Arrangement With A Billionaire (Bad Boy Billionaire Brothers #1) (24 page)

BOOK: Arrangement With A Billionaire (Bad Boy Billionaire Brothers #1)
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Isla sucked in her stomach as though a pressure had been put on it, nearly falling away from him in the process.

She kept her leg tight around Arturo’s shoulder and gripped his hair to keep her balance.

He pulled back. “Don’t tell me—”

“I’ve had men go down on me before, all right?” Isla snapped, then she looked away, as if that would keep him from seeing the heat on her face. “Just not like this.”

Not while standing. She’d always been lying down. Or sitting. That made it easier. Now that she was standing like this, there was nothing for her to fall back on, and she thought she understood part of Arturo’s plan.

She’d be forced to lean into him if she didn’t want to fall over.

God. He hadn’t even really done anything. His lips had just touched her… lips. It wasn’t like he’d had the chance to use his tongue, but already her sex felt hot and throbbed, as though another orgasm was right there, just within grabbing distance and all she had to do was reach out and take it.

She didn’t want to take it. She wanted to calm herself down and really get the chance to enjoy what this man was doing to her. He clearly had his reasons. Did he think she was trying to use him? Or trying to get close to him to hurt him? What would she do if that was what he thought? And better still, how was she supposed to ask him something like that?

“Good,” Arturo said, pressing his lips to Isla’s thigh this time, dangerously close to her sex.

She wished he would kiss her there again.

“Why good?” she asked, panting a little. She threaded her fingers through his hair, as though that would tell him what she really wanted.

“Because I’m going to be your first in a couple of things before this is over.”

He ended that sentence with another kiss to the lips of her sex, but this time, it was an open-mouthed kiss.


he tasted sweet
. He didn’t mean that in the romantic sense either, the way other men said it when they were trying to impress their lovers or just be nice, all in an attempt to get more pussy.

It was actually how she tasted. It was nice.

The way she rode his tongue was pretty fantastic, too.

The thing that was not fantastic was how he was even having these thoughts. This was starting to get troublesome.

he position was ridiculous
. She should’ve fallen on her ass and broke her leg by now, but Arturo had a good grip on her hips. Isla considered herself pretty capable of rocking a pair of heels, but standing on one leg while Arturo practiced his masterful art of cunnilingus on her should’ve been her tipping point.

Either the pleasure was so mind-bendingly fantastic that she didn’t notice any pain in her foot, or Arturo was holding up enough of her weight that it just felt no different than standing on her own two feet, or it was a blend of both of those reasons combined.

Did she happen to mention that he was a master at this? No? Well, there it was again. Isla had a fleeting thought that she should pull out a notepad and a pen and start taking notes of what he was doing, specifically, so she would know how to describe it to the next guy she started dating.

Or, she could just never leave Arturo and he could always be the one to do this to her. It would work out. She’d never have to teach anyone anything about her body because he was already doing a bang-up job on his own.

Isla moaned and struggled to keep some of her control. Just because Arturo had her by the hips didn’t mean the risk of falling over wasn’t there. It made her torture that much more pleasurable. The fact that her movements were limited, and based entirely around her own willpower and self-preservation, made every slide of his tongue, every flick, and each shiver that came about because of it so much more intense. She could hardly stand it.

At first, she didn’t want to move. Well, she
want to move. She wanted to thrust her hips forward and suck Arturo’s tongue deeper inside her body, but her worry over the fact that she was standing on a single high heel stopped her.

And then she couldn’t take it anymore. It was like when she was itchy on that spot on her back, the one place she couldn’t reach, while driving on the highway, with people in the car with her. A person couldn’t responsibly wiggle and move and twist their arm behind their back to get at that spot, but eventually the itch got to be so bad that it didn’t stop her from trying.

Like right now. She had to try, and she did. Her movements were slow at first. Careful and always with just that touch of worry that if she circled her hips too much, she was going to lose balance and her heel would slip on the tiled floor and she would go down, taking Arturo with her.

She briefly wondered if she could break his neck if she fell with her leg over his shoulder, but then the pleasure drowned out that thought. Hell, she’d barely checked the window since he’d started to make sure that no one was watching them. Which reminded her, she should do that right now.

No. No one was there. The entirety of that vast, grassy yard was still lit up enough that she would be able to see anyone who went out there, and they would be able to see her, too.

Despite that, more and more she was finding herself not caring. It was like it didn’t matter, so long as Arturo continued to thrust his tongue forward, letting the warm tip slide against that one spot that made her stomach constrict.

“Right there,” she moaned, making fists in his hair just to keep some of her sanity.

It was quickly slipping away from her, and the movement of her hips was picking up steam as she practically forced Arturo to keep his face and mouth right where they were. She didn’t want to let him move. She couldn’t let him move, because if he did, then she wouldn’t come, and in that moment, she needed an orgasm to hit her as much as she needed her heart to beat.

Somebody somewhere had probably used a description like that in one of the hundreds of romance novels she and Jane had read, because it was so damned corny and stupid, but it was true. That warm thrum inside of her was getting hotter, was swelling to the point that her body didn’t feel like it could contain it for much longer. . She might actually implode with that buildup of energy if Arturo didn’t get her off. Isla was seriously considering this to be a real possibility.

She must have jinxed herself because, of course, Arturo chose that exact moment to pull away from her.

Despite the grip she had on his hair, there was only so much force she could use to keep his mouth right where it was before she made the precious balance she held tip, so she had to let him pull back.

But even then, she kept her hands in his hair, and she held on tight enough that as he pulled back, it was like there was a rubber band trying to pull him forward again.

He was only a few tiny inches away from her. He could probably stick his tongue out and still play with the slit of her wet sex, and she shivered just thinking about that. Her inner walls clenched and throbbed like a heartbeat, and Isla found herself struggling to keep from having an orgasm just from having a thought like that.

Instead, she focused on how shiny his lips and mouth were, and the eager predatory gleam in his eyes as his tongue actually came out to lick his lips.

“You had better have a good reason for stopping.”

“You sound pretty dangerous right now. What are you going to do if I do stop?”

“Kill you,” Isla said. “I swear to God, I will kill you if you leave me like this.”

She didn’t fully realize what a stupid thing that was to say until after the words were out of her mouth. Her entire body tensed, and she stared right into Arturo’s eyes, waiting for the explosion.

Or, in his case, the quiet shut down.

Neither happened. He kept right on smiling at her, that pleased with himself grin, clearly taking her words as the empty threat they were, instead of being reminded of the fact that he’d had people in his family who’d made good on a threat like that.

Well, she didn’t know if his father had said those exact words to Arturo’s mother, but Isla could assume with a whole lot of certainty that the man had threatened her at some point.

There was no way that Arturo didn’t make that connection, but he was clearly choosing to ignore it as he put her leg down, forcing her to support her weight on her two feet now instead of one. “Steady?”

She assumed he meant how she wobbled a little. Even when he put her leg down, that movement had stirred the pleasure that had built up inside of her, and she could hardly breathe. If she breathed too heavily, or loudly, it might send her over the edge, and at that moment, the thought of coming without having Arturo inside of her seemed like the worst possible thing to happen to her.

She nodded stiffly instead.

Arturo smiled and pulled himself to his feet. “Good,” he said, and he leaned in to kiss her before she could think about where his mouth had been.

He pulled away quickly, and she swore she could see a spark in his eyes as his hand came up to touch her face, his rough thumb rubbing over her cheek. “I want you to go down on me now. Suck on my cock as good and hard as you can, but don’t let me come either. I’ve got something special in mind for you.”

Isla shivered and looked down between them. She had to admit, she kind of liked the idea of teasing him and not letting him come.

“I assume you want me to keep the heels on?”

He smiled at her. “If you absolutely have to,” he said it in such a way that she knew it was what he wanted.

Arturo reached over to one of the many white marble countertops to pull off a folded towel. “Kneel on this.”

Isla accepted the offering, smirking down at the softest towel she’d ever held in her life. “My hero,” she said, and then stepped out of her heels anyway.

She spoke up before Arturo could say anything. “Don’t worry. I’ll put them back on in a second.”

She wasn’t about to ease herself down like an old lady. It was easier to get on her knees when she wasn’t wearing those damned shoes.

Isla knelt on the towel, and then reached behind herself to put the shoes back on. She looked up at Arturo for his approval. “Like this?”

“Almost,” he said, as he took her by the hands and gently turned her around. With the towel beneath her knees, her body slid easily. “There, that’s better.”

Isla tensed. Arturo was no longer between her and the window. They were both parallel to the window. Arturo’s cock was pointing up at his firm, perfect chest and stomach, and Isla was pretty sure it was big enough for people to be able to see it up to fifty feet away in the near darkness of the vast yard.

What made it worse was that she could now see two people out there. One of them looked like Sam. He was smoking a cigarette. The other was someone she couldn’t recognize in the dark.

“They’ll see us!”

“So?” Arturo said.

His voice was so silky smooth that Isla’s fears were almost completely done away with.

But not quite.

“Don’t you care if they see you?”

Arturo shrugged. “Not really.” Then he grinned at her. “I kind of like the idea that they might see me.”

“I don’t get how they can’t see us right now,” Isla said, looking down at them with wide eyes. They seemed to be chatting about something. Sam laughed at something the other man said.

And any second they could look up here and see her.

She shook her head, her entire body flaming as she tried to inch away from the window. “I can’t. No way. The foyer was one thing, I was still dressed.” And Arturo had been blocking her from sight. “I can’t do this.”

He lifted a brow. “Really?”

The tone in his voice made her sit up, or kneel rather, a little straighter. She shook her head, carefully watching his reaction. “No, I can’t.”

She looked back down at Sam and his companion one more time just to make sure they were still preoccupied with whatever it was they were talking about.

It must’ve been one amazing conversation to keep them from seeing her.

“And if I told you it was in your contract that you had to?” Arturo asked, his voice cold, despite the heat that was still very clearly in control of his body.

Isla didn’t think the muscles in her body could tighten up any more than this. She might just end up locking all of her muscles into place and never be able to get them loose again.


Arturo tilted his head at her just a little, his eyes still harsh. “You can say no, but then you’ll be in breach of contract, and we can end this right now. You go home with nothing.”

Her eyes went wide. “You… are you serious?”

“Why wouldn’t I be serious?”

He was serious. That was his serious voice. She could tell by the dead tone to it.

A flood of emotions, and none of them good, rushed through her. Angry heat pooled into her face. “No,” she said, “and fuck you.”

She tried to get to her feet, but Arturo put his hands on her shoulders.

It shocked her. She looked up at him. “What are you doing?”

The expression on his face had changed. It was more searching now than demanding. “You would walk out of here right now? After everything I already did to you? With nothing?”

Isla glared at him. “I’m not going to purposely embarrass myself because you want me to, you stupid prick.”

Arturo tilted his head to the side again, and then he smiled. “Really?”

“Really! Would you let me up now?”

He let go of her shoulder, but he was still smiling at her in a way that made her think she was missing something.

“What the hell is your problem?”

They were both just standing there now, he was naked and she was almost naked, might as well be naked, and there was still the very real possibility that they could be seen. Why wasn’t she moving away already?

And then Arturo did something that horrified her. He reached his hand out and knocked on window. It was a loud knock.

She grabbed him by the arm and tried to pull him away. “What are you doing? They’ll see us!”

“No, they won’t. Look.” He nodded with his head to the two men outside.

Sam and the other man were passing their cigarette between each other now. They looked like they were huddling close for warmth. It wasn’t that cold outside.

Arturo knocked again. Louder this time. They should have heard it, but they didn’t so much as flinch. They were still caught up in whatever they were talking about.

Isla shook her head, as if that would allow her to really see what was going on, removing this strange curtain from her eyes.

Nope. They were still oblivious to the two naked people in the window.

“I don’t—”

“We’re not casting shadows. See?” Arturo pointed to the part of the deck directly beneath them, where it was still lit, but he was right. With the added light from the bathroom, there should have been two shadows, from both Isla and Arturo, added because of where they were standing. There wasn’t.

“What’s going on?”

“Did you really think I’d have a window like this in my bathroom?” Arturo asked. He sounded like he was honestly shocked that she could think such a thing.

When he said it like that, it did seem kind of ridiculous. “I just… so what is this?”

“It is a window, but it’s also a screen.”

Arturo reached over to where the towels had been. Isla hadn’t noticed the remote there before. He pointed it at the window and clicked it.

The scene changed to daylight over the ocean, sounds of gulls and the surf floated in through speakers she couldn’t even see. He clicked again and it changed to a long, wide meadow with the sounds of a breeze. He changed it again, and the Weather Channel came on, with a box in the top corner showing the stocks.

He changed it back to the view just outside. “We can see them, but they can’t see us, not unless I want them to. The other side always shows brick, the same color and style as the rest of the house.”

“So you…”—Isla looked up at him—“you wanted me to suck on your cock, thinking there were people right there.”

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