Ascending Darkness (Shattering the Darkness) (17 page)

BOOK: Ascending Darkness (Shattering the Darkness)
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He sit
s back down and reaches for me, pulling me in between his thighs. My eyes travel his body taking in his chiseled thighs and massive erection all the way up to the rest of his sculpted body until our eyes meet.

His cerulean blue eyes are shining with desire as he takes me in, standing in front of him
restrained and at his mercy. His hands move to the waist of my slacks and he begins to unbutton them without ever breaking eye contact. He slides them down my hips and when they reach the floor, I step out of them, leaving my teal rhinestone pumps on. He then reaches up and pulls my blouse the rest of the way off my arms… finally freeing me.

My hands
immediately go to his hair as I step closer between his thighs. His erection presses into the top of my panty line as I get closer, making my breath hitch with the contact. His hands move up my back pulling me closer to him until our lips touch. His tongue enters my mouth starting that beautiful dance that he knows so well. His hands travel up into my hair and he takes me with him as he falls backwards onto the bed. I lay between his legs pressing against his cock that he begins to slide against my stomach.

I start to squirm on top of him, needing more pressure. More something… somewhere…

His hands move back down and unsnap my bra, then he rolls me over so that he is on top. He pushes himself up onto his knees above me where he removes my bra. His eyes linger on my body. I’m no longer self-conscious about it. I have come to like the way he looks at me like this.

With pure desire
… need… and possession.

He makes me feel like he is starving and the only thing he could possibly consume is me.

And he does.



hands trail the contours of my breasts and down the center of my waist until he reaches my panties. His fingers glide in and he pulls them down, encouraging me to lift my hips, and slides them down and off my feet, leaving my shoes in place while giving me his sexy half grin. He tosses them to the floor with my bra and the rest of my clothing.

Breccan places his hands on my thighs, spreading me wide for his perusal.

, dove…” he groans. “You’re pussy is so fucking beautiful,” he growls then lowers his mouth onto me.

His breath caresses over my overheated skin, cooling it, then he darts his tongue out
licking upwards to my clit. My legs wrap around his shoulders and lock at the ankles. I feel his fingers spread me open and his tongue apply pressure. My hands dive into his hair, holding on as he assaults me. He pushes first one… then two fingers deep into me making my hips buck. I let out a long moan as the pressure builds.

“Oh… God… Breccan…” I purr as his tongue circles my clit.

He begins to diligently eat at me and thrust his fingers in and out of me. My hips roll with his tongue, grinding into him and giving me more pressure. He growls against me as my core clenches onto his fingers and the vibration of his voice causes me to be pulled under by my climax.

…” I cry out as I reach the peak of my orgasm.

Breccan crawls up my body as I pant, trying to regain my breath.

“You’re so beautiful when you come, dove.” He kisses his way along my torso and stops at my right nipple where he sucks it into his mouth and bites down.

I let out a whimper. My body just can’t take it.

He gives me no time to recover; quickly building me back up by flicking and sucking my nipples. The tip of his cock presses against my entrance and I widen my legs and wrap them around his back, wanting him inside me. He pulls his hips back, allowing only minimal contact. I press the heels of my shoes into his perfectly chiseled ass, trying to force him to penetrate me, but he resists.

I wrap my arms around his shoulders and grab onto his hair with my hands.
I pull his mouth up to mine and taste myself on him. My body ignites with even more fire.

“Please…” I beg softly, “Please… Breccan… I want you in me…”

He reaches down with one hand and slowly guides himself into me.

Inch by glorious inch.

The familiar pleasure and pain burns through my system causing me to gasp.

” I hiss out.

He pushes all the way in finally and lets out a deep moan. He slowly pulls back out and slides just as slowly back in. Our eyes meet and lock together as he slowly thrusts in and out of me.

“You’re pussy feels so fucking good, dove.
I could stay in you forever.” His hands reach down and tilt my hips up so that he can fill me deeper.

“Brecc…” I pant out, “I want you to fuck me… please,” I beg.

“Is that what you want, dove?” he asks on another slow thrust in. I nod my head ‘yes’. “Okay, baby… Hang on.”

He moves his hands under me and wraps them around the tops of my shoulders. I grasp my arms more firmly around his shoulders as he raises to his knees, taking me with him. He sits back on his feet with me on top of him.

“Are you ready, dove?” he whispers; his eyes flaring with lust.

,” I answer.

His hands move down to my hips and hold on. He moves me up the length of his cock, before slamming me back down. We both cry out at the pleasure and I throw my head back as I arc
h into him.

“Harder…” I beg.

He lifts me up again and slams me down even harder. Then repeats without breaking his rhythm.





Over and over again until we are both covered in sweat
; our hair drenched. I continue to arch into him and he drops his mouth down to my nipple, teasing me as he continues to work his cock by slamming me down onto it.

“More…” I plead; my voice is almost whiny. “Harder…”

“Fuck, dove. You’re gonna kill me,” he mumbles against my breast.

I smile as he increases his pace and latches back onto my nipple. My orgasm starts in my toes and races up my spine, coming back down and exploding throughout my body as Breccan bites hard onto my nipple.

“Fuck…! Yes…!” I scream out with the force of it.

Breccan continues to slam me onto him riding out my orgasm until his own crashes into him; making him hold me down, fully sheathing his cock as he pours his release into me.

We are both out of breath as Breccan lowers me back onto the bed, following to lay on me. I comb my hands through his hair and kick my heels off the side of the bed, as we come down.

“We need to talk about that guy at the bar, dove,” he says quietly into my stomach.

“Yes.” I run my fingers through his hair slowly. “I’m worried, Brecc.”

“I know,” he says as he lifts his head and looks at me with sad eyes.

“You and Nikko have known since Mya’s place was broken in to, haven’t you?” I ask him, tilting my head to look at him.

“Yeah…” he nods and rolls off of me.

He sits up in the bed next to me with his back to the headboard. I move up to sit next to him and he pulls me into his side with his arm around my shoulders.

I twist my neck to the side so I can look at him as he continues, “We met that next day at my office.” He runs his hand through his hair then looks down into my eyes. “I’ve been looking for him, Harper. Since you first told me. I’ve been searching everywhere and there isn’t a fucking trace of
that piece of shit,” he bites the words out through clenched teeth, making me gasp in horror.

“Ever since you told me about what happened to you, I’ve been digging deeper.” He gives me an apologetic look at my widened eyes. “I’m sorry. But I do understand why you pushed me away, now. And I needed to make sure that the threats weren’t real. I’m sorry,” he says again as he brushes his fingers along my jaw line. “I’m so sorry, because it seems that they are. I didn’t tell you right away because I wanted more information to give you so that you wouldn’t try to run from me again.”

“I’m sorry that I made that your reaction to telling me things.” I run my fingertips along his chest, tracing the dips and valleys of his toned body. I look back into his eyes as I continue, “But I’m not fragile, Brecc. I can handle it. I’m not going anywhere.”

He smiles slowly and sweetly at me, causing my heart to trip over itself.

“I know that now, dove,” he pauses for a moment. “Nikko and I have had a security detail that he trusts following you, the staff at the bar, Kara, Rich, Brynn, and Avery. He and I have both had someone following us as well, looking for suspicious behavior from anyone.”

“I knew I wasn’t paranoid!” I exclaim smacking my hand down onto his abdomen.

“Ugh,” he grunts.

“Oops. Sorry
,” I scrunch my nose up as I apologize.

“It’s okay. I’ll survive,” he chuckles. “So I take it you spotted them?”

“No, but I had this feeling that someone was watching me. Every time I tried to smoke them out, I couldn’t find anyone,” I say as I look off to the wall across from us.

“Well, that’s what tonight was about,” he says pulling my attention back to him. “I wanted to take you out someplace nice, just you and me. When we came back here I was going to tell you
what Nikko and I have been up to and that we haven’t found anything.”

“Trying to butter me up?” I ask, smirking at him.

“Yes. In a way,” he laughs. “But more than that,” he turns serious, captivating me with his eyes, “I wanted to have an honest-to-God date. And I wanted to be honest with you. I wanted you to know that I had been digging deeper and what I was looking for. It is so important to me that we don’t hide anything. I don’t want any more secrets. I want this to work with us, Harper,” his voice drops even lower and his hand that is around me trails circles along my shoulder. “You are everything to me. I don’t care what more you have to reveal to me. I want you to… I want to know everything.
,” he cups my face with his free hand as he emphasizes the word, “are my future.”

“I’m not good at this, Breccan.” I look at him with sad eyes, holding my tears back. “At sharing. I don’t know how to tell you things without worrying that you are going to be so disgusted with
me. I’ve…” I trail off swallowing hard before I can continue, “I’ve done some pretty horrendous things.”

,” his voice is firm and his eyes flash with anger. “You have had horrendous things done
to you
. You did not know any better. You only knew how to survive.”

“Does that really make it okay? I knew those things were wrong… I knew that a sixteen year old girl shouldn’t be doing those things.” I clench my jaw trying to hold back the tears that always surface with the memories of that time of my life.

“Harper, you did the best you could with the hand you were dealt with,” his voice is once again gentle and his eyes sincere. “Those circumstances made you who you are today. Your choice to survive brought you here to this town; to the friends you have made.”

“It brought me to you,” I add as a tear falls from my eye.

“No, baby,” he says softly; wiping the tear away, “I would have found you. You were made for me… You’re my dove.”

I can’t help but smile a little at that. At his assurance that we would be together no matter how our lives turned out.

“When are you going to tell me what ‘dove’ means, exactly?” I ask, my smile widening a bit.

His eyes roam my face as he, too, smiles.

“Soon,” he answers.

I roll my eyes and shake my head. He replies by giving me his sexy half smirk and a raised eyebrow.

“Let’s get some dinner in us, okay?” he asks as he moves off the bed, grabs a shirt of his from the closet then comes back and puts it on me after he slides me off the bed and in front of him.




After dinner Breccan and I move to the sofa, each with a glass of wine and I curl into his side with my legs over his lap and my back against the armrest. He reaches for a remote and points it toward his music system. The opening strings of Bob Seger’s We’ve Got Tonight quietly fill the room.

Oh my God, I love this song,” I say, laying my head on Breccan’s shoulder.

“One of the best,”
he agrees. “It’s been a week,” he says quietly after a moment of enjoying the melody that fills the room, “since you shared anything, dove. I want you to continue sharing with me. I want to understand…”

“I don’t want you to, though, Brecc,” I answer while looking at the wine glass in my hands. “I don’t want you to know that horror; know what I went through.”

“Harper,” he says on an exhale of breath, “You need to get this shit out of your head.” He runs his fingers through my hair. “It’s not good for you, I really think it would help you to share them.” He looks down at me. “And I’m here for you. I want to be the one you open up to… the one you trust,” he finishes with utter sincerity in his voice.

that person to me. I trust him more than anyone I have ever known. I trust him more than even Nikko. He has never done anything to hurt me. He has never rejected me… or broken my heart. I am the one who did that…

BOOK: Ascending Darkness (Shattering the Darkness)
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