Avalon (25 page)

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Authors: Lana Davison

BOOK: Avalon
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“No, not really,” he said. “I wouldn’t care if you turned into a monkey, I just want you any way I can have you.”

I threw my arms around his shoulders holding onto him now wanting things to progress so much further and faster. He slowly guided himself into me, pushing gently, easing himself, the tightness of my core allowing him in little by little, until he was fully inside me.

“Oh my lord,” I moaned.

He moved his lower half gently as if not wanting to hurt me, but I wanted it, enjoying the moment and ready to be pushed to the brink of existence. “You don’t have to be so precious with me, I’m no princess. I promise I won’t break.”

“Oh but you are a princess. Don’t you remember? I told you, you’re my princess.” He continued to thrust his lower body into mine.

I laughed. “I guess I am, given you’re the prince.”

“Exactly,” he said pushing deeper and deeper into me, the sensation driving us wild.

“Leo, I want you now.” I ran my fingers hungrily through his beautiful thick hair.

“You’ve got me baby.”

“We’ve waited too long, I want you now.”

“If you want it, I’ll give it to you. I want to give you everything.”

“Now,” I shouted.

‘Right now,” he confirmed.


“Now,” he said releasing himself into me as my muscles clamped around his erection several times, my body shaking once from the undeniable thrill, then going limp, having worked through the tiredness. Leo continued to hold me up using one forearm around my buttock, the other arm resting on the shower wall for added support.

He kissed my lips. “That was amazing.”

“Wasn’t it?” I smiled.

He lifted me off and we stood under the shower enjoying the water.

Leo held me and continued to kiss me. “You are so worth it.”

“And you,” I agreed moving my head and looking up at him.

“So, you are still going to marry me, right?”


“I’ll get someone to do it. That way, my parents and the Royal League will leave us alone. If I am with you, I cannot be with Laura.”

“Can’t have that,” I said throwing my arms around his back, holding on tight. He was mine now no one was going to get in the way.

We stood under the shower for a long time, washing, kissing, hugging, laughing and talking. My eyes began to feel heavy, as sleep beckoned. Leo turned off the shower and wrapped a warm towel around me and then one around himself. He took my hand and walked me to our bed and pulled back the covers. “You need to get some sleep, I can tell how tired you are.”

“But there’s so much to do, and I have no clothes.”

“All in good time. Get some sleep first,” he instructed.

The moment my head hi
t the pillow I fell into a deep
slumber and slept like the dead.

hapter Twenty-Five


I woke up, for a moment confused, then remembering where I was and who I was with. I smiled, happy in the knowledge that I was once again with Leo. I thought about the early hours of the morning and how perfect and spontaneous it had been, and pleased I was using the mini pill because my period pain had been causing me grief during the last half of the school year. Neither of us were ready for a baby. Leo and I had no more secrets from each other, the truth revealed, and our path together clear and moving forward. I looked around the room and wondered where he was.

“Leo,” I called out, but he was not there.

I turned over and saw a small note on the pillow next to mine:
To the most amazing person I have ever known, I am out and about and will be back soon. I have bought you some clothes. Look in the wardrobe. Always, Leo xxx

I held the note at my chest and got up, slipping a bathrobe around my body and placing the one size fits all hotel slippers on my feet. I shuffled over to the wardrobe and opened it. I lifted the items out one at a time, and couldn’t believe my luck. Leo had bought me three pairs of designer jeans, half a dozen t-shirts, two cardi’s, two hoodies, a jumper, gilet, a tweed fitted jacket and a skirt. There was certainly enough for me to be getting on with. I opened the drawers and found new underwear. I loved everything he chose for me. The shoes lay on the floor of the wardrobe; trainers, boots, wedges and my heels. I bit down on my lip, my eyes wide with enthusiasm.

The hotel room door opened and Leo stepped into the room holding a suit holder and a large paper carry bag under one of his arms.

“You’re awake,” he said coming over to me and kissing me on the lips. “You slept a long time.”

“I thought you were tired too.”

“I was, but I don’t need much sleep and I had so much to do.”

“What did you have to do that couldn’t wait?” I asked.

“A lot, I got your clothes, bought a few toiletries, bought these,” he said lifting the suit holder and paper bag. “I’ve rented a flat for us for three months, I paid up front, and of course I organised a wedding. Well, technically the hotel organised it for me, for us. We’re due downstairs in an hour.”

“What? In one hour.” I looked shocked.

“Yes, we need to get married, and let Ryan know. If the Royal League comes looking for us, they will realise it is too late and that I am married to you. There will be no wedding for me on Avalon, if I am already married to you. My main concern of course is you, and although I am doing everything to prevent them from getting to you, to us, I can’t risk them knowing where we are. We need to get out of this hotel tomorrow morning. The ten grand is running out fast, but I’ll get a job.”

“And so will I. I am in this with you. It is you and I against…. everything, everyone… against the world,” I concluded.

He brushed my cheek. “That it is.”

“Thank you for all these clothes, I can’t wait to wear them.”

“It’s only a few things,” he shrugged.

“Thank you though,” I said and gave him a kiss. “You are really very good to me.”

“You deserve more. I only hope I can give it to you.”

“You are all I need.”

“And I am the luckiest guy to have you,” he said as he pulled me into his embrace.

“I’ll get dressed,” I said looking up at him.

I got into the shower, closing my eyes as I put my whole body in and wet my hair ready to wash it. I put some shampoo into my scalp and began to build up lather and cleaned the suds off my face. I opened my eyes and caught Leo sitting on the corner of the bathtub watching me.

“Everything all right?” I asked.

“Everything is perfect.” He looked me over.

I finished my shower and took two towels from the rail, wrapping one around my body and the other around my head.

Leo walked over to me gave me a tender kiss. “I wish we had more time,” he said.

“Yes, can you imagine what we might get up to if we had more time?” I said lifting my eyebrows, recollecting having a shower with him last night. “Your turn.”

“The paper bag on the bed is for you.”

I walked to the bedroom and looked at the bedside alarm clock; time was running out. I needed to get ready quickly I thought as I opened the paper bag and pulled out a beautiful long white dress. I held the dress up in front of me and then laid it out neatly on the bed. I felt the fabric, silk, soft and luxurious, with thin spaghetti straps, low yet tasteful cleavage and split right up to the top of my thigh. Could I pull this off?

Knowing I had limited time, I walked to the dressing table and released my hair from the towel and began to blow-dry my hair, while I sifted through a toiletries bag Leo had left there. He had purchased a small set of everything I needed, a few eye shadows, eyeliner, bronze and a couple of mini lip-glosses. He had not forgotten anything.

With my towel still fastened around my body, I applied my makeup and loosened the towel to put my underwear on, a pretty white strapless bra with matching silk knickers, then slowly and carefully climbed into my dress. I walked over to the full-length mirror and spun around, the dress fit my body flawlessly as if it was made to measure just for me. I tiptoed over to the wardrobe to find my sliver strappy sandals I had worn with my formal dress and caught a glimpse of my soon-to-be husband wearing a navy blue velvet vintage tailed Prince Edward wedding jacket, trousers, white shirt, with an elegant blue and black paisley tie. I had never seen him look more stylish.

“Wow, Leo, you look so good.”

He fixed his tie. “You think?”

“Yes I think.”

“And look at you,” he said walking over to me, taking my hand and turning me around. “You are stunning in that dress. It fits you perfectly.”

“I love it.”

“Good,” he said kissing my forehead.

I took my shoes and sat on the chair close to the front door and put them on and stood up. “I guess this is it.”

“It is.”

We walked together to the elevator and took it to the ground floor then walked past reception, down the hall past a few restaurants arriving at a small conference room. Leo opened the door for me and I stepped in, no chairs had been placed out, but there was a table with a woman in a skirt suit and two members of staff stood beside her.

“We are ready.” she nodded at Leo.

We stood in front of her and she introduced herself briefly to me. “I’m Mandy Sanderson and I am a Superintendent Registrar. Shall we get started?”

“Yes.” Leo said. I nodded.


And we were married in a simple ceremony with two strangers for witnesses. Neither of us had ever felt happier, more complete, knowing that we were meant to be together – forever.

Leo lent over and softly touched my lips in a kiss, slowly moving my lips apart and entering my mouth. I closed my eyes, completely taken away in his kiss, I moved in closer and he put his arms around me, I kissed him more, we stopped in time, before someone asked us to get a room. I was now married. I was now Mrs Holly Regent, and I wanted to jump for joy and tell the whole world. My guy was now officially my husband, and suddenly I felt a sense of home. I knew my home was with Leo and that nothing could ever tear us apart. Together Forever.

Together we could face whatever came our way.


“Thank you for coming and thank you for keeping this meeting to yourselves for what I have to tell you is of a sensitive nature.” King Maurice addressed the ten Hunters and two Shape Shifters sitting around the palace dining room table. He sat down and let his wife take over.

Catherine stood, “My son, Leo, has run away from Avalon, he has made his way to Earth and he intends to stay with his earth girlfriend, her name is Holly. Holly and Leo met at boarding school and he believes this girl is the one for him, how he thinks that, I don’t know, he has a chosen one. We need to get Leo home, he is the Prince of Avalon, he has responsibilities and he has been promised to
chosen one. Leo cannot escape his destiny, he cannot turn his back on Avalon.”

Nods and murmurs agreeing with the Queen came from the attendees.

“Gentlemen, you have been chosen to bring Leo home, he can come willingly or through force. He will try and tell you that the girl must come with him. Under no circumstances will that girl enter Avalon, is that understood? If the girl is a problem, take her out. I need my son to come home. Do you understand?

“Yes.” Came the collective response of the room.

“You all have a skill set that will help track Prince Leo. You will start with the girl’s school, find out where she lives, do whatever it takes to find her, this should not be difficult for the Hunters here.” She looked around the room, knowing exactly who they were. “I will send one Hunter to begin with. If I do not hear from you, I will send another Hunter and a Shape Shifter and more of you if I need to. Paolo, you have been selected to go first; you will leave at dawn tomorrow. Are you ready for the challenge.”

“Yes my Queen.”

“Good. This meeting is over; it will only reconvene if needed.” Catherine nodded once, stood up and gestured for the members to leave.


The End.



oulette (Book 2, Avalon

life with Leo was all Holly ever wanted and she got it, at a price.

id Leo really think his parents; the King and Queen of Avalon would sit back and let him stay on earth? After all Leo, the Prince of Avalon had future responsibilities and he has been promised to another.

he Royal League instructions from
the King and Queen
are clear, bring their son home and eliminate the problem; Holly.

eo and Holly find themselves on the run, always looking over their shoulder, trying to stay safe from the threat of being torn apart.


ondemnation Due for Release January 2013

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