Ares: (Gods of Old Book 1) (11 page)

BOOK: Ares: (Gods of Old Book 1)
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“That sounds good to me. Or you could just take me against the railing. I know that you would never let me fall,” she told him with a smile. “In fact, I really think that sounds like the best idea ever.” The wildness, the hint of danger and the slight exhibitionism, even if no one saw them, got her excited.

“Depends how many tourists are up there. I really don’t want someone leaning through us to see the view. Unfortunately, it can happen when you’re not in this realm fully. And it’s creepy as hell,” Ares muttered. He gave a shiver and then leaned in to kiss her. “But first I think I should jump you here, then we’ll shower and head out.”

“Now that’s a plan that I totally can get behind,” she said with a happy grin. “In fact, I really think that you need to attack me as often as possible. I happen to love the way that you touch me, and jump me, yes you should.” Rambling, she was rambling. He thought it was cute the way she rambled on and on.

Chuckling, Ares ran a finger slowly down her body. He loved her skin. It was so soft, like the finest silk. She said she used lotion, but there was something more. Leaning in he ran his tongue around her nipple and smiled as she shivered. “I love how sensitive you are. How you respond to my every touch and kiss.”

“I can’t seem to help it. Everything you do feels amazing. I love the way your touch makes me feel. I love the way that you make me feel. Period. I’m so happy that you’re mine. If
only for now, you’re mine.” And for as long as he would keep her she would keep him, and he would be hers.

“Not just now,” he said lifting his head. Staring at her he tipped his head and smiled. “You are mine, Ava. Now and for the rest of time. Even when it all ends, and there is nothing left, you and I will continue on in whatever is to come.”

“I want that.” Good Gods, she had only just met him, but she couldn’t see her life without him. She didn’t want to be without him. “Always. Forever. Until time stops,” she agreed quietly.

“Time means nothing when it’s meant to be, Ava. We may have only just met, barely a couple days really, but I knew there was something amazing about you the moment I saw you. It only solidified when you and I danced at Dion’s grand opening thing. Oh, shit,” he lifted his head suddenly. “Hmm. Remind me later that we need to pop in there and explain why we ditched. I’m sort of hoping he’s figured out part of it, thus why he hasn’t shown up looking for me yet, but I really should apologize to him. He is my brother after all.”

“Hopefully, he can’t just pop in here because that would be bad.” Frowning she added, “Hopefully, he is bright enough to put me missing, added to you missing, and come up with we left together so that we could spend time together. Just us.” If not, well she didn’t know what else anyone might think.

“With Dion, one never knows what he’s thinking. That’s half the problem; I don’t even think he knows what he’s about most of the time.” He grinned down at her and leaned in to kiss her. “But I don’t want to talk about my brother. Right now,” he rolled them until she was on top. “I want my cock deep inside of you.”

“That’s what I want as well. I want you deep inside of me,” she growled. “So how about you make that happen?” She loved being able to tease him.

“Well, lift up that perky ass and we’ll get things slotted together as they are meant to be. Just lift up a bit, darling,” he said softly. His hands slid up her thighs as he looked up at her. “Maybe lean forward a bit too so I can suckle on your nipples. They are practically pouting from the lack of attention they’ve been getting.”

Doing as instructed, Ava shivered and bit her lip. “I think that you should nibble on them, suck them, and tease them as you’re fucking me. I need you, Ares.”

“I need you too, sweetheart,” he whispered. His hands moved up her torso slowly, pulling her closer even as he pressed her down harder onto his cock. His hips thrust up and his mouth latched onto her nipple. Sucking hard he teased her with his teeth.

Ava’s arms tightened around Ares as she shuddered; feeling the intense and clawing desires flowing through her body and letting him feel them as well. This was perfect. It was as if they were one instead of two. “Harder,” she growled only a moment before lightly biting his shoulder.

He growled at her, and she found herself flat on her back again. His cock sliding into her harder as she’d asked, rubbing over her clit with each thrust. His mouth was on her other breast suddenly, his teeth scraping over her soft flesh.

“Ares,” she moaned his name with desperation. “So good. That feels so good.” He was hitting her so deep; he was nibbling on her breasts in just the right way. It was all perfect.

Lifting his head he kissed her, “Touch yourself,” he said. “Touch your clit; rub that pretty little nub as I take you. Stroke it, pet it, rub and pinch it.” His lips moved slowly over her cheek, down her neck and he was back at her breast, his teeth plucking at her nipple again.

Ava could no more deny Ares than she could her need to breathe. “Always,” she moaned and reached down between them to rub at her clit. The moment she touched herself she jumped, arched into him and bit her lower lip once more. “So good.” She leaned in and touched her mouth to his neck. “That feels so very good.”

“How good does it feel?” he asked lifting his head slightly. The warm slide of his tongue over her throat sent a shiver through her body. “Tell me, Ava. Let me know just how it feels to touch yourself while my cock is buried deep inside of your pussy.”

“It feels perfect. I love how full I am and the way that it feels to be able to stroke myself when you’re inside of me is making me a little light-headed, knowing that I’m giving myself pleasure as well.” Her fingers pressed down between them, and she put a finger on each side of his cock and squeezed. “And I love being able to touch you as well.”

“That’s it,” he hissed out. His teeth scraped over her neck, landing on the sweet spot between neck and shoulder. “Come for me,” he ordered. Then he bit her, hard; not too hard, but just hard enough, as his cock slammed into her, reaching deep, and stretching her fully as he snarled her name around the hold he had on her.

Ava screamed. She couldn’t believe just how incredibly great that this orgasm felt. Her eyes closed but behind her eyes, she could see fireworks exploding and she shuddered as it washed over her over and again.

His weight collapsed over her, pressing her down into the mattress. His breath panted over her neck before he struggled up onto his elbows. “Hot damn, woman,” he grinned down at her. “I love you, Ava, you’re perfect in every way for me,” he whispered.

“Do you mean that?” she asked after a time. “That you love me?” Her heart had stopped beating, literally for a moment, when he said those three words to her. She loved him; she had known she loved him for days. “Please, please tell me you mean it?” Tears slipped from her eyes, her heart shining there in each one.

“I never say anything I don’t mean, Ava. I told you that, sweetheart. I don’t lie, and I never say anything I don’t mean. I love you, little one. I love you with everything I am, all I have been and all I may become one day. You are my heart, soul and what I need in my life.”

“I love you too,” she whispered what was in her heart. She thought she was giving the words to him for the first time, but he knew that she had given them to him the night before as she slipped into sleep. “I’ve never said those words to anyone before. I love you.”

Cupping her face, Ares leaned in to kiss her. Slow, gentle and with every emotion he had for her pouring into that one moment. Drawing back he stared down at her and smiled. “I don’t know what the future will bring, Ava, but I do know that I don’t want to spend a single moment of it without you.”

“Same here,” she whispered and leaned into him. She was still crying, but they were happy tears, he knew this. “We will have a good life together. No matter what else we will have our happiness. Dammit,” she said with a smile. “We will be able to do this, right? You won’t get into any trouble for falling in love with a human, a mortal? If I recall mythology correctly it’s been very bad for humans in the past?”

“Mythology is called that for a reason, Ava,” he whispered attempting to dry her tears. “It’s because it’s all myth. While some humans have had bad run-ins with Gods over the years, I won’t deny that you are not one of these cases. You have the love of a God; a God that has one hell of a punch when need be. If anyone ever, ever bothers you, you just say the word, and I’ll make their lives a veritable living hell. No one messes with my Ava, period.”

That had her smiling, and she shook her head. “All I need is you. I’m glad that this will have a chance of working out. I’m very happy that we will somehow and someway have a possibility of a life together. Just love me. That’s all that I can ask for.”

“I think I have from the very first moment I saw you. The fact that you knew who I was threw me off guard and wham!” He kissed her again, “You had me hooked.” Lifting his head, he grinned at her. “This is for good, Ava. If you really want to commit to this; to me, to us, it’s not going to be just for your lifetime but for all time.”

Ava smiled, and she nodded. “I want that. I want forever. I don’t think that just one lifetime with you would be enough,” she admitted to him. “But how does that work, Ares? How do we have that lifetime of happiness together when I’m only human?”

“There are ways, from what I’ve heard anyway. I’ll need to do some research and see how it all works, and we’ll need to discuss what the options are. For now, we’ll just enjoy being together, yeah?” he smiled. Pressing another kiss to her lips, he hugged her tight.

“Yeah, I think that just being together, for now, is a great idea. I really and truly happen to look forward to it in fact,” Ava said softly and wrapped her arms tightly around him. Taking a deep breath, she yawned and snuggled in closer to him. “I could get used to this, Ares; being in your arms and resting as I am.”

“Well don’t rest too long, sweetheart. We have breakfast in Paris waiting for us.” He nuzzled at her cheek before rolling them to their sides. “But if you want a nap before we go, by all means, have one. We have all the time in the world, Ava.”

“Yes, this is very true. We have Paris waiting for us, but it will still be there after my nap. Right?” she teased as she snuggled closer to him. Yawning, she smiled and pulled the blanket up and around them. “Wake me when we need to go for breakfast?”

“Sleep as long as you’d like, love,” he told her quietly. “Paris has survived this long; I’m sure it’ll survive a couple more hours. Not sure it will survive me setting you loose on it, but we’ll see.” He was teasing her, the grin on his face telling her that straight up.

That had her laughing, “You are bad, Ares, so very bad. But it’s okay because your bad is so freaky good that I will let it slide. As for Paris-” She shrugged and nuzzled back into his arms with a yawn. “We will see how well it survives us as a couple. Not just me.”

“Doubt it would survive me if I was in a mood,” he said with a grin. “But as long as you keep me happy and relaxed it will still be there for all the tourists. I’m also sure the Parisian’s would appreciate their city still standing come tomorrow.”

“True. I’m positive that the Parisian’s would appreciate keeping their city being intact. The rest of the world as well, but well, you know what I mean,” she teased with a grin. “Plus, I really would like to see the entire world before it all falls apart.”

“You will; I’ll gladly take you,” he said softly. “It’ll be like seeing it anew through your eyes. It’s been so long since I’ve really looked at the world.” He pressed a quick kiss to her lips and tucked her in closer to him. “Have your nap now, Ava, otherwise I’m going to think that you and I need to get moving for Paris.”

That had her smiling, and she sighed. “I love you too,” she whispered. Pressing a kiss to his chest Ava gave in to the call of sleep and was soon out of it.


Chapter Eight


Ares thanked the waiter and then looked over at her. “Well, dig in.” They’d done Paris for breakfast, and then he’d taken her shopping. A small Belgian village for lunch and a tour of the countryside. And now they were in Spain for dinner and, apparently, a show. He hadn’t yet told her what the show was, but the music and atmosphere were lively and energetic. “I ensured that nothing was too spicy since I didn’t want you being all gassy when we get back to bed later.”

Laughter filled the air, and Ava said, “Thank you for that. I think. Or something like that.” Gassy, he was too funny. Rolling her eyes, she took her first bite of the food and sighed. Eyes closed and her face so expressive that he could see her joy. “Oh, that’s very, very good,” she muttered happily.

“Only the very best for my lady,” he smiled at her. “While it’s a bit of a hole in the wall, some of the best food comes from places like this. It’s the places the masses don’t know about. You need to always talk to the locals about where the best food is. The places suggested may not always be in the best parts of the city, or hidden among the higher end places. But the locals always know.”

“And since I don’t have to worry about our well being or being mugged, we can go pretty much anywhere, right?” Ava teased and took a sip of her bottled water. “Thank you by the way. For finding out what places we should go to, for finding out what would be best for us. For all of this. Thank you.”

“Always love,” he smiled at her. “Besides, I happen to like finding places like this too. They usually have some amazing treats to be had. And the proprietors can always recommend other places to dine. They know the neighbors and fellow restaurateurs.”

“Very smart of you,” Ava commended him. “I hadn’t ever thought to ask another restaurateur where other establishments that I might like could be,” she admitted to him. “I like it. A lot. You are a smart cookie, Ares.”

“You tend to learn a few things when you’ve been around as long as I have been. Besides, as long as you never insult one owner's food and make it sound like a request for a different style, they are more than willing to share. Phrasing is always key, and since most owners understand they can’t cater to everyone all the time, they don’t get too bent. But they will only send you to those they like and who they believe has the best of what you’re looking for. So occasionally you need to be even more careful of what you ask for.”

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