Read Ares: (Gods of Old Book 1) Online
Authors: April Zyon
Ava turned to face the man and took a large step back. “Son of a bitch.” Her heart began to beat rapidly, and her chest tightened as she looked at the man before her. “You.” She breathed out the word softly. She stepped away from the larger than life man until her back hit the wall. “And no one can see this building. How could you find it?” She knew, though. “You are him.” She didn’t know how she knew that, but she did.
“That’s why the statue is off. It’s not you,” she whispered and licked her lips. “How?” She had thought that the myths were gone, that she no longer would have to face those that had been there once but were no more. Was he a ghost? No, that wasn’t right. “Tell me your name.”
A single black brow arched up towards his hairline. He blinked his dark blue and silver eyes at her. “My parents named me Ares. And you are?” he asked. He didn’t move any closer, yet his presence seemed to overwhelm the small building. In fact, other than that eyebrow, he really hadn’t moved more than his lips to speak to her. Why then did he seem closer?
Ava tried to step back, but the wall at her back stopped her. “Ava,” she told him honestly. “You really are him,” she whispered and swallowed, hard. “Holy mother of fucking God; you are him.” Holy Christ! It wasn’t possible. No, it wasn’t possible. “You are not supposed to be on this side of the realm, or whatever it is that you call it. This is the land of humans, not the Gods; right?”
Both brows went down in a frown of confusion. “Why not?” he tipped his dark head slightly. His slightly crooked nose was wrinkled a bit, softening the lines of his face. A face that could so easily be chiseled from stone. Strong jaw, hint of a beard, high cheekbones, strong brow and that nose that looked to have been in a fight or two. “It’s not like you own this realm. Plus, technically, daddy dearest was the one who created your people, so you’re really more like tenants.”
“Oh, God.” She slid down the wall and looked up at him. Her hands covered her ears, and she shook her head. “Turn it off,” she begged. “Whatever it is that you’re trying to push at me, turn it off. It freaking hurts dammit.” It felt like he was trying to probe her or peel through the layers of her aura. Something. It was killing her head for him to do that.
A hand touched hers in the next instant. “I’m sorry, I didn’t realize you’d be so sensitive,” he said as he drew her hand from her ear. His words were soft, gentle even, as was his touch. “I sometimes forget myself. Will you accept my apology, Ava?” he asked, his odd accent making her name sound very unique and foreign.
“Yes,” she whispered and let the man pull her to her feet. “I thought that you all stopped walking the Earth thousands of years ago? At least that’s the story that has been passed down from generation to generation in my family,” she admitted. “I’ve known about you all my life, just never thought I would see you.”
“We come, we go, it’s how it always has been and always will be.” Ares gave a lazy shrug as he stepped back. He must have sensed that she was uneasy with him being so close. Of course, he was a God; a real, live God.
“We’re actually here more often than you’d likely believe. Olympus is rather,” he made a face. “Well, if you like the politics, ass kissing, and conniving backstabbers it’s a great place to live. I much prefer being in this realm or between the realms. Less chance of having someone try to kill me in my sleep.”
“I can understand that,” she admitted to him and sighed. “Thank you; whatever you did to pull back. I can’t believe that you’re real,” she said with the shake of her head. There was something about this God, and, oh yes, she knew that he was a God, “What is it about you? You are-” It was almost as if her aura was reaching for his and that was scary as hell.
He gave another lazy shrug. “I am who I am, Ava. I truly meant you no harm. Unfortunately, it’s not always easy to recall that some of you are very sensitive to our abilities. But, for you, I will keep them locked down.” Ares turned to look at the statue, “I can’t believe the Roman’s switched out an image of me for that little prick. If his father hadn’t been some high powered and victorious general, he’d never have been the one to stand for the artist.”
“I knew that it was off the moment that I saw it,” she admitted to him. “So tell me about you. How wrong are the history books and mythology?” She had the stories that had been passed through her family, but she hadn’t heard them in years; not since her Nanna died. Nana had raised her after the loss of both of her parents. “Because if these people think that the large, ostentatious ruins up there are yours and that this man is you, then they really must have screwed a great deal up.”
“The victors always write history,” he said looking at her. “History should be ignored for the most part. Especially anything pertaining to when the Gods reigned. Mythology texts,” he lifted a hand and tipped it back and forth. “So-so on the accuracy. The lineages are mostly right; a little off here and there, but even we can’t say for sure, at least not a hundred percent. Since our deeds and misdeeds were mostly miswritten, I’d ignore those too. What do you want to know and I’ll tell you my version of it?”
“I have no idea,” Ava admitted honestly. “Did you really father as many children as the myths claim? And why do they only refer to you as the God of War when you are more than that?” she asked with a frown. “That’s a question I’ve always wanted to ask.”
“Right,” he gave her an odd look. Then he seemed to shake it off. “Never had kids, but because of Zeus and a few other promiscuous Gods, we all got a bad rap. I may have been around for, well, forever really, but I was always careful with anyone I chose to be with. As to the other,” he tipped his head. “Think of it like a songwriter. They are usually only known for their biggest, best-selling hit; the one that got stuck in everyone’s head. They write other songs, perform other songs, but they are always recognized for that one. Same thing with the Gods. We got labeled by our biggest, baddest works.”
“I understand,” she said with a nod. “And I suppose that
is one of those things that will always stick with a person isn’t it?” She should get out of there; she really should, but she found herself wanting to spend more time with this man; this God. “I’m sure that this happens a lot, but do you maybe want to get a coffee?”
He blinked at her, “Actually; you may not believe this, but that’s the first time anyone’s ever asked me out for coffee. I know you’re uneasy with me so if you’re just asking to be nice, don’t. But if you truly mean it,” he nodded slowly. “I’d like to; very much.”
“I truly mean it.” She was blushing. “I’ve never asked anyone for coffee either, but,” she shrugged. “I just- I guess I-” she was mumbling. “I don’t want to let this moment go. Weird, I know, but there it is.”
“Well then,” he stepped back and gave a small sweeping bow. “After you, m’lady. Lead on to wherever we’re to go.” Straightening he smiled slightly as he waited for her to move ahead of him. “Or would you rather I not be at your back?”
“I don’t mind if you’re at my back. If I recall correctly, you are one of those men that would rather kill from the front so that you can watch your foe die. Or am I wrong?” Ava teased as she exited the small temple.
“Not sure I should answer that. You already seem a little wary of me, and I don’t wish to give you more cause for concern.” He was following, two steps to her side and slightly behind. He was looking around, watching everything. Then he put on a pair of dark sunglasses and locked his hands behind his back.
She shrugged, “I’m not delusional enough to possibly think that you couldn’t kill me if you wanted to. I really hope that you will decide that you don’t want me dead.” But then again, she knew what and who he truly was, so why wouldn’t he want her dead? She was, after all, a liability.
“You are not a liability,” he said, in a casual comment sort of way. “Even if you were to run over to that group of students and proclaim me Ares, God of War, not one of them would believe you. You are unique amongst your kind, Ava. Besides, I could erase all of their memories even if they did believe you. And no, put your mind at ease, I would never mess with your memories. Only those that are a threat deserve such treatment.”
“And how do you know that I’m not a threat?” She really wasn’t a threat. Honestly, she had always been secretly enamored with the God of War; which was totally crazy, and she knew it. “But really, I’m not. I wouldn’t reveal who you were even if they would believe me. Sometimes we all need a break from life, wouldn’t you say?”
“Yes,” he said. He was closer, a lot closer, suddenly. “What is this about you being enamored with the God of War?” he asked. He sounded curious and, maybe, like he was grinning just a little bit. A quick glance showed that he was, indeed, smiling. His smile was beautiful and almost blindingly white.
“Oh, shush it. If I say anything, it will give you an even bigger head than you already have and that simply won’t work for me. You have had legions of men and women bow to you all your life, but not me, bubba. Yes, I’ve always had a thing for you, or whatever, but it doesn’t mean that- Well, hell,” she stopped talking when she realized he was no longer directly behind her.
He stopped dead in his tracks, but she could feel his eyes burning into her back. “You think I want you to bow to me?” He sounded offended at the idea. Actually, he sounded disgusted by the idea, if she was being honest. “I think I will have to decline the offer of coffee. Have a good day, Ava,” he said and then silence, he was gone.
“You mean you don’t?” She watched him leave in a poof and shook her head. “Childish and fucking petty,” she grumbled and walked right through where Ares had been. Instead of rejoining the group she walked to her hotel. It was time to get the hell out of Greece. Surely the Gods wouldn’t be in Ireland.
Pacing back and forth in Dion’s office he waved his hand to the offer of wine. “I don’t want any of your wine, brother. I’m seriously not in the mood.”
“Never thought I’d see it,” his brother said with a laugh.
“See what?” Ares demanded stopping to stare at him.
“The day a human, a human female no less, would best you.” Dionysus lifted his glass, gave it a sniff and then took a sip.
“She insulted me. For someone who thinks she knows me so well, she’s got no clue at all. When, in all my centuries, did I ever demand anyone bow to me? That was father’s big thing for fuck’s sake. Never mine,” he muttered. Throwing himself into a chair, he slouched down.
“Like I said, she bested you. And you did just what she expected you to, you disappeared. Do you know she called you childish and petty? No, not just petty, but fucking petty.” Dion appeared to be enjoying himself just a hair too much. He must have caught Ares intent because he held up a finger, “Uh-uh, brother. I just had the office redone, no being petty.”
“Fucking asshole,” he muttered slouching down more. “And how the hell do you know what she called me? Even I wasn’t there to hear it.”
“I popped in to invite you to the gala next weekend. Figured you’d like to get away from all those tourists for a bit. It’s the grand opening of my new hotel after all. Big and splashy; it will be a grand event. And, it’s in Ireland of all places!”
Ares narrowed his eyes on his brother, “Why Ireland?”
“A quaint little human woman got me interested in her country. It has its own history and lore. And really, the Celtic Gods didn’t oppose to me putting in a place, so I thought, why not? It gives them somewhere to party and brings in more money. What more could I ask for?” Dion laughed and then went serious, “So, will you come?”
Thinking on it for a time he shrugged, “What the hell. Let me know when and where and I’ll be there.”
“Excellent!” Dionysus’ smile looked just a little scary right before he took another sip of wine.
Ares was likely just imagining things.
Ava touched the beautifully made gown in the box and frowned at the bellboy. “I’m sorry, who did you say sent this to me? I can’t accept this.” Oh, she wanted to. Dear God in Heaven she wanted to. The gown was sinfully perfect, it was outstanding and looked as if it were handcrafted just for her. It also looked like it cost a small fortune, or rather a very large one from the details and the crystals that looked like they were a hell of a lot more than crystals.
She put the pink box top back on and shoved it back to the bellboy. “I’m so sorry. Please tell whoever sent it that it’s a truly remarkable work of art, but I simply can’t wear it. I would love to, I really would, but I can’t accept such a generous gift.”
He held up his hands and stepped back. “It is a loan, madame. For the hotel’s grand opening party the owner has picked the theme
A Time Gone By
. He realized though that most people wouldn’t have such clothing items in their possession, so he has been ensuring that, as everyone checks in, he has the clothier eyeing them up. He is sending the recommendations to each guest. If you won’t take it as a gift, you may borrow it for the event, but it is mandatory tomorrow night, and you do not want to miss it.”
Ava touched the gown and sighed. “Only to borrow. Please make sure that you come back for it right after the whatever tomorrow night,” she requested softly. “And please, please tell the owner I said thank you. So very much thank you for allowing me to wear this perfect creation.”
She was going to regret it. That little voice in the back of her head was screaming at her to get the hell out of Dodge. The owner, whom she was assured wanted to meet her, never showed up, and now this? Something, seriously something, was going on here. Like whoa.
“I will pass along your thanks. We will be picking up all the returns the following morning, so you needn’t rush back after the event.” He smiled and gave her a bow, “The dining room is open if you’d like to go down for dinner. Or if you’d prefer, room service will be available until two in the morning. There is a breakfast buffet that is open to all guests, free of charge, from six until ten. As well, there will be a tour of the countryside and a couple of old castles going out just after lunch tomorrow if you’d like to join in. Everyone will return by five to prepare. Hairdressers are on standby if you require any assistance, free of charge once more.” He paused to look up at the ceiling, obviously going through a list in his head. “Oh,” he blinked at her. “Cocktails will begin to be served in the main ballroom at seven-fifteen until eight. Dinner will be at eight exactly and then the show and dancing from nine onward.”