt out, filters clean air in and lets out the stale air. It’s why all the windows can be open even with the breeze and no dirt or dust collects on anything.”

“Ah, well that is a very handy thing to have,” she said with a grin. “To have something that protects your home from those things. If only I had that. I hate cleaning. With a passion. Double bonus for me that now I won’t have to.”

“So do I, that’s why I added it. But the ladies don’t know that, so I let in a bit of dust right before they visit just so they feel like they’re not ripping me off. I pay them very well for coming all this way,” he said quietly. “It gives them extra income and keeps them busy. Something their children apparently appreciate greatly if the thank you cards and gifts I keep getting are anything to go by.”

“Ah, that’s sweet. You’re a very giving man, and I love it.” Touching his cheek Ava sighed. Never had she met a man as caring or as wonderful as this one.

“Yeah, yeah,” he wrinkled up his nose. “Could you quit saying that stuff, you’re totally going to ruin my reputation, woman. At this rate, by tomorrow I’m not going to have one at all. So please, no more of that out in public. Even if there is no one else around, you never know who might be listening.”

She laughed and hugged him. “Well, I really admire those qualities, so no matter what just know that okay? Just know that I adore you. Know that you mean more to me than words would or could ever express. I like the man that you are, a lot.”

“I like you too, Ava,” he said. He straightened and pulled her towards him gently. His arms wrapped around her, “I adore you. Everything about you calls to me, makes me want you close all the time. I don’t fully understand it, Ava, but I have to be honest with you.”

“I don’t understand it either, but the truth is that you call to me as well. Everything about you calls to me. Everything about you makes me want to reach for you and makes me want to be with you. Absolutely everything about you makes me happy.” Ava didn’t understand it, at all. All she knew was that she needed him in her life. She needed him more than he could ever possibly need her.

He lowered his head and kissed her gently. “We’ll figure it out, Ava, I promise. One step at a time; together, we’ll figure out what this all means for us.” Gathering her closer he pressed a kiss to the top of her head and just held her tight.

She nodded and hugged him once more. “I know we will. Somehow and someway we will work this out. We care for each other, so quickly but really and truly.” Even if it was very fast. She cared for him, deeply.

“I know it’s fast, babe, but it feels right.” He stepped back a little and rubbed his hands up and down her arms. “Do you want something to eat, or would you prefer just going up to the bedroom? I know my own personal preference, but I also know you didn’t eat a lot at lunch.”

She smiled, she couldn’t help herself. “I think that the bedroom would be wonderful. I’m sure that you can provide sustenance there if I need it, right?” she asked softly.

“Of course,” he said with a smile. A moment later they were in the bedroom. “Now that we are here, what would you like to do?” His tongue slid over his lips slowly, and the look in his eyes held plenty of suggestions.

“I would like for us both to be naked,” she told him softly. “On the bed. I would like for us both to be naked and in the bed with the bedding pulled fully back. That’s what I want, sweetheart. Will you do that for us, for me?” She wanted to touch him, needed to touch him. She wanted to have him touching and feeling her as well.

Nodding he smiled slowly, “That I can do.” Leaning in he pressed a kiss to her lips. A split second later they were on the bed, the covers and most of the pillows gone. Ares was leaning over her naked body but not fully covering her. “Is this what you had in mind?”

“This is very much what I had in mind.” Ava’s leg lifted and wrapped around his hip to pull him closer. “I happen to really, really enjoy this part. The feeling of your skin against mine, the way that you touch me, the way that you look at me. It’s totally good.” And she wanted more. Needed more.

“Oh, darling, I haven’t even begun to touch you yet,” he said. Lifting a hand, Ares stroked a very gentle finger over her temple, down her cheek, across her lips and then slowly, oh so slowly, down her throat. He paid attention to her collarbone and then skimmed between her breasts to her belly. “You have the softest skin, so smooth and tempting.”

“Moisturizer,” she panted. “Lots and lots of moisturizers,” she was whimpering now when he touched her. “And you, you are so hard all over. You are so, everything. I could lose myself in you,” she whispered. “And I want you to be able to lose yourself in me as well.”

“Oh, I’m definitely losing something with you, darling. My sanity and train of thought, my will to resist just diving in and gorging on you. Even my need to go slow with you, to memorize everything. But then again, the little brain is trying for control and he’s just so single-minded.” His finger was down on her thigh and sliding lower. Then, about mid-calf, he started back up the inside of her leg and ever closer to her pussy.

“Oh, I’m totally down with losing it with each other. You have the rest of my life to memorize me, honey; but right now, I think fast and furious would be wonderful. It would be perfect point in fact.” She had never been much on patience; that much was clear to him.

“Nope, first times should be enjoyed, savored, remembered with heat and passion, want and need.” Ares lifted his eyes to meet hers and smiled, “I’m not rushing anything, woman. No matter what you do or say, we are both going to go slow and be very, very patient.”

“Well one of us will,” she teased with a grin. “I’ve never been very patient when it comes to something that I want, and you-” She shook her head and licked her lips. “You I want like nothing I’ve ever wanted before.”

“Good thing I’m bigger and have a bunch of powers at my disposal, isn’t it?” He was grinning now, a hint of a dimple in his cheek peeking out. Then it was gone as he dipped his head to brush kisses to her belly slowly, his tongue flicking out on occasion.

Ava lifted up slightly and bit her lip. For a moment all thoughts fled her mind; for a moment, she could only feel. “You have dimples.” Finally! That's what her mind had latched onto. If she was going to have to go slow, then she wanted to know every single inch of his body as well.

“So I’ve been told,” he said between swipes of his tongue over her flesh. He was getting closer to her breasts, his hair brushing her tight nipples ever so slightly. “But since I rarely smile it’s not exactly well known. Most people think that those who claim to have seen them are on drugs or something of the sort.”

“Nope, not on drugs,” she whimpered. “Just on some seriously heavy feelings for a particular God,” she moaned. “Goodness, you feel so very, very freaking good. Please, touch me there again? Your mouth this time, not your hair.”

“Where?” he lifted his head just a little. His breath moving over her nipples slowly. He smiled again, slowly. “Here?” he asked flicking his tongue out. The tip just grazed the tip of her nipple before he withdrew. “Or maybe somewhere else?”

Her entire body shook. Fisting the sheets in her hands, she arched up a bit. “There, again. Teeth too.” Demanding much? “And more. Lower, much lower.” She moaned. He would see that her eyes were closed, her head tossing side to side as desperation flooded her system.

Chuckling softly, he moved up to her breasts. His tongue slid over the curve of her flesh and around the tight nipple. Then her flesh was sucked deep into his mouth, his teeth scraping slowly over her flesh. His hand had slipped up her thigh a bit more, his knuckles just teasing her.

“Ares,” she moaned his name, her back arched and every fiber of her being desperate and desiring more. “Please,” she begged him. “I need-” She needed him. She was about to explode in her need for him; her desire for him.

“What do you need, Ava?” he whispered over her damp breast. “This maybe?” he bit her breast lightly before sliding his tongue over the mark to soothe it. “Or perhaps this?” A finger slid into her pussy without warning; just a digit deep inside of her and right on her G-spot.

“YES!” Her scream came unbidden and sudden from her throat. She was on fire beneath him. “Please,” she whimpered. “More.” Her legs parted wider for him; his touches becoming more and more intimate as he moved over her body.

“So responsive,” he chuckled, the breath moving over her skin. Wait, he was going lower? What was he... Oh! His mouth was on her clit, his tongue toying with the tight bud. He’d added a second finger to her pussy, and began moving the two digits quickly.

Her breathing came in such fast and rapid gasps that she soon began to feel a little lightheaded. “Ares. Yes, there.” She was about to come again, his expert touch, the feeling of simply being with him. All of it. It was all too much and was sending her right over that edge once more.

“There’s my girl,” he whispered when she’d collapsed again. Her breathing was ragged, and she was pretty sure her heart was about to jump out of her chest. But it did stutter when he moved over her; all lithe and powerful muscle. The look on his face promised a lot more to come. God, would she survive anymore? “You’ll survive and be very happy you did. Because we’ve only just begun, little Ava.”

“Oh, I’m sure that we will survive. Somehow and someway we will survive this.” She would; she had no doubts that he would. “And I can’t wait for more.” She wasn’t inexperienced, but she had never in her life felt as if she were the complete and total center of anyone’s world like she felt now.

“Then, more is what you shall have.” Leaning in he kissed her slowly, his tongue sliding over hers. His body lowered over hers, his chest rubbing her nipples, his cock brushing her pussy. His hands moved her legs, adjusting her just right, and then he pressed into her slowly.

“So good.” He filled her so completely, so fully that every slide of his body into hers was like heaven. “You feel so very, very good.” She moaned. “More.” It was a demand, pure and simple. She needed and wanted more. Desperately.

“So impatient,” he was smiling at her. He began to thrust, slow and deep. His movements the perfect rhythm. Then he began to nibble on her neck and her shoulder as he rode her. His cock pushing through her wet folds and hitting her deep inside.

“Yes, so very impatient.” She moaned. “I just need you. So very much.” She shuddered in pleasure and bit her lower lip. “You just feel so good.” Her legs moved to wrap tighter around him as she began to move with him. All of her words were gone and in their place was only sensations.

His mouth was doing sinful things, his cock even more so. They were meeting, parting, frantic to get closer and closer with each push of their hips. Suddenly he sat up with her in his lap, his hands holding her up a bit as he slammed his cock into her like a piston. His mouth was on hers as he nipped and nibbled on her lip.

Her hands on his shoulders had her moving with him. She was in heaven, delighted beyond reason and knew that this was exactly what she needed, what they both needed. “There,” she whimpered and bit his lower lip. “Right there. I’m so close. Come with me.” It was a demand, pure and simple.

“Not yet,” he told her. Brushing his lips against her cheek he moved his mouth to her neck, nipping at her shoulder. His thrusts were harder, his cock hitting her just where she needed. “Now,” he whispered as he bit her on the shoulder, hard.

She didn’t argue; she felt the rush of pure pleasure, and when he bit her, it was like the dam broke. She screamed as she came. The pleasure was so intense, so mind blowing, it filled her to the brink and beyond. Leaning in she bit him back, she couldn't seem to help herself.

His hand held her head to his as he shuddered, his seed spilling deep inside of her. Then they tumbled onto the bed. He nuzzled at her throat, “Gods, woman, you are amazing. We need to do this again and soon.”

“I can’t argue.” Even if she could, she wouldn’t because she felt the same way. Yawning happily she curled up against him and closed her eyes. “God, I love you,” she whispered softly to him only a second before she drifted off into a blissful sleep, not fully aware she had given him those words.


Chapter Seven


“Good morning,” Ares deep voice was next to her ear. “Did you sleep well, darling?” he asked softly. His hand was moving up and down her side slowly. “Because if you did, and are now well rested, I have this amazing thought on getting you all charged up for the day.”

Ava stretched on the bed and smiled up at him. “I slept amazingly well. It was a perfect sleep; especially with being in your arms all night.” Rubbing her cheek on his shoulder, she then pulled back and asked, “What do you have planned for us, Ares?”

“Well,” he smiled slowly. “I thought I’d ravish you and then feed you some breakfast. I was thinking some beignets and espresso in Paris. Or we could head to the States for scrambled eggs and bacon. Or I go out and grab some stuff and cook for you.”

“I think that we should go for beignets and espresso. I haven’t made it to Paris yet so that would be lovely. I think that we should also be out of phase with the rest of the world, and you should make love to me on the top of the Eiffel Tower; what do you think of that?”

“We can do that,” he grinned. “But we’ll still have to pick our stop. It’s very annoying to have someone put their foot through your chest as you’re laying around. There are a couple of places though that the tourists can’t get to. Hopefully, they will work for whatever you might have in mind.”

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