Ares: (Gods of Old Book 1) (16 page)

BOOK: Ares: (Gods of Old Book 1)
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“He’s straight, I think,” Ares frowned. “Yup, pretty sure he’s straight. But he’s a little, oh what’s the word, old-fashioned in his views of women. He pretty much figures a woman should thank him for banging her and then demanding she lick his boots. He’s an ass and will more than likely make some remark that makes you see red. Do not strike out at him; it’s a trap, and if you hit him he can punish you any way he wants. Some weird ass loophole in his contract, and being the God of the Seas and Oceans. I’ve never been able to fully understand it, but yeah, it’s all bad.”

“Right, okay so try not to offend the backwards asshat in his realm where he can drown me.” She hated people like that. Men that thought that women were weaker simply because they didn’t have a penis. Yep, she was so going to get along with that man. Not.

“Pretty much, but just think,” Ares squeezed her hand as they stepped out of the house. “You don’t get killed by the sexist under the sea, and you’ll have an eternity of multiple orgasms whenever you want them.”

“Oh, now when you say it like that I don’t think that I can refuse.” Ava let him lead her out of the house, and she looked at the sky. “It’s going to be an amazing day. Wonderful day to see the delights under the waves.”

“I thought you’d see it my way,” he chuckled. Hugging her close he guided her towards the end of the patio. It apparently gave him a clear line of view to where he wanted to flash them. “Ready?” he smiled down at her, pulling her into his body.

“You betcha.” She moved so that she was at his front, able to press her face against his chest and close her eyes. Breathing in the scent that was only Ares she sighed happily. “I’m as ready as I’m going to get, Ares, so get us there.”

“Hold your shorts, woman,” he chuckled. A moment later he flashed them, but they didn’t move right away. After all their time together she knew he was checking to ensure they weren’t going to be spotted or caught on tape. “Alright, let’s get to the boat and we’ll head out.”

“Perfect.” She grinned up at him and winked. “Thank you for making sure that we were here in one piece. Now let’s get our happy selves out to the middle of the ocean so that we can get ourselves deep under the ocean and enjoying the beauty that is down there.”

Chuckling he shook his head, “Why are you so gung-ho about this? Not that I mind in the least, but I’m curious. You could have gone scuba diving at any time, or snorkeling. So why now, sweetheart?” he asked curiously. They walked down the dock towards the boat he kept there. It wasn’t a large boat by any means, but it was a decent size with room to laze about sunbathing.

“Honestly?” When he nodded Ava admitted, “I’m slightly claustrophobic, and I can’t do scuba gear because of the masks. I feel as if I’m suffocating. This way I will be able to do what I’ve always wanted to do, but no freaky masks and I will have you right there beside me. Talk about safe; I will be exceptionally safe.”

“Ahh,” he nodded slowly, understanding dawning. “Well, that makes complete and total sense. Sucky, but at least now you get to enjoy what others have for years. And all with your own personal protection detail slash guide.” He jumped onto the boat, set the bag aside and then turned to help her onto it. “We’ll have to find a spot without any other divers. I can shield us, but because of the water, it creates an odd distortion that if they are paying attention could get us noticed.”

“Sounds good to me. Do you think that there will be a spot that we will be able to find without other divers? And one without sharks that would hurt us. They won’t hurt us, right? The sharks and other things that might hurt or kill us under the water? You will also ensure that the merfolk don’t lure me to my death, right?”

“Ava, I’m not going to let you get hurt. Not now, not ever. Come on, you know me, sweetheart. We’ll be in a nice safe bubble of air. None of the sea creatures will be able to get near us. You will be perfectly safe, alright?”

“Good. I knew that you would take care of me.” Ava winked at him and added, “You will always take care of me and be there for me won’t you, Ares? We are going to have a very good life together, right?” She knew that they would. She knew that their life was only beginning, and it was going to be amazing.

“Hell yeah,” he grinned. Starting the engine, he untied them from the dock and pushed off. “Ready for your adventure under the sea?” he asked. When she gave a happy nod, he chuckled and got them moving through the marina towards the open ocean.

Ava laughed and took a seat beside him. Turning her face up to the sun she sighed and let her whole body relax and feel the heat of the sun and the presence of her man at her side. Yep, life was really freaking good.


Chapter Ten




“There he is,” Ares pointed through the crowds. As a woman cleared out of their path, she spotted Dionysus waving in their direction. Ares urged her forward, a hand on her back as they maneuvered through the crowds of the casino. “Brother,” he greeted the other man with a grin and a man hug. “Thanks for inviting us out. Figured after the last time you’d just ban us permanently from your establishments.”

“You, probably; this lovely woman, never. I’m still hoping she figures out that I’m the better choice of the brothers and runs away with me.” Dion grinned at her, “You’re looking tan and happy, Ava.”

“Thank you, Dio; I’m feeling tan and happy.” She told her soon to be brother in law. “Ares and I have been enjoying a small vacation before we did something wild and crazy.” She was all smiles now, practically vibrating out of her skin. “Which leads me to my next question; do you think that perhaps you could take me shopping?”

Dion narrowed his eyes on her and looked suspicious. “What the hell are we going shopping for? And why do you look like the cat that got the cream and swallowed the canary all in one go? What the hell is going on with you two?”

Ava just gave him her left hand, twitching her ring finger, “I thought that maybe you would be the perfect person to help me choose a wedding dress?” She watched all of the emotions as they rolled over his face and grinned. “Well? You gonna help a girl out or what?”

“Holy shit!” Dion grabbed her hand and stared at her finger. Then he looked at her, to Ares, and back to her. “Holy shit!” he said again. Next thing she knew she was hauled into his arms for a hug and a weird, impromptu little dance. “Unbelievable! I can’t believe this. This is...this!”

Ava laughed and hugged him right back. She squeezed Dion tightly and then pulled back with a grin on her face. “See why I wanted you to take me shopping? You, sir, have the best eye for fashion that I know. I want you to help me get the perfect dress. I need for you to help me get the perfect dress if you wouldn’t mind.”

“We need to do some research first,” he said looking down at her. “We need to know what you like, what I think you should wear, your materials, the colors or shades, and then we shop. Because I refuse to spend eight hours in a store while you try on every dress they have. I adore you, and I love my brother, but no, absolutely not. And, you have to buy me a morning latte and lunch. Non-negotiable on that, period.”

“That sounds good to me. We will take Ares credit card and not only buy the dress, but we will also buy our meals for the day as well. I loved the dress that you created for me for that ball, so... something like that maybe?”

“Then why are we even going shopping?” Dion asked her. “I can create you whatever you want, and there’s no torturing me involved. We decide on the lines, the materials and how you want it all to flow and look. I create it; we tweak it, and we’re done in a couple of hours. Then all you need to do is buy shoes, get your lingerie and so forth.”

“No, I want to go shopping. I don’t know what I want by way of lines, and all that; plus shopping for a wedding dress is all a part of it. I want to do this, Dio, so it’s either with you or I will have to figure out someone else to take me shopping.” She pouted, actually pouted.

“She is evil,” Dion’s comment was directed at Ares. Her man just smirked and shrugged, looking happy that she was taking it all out on his brother. “Fine, but we will sit before a computer and figure out what the hell you want. You can have me for three hours. Any longer than that and I’ll ditch your perky ass wherever we are.”

Ava laughed, “What has your panties in a bunch, Dio? Why are you giving me such a small window of time? I thought you liked me.” She and Dion had become fast friends, and that had been a great thing. She adored him like a brother. Thought he was funny, quirky and had amazing fashion sense.

“Because-” he stopped and made a face. “Fine, I’ll give you a day, but you will owe me big. Nothing horrible,” he held up a hand. Ares stopped his forward movement, but he still didn’t look very happy at all. “Just a small favor at some point, like when I need a date for some horrible event I don’t want to be at. One evening and you’ll be returned to your man in the same condition you left. In fact, I have one at a museum in Berlin coming up that would be the perfect event. I need someone there that isn’t a bore or looking to drain my wallet. And I like you so at least I know we’ll be able to hold a conversation that doesn’t make me want to pull my brain out through my nose.”

Ava laughed and looked to Ares, “I dunno. Ares, are you willing to give me up for a night to play date with him so that he’s not attacked by all the beautiful women that will be vying for his attention? Well, men and women. I’ve noticed that they both chase after poor Dio.”

Ares was watching his brother closely. “One evening; to the event and then straight back. You abandon her at any time during the event, and your ass is mine.”

“Deal,” Dion nodded. “I’d never let anything happen to my favorite soon to be in-law. She’s much too precious to ever lose. Whoever would I have to talk to about you, brother?” He grinned and then looked down at her again. “The suite is prepared for you two so head on up. I’ll have your bags sent up as well. Wayne Newton is performing tonight at the Bellagio, and I got you tickets just in case you’d like to attend. It includes dinner, the show, and a few chips to squander away.”

“Thank you, Dio.” Ava moved back to Ares and looked up at him, grinning like an idiot as she did so. Hugging him close she lay her head on his shoulder and sighed. “And we both know that you will be a shadow for the entire time that we’re out, won’t you? We both know that you wouldn’t leave me alone, and that’s why I said yes.” Ares would always be there to watch over and protect her.

“Damned straight, I will be,” he muttered hugging her to him. “No way am I letting you go out with my womanizing brother for a date night and not keep an eye on you. He knows it too. That’s why I also know he’ll behave himself and act the perfect escort and gentleman the entire night.”

“Exactly. I think that we’ll have a good time. Dio will have a good time too. I think that we will all have fun. I hope at least.” She waited until they were back in their rooms and turned to look up at him. “So when are we going to get married? Have you thought about that?”

“Not really. Before you, I never thought to get married, and honestly, it doesn’t matter when we do it. I’m a male if you haven’t noticed; and, while as a God, I do have a little more insight into many things, weddings and the workings of the female mind still confuse me.”

“We could get married tomorrow, and I would be happy. I’m not a hard person to please, all that I know is that I need you.” Which was the truth. She only needed him in her life to be happy.

“Well, let’s not do it tomorrow. As much as I want to marry you, I refuse to have Elvis officiate over our ceremony. I do have a few standards. They may be low on many things, but never that low,” he smiled. Pressing a kiss to her lips, he looked around the suite. “He’s redone it since the last time I was here.”

“It looks amazing.” She took in the luxury of the suite and let out a whistle of a sound. “Wow. He must either have some serious high rollers or else he redid this to impress us. Either way, it looks great.”

“It’s his suite of rooms. That,” he pointed to one end, “is his room. You and I will be over in there,” he pointed to the other end. “The living space is common so that we’ll have to share. Just a word of warning. If you’re out here, and you hear him stumbling out, ask him if he remembered pants before you turn around to greet him. You may end up seeing more of him than I’d like otherwise. And since we Gods have pretty much no shame, I wouldn’t put it past him to meander around naked with you here.”

“Right, so make sure that he has on pants or else he will realize just how protective that you are of me,” she said happily. “So yes, I will make sure to ask him.” She couldn’t help but smile. Holy smokes she couldn’t help herself from smiling at the thought that he would be jealous of Dion, of all people.

“You can stop with the gloating you have going on. Yes, I would be upset if you saw him naked. Yes, I would be upset if he wandered around here with you while naked. I can’t help it, Ava. I love you and expect my family to show you the respect due. And while they’ll be your family too, the least they can do is not scar you for the rest of your life.”

“The only man that I have eyes for is you,” Ava admitted. “Not anyone else. I adore Dio’s sense of style, but he’s not you. I love you, Ares, and if it wasn’t for the fact that I don’t want you to see the wedding gown before we get married, I would totally have you dress me.”

“I know,” he said with a heavy sigh. “I’m a jealous ass, and I know it. I’m sorry love, but I can’t help it. The thought of you seeing another male naked or a male seeing you naked just makes me see red. I’m working on it, but it’s seriously ingrained, so I’m not sure how much hope I have of fixing this flaw of mine.”

“Don’t be sorry.” She put her hand over his mouth and smiled. “I like it. I like that you are jealous. A lot. It makes me feel a little better about my intense jealousy as well.”

He grunted at that and nipped her palm. Smirking when she drew away he shrugged. “I just don’t want to ever cause you embarrassment or shame while with me, Ava. We’re going to be partners in everything, so I want to ensure I’m the type of man you deserve. Being a God doesn’t make me perfect. Trust me on that.”

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