Ascending Darkness (Shattering the Darkness) (26 page)

BOOK: Ascending Darkness (Shattering the Darkness)
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“Yes…” I hiss out, my hands fisting tighter in his hair.

He moves over to the other breast, moving the cup of the bra down with his teeth as he continues to rub my clit through my panties. I let out a tortured whimper as my orgasm begins to build, starting at the base of my spine.

He removes his hand, stopping my climax cold.

“Brecc…” I whine, looking down into his eyes that are filled with fire and satisfaction.

He doesn’t answer my protest. He simply lowers his lips back to my body and begins to travel downward. His fingers snag in my underwear, pulling them down as he goes. He stops at my lower abdomen to pay special attention to the scar that spans across the area. I fleetingly remember that I am going to have to tell him about that night before his mouth travels lower.

He pulls my panties the rest of the way off my legs and lowers his mouth to my bare mound; kissing across and down onto my thighs… teasing me…

“Brecc…” I want his mouth

“Tell me again, dove,” he whispers, his breath cooling my overheated opening and his eyes locked on mine.

“Devour me,” I order him with hooded eyes.

He slowly smiles that fucking sexy half smile at me before lowering his mouth to my clit. My hips buck off the bed and my hands fist in the sheets.

“Hands,” he growls out.

Wh… what?” I ask in my sex induced haze.

“Your hands,” he repeats between nips on my clit.

“Brecc… wh…oh, God,” my hands fist tighter in the sheets as my back arches off the bed.

“I want your fucking hands on
,” he growls, “
the fucking bed.”

“Oh…” I breathe out and move my hands to his forearms that are aligned with my torso as he holds me in place.

His thumbs and fingers twist and pull on my nipples as his mouth works me closer to orgasm. I grind myself onto his mouth as he does, indeed, devour me as I ordered.

My nails dig into his arms when I feel my orgasm spiraling through my body.

“Oh… fuck…” My whole body tenses and my climax crashes over me. “Breccan…” I cry out hoarsely; my hands spasm and hold tighter onto him.

“Fuck…” he says quietly, when I begin to come down, “you are so fucking beautiful when you come.”

My eyes flutter open and connect with his. I let out a long satisfied sigh and smile at him. He stands for a moment to remove the rest of his clothing then comes back to the bed; slowly moving up my body.

My legs spread to make room for him. His mouth lowers to mine, his tongue slowly working its way inside and tasting of me. My hand moves up and fists into his hair. I wind one leg around his and wrap the other around his back, preparing for him as the head of his cock presses against me.

He kisses down my jaw and to my ear where he orders, “Turn over, dove.”   

I do as he says and he pulls my hips up. I smile as I move up onto my hands and knees. His legs move to the outside of mine, to keep mine close together.

“Lift,” he orders, his voice low and hoarse; his hands massaging my ass.

My eyes roll back as I lift my hips up to better accommodate his height and his cock brushes at my opening. My upper body lowers slightly as he pulls me closer to him. I let out a quiet moan; the anticipation building me closer to my climax. I feel him pull back away from me a fraction of a second before he is buried deeply and completely inside of me. My head flies back and I cry out with that fine line of pleasure and pain that I could only ever experience with him.

“Fuck, dove…” he growls as he slams into me again, “you feel so fucking good…” he pulls slowly out and pounds back in, “… so… tight…” he moans.

“Oh… god…” I cry as his right hand comes around to work my clit.

His other hand reaches up and unhooks my bra as he continues to slam into me. It falls off my shoulders and I leave it wrapped around my wrists; too caught up in the moment to give a shit about the offending garment.

I find his rhythm and slam back onto him as he continues to pound. His left hand reaches up and pinches my nipple
; making me begin to quiver around his cock. My head drops as I try to make it last as long as I can.

His mouth moves to ear and he growls, “let go” before moving back down and biting onto my shoulder.

One of my hands fly up in reaction, to keep his on my breast as I fly over the edge. My whole body breaks out in a sweat and I feel my limbs shake, protesting to hold me up. He moves our hands off my breast and forms a band around my chest to keep me in place.

His heavy breathing breaks through the whooshing in my ears caused by my orgasm. His fingers continue to rub on my clit as his cock pounds into me. I tighten my legs together to help with the pressure building back up.

“Brecc…” I gasp out with the onslaught of sensation that threatens to overtake me.

“Again, dove,” he growls in my ear, “I want to you to come with me.”

“Oh… god…” My whole body is trembling as I build faster, unsure if I am strong enough for this.

He trails soft kisses down my back; a contrast to the relentlessness in which he works his fingers and his cock.

…!” I scream as I peak again, my mind and body completely severing from one another.

It’s unlike any orgasm I have ever had before. My entire being is at odds with itself.

Completely sated…







All at the same time, and I can’t take it. Fluid builds behind my closed eyes and leaks out the sides. I whimper with a sob just as Breccan slams into me one last time. Both of our bodies fall to the bed and I begin to cry. Loudly.
I am not sure how I am feeling at this moment.

I love him so much and I am so scared of the world around me. I’m scared of the love that we have. Of the forces outside of my control.

I don’t believe anything I do or say will ever push him away, but I can’t help but be terrified of something taking him from me. I loved my child before I ever even knew what I was carrying and it was stolen from me. Taking away any hope I had at happiness.

And now…

Now that it seems I may have that chance again, that same thief could destroy me again.

And I know I would never recover this time…

“Dove…?” Breccan asks as he slides off my back and moves to my side, pulling me with him.

I burrow my face in his chest and continue to cry.

For the childhood I lost.

The baby I lost.

But worst of all… the possibility of losing him…

“Harper…” He slowly runs his hands up and down my back, calming me. “Talk to me baby…”

“I… I lo… love you… so much…” I sputter out between sobs.

“I know that, dove,” he whispers as he kisses the top of my head. “Is that why you’re crying?” he asks
and pulls me closer so that I am lying on top of him. I shake my head ‘no’. “Tell me… dove. Talk to me,” his voice is calm and I love him even more for putting up with me this past week. Constantly on edge and overly emotional. I know just how lucky I am, and that now is the time to share with him…

It takes me a few minutes to somewhat compose myself, and Breccan waits patiently; continuing to run his hands softly up and down my back. The sobs finally stop, but the tears continue to fall. I take a deep breath and rest my cheek on his broad and muscled chest.

“The night Nikko found me…” I begin. Breccan’s hands continue to soothe me without faltering; almost like he knew I was going to tell him. “It was… bad.”

“What happened, dove?” he asks quietly.

“I had met a guy a couple months before. Rex was his name. A…” I swallow hard, uncomfortable with telling him that I was with others before him, “a client,” I say quietly and wait for his judgment, but he remains silent so I continue, “And we… well, we,” I bite my lip, extremely nervous, “began somewhat of a relationship. Well, as close as a relationship I had ever had back then. He paid and became a regular. He was very innocent…” I trail off remembering that time, “I was his first and he was so kind. The first one to ever really show me any kindness…

Well… I ended up pregnant.” Breccan’s hands freeze on me. “Yeah…” I answer his stunned silence. “I’m pretty sure it was his and we had gotten so close so I told him about the pregnancy. I told him more about myself than I had ever told anyone before. He knew everything about me. Well… everything that I knew anyway. He said he was going to take me away… but he wanted to tell Stevie first. Wanted him to know that I know belonged to him… I never really loved Rex, but it was close enough. And if he was willing to take care of me and help me, then I figured I could spend the rest of my life paying him back… by being his.

“But he shouldn’t have told Stevie… We should have just left…” My mind begins to wonder back to that night, “I still remember it like it was yesterday…”


It was hot. August in the desert is stupid hot. I hate this town, with every fiber of my being. I can’t wait until Rex and I get the hell out of here. I walked into the house and knew something was wrong immediately. All the girls were staring at me as I walked by them to my room with pained expressions. Like they felt sorry for me or something. I kept walking down the hall and that’s when I heard yelling and something break from Stevie’s office as I passed it. Daisy came down the hall.

“Is it true, doll?” Her expression was one of pity as well.

“What?” I ask.

“Your new John. He’s in there with Stevie telling him. Did you think you could just leave? You’re his biggest money maker.”

“Oh, shit. I didn’t want to tell
,” I look at her, pleading with my eyes for her to understand and help me.

“It’s bad, baby.” She looks past me towards the office door.

We both flinch when we hear Rex scream out in pain. I turn around and run towards the office. I barge in and my stomach drops.

Stevie has Rex on the floor and has beaten him within an inch of his life. I run and jump on his back to try to stop his fist that was propelling towards Rex’s face. My poor Rex. His face is swollen to three times its normal size. There’s blood everywhere in the office. Rex’s shirt is soaked in it. He’s not making a sound. Stevie doesn’t seem to notice that Rex is nearly, if not already, dead.

“Stop! You’re killing him!” I scream as I wrap my arms around Stevie’s neck to try to distract him.

Stevie deals the deadly punch to Rex’s face and I see and fee
l the life leave his body.

I crawl off Stevie and over to Rex, bawling. I place my hands on his face and lean forward to kiss his forehead. My sweet boy isn’t here. He’s gone to a better place. A place I’ll never have the pleasure of seeing, because I’m doomed to this life.

“Rex. Oh, God Rex. Why? Why wouldn’t you listen to me?” I cry as I hug his lifeless body.

I’m suddenly grabbed from behind and thrown into the wall. I fall down onto my side and my hands immediately go to my stomach. Trying to protect all that I have left.

“YOU FUCKING WHORE!” Stevie roars at me.

He comes over to me and picks me up by the throat and slams my back into the wall. He’s holding me in the air by my throat, my feet dangling and kicking, trying to get purchase on the floor.

“You thought you could just LEAVE?” he continues to yell in my face. His spit hits my face with each verbal assault.

knee him in the groin and spit in his face before I lose all my oxygen. His grip loosens around my neck so that I drop back to the floor. Stevie doubles over grabbing onto himself because of the pain. He’s only subdued for a few seconds before he’s coming back at me. He grabs me by the hair and drags me to his desk. He slams my face into the wood top. Once. Twice. Three times.

he screams so loud I think my ear drums burst.

He slams my head into the desk top two more times and I feel my vision starting to go dark. Blood is pouring down my head and neck onto my t-shirt and jeans. He then punches me in the face and throws me against the wall.

And I’m out.

My last thought is of Rex and our baby.


“Holy shit, Harper…” Breccan’s choked voice brings me back to the present. His hand reaches up and wipes the tears from my face that are pouring onto his chest. “Oh, my God baby,” his face burrows in my hair and I hear his breath hitch, “I’m so fucking sorry.” There is so much sadness in his voice, along with a hint of uncontrolled fury. A shudder goes through me. “So that’s how Nikko found you…?” he asks.

“N…no,” I answer, afraid to tell him the rest. “There’s more, Brecc… Are you sure you want to know?”

I move my face a bit to look at him, but then stop myself; not wanting to see the emotions in his eyes or wanting him to see the terror in mine. That memory never fails to shake me to my core.

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