Ascending Darkness (Shattering the Darkness) (10 page)

BOOK: Ascending Darkness (Shattering the Darkness)
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“You mean everything to me, dove
,” his voice is quiet and hoarse.

“And you to me, Brecc,” she whispers softly running her hand across his cheek and through his hair that is hanging loosely around his shoulders.

He closes his eyes at the sensations that her touch intoxicates him with. Fuck, he loves it.

“Well, shall we get to your presents, birthday girl?”
he asks after putting himself back together and zipping up his jeans. He takes her in his arms and inhales her vanilla and coconut scent.

“I suppose
,” she says sarcastically and with absolutely no enthusiasm.

“It won’t be too bad, I’m sure.” Breccan smiles trying to suppress laughter
then pushes the emergency button on the panel to get the elevator moving again.

He picks up Harper’s bag in one hand and holds onto
her with the other.

Only one thought crosses his mind as the elevator ascends each floor to the apartment a
nd he looks down at Harper wrapped up in his arms…

e hopes this is how the rest of his days are spent…

Chapter 8



As we enter my apartment, I am reeling from what happened on that elevator. The last twelve hours have been so difficult. I have revealed so much to Breccan and none of it seems to bother him. Surely it must affect him; the fact that the woman he… loves… has such a horrible past. I have been with hundreds of men. Either willing or forced, there is no way he can be completely okay with that. He is a good man and nothing can prepare you for learning something like that.

I try to shake it off as we exit the hallway and enter the kitchen to see all my friends standing and
waiting for us. Nikko, Kara, Brynn, Avery, Rich, Breccan’s parents and siblings are all here. Bane rushes up to us, stopping in front of Breccan and shaking with excitement to see him again. Breccan bends to pet him, while keeping his arm around me.

“Hey, boy,” he says to Bane. “Did you miss me?”

Everyone turns around to face us and each one of them has a beaming smile on their face when they see us together. Breccan straightens up, his arm tightening around my waist and I realize that it didn’t even occur to me that there would be questions about us being back together.

It seems almost like we never split up. Just that we have moved forward. And, of course, everyone in the room is happy to see us back together.

“Hey guys!” Brynn chirps and hops off the counter she was sitting on next to Rich.

“Hello Brynn,” Breccan answers.

“So are we ready for presents?” Avery claps his hands together and motions to the living room where there are presents wrapped up and sitting on the coffee table.

“You all didn’t really need to get presents. I’m happy with the party and for all of you showing up last night,” I say as Breccan
leads me over to the living room. “Sorry for not saying goodnight to you all before I left.” I feel a little shy. Surely they all know where we went. And Breccan’s parents are here!

“Oh, that’s quite all right. We
understand!” Brynn smiles brightly at me and I can’t help but to roll my eyes and laugh.

Breccan pulls me tighter into him and I look up at him. His smile always takes my breath away and his beautiful blue eyes are shining brightly. He lowers his head and presses a quick kiss to my lips.

“Woot woot!” A few people cheer along with some whistles and I am, once again, glad that blush doesn’t show on me or I would be beet red.

Breccan sits down on the end of one of the couches and I move to sit next to him, but he pulls me into his lap.
Bane lays down on the floor by our feet.

I look at
Breccan with wide eyes, but he just gives me his sexy half smile. Clearly, he doesn’t want to be separated from me. Which makes me strangely happy. I wiggle in his lap and watch as his eyes light with desire and feel his erection grow against my bottom. I raise an eyebrow at him and smirk before looking back to the room.

Everyone is staring at us and I am a little embarrassed again. I really should mind my manners, but I can’t help it around him.

“Okay. I’m just going to say it,” Breccan’s father, Harvey, announces. “We are thrilled you two are back together!” There are cheers of affirmation from everyone. “And I know it is only ten o’clock in the morning, but I don’t give a damn! Come and help me Rich.” Harvey gets up and heads into the kitchen.

“Harvey!” Caroline scolds her husband with a smile, looks at me and shakes her head still smiling.

Harvey and Rich come back with a bottle of champagne and glasses for everyone. Harvey pops the cork and Rich catches the golden liquid that spouts out of the top. Glasses are passed around (except to an underage Peyton, who pouts, much to all of our amusement) and then Harvey raises his glass and the rest of us follow suit.

“To Harper. The woman who has brought us all together and made my son happier than I have ever seen him,” Harvey announces to the room then looks at me and says in a gentle voice, “I so look
forward to many more birthdays with you and our family, my dear. Cheers!” We all raise our glasses then take a drink. My drink does little to push the lump in my throat down, but I try to ignore it and the tears that sting my eyes and nose.

“Okay! Presents!” Avery cheers.

I smile at him and shake my head indulgently like he is an adorable child. He comes over and plants his butt next to mine (and Breccan’s much sexier one- which I’m sure was his plan), reaches forward and hands me a large present. I note that it is from Kara and Nikko and I am so excited to see what she came up with. I look up at her sitting in the wide chair partially on Nikko’s lap and smile.

She smiles back and says, “Go ahead and open it. I hope you like it.”

I peel the paper away to reveal a massive frame that holds more frames within. She took pictures that I had and had them edited to match a theme. The frame is black matte. There is a large sixteen by twenty frame in the center that is surrounded by frames of different sizes. There are pictures of Nikko and I, and the places we’ve been. There is a picture of Brynn, Avery and I at Ricominciare talking. She must have taken that one herself since it is obviously a candid. There is a picture of Nikko and Kara looking into each other’s eyes.

But my favorite is the massive photo in the center. She must have just finished this present this morning as the center photo is one of Breccan and I. At my party last night. We are out on the dance floor wrapped around each other, his cheek pressed to mine. It is not a close up but the photograph captured the love we feel for each other and I know it will be my favorite photograph for the rest of my life.

Breccan leans forward to get a better look and whispers in my ear, “Beautiful. As you always are.” He then kisses my neck and rests his chin on my shoulder.

I look up at Kara with tear filled eyes (
Dammit why am I crying so much these days!
) and choke out, “Th… thank you, Kara.” I clear my throat and continue, “It’s absolutely perfect.”

“I’m so glad you like it!” she exclaims. “We’ll have to figure out where to put it.”

“I know the perfect place,” I smile at her. “We’ll have Nikko do it later this week.”

“Is that all I am? Just your work horse?” he jokes and I laugh at him as I gently set the frame down so that everyone else can see it.

“That is amazing,” Peyton whispers.

I look over at her and we share a smile. I look to Caroline to see her dabbing under her eyes.

“It really is,” I agree.

“Okay, okay. I can’t take it. Here’s the one from Brynn, Rich and I,” Avery says as he hands me an envelope. I look up at them with furrowed brows of confusion and Avery quickly adds, “It is kind of for Breccan too.” My confusion and curiosity spike.

Breccan wraps his arm around my waist and keeps his chin on my shoulder to see what it is. I open the envelope and see a gift certificate for a weekend couple spa retreat in L.A.

“Wow. This is amazing. Thank you guys so much.” I look up at them.

“We figured that Breccan wouldn’t mind some uninterrupted time with you at a weekend away,” Brynn laughs.

“You got that righ
t,” Breccan says as he shifts his hips so that I am aware of the erection he has had since I sat down.

I turn around and look at him then mouth, “your parents” while my eyes move in the direction they are sitting. I can’t believe how much I am being embarrassed today! Breccan just laughs at me kisses my cheek and turns me back around. I notice his
parents smiling widely at me so I give them a rather impish smile.

“This one is from us dear,” Caroline says while handing a gift to Avery so he can give it to me.

The box is light and somewhat large. I open it up to find a rustic looking sign. It’s been distressed and the wood is smooth and soft. It’s about a twenty by twenty square plaque, I would guess, and it says:



Having a place to go is home.

Having someone to love is family.

Having these both is a blessing.


There is a card attached and inside it
, Caroline wrote:


You are blessed. We love you.

-Harvey, Caroline, Landon and Peyton


Tears gather in my eyes. I look up at Caroline and whisper, “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome my dear. And I mean it,” Caroline responds.

Breccan tightens his arm around me and kisses my neck again. I set the
plaque down and smile at everyone.

“Thank you all so much for coming. I appreciate the gifts. They are so thoughtful and magnificent.” I slap my hands to my knees. “I guess we should cut the cake!” I say to the room.

“Uh, Harp, don’t you think Breccan would like to give you his present,” Avery says with raised eyebrows.

My head whips around to look at Breccan. “You got me something?”

“Of course I did, dove. It’s your birthday,” he laughs. “Avery would you hand me Harper’s bag that we brought in?”

Avery jumps up to go get my bag as I look at Breccan questioningly, “You put it in my bag?”

“I did,” he answers simply. Avery returns and sets the bag beside Breccan. He reaches in and pulls out a small flat square box wrapped in silver paper then hands it to me.

I pull the paper off to reveal a jewelry box. I look at Breccan with wide eyes and he nods his head for me to continue. I open the box and a choked sob shoots out of my throat. I had no way of controlling it even if I had the sense to. Nestled inside the box is a necklace. The small pendant is a dove. The body is platinum with the wings encrusted in diamonds.

“Jesus fuck. Don’t leave us hanging! What is it?” Brynn whines and I let out a small laugh.

I turn the box around and show the room and everyone gasps. I turn and look at Breccan.

“Thank you. It is so beautiful. Just like you.” I lean in and kiss him gently on the mouth. His tongue curls inside mine and we gently kiss for I have no idea how long until I hear someone clear their throat. “Sorry,” I mumble as I turn back around. I take the necklace out of the box and hand it to Breccan. “Help me put it on please?” I ask him.

“Of course,”
he smiles at me.

I lift up my hair and he clasps the necklace in place
, trailing his fingers lightly along my skin causing bumps to raise and a small shudder to go through my body. The pendant rests in the hallow at the base of my throat and I run my hands over it. It is the most amazing gift I’ve ever received.

“Okay. Now, how about some cake?” Brynn stands and rushes out of the room but not before I see the moisture in her eyes.

I am taken aback a little bit. Brynn never gets emotional.
What the hell is wrong with the two of us?
I want to laugh at myself.

“How about we go to the table?” I ask as I attempt to stand up. Breccan keeps me in place by tightening his arm that is still around me.

“I’m quite comfortable actually,” Breccan grinds his erection into my ass and it takes everything I have not to moan, “How about we stay here. We’ll promise not to make a mess, dove.” I look at him and he is giving me his sexy half smile.

,” I smile back.

“I bet you are quite comfortable. Do you really have to flaunt the fact that you landed such a
hottie?” Landon grumbles and I can’t help but laugh.

“Aw, don’t be so sad, Landon. Someday you may find a girl who will put up with your ugly mug,” Rich says as he helps Brynn bring in the cake and plates and silverware.

“Yeah, I suppose if you can do it, anybody can,” Landon ribs back. I smile and shake my head at this wonderful group of people that are now my family.

We spend the next few hours laughing and joking. Harvey and Breccan discuss some business deals and Caroline asks me about the bar. Everyone is having a great time and I feel like things make sense once again.

BOOK: Ascending Darkness (Shattering the Darkness)
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