Ares: (Gods of Old Book 1) (6 page)

BOOK: Ares: (Gods of Old Book 1)
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Ares smiled slowly, “I really like it when you speak your mind. And no, I didn’t read that, kind of caught the tail end of your thought process there since you were projecting. Now, let’s go,” he pulled her in close to him again. “Eyes closed, hold tight and when I tell you to open your eyes, don’t freak out okay?”

“As long as you’re holding me I will try not to freak out,” Ava assured him with a grin. “I promise, I’ll
,” she teased his. Wrapping her arms around him again she pressed her cheek to his chest and breathed in the scent of leather and man and sighed. Her eyes slid closed, and she thought,
This is my new favorite scent of all scents.

That one I heard,
she heard his voice in her head. His arms were around her in the next moment holding her close. A small tingle later and there was a gust of wind tugging at her clothing. “You can open your eyes now if you want, little one.” His arms moved down to her waist, “Look at the view, but don’t move.”

“How about you first tell me where we are so that I don’t freak out and jerk away from you without thinking about it?” She felt the wind tugging at her hair and clothing and tightened her arms around him. “Wherever we are it feels marvelous, I’m just afraid of how I will react when I open my eyes.” Licking her lips, she added, “And how did you hear what I was thinking? How did you talk back to me in my mind?” D’uh! She thought suddenly, because he’s a God.

Chuckling he gave her a squeeze, “That’s right, I’m a God, Ava. And we’re in New Zealand, on top of one of their many magnificent waterfalls. And by the top, I mean we have a view that goes down a very, very long way. We are on an outcropping where no one can see us, which means we have a terrific view of the water tumbling down the rocks, as well as, a view of the landscape. We’re in a place very few people will ever get to stand.”

She opened her eyes and looked up at him. She didn’t say a word to him, just looked at him. “Hold tight?” she asked softly with a grin and then looked around them. Turning in his arms, she took in the breathtaking view and sighed. Leaning back against him she was truly amazed. “Wow,” she whispered softly with wide eyes. “I can’t believe just how amazing that this is. No one has ever been up here?” she asked. It was barely a ledge if one at all. She was very, very thankful that he was holding onto her tightly.

“A few people when they climbed this wall of rock; crazy humans with a death wish,” he told her. “Other than that, not a soul. It’s a very difficult spot to reach and, even for a human, they’d never be able to stand here. I’m keeping us tethered with my abilities. A small use of power, but it’s keeping you safe and giving you a sight that I happen to enjoy a great deal.”

“It’s breathtaking. I can see why you like it here so much.” She took in the sights all around them; she looked from left to right and back again; it was completely and fully unique and wonderful. She never dreamed she would be in such a position. “It’s as if you can see the true beauty of the world as it should be instead of what mankind has done to ruin it.”

“One of the reasons I come here,” he said. “That and the water down in the pool is very warm. If you want, we could go down and have a swim before I take you to the next spot. Or, if you’d prefer, we’ll continue the tour and come back later.”

“Only issue with a swim, which sounds amazing, is that I don’t have a suit. Sorry, but I don’t swim naked,” she said with a laugh. “I think that this is my most favorite place. I don’t know how I will be able to come here without you, so you might just have to bring me back here time and again.”

“While I’m extremely disappointed on a hormonal level,” he grinned and wiggled his eyebrows. “I also understand and, darling, I’m a God, I can get you a suit with a thought. Give me the parameters and allow me a tiny bit of creative license,” he was really grinning now. “And you will be appropriately clad for the water. But we can also make that call later if you want to go see some other places.”

“How about you cover the goodie bits, and we go for a swim now and then later we will figure out what to do next? And I mean more than dental floss, please,” she added when she saw the gleam in his eyes. “I mean it. If it’s a bikini I’m good, but not string bikini please.”

“Hmm,” he nodded. “Hold on,” he warned next to her ear. In the next moment, they were standing on the ground next to the pool. She was in a bikini, a respectable sort that was flirty with bits of mesh strategically placed amongst the solid material, all in black. So even the mesh was dark enough to hide pretty much anything should something shift. He was in a pair of swim trunks and setting towels down on a rock next to them. “Dive on in, as I mentioned, the water’s warm.”

Ava looked at him and grinned, “Thanks, I think that I will.” She looked at the perfectly clear water and jumped right in without a hesitation. If he said it was safe, she trusted him completely.

Surprisingly the water was warm, very warm. When she surfaced, she pushed her hair out of her face and grinned, “You weren’t kidding. This is perfect.” Treading water she watched him. “Well, come on, Ares; get in here with me, mister.”

“Oh, I’m coming,” he said with a grin. Walking towards her he slowly waded into the water; stopping when he was in front of her. “I’m glad you’re here,” he told her softly.

“And I’m glad that you asked me to be here,” Ava admitted softly. “I’ve never really been one to just simply jump at something but with you, I couldn’t help myself. I needed you. Wanted to see what made you tick. I’m glad that I did too. I happen to like you Ares, and that’s another first for me. I’ve never instantly liked someone before in my life, but you, you are unique.”

“Yeah, that I’ve heard before,” his tone suggested that it hadn’t ever been a compliment. “I happen to like you too, Ava. Didn’t know for sure I would, but I find that I truly do. You’re an amazing woman, special beyond all belief, and I’m still trying to comprehend how I got you to forgive me.”

Ava shrugged, “You said that you were sorry. That was enough for me,” she admitted to him and moved closer so that she could wrap her arms around his neck. “Personally, I happen to really enjoy your company as well, so that’s even better, don’t you think?”

His hands cupped her bottom and pulled her tightly against him. “It is even better,” he said softly. “I quite enjoy your company as well. I want to spend more time with you, Ava. A lot more time. But all I have is time, so I’m always looking for something or someone to keep me occupied. Will you keep me occupied from time to time, Ava?”

“I will keep you company for as long as I can. I don’t want to give up a moment of time, but we both know that eventually you will have to find another companion.” Ava’s fingers played in his hair, caressing him as she did so. “So I think we should take the time to enjoy each other while we can, don’t you?”

He was frowning at her. “Why would I ever need to find another companion?” he asked quietly. “I don’t want to find another one when the one I have is so damned perfect it’s scary. No one, no woman, should ever be as perfect as you are, Ava VonMaur.”

“Because you’re a God and I’m not, Ares. I rather adore you, and I think that I’m going to love being your companion but we have to be realistic here. I will age, and one day you will find that I’m not as much fun as I am right now. I understand that, fully, so that’s why I said we’ll enjoy the time we have now and worry about the rest later.”

“Oh sweet, sweet, Ava.” He shook his head and clicked his tongue. “You have so very much to learn about us Gods. For one, we don’t take rejection well; and two, we always plan ahead. But we will discuss that when you know me a little better and haven’t run the other way.”

Ava laughed and shook her head “I seriously doubt that will happen, but thank you for the warning.” Giving him a hug she wrapped her legs tighter around him. Finally, after a moment, she released him and grinned, “So, let’s swim, shall we?”

He pulled her right back to him, “I think another full body hug is needed. Never doubt my words, Ava. I know you don’t know me well yet, but you will see that I say what I mean and mean what I say. A God’s word is his bond.”

She couldn't deny him anything. Wrapping her arms and legs around him, she hugged him. Her cheek resting against his before she let it drop to the curve of his neck. She sighed happily and just cuddled there with him in the warm waters of New Zealand, happier than she could ever recall being.

He let out a breath and rested his chin on her shoulder. One of his hands smoothed up and down her back, moving from the straps of the bikini top right to the top of the bottom piece. A few minutes later he pressed a kiss to her neck, “Come, you want to swim so we should. Just don’t get too close to the waterfall, it’s got enough power to suck you under and pummel you.”

“That would be very, very bad,” she agreed but cuddled up closer to him. “Although I’m finding that right now, being in your arms like this, is a little slice of heaven and is much more fun than swimming would be. I say we swim in a few, hold each other for now?”

“Sounds good to me,” he smiled against her neck. Then there was a small sting from his teeth on her shoulder. They were moving towards the edge and then he stopped. A couple minutes later he was sitting on a rock with her in his lap. “Much better, easier on the legs too.”

“I couldn't agree more.” When the wind shifted and blew over them though she shivered, “Okay, maybe it's time for some clothes. I really dislike being cold.” She tried to burrow in closer to him to gain more of his heat.

His hand moved up to her neck, and a feeling of warmth slid through her. “Better?” he asked. He brushed his lips against her cheek and then nibbled on her jaw. “If you’re not warm enough I can add a little more.”

“Yes, that’s much better; thank you.” She relaxed into him with a happy sigh. “How is it that you know exactly what I need?” She hadn’t told him how warm she preferred to be, but he hit the nail right on the head the first try. It was surreal. “It almost feels like we are connected, weird I know; especially since you just met me and me you.”

“Again, I’m a God; I pick up on things most people wouldn’t. Plus, I’m beginning to know you. And you are also right; we are connected, Ava. We have been since the beginning, and we will be until the end.” His hand slid down to rest between her shoulder blades as he nipped at her shoulder again.

“I like it,” Ava admitted to him. “I should be terrified; I should be running screaming the other way or asking to be committed to a psyche ward but honestly-“ She shrugged, “This feels far too good to run from so why run when it’s better to simply accept?”

“You are being very open minded about all this, Ava. I have a feeling I should be worried,” his words were teasing. “Why are you so accepting of everything? I don’t mean to pry, but I want to know you better.”

“Honestly?” she asked and shrugged when he just gave her ‘that’ look. “I’ve heard stories of the Gods all of my life. I have always been intrigued by you in particular. So if I am taking this all very well and with an open mind, it’s because I have always known that you were real.”

“You were still more than a little shocked when you met me. Not that I mind, of course, it’s always nice to see a little shock and surprise. Gives me a wonderful little feeling of glee in my heart,” he said with a laugh.

“Oh, you are rotten,” she said with a laugh. “It’s a good thing that I like you so much already or else I might think about dunking you or something silly like that.” She wouldn’t, and they both knew that. “Have I mentioned to you just how much I like you? How happy I am to have met you?”

“I think you may have mentioned it, briefly. But do feel free to tell me again anytime at all. It’s nice to know that someone out in the universe likes me for me and even enjoys spending time with me. Most of my family believe that it’s an obligation that pulls us together, or father’s big head and powers.”

“Well, I like you for you, and I’m thankful for whatever brought you into that temple that day. Yes, I was pissed off at you, but that was because you just up and vanished without letting me explain. Please never do that again. I would hate to have to try to hunt you down because it might kill me but I would totally do it.”

“Shh,” he pressed a kiss to her temple. “I’m not going to up and disappear again. Not without a damned good reason. If it happens, just wait for me, I will be back, and I will explain. Later, when we go back to my place I’m going to add to the pendant I gave you. I want you to have the ability to know I’m safe and well. Plus I think I should give you a key to my place. You won’t be able to leave until I get there, but you will be safe there if you need a place to go.”

“You are too sweet,” she said with a smile. “Its one of the things I like about you. I can imagine that you don’t show it to very many people, so that makes it even more special that you are showing it to me. Thank you for that. For allowing me in.”

Shrugging he kissed her cheek lightly. “You are special, Ava; very special.” Rubbing his cheek against hers gently he nipped at her jaw. “You seem to totally stomp down my mean streak. Not sure that I like that, it’s going to be hell on my reputation with you around. Making me look all nice and gentle, kind and generous. Hell.”

She laughed and shook her head, “Only with me. You can be whoever, and whatever you want to be with others but with me I want you to be this man that I care for. You are such a sweetheart, and I’m very happy that you’re in my life.”

“Oh, and the blows keep coming. That was a swift jab to the chin there, darling Ava.” He leaned back, a hand behind him to keep him sitting up at an angle. “Just don’t go around spreading those rumors. I don’t need all the others thinking I’m going soft.”

“Don’t worry; your secrets are safe with me,” Ava assured him and pressed a kiss to his chin. “Now then, where are we going to go after this lovely swim?” she asked happily. “I think that you and I should do something else. I’m not sure what but we should go and do some other things, don’t you think?”

“And we will,” he grinned at her. “After our swim I’m going to take you to a Turkish market, and we’re going to get some food together. Then you and I are going to go for a picnic in a nice little spot I know near the Great Wall of China. We’ll sit, enjoy the view, eat and then we can go for a walk along the wall for a bit.”

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