Ascending Darkness (Shattering the Darkness) (30 page)

BOOK: Ascending Darkness (Shattering the Darkness)
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“I’ll be down in a minute!” I call out to him.

This week has been amazing. Hank has been with me every day while Nikko and I get everything organized to gut the bar out and tear it down. We’re not sure what we are going to do with the space yet, but we at least need to get it cleaned up. Breccan and I have spent lunch together almost every day either at his office or going out.

I am no longer worried about being seen with Breccan out in public. Stevie has obviously found me, and now it is just a matter of time before he makes his play. We are doing everything we can to keep ourselves safe. I am diligent about keeping Hank with me whenever I am not at home and allowing him to check the place out before I go into my apartment. I understand the seriousness of the situation, but we have decided not to let it run our lives.

There have been a few more pictures of us from what I hear, but I have not gone looking for them.

I walk out of the bathroom
and go into my closet to put on the dress Avery helped me shop for on Monday afternoon. I had called him as soon as I left Breccan’s office to see if he and Brynn could help me, but Brynn was in court so Avery came.

I slip off my robe and han
g it up on the hook in the closet and unzip the bag my gown has been stored in. It is a mermaid style emerald green gown that has a sweetheart neckline with a black and white rhinestone encrusted and appliques bodice on the left side that travels down to my hip. The skirt of it has a front slit and is loose silk chiffon fabric.

I slip into my crystal and pearl covered Louis V
uitton heels then walk over to my jewelry case. I slip on my crystal and pearl drop earrings. I search for the necklace I want and once I find it I hold it up in front the mirror to be sure it matches the dress. I put it on and am happy that I finally have a reason to wear it.

It had belonged to my mother, my father having
given it to her. Nikko had it along with a few other things of my parents’ and gave it all to me after he found me.

It’s a breathtaking sixty carat diamond necklace, set into seven rows of platinum. As I look at the beautiful piece, I wish more than anything that I had known my parents. The life they must have led and how they must have been amazing people for Nikko to search the globe for me.

My dad clearly had good taste
, I think to myself smiling.

I grab the green shawl to go with the dress and my pearl clutch before heading down the stairs.

Once I reach the bottom I look up to see Breccan standing straight and staring at me. He looks amazing in the black tux and bow tie, his hair pinned back at his nape and looking sexier than ever.

“You look amazing,” I tell him.

He walks towards me, without responding, then bends to kiss me on the cheek.

“You look breathtaking, dove,” he whispers against my skin.

“Thank you.”

He stands up straight and looks down at my necklace. His fingers lift it up as he studies it.

“Is this new?” he asks, looking at me with a tilt of his head.

“No,” I answer with a shake of my head, “It was my mother’s. From my dad.”

“It’s stunning,” he tells me while looking deep into my eyes, pulling me under his spell, “but it pales in comparison to you.”

“You’re such a smooth talker,” I tell him with a smile.

“It’s easy when it’s the truth,” he tells me seriously.

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” He moves to my side and holds his arm out for me to slip mine through and asks, “Shall we?”

“Yes,” I answer.

He leads the way down to the elevator and out the front door where there is a black limousine waiting. Hank is standing by it and opens the door for us.

“Thanks, Hank,” I tell him.

“You’re welcome, Harper,” he answers, “Mr. Caldwell,” he nods to Breccan.

“Stevens,” Breccan nods back and follows me into the vehicle.

“What’s with the last name? His name is Hank,” I look at Breccan once he is in the car.

“It’s a guy thing,” Breccan answers and pulls me closer to him.

“It’s a ‘whatever’ thing,” I reply sarcastically.

“Oh, dove. I do love it when you get all sassy on me,” he grins.

“I know, that’s why I do it,” I stretch my neck up and place a quick kiss on his lips making him laugh.

“How about some champagne?” he asks me.

“Sounds great,” he pours us each a glass and I take a sip, “Mmm… Good.” He smiles at me again like I’m adorable, making me, once again, roll my eyes at him. “So what was this charity for again?” I ask.

“Kids in foster care,” he tells me.

“Oh…” my eyes drop and I look away.

“I thought it would be good for you to see that some people are trying
…” he lifts my chin back up to look at him.

“Yeah, sure,” I agree.

Not that I actually feel that way. None of that money goes to kids. It goes to the system. How about opening a fucking home and staffing it with people who actually care and are trained to deal with kids?

These events are only for the rich and famous to come out and pretend to be good people. It’s all about the PR.

“I know what you’re thinking,” he tells me, breaking my inner rant session.

“What’s that?” I ask nicely.

“That this money isn’t doing anything,” he says, shocking me. Although I really shouldn’t be. The man has always been able to read my mind. “We should be actually doing something to help instead of just ‘raising awareness’.”

“Well… yeah,” I answer, “I think everyone is pretty well aware that there is a problem with the system.”

“And we should act instead of spending thousands of dollars on dinners and clothes and events?” he asks, as he continues to read my mind.

“Yes,” I straighten my shoulders and stare at him. Trying to figure out where he is going with this.

“Like you do,” he states.

“What?” I breathe out.

“Your work with all of those charities,” he explains unnecessarily, “for rape victims, abuse victims, drug addicts, foster kids, prostitutes, and the mentally ill.”

Wh… How… What?” I can’t even form a coherent sentence. I donate to all of those charities anonymously.

“You hire people to build large homes for these groups and have it staffed with professionals. Paying them a
generous salary, I might add. You have managed to build one in every state in the continental U.S. and they have saved thousands of lives. And these are nice homes in good neighborhoods. You’ve spent millions, right?”

“How do you know this?” I am shocked to my core that he knows all of this.

“Babe.” He gives me a look that tells me I’m clearly delusional if I thought he wouldn’t find out.

“It needed done, and things like tonight don’t do any good. I have
of dollars, Brecc.” I lean forward to stress my point. “My parents left me billions and what am I supposed to do with that money? I don’t need that much!” I throw my hand, which is not holding the champagne, out in gesture, “So why wouldn’t I spend millions doing all that. It needed to be done and there still needs to be more!”

“Dove, calm down,” he reaches for my hand and I pull away.

“No. You don’t get to judge me for not putting on some charade of a big event,” I point my finger in his face.

He reaches up quickly
getting my glass from my hand and sets it down then grabs my other hand that is pointing at him and inserts my finger into his mouth. He sucks on it, twirling is tongue all around it. My mouth drops open in shock.

The man is a fucking genius.

This is probably the only way he would be able to get me to shut up. I moan as he sucks on the finger again, wanting that mouth between my legs with so much desire, I’m afraid I will explode.

“Now. Have you calmed down?” he asks, raising his brow.

“No,” I answer indignantly, “Now I want you to fuck me with your tongue,” I say like a petulant child making him burst out in laughter.

“Later,” he says making me pout and him laugh again, “What I’m saying is, all of those things are the reason why I want you here.”


“And why
, if you are interested, I would like you to be in charge of my charities,” he says.

“What?” I squeak.

“We can continue to do what you’ve been doing anonymously, but unfortunately, we would also have to do things publicly,” he looks at me apologetically. “You could be in charge of that and help me out. We would have to go to these dinners and events just like everyone else,” he shrugs, “but we would know that we really
making a difference. And we could get more resources, if you want, to do what you’ve been doing. And maybe get homes open in every city. Offer scholarships to those who want to go into child services or psychology to help. Help those in the homes to get an education and make something of themselves and get out of the hand they’ve been dealt.” He sits back in his seat after just completely rocking my world.

“Are you serious?” I ask

“Of course,” he says, “I understand the need. And I also understand that you feel you were lucky because you got out when you did. And others don’t have a guardian angel in the form of Nikko Scott to come rescue them and a part of you feels guilty for that.” His eyes search my face for some sign that I will agree. “We could do that for people, dove.”

“Wow,” I slump back in the seat taking it all in. What it could mean for those who don’t have opportunities. “We could provide them opportunities,” I don’t realize I said that out loud until he answers me.


“Okay,” I agree.

“Okay?” he asks with a shocked smile.

“Yes. Let’s do it!” I hop into his lap and hug him, kissing him like a crazed woman.

Breccan captures my mouth with his and kisses me softly, causing me to calm down on the outside while my insides constrict with need. Our tongues entwine and I grip his shoulders tightly, moving my hands up towards his hair. I’m about to remove the band holding his hair back when the car comes to a stop. I look out the window and see photographers everywhere.

“We’re here,” he says.

“Yeah,” I look back at him, sure the disappointment is as prevalent on my face as it is on his.

“Later,” he kisses me softly, “Promise.”

“Okay,” I whisper back.

I slide off his lap and reach for my clutch to fix my makeup. Breccan smoothes his hair back into place. The door opens just as I close my clutch back up. Breccan steps out first then reaches his hand back in for me to take it. I step out and can’t see a fucking thing. Lights are flashing everywhere and I feel anxiety creep in.

Breccan leans close to me and says loud enough for only me to hear, “Don’t scowl. Smile, dove.”

I do as he says and relax into his body as he puts his arm around me.

“How do you stand this?” I ask him.

“I don’t really,” he shrugs, “I just got used to it.”

I don’t know how to respond to that so I just smile and follow his lead. We walk down the carpet covered path with press shouting questions at us. I let Breccan handle it all so that I don’t say the wrong thing and clutch tightly to him with my arm that is around his waist. Breccan answers multiple questions and eventually prompts me to answer a couple. They are thankfully easy ones that only require generic answers, so it is easy enough.

After what feels like forever we make our way into the event. And the evening kicks off. It goes well I think, people show off their money by throwing it around for children in foster homes; whether it goes to them or not is another story. There is a big dinner, silent auctions and a lot of socializing.

People come
up to us, ask Breccan about me and about his business. I’m surprised a number of them know about my bar and have actually frequented it. It makes the night a bit more comfortable for me. I see numerous women giving me nasty looks at the fact that I am with Breccan. And I don’t think I could care less. After the past couple months, they can be pissed all they want.

I know Breccan doesn’t give a crap about them, even if he may have dated some in the past. Some of them come up to speak with him and drop subtle hints that they are still available. By about the tenth one, I don’t know if I was actually jealous, but I was sure as fuck annoyed.

“I’m always available, Breccan,” this bitch named Stephanie was saying and I was grinding my teeth hard. It wasn’t easy for me to keep my mouth shut and I think Breccan knew that, because he kept pulling me closer hoping these bitches would get the hint. “
you need me. If you know what I mean?” she placed her hand on his arm that was holding his drink as she asked.

At that point I snapped. I couldn’t take it anymore.

“Yes, Stephanie,” I begin somewhat loudly and she shot me a dirty look before looking back to Breccan and smiling. Did that deter me?
Of course not
. “We
know what you mean.” She looks back at me again with disgust. “You want my boyfriend’s cock in your overused cunt.” My voice is still loud so that anyone within ten feet can hear me. “But since his cock is in me ninety percent of the fucking day, I’d say he’s a little busy. Go find someone else to whore with.”

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