Ascending Darkness (Shattering the Darkness) (28 page)

BOOK: Ascending Darkness (Shattering the Darkness)
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“Next time…” he says
with an aggressive edge to his voice and moves one of his hands down between my legs and begins to rub slowly on my clit, “wake me.”

“Oh… kay…” My eyelids flutter and my head falls back against the tile.

Breccan travels around to the front of my neck, kissing around my dove necklace and makes his way down to my breasts.  He lowers himself to his knees as he continues to work his mouth down my body. My hands travel to his shoulders and hold on.

“You’re so fucking beautiful, Harper,” he says against my skin; kissing along the jagged scar on my stomach. “I love you so fucking much,” he growls and lifts my left leg, throwing it over his shoulder.

My hands move to his hair and grip tightly as he takes a long… slow lick upward. He reaches up with one hand and flicks at my nipple, knowing all too well how insane that drives me.

“Yes…” I cry out wanting more. Wanting all of him for the rest of my life.

He takes my cry seriously and begins to ardently devour me, his hands traveling everywhere on my body, playing me perfectly till I hit my crescendo and scream out.

He quickly moves up my body, wraps my legs around him and slams his cock into me. I cry out again with the pinch of pain that I somehow love. Maybe because it is a signature of my body accepting his. It is how my body recognizes him and I love that I know the feeling so well.

My hands clutch into his hair on either side of his face, the water pouring down on us as he moves us to the shower wall.

“Tell me, dove. Tell me you love me,” he pants out
as my back hits the wall; those cerulean eyes staring deep into mine.

“I love you, Brecc,” I answer him, my voice filled with desire and truth.

,” he groans, his thrusts erratic and forceful.

I drop my hand and rub my fingers along my clit; rubbing his cock during each thrust inward. My head drops back against the tile and his drops so that his mouth can capture my nipple. My legs spasm around him, holding on tight as I build faster.

It starts in my toes and travels up my spine coming back down to explode in my center; spreading out through my whole body.

” I cry out.

His hips pound into me harder, carrying me through my orgasm. I wrap my arms around his neck and he buries his face in mine as his release tears through him. He slows his thrusts as he brings us both down from the high.

“I love you, dove,” he says quietly against my skin.

“I love you, too,” my cheek resting on top of his head; my breathing heavy.

“Did Hank and Michael go with you?” he asks; my body still wrapped around his.

“Hank did,” I answer.


He lowers me back down onto the shower floor and brings his mouth to mine, kissing me softly. We finish our shower by washing each other and taking our
slow, sweet time…


I come out of the bathroom after drying my hair to see Breccan completely dressed in a perfectly tailored grey suit, buttoning up the jacket. The lines of it showcasing his amazing body. I walk over towards him in just my towel and sit on the bed in front of him, leaning back on my hands, his eyes following me.

“Hi,” I say with a smile
on my face.

He smiles back and finishes buttoning his jacket then comes closer to me, moving in between my legs. He bends at the waist, his hands bracing himself on either side of my body.

“Hey, baby,” he leans forward and places a kiss on my mouth, “What do you have planned today?” he asks against my mouth.

“I need to get ahold of the insurance company about
,” I tell him and fall back on the bed.

He follows me down, laying on me and managing to not put too much of his weight on me.

“I’m sorry, dove,” he says quietly and brushes a piece of hair away from my face.

“Thanks,” I smile sadly.

“I’m gonna go get some breakfast ready for us, before I decide to ravage you again and end up late for my meeting,” he tells me while skimming his nose along my cheek.

“Okay…” I close my eyes, loving the attention he constantly showers me with.

“Come down when you’re dressed,” he tells me.


He stands up, pulling me back up to sit, leans down and kisses me again before he walks out of the room. I get up and walk into my closet and choose an outfit to put on. I slip on a pair of black pinstripe pants and a loose white lace twinset blouse that has a band hugging tight around my hips. I grab my blue Jimmy Choo’s that have rhinestones along the sole and heel and put them on as I come out of the closet.

As I walk down the spiral staircase I see Breccan finishing up breakfast. I walk up to the counter and sit
down as he sets a plate of eggs over easy and toast in front of me. He sets a glass of orange juice and coffee next to my plate then comes around and sits next to me with a plate of his own.

“You know,” I say
as I take a bite, “I could really keep you around for your breakfast skills alone,” I finish after swallowing the amazing eggs.

“Happy to be of service,” he laughs.

We eat in comfortable silence for a bit and when we’re almost done, Breccan turns to me.

“I have a favor to ask, dove.”

I look at him, my fork freezing in midair, halfway to my mouth. I’ve heard that before. I wait for the panic to set in… but it doesn’t come.

“What is it?” I ask and set my fork down then take a
sip of coffee.

know you didn’t want to be seen out in public,” he begins, his face full of apprehension, “but this is something very important to me. I have an event later this week…”

…” I nod for him to go on.

“Well… it’s a charity event. And it’s big. A lot of press will be there,” he explains further.

“Go on…” I say quietly, deciding to let him get it all out before declining. I just can’t be seen out with him. Not during a time like this…

“Well… I want you to accompany me,” he states.

I love Breccan and it’s not that I don’t want to be seen with
. I just don’t want people to find out about me. I swallow hard, trying to think of a way to decline politely, but he continues to speak before I can.

“I know that you are worried, but we have the security detail and Nikko has assured me that your past is extremely well concealed.” He turns more fully towards me and takes my hands in his. “I know we’ll be safe… but I also know what you are feeling right now and I want you to know that I understand, but it will be fine and I’ll be there by your side the whole night. I promise.”

I try to calm myself down and let the fact that we will be protected sink in. But I am still freaking out. I don’t know if I will be able to handle it.

“Can I think on it?” I ask after minutes of silence of me biting my lip and trying to decide.

“Of course,” he tells me with a small smile, rubbing circles into the back of my hands with his thumbs.

“When is it?” I ask.

“Thursday. I’m sorry, I know it’s not much notice, but I completely forgot about it until about half an hour ago when my assistant called and reminded me,” he tells me.

Just then we here my door open, followed by Nikko coming around the corner moments later, terminating our conversation. He walks up to the coffee pot and fills his cup. He turns around and looks at us. A slow smile spreads across his face as he watches us, watching him.

“What?” I ask.

“Just good to see you so happy, baby girl, that’s all,” he says and takes a drink of his coffee.

I roll my eyes at him making him laugh. I smile and take another bite of my eggs. Breccan finishes up and takes his dishes over to the sink.

“Well, I’d better get going. Don’t want to be late for my meeting.” He comes up to me and places a hand on my waist then bends to kiss me. “Think about it,” he says quietly, moving his mouth to my ear and kissing me again below
it on my neck. My heart kicks into gear and my nipples harden, hoping for some attention.

Stupid, fucking things don’t understand there is an audience to this public display of affection.

“I will,” I whisper back.

“Good,” he pulls back and smiles at me, “See ya later Nikko.”

“See ya, Brecc,” he lifts his mug of coffee to him. Breccan laughs and walks down the back hallway to the elevator that leads to the garage.

I finish my breakfast and take my dishes to the sink then begin to move both Breccan’s and I’s dishes into the
dishwasher. I get them all in before Nikko says a word to me. I’m used to the silence from him. He’s always been more of an observer.

“What are you going to think about?” he asks me.

I dry my hands and turn around to face him.

“He wants me to go to a charity event later this week,” I answer.

“Yeah,” he nods, “he mentioned that to me a while ago.”

“What do you think?” I ask him.

“I think you should go,” he answers with a shrug.

“What? Why do you think that?”
my voice is a little high, but I really thought Nikko would be on my side with this one. It’s not exactly the best time to be out gallivanting out on the town.

“Because, we have protection for you guys and I think it would be good for you to get out. All you ever do is stay around the apartment. Or work. You don’t
out. And you and Breccan have never really had much in the way of a date.”

“There’s a reason for that,” I point out, “Don’t you think we should be keeping a low profile?”

“That’s only going to send that fucker back into hiding, baby girl,” he tells me softly, “I know you’re scared, but we have you covered and if you are out and living your life… that’s just going to bring him out that much sooner.”

I think about what he says and it makes sense. If I’m not around then Stevie is just going to hide out and wait until the time is right. And I really just want this over with. I’m so sick of worrying…

“Okay,” I nod my head, “I’ll think about it.”

“Good,” Nikko says and comes over to me, wrapping his arm around my shoulder, pulling me into his side. “Now let’s get started on taking care of the bar.” I let out a puff of air, conveying my lack of enthusiasm for the situation. “I know,” he says, rubbing his hand up and down my arm, “but I’ve already contacted the insurance company and we are going to meet with them later this morning, so we need to start compiling a list of everything that had worth in the place.”


I refill my coffee and we head up to my office to go over everything.

Chapter 18



Nikko and I finish our meeting with the insurance company around noon. He decided to go to lunch with Kara and invited me along, but I decided on a different plan.

I hopped in the escalade with Hank and asked him to take me to my destination. We pulled up in front of a massive twenty story building about thirty minutes later, after making a quick stop. Hank came around and opened my door for me; something he told me I had to let him do- for safety purposes.

I get out of the car, look up and smile. It’s absolutely breathtaking and I wouldn’t expect anything else. We walk up to the door and Hank opens it for me carrying my bag of goodies. I can’t believe I’ve never been here before now. I don’t know what took me so long. Perhaps my own fears of acceptance.

But there is no fear now…

The lobby is very modern looking with white and black granite tile and grey granite walls with intricate designs carved in. There is a large table in the center with a bouquet of a beautiful flower arrangement. I notice it is fresh flowers and vaguely wonder how much money is wasted replacing those so that there are always fresh ones there.

We walk up to an oak desk with a black granite top and check in. Hank tells them who we are and where we are going, they give us visitor badges and Hank leads me over to a row of optical turnstiles.

“Do you know where you are going exactly?” Hank asks me with a smile.

“Nope,” I answer, “but it’s gotta be on the top floor and I know you’ve been here before so you can lead the way after that.”

He laughs and presses the button for the elevator once we make our way to it.

“True enough,” he answers and presses the button for the top floor once we are inside.

The elevator
announcing our arrival after ten minutes of people getting on and off the elevator. We step out and are greeted by another, smaller, lobby. This one has a more ‘homey’ feel. With wood walls and granite floors. We walk towards a reception desk and turn right after Hank greets the very pretty receptionist who obviously has a huge crush on him. He smiles at her and I see a whole different side to this man.

He’s extremely attractive in a very strong, silent type of way. He reminds me of Nikko in many ways, except with dark skin and close cut black hair. His eyes are chocolate brown with long black lashes. His body is fit and large.

BOOK: Ascending Darkness (Shattering the Darkness)
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