Ascending Darkness (Shattering the Darkness) (14 page)

BOOK: Ascending Darkness (Shattering the Darkness)
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Breccan reaches for his dove just as she is about to sit next to him and he pulls her into his lap.
Harper turns her head towards and rolls her eyes. To which he only grins and wags his eyebrows a bit. She laughs and shakes her head before turning back to the group and joining in on the conversation.

Breccan can’t believe how amazing he feels. His dove has finally opened up to him and told him a lot.

A lot of scary shit.

But it is more than that. She seems relieved. Did she really think that because she was forced into
a life like that, that he wouldn’t want her or that he would actually think she was disgusting?

The only thing he has been able to think about… that has truly bothered him… is the fact that he has
not been able to figure out who this Stevie is and find out what the hell happened to him and where he is. He has been thinking that since he didn’t have any luck today, maybe he should talk to Nikko about what happened to him. Nikko, after all, was the one who got Harper out of that life…

Looks like he
was once again indebted to the man.

He spent all fucking day trying to track down that fucking pedophile and couldn’t find a damn thing. He was able to track
down that other fucking pedophile who raped Harper when she was barely more than a baby, though.

Frank Roberts

Unfortunately for Breccan
, and lucky for Frank, he was already dead. Because he would have happily served time to take that sick fuck out.

he thinks to himself as he takes a drink of scotch, loving how smooth it goes down.

Not as smooth as Harper though.

He smiles to himself as he thinks about his dove’s beautiful, full mouth wrapped around his cock while her delicate hands work his balls. He shifts slightly in his seat, trying to be discreet about needing a bit more room in his slacks.

He looks at his
dove’s back right in front of him where she is perched with her glass of wine. Her perfect spine that travels down to her pert little ass. He can’t wait until later when he can bend her over and watch as his cock disappears into her hot pussy as she begs for him harder and harder.

He shifts again and Harper turns to look at him with a questioning brow raised.

He raises his right back, trying to communicate to her to get everyone the fuck out of here. It’s been too long since he was inside her.

The little minx just smiles her devilish little smile at him and turns around.
He smiles to himself and decides that perhaps he should pay attention to the conversation around him.

So, Breccan what did you have planned for the weekend?” Rich asks from the loveseat with Brynn snuggled in close to him.

“Well, I’ll have to talk to Harper about our plans,” he answers as he wraps his free hand around her abdomen and pulls her closer to him so that her ass is snuggled up to his cock, making him want to moan.
He rests his chin on her shoulder to look at Rich.

“You don’t have to ask my permission if
you are invited to go somewhere,” she pulls away a bit to look at him. He sees the slight widening of her eyes that have taken on a hint of lust at his erection pressing into her.

“I know that,” Breccan answers. He may not have to ask her permission when he is invited somewhere. But he sure as hell does when he wants to take her out in public. Especially
, now, knowing part of the reason for her aversion to wanting to be seen with him. “I have plans I want to talk to you about.”

“Oh.” Harper furrows her brows slightly
and tilts her head as she tries to guess his plans for the weekend. “Well, what are they?”

“We’ll talk about it later.”

No way was he going to bring this up in front of everyone. This morning didn’t go well and he decided the problem may be the fact that it was a business meeting. He decided he needs to try something a bit more intimate first.

“O… kay.” She shrugs her shoulders and faces back to the room.

“God, Harper. I’m so glad everything has worked out between you two!” Avery exclaims and takes a sip of his wine before continuing, “Maybe you can get her to fatten up a bit, Breccan. She’s too skinny and it is driving me bat shit crazy! Now, I know that you’re giving her a good workout, just make sure-”


“What the hell!”

“Oh God.”

Breccan just chuckles and pulls Harper closer to him, truly hating how she lost weight while they were apart. He really shouldn’t have waited so long before coming to her,

“Well, on that note, I think it’s time we all leave
,” Nikko says shaking his head, then standing and helping Kara up.

“Yeah. I think it’s time to take the drunk princess home before he says anything that will truly get him in trouble,” Brynn states as she gets up, but not before Rich cops a feel, which has her smacking at him and Breccan shaking with silent laughter.

“I’m not drunk!” Avery whines.

you’re not. Let’s go.” Brynn pulls his arm to get him off the sofa, while Harper giggles and Breccan smiles, shaking his head.

Harper gets up to walk her friends to the door while Breccan makes his way to Nikko who is standing in the kitchen saying goodbye to Rich.

“May I have a minute?” Breccan asks Nikko.

“Sure,” he answers then turns back to Rich, “I’ll see you later and thanks again for coming.”

“Wouldn’t miss it for the world,” Rich answers with a smile. “See you tomorrow,” he says to Breccan.

,” Breccan replies. He turns back to Nikko and asks, “Is there any way that you could come to my office tomorrow? I need to ask you some questions.”

“Yeah, I can do that
,” Nikko’s brows furrow in confusion. “Is something wrong?”

“I don’t want Harper to know you’re coming.”

“Ah,” he says, understanding dawning on his face. “Okay. Any time in particular you want me there?”

“No, anytime is fine. I will let my secretary know to tell me as soon as you come in.”

“All right. Want to give me an idea of what this is about?”

“Not really,” Breccan responds as he looks over at his dove saying goodbye to Kara, who is the only one left. Breccan leads Nikko out of the kitchen and towards the hallway entrance where Kara and Harper are. “We’ll discuss it tomorrow.”

“Okay. See you then,” Nikko states as they reach the two women.

Breccan leans in and kisses Kara on the cheek while stating, “It was good to see you again, Kara.”

“You, too, Breccan.” She smiles and says to Harper, “See you later.”

“Yep. You two have a good night.”

“Later baby girl.” Nikko bends and kisses the top of Harper’s head.

“Bye,” Harper replies, sounding almost meek.

Like a child. Which brings a smile to Breccan’s face.

Breccan steps behind Harper and slides his arms around her waist as Kara and Nikko make their way down the hall and leave. Once they are out the door, Breccan bends his head and kisses the side of Harper’s neck
, then releases her to go and lock the door.

When he comes back Harper is putting the glasses in the sink
. He comes up behind her again and moves her hair over her shoulder and begins to trace slow kisses up and down her neck. She tilts her head to the side to give him more access and lets out a very quiet moan. His hands travel down to find the zipper on her skirt.

“How are you doing, dove?” he asks quietly against her neck as he slowly lowers the zipper.

Her breathing has picked up and is becoming shallower. He smiles as he runs his nose up the length of her neck and inhales her vanilla and coconut scent. Deciding it must be from her shampoo.

“I’m… good,” she breathes out.

“Mmm… no…,” he trails his tongue along her neck and behind her ear, “You’re perfect, gorgeous. So fucking perfect. Let me show you just how fucking perfect you truly are?”

“Always,” she says on a release of breath, her voice full of trust and desire.

Breccan smiles into her neck as he slowly lowers her skirt, but holds her hips in place to keep her from stepping out of it yet. Once he is sure she won’t move he slides his hands up into her top and lifts it off of her slowly. He tosses it to the side and his hands come back to her abdomen as his mouth returns to give attention to her neck. His hands easily find the scar that resides just above her panty line and he slowly and lightly trails the scar with his fingers as his eyes close.

How could someone do this to his dove? He just doesn’t understand what in the hell happened.

His mouth travels over to her shoulder. He moves his hands back up to her hips and turns her to face him. He lifts his head simultaneously to look at her eyes that are drunk with lust. His eyes slowly travel down to take in her baby blue lace bra and panties.
She is so fucking sexy,
he thinks to himself.

Her hands travel up to undo a few more buttons of his shirt. As always her touch sends his heart into a tailspin, speeding up as if to race his
own release into her. He lowers his hands to the back of her thighs, moving up and in to graze his fingers against her hot core, while his mouth trails between her breasts. A low growl releases from his throat at how hot and wet she feels through her panties.

Harper’s fingers
move, gipping his hair pulling him hungrily to her; knowing what he is going to do. As she predicted, he grips her thighs, lifts her up and wraps her legs around his waist. He clamps his hands onto her ass and rubs her hot center against his straining erection. She moves her hands in-between them to undo his belt and slacks. She then slides her hands down and begins to slowly tease his cock.

Breccan’s mouth finds her neck again and he makes his way for the stairs so that he can lay his dove out on the bed and truly enjoy her pleasure.

Chapter 11



“Mr. Caldwell, Mr. Scott is here to see you.” Denise, Breccan’s secretary, says through the intercom.

“Thanks, Denise. Send him in.”

Breccan stands as Nikko walks into his large corner office. Breccan still remembers the day he bought this building and chose the top floor for his office and had it decorated with
everything top of the line. It had cost a fortune even though his interior designer had given him a bit of a discount after he slept with her.

. He had been such a man-whore before Harper. There is no way he would ever want to go back to that life. After the night he spent with Harper- hell, after every night with that woman- he can’t imagine ever being with anyone else. The pure possessiveness he has over her is a clear enough message for him. It pisses him off that he lived the way he did for so long, without her.

He smiles to himself thinking about the plans they made for Friday night. He is finally taking her on a real date. She was surprisingly open to the idea after a few orgasms.

“Hey, Nikko. Have a seat,” he gestures to the couch and chairs in the room as he makes his own way over to them.

“Thanks,” Nikko says
and sits down after unbuttoning his suit jacket. “So what did you need to talk about?” he asks as he clasps his hands into a steeple and rests his fingers against the bow of his lip.

Breccan pours himself a scotch from a table in the seating area, then holds the bottle up to Nikko and pours him one as well after his nod.
He sits down and takes a drink before broaching the subject with Nikko.

“I want to know if this
is still alive,” Breccan says his name with clear distaste.

Nikko slightly jerks his head
uncomfortably to the side as that name is spoken. After a long moment of silence and him clearly trying to ascertain how much Breccan knows, Nikko answers.

“How much do you know Breccan? I’m not going to tell you anything that Harper hasn’t. There are some things that she doesn’t know, of course. But I need to know what you know before I even think about divulging those secrets.”

Breccan truly admired Nikko. The man represents everything a good man should be made of. He is a bit of a hard ass but he is honest and loyal and Breccan respects him for it; loves that Harper has him in her corner.

After another long drink of scotch, Breccan sets his glass down, unbuttons his own jacket and leans forward with his elbows on his knees
, his hands hanging clasped down in front of him.

“She told me about a foster father that assaulted her for five years. I was able to figure out who he was, even though she didn’t give me a name. I was also able to discover that the fucking prick is dead.
” Breccan’s jaw clenches momentarily as he tries to compose himself over the disappointment of not getting to drain the life out of the motherfucker himself.

She told me she was forced into prostitution. That her pimp was a man named Stevie. I have not, however, been able to find anything on that fucking piece of shit. She told me how he was able to convince her to work for him.” Another jaw clench. “She told me that you are the reason she is no longer in that life. She would not tell me how exactly. She has not told me the reasons behind her scars, especially the one on her stomach. My guess?” he asks and looks at Nikko before continuing, “My guess is that… that scar has something to do with you finding her and that is why she won’t tell me.

BOOK: Ascending Darkness (Shattering the Darkness)
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