Avalon (6 page)

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Authors: Lana Davison

BOOK: Avalon
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The final year exams took place and my scores were as expected, averaging As. Sara said I had the combined brains of my mother and father, but I don’t think it’s entirely true. I actually had to study a lot to get the grades: I wrote notes, I wrote myself tests on what I thought might be in the exam, I wrote more notes, I read, I highlighted texts, put post-it notes all over my bedroom walls and did mind mapping.

At the end of the school year Sara and Stuart came to a BBQ with other parents of students in Year 10 and Year 11. They met Henry for the first time and really liked him, telling me he came from a good family and would be a good match for me. While that might be true, I’m too young to even remotely think about being with someone for the rest of my life or even entertain marrying someone in the future, I don’t think I will ever marry, just because I don’t like the idea of a union, for obvious reasons. Why is it necessary to put it all on paper? I did not understand the importance of making it official. After all, doesn’t that just mean the piece of paper is for society and not really for the two people concerned? Maybe I am too young to understand the reasons for marriage, maybe I would understand it better if I found the right person, but it’s pretty clear that will never happen because I was not even compatible to my chosen one.

hapter Seven


Sara and Stuart helped me move my two full suitcases stuffed with clothes, shoes, toiletries and bedding into the girls’ boarding house. Emily and I would be sharing a room – ‘roomies’, like sisters. This was already a good start to the new school year. I put my belongings into my drawers, wardrobe and locker. After I unpacked the items for my bedroom, we walked into the girls’ shower room and found the locker with my name on it. I put my toiletries inside and hung my towel over the rail.

All parents or guardians were invited to go to the dining room after they said their goodbyes and meet and greet with other parents and the school faculty. There they could ask any questions they wanted and address any concerns. Even though Sara and Stuart weren’t my parents, they played the part well, with Sara genuinely being very tearful as she left me in my boarding room with Emily. I hugged both Sara and Stuart and promised to call every night, at least in the beginning.

“I thought they were never going to leave,” Emily said, excited that we were now room-mates.

“Aw... they’re just so used to having me around,” I said happily, equally ecstatic by my new living arrangements.

“We’ve got some new students in our year apparently, there’s a new boy called Leo. Some of the girls have met him and said he’s pretty hot.”

“Why are you telling me? I’ve still got my Henry and you’re going out with David.”

“Yeah, so? We’re allowed to look.”

We both giggled in agreement.

“Oh, Em,” I said hugging her, “You are the best.”

“And you’re the best friend anyone could ever have, Holly. I couldn’t wait to go back to school. Having two months at home with my parents was nice at first but on a farm on my own for that long, it was starting to get boring.”

“Well it won’t be long until you get your license. Or me, for that matter. Then we can go where we want when we want.”

“I know,” she giggled.

Once the parents had left the senior students were asked to meet in the hall, where there would be drinks and snacks and we could mingle with both old and new pupils.

I kept my jeans, t.shirt and pumps on, the clothes I was wearing when I arrived, and collected my lightweight cardie off the peg just before I left the dorm. Em hadn’t seen much of Hugh in the holidays and I hadn’t seen Henry at all although we had spoken on the phone almost every week. Em and I collected a drink and found a corner at the top of the room giving us a good view as we watched students enter the doors.

Henry walked in and saw me immediately. He looked like he had grown six inches or more, I don’t remember him being so tall. He sauntered over in our direction and kissed me lightly on the lips, the gesture almost felt awkward after a two month break and I knew at that moment that I hadn’t really missed him.

I stood with my back to the wall while Henry rested his elbow against it, so that he could look around the room and look at me at the same time.

“I missed you,” he said.

“Oh you did not. You were too busy going on fancy holidays and yachting around the Med.”

“I still missed you.”

I didn’t say I missed him too, instead I asked him about his new room-mate.

“He said he would be down soon. He’s a nice guy and will have the room to himself three nights a week.”

“Still casual boarding then?”

“Yeah, we don’t live very far away, so this works for my parents and for me.”

I didn’t live that far from the school but I wanted a little more independence. Lots of my friends were full time boarders and it just felt right to be part of that.

I saw Rachael and Jess on the other side of the room and waved to get their attention.

Rachael waved back and ran over to me, whispering in my ear, “I have just seen the guy who will be the father of my children.”

I squinted amused by such a statement, “Here? At our school? Who?”

“He is over there, the new guy.” She pointed to his location, but I couldn’t see anything with the dinner lady standing in the way. “Near that group of girls.” She stretched out pointing again, but I still couldn’t see anything.

I was not interested at all, but curious to see what Rachael was on about. If I could help hook her up with someone I would. She had told me she sometimes felt a bit left out because she didn’t have a boyfriend. She was certainly pretty and clever in my opinion; she just didn’t like anyone enough. Rachael was petite and slim with cute features and I wondered if the boys at our school found her too fragile, too precious, perhaps even out of their league.

“Well. I’m sure if you like him he will like you. Who wouldn’t? You’re gorgeous.”

“Thanks, Holly.” She smiled.

From a distance I could see that one of the dinner ladies serving drinks had left to go and get some food and drinks. Now I could see the cluster of girls Rachael had talked about.

“Is that where the guy you mentioned is?”

“Yes.” Rachel grinned.

Henry turned around and had his back to me, shielding the view.

“That must be my room-mate,” he told Rachael. “I knew he would have this affect on the girls. He’s a nice looking guy.”

“Not as nice as you, Henry,” I said rubbing his shoulder.

“Come on, Rach. Let me introduce you.”

Henry and Rachael walked away, leaving me on my own. I watched them go and thought how thoughtful Henry was. This confirmed one of the reasons I was still going out with him, he was so nice and would never break my heart. Henry was as good a guy as I was ever going to meet and I genuinely believed that.

I smiled to myself as I thought about good old Henry and turned around to talk to Jess, Em, David and Hugh who were all gathered beside me. They all began to talk about their holidays and I listened to each one of them as they took their turn.

“And this is my girlfriend, Holly,” Henry said tapping me on the shoulder. “Holly I want you to meet my room-mate.”

I smiled turning around to greet Henry’s room-mate, and suddenly everything slowed down, the noise around me quietened, my eyes grew wider, my pupils dilated. What the hell was going on? It felt as if we somehow, somewhere in time had known each other. It was the strangest, peculiar, yet most wonderful feeling I had ever felt. The person in front of me, standing so tall, so strong and unbelievably handsome; with his grey/blue eyes, dark thick almost black hair and perfect kissable lips, was like some kind of God. He had a presence about him, like he could command people’s attention, a leader. I gulped and thought I was going to faint, I fell forward, and he caught me.

“Are you all right?” he asked concerned. I opened my eyes to the sweetness of his voice and for some reason, in that brief moment, I wanted him to stay. I looked around as both Rachael and Henry peered down at me concerned. I had forgotten for a moment that they were there, but as soon as I saw their concern I almost felt embarrassed that they had seen me fall forward like that.

“Holly,” Henry said, stroking my long dark hair off my face. “This is Leo, my room-mate.” He looked at Leo as if to say ‘hand her over’, as I was still in his arms.

Leo gently passed me over to Henry. “Nice to meet you Holly.” He smiled, his beautiful eyes were happy. The way he spoke perfectly, masculine, so deep and strong sent shivers down my spine.

“And you,” I said trying to understand what was happening.

Leo turned on his heals and began to walk away.

Henry held me in his arms and rubbed my back, concerned that I might be unwell. I placed my head neatly between his chest and his upper arm, so I could still see the person I had a need to know more about. Leo turned and glanced back at me, his dark piercing eyes held my gaze, giving me a message, telling me he had felt the pull too.

hapter Eight


I didn’t sleep well that night, thinking intently about my meeting with Leo. It had hit me like lightening and made me feel out of sorts, but not in a bad way. I lay in my bed with my brow fully creased in deep concentration as I tried to make sense of my emotions. Seeing him tonight for the first time was like seeing sunshine on a rainy day; an unexpected wonder. Something about him felt so right, so complete. It reminded me that perhaps on Earth I could meet someone that would make my stomach flutter, someone I wanted to be with all the time.

I had always been told I would feel special with my chosen one, but I hadn’t felt that way for Marcus, at all. I was confused by everything that had happened this evening but couldn’t help wanting to know more about this beautiful stranger. The same feelings and thoughts kept going around in my head, and I knew I would not get to the bottom of it in one night. I rolled over and looked at my bedside clock, it was one in the morning and I needed to get some sleep. I shut my eyes and let my mind slip into a deep slumber.


Our bedroom door opened, it was matron, “Girls, time to get up.”

“Oh no.” I mumbled into my pillow. I could do with some more sleep. I pushed the pillow over my eyes to make it dark. “Emily, tell me when five minutes is up.”

“Come on, get up.” She laughed and threw her pillow at me.

“Oh, all right,” I said dragging myself out of bed in slow motion.

We walked to the showers, washed and dressed. I tied my hair back in a loose pony tail for ease. Emily linked arms with me as we found our way to the dining room. My heart skipped at beat at the thought of seeing Leo again. I pushed open the double doors and scanned the room as quickly as I could but I couldn’t see Leo, or even Henry for that matter. Where were they?  I followed Emily to the food counter and collected a tray and bowl into which I put some cereal and milk. Turning around and watching my tray I knocked straight into...  Leo.

“Oh dear, I am so sorry,” I said embarrassed at my clumsiness. “I can’t believe I did that, I’m such a clutz. I really should watch where I’m going.”

“It’s no problem, don’t sweat it.” He smiled endearingly.

His smile I sent a flurry right up my spine and I didn’t quite know how to respond. I looked away unable to think of anything to say and rushed to the dining table, looking for respite. Rach came over with her warm breakfast of sausages and eggs and perched next to me. She was doing exactly what I was doing; looking at the gorgeous new boy, Leo.

“I really like him, Holly. I think he is so hot, have you seen his body? So fit,” She paused for thought, tilting her head, as she looked him over. “Look at those rugby thighs and his broad shoulders. I’d love to see what’s underneath his uniform.” She playfully shoved me. “And he is so nice. Even Henry likes him.”

“Where is Henry?”

“I think he’s up at the counter getting some breakfast.”

And he was, I was so preoccupied with Leo, I had forgotten about Henry. I would love to have helped Rach secure Leo, but there was no way I could when I wanted him for myself. I would, of course, never tell her that. I pretended to be looking at Henry but really I couldn’t keep my eyes off Leo, and I think he knew it.

Henry walked over to our table bringing Leo with him. He sat across from me and Leo sat next to Henry across from Rachael.

“Morning Hol, have you finished?” he asked looking at the empty contents of my bowl.

“Um yep. Sleep well?” I asked them both hoping my face wasn’t red from blushing.

“Yes, I did actually,” Henry replied.

“I had my mind on something, but eventually I fell asleep. You?” Leo said.

“Yeah, I also had something on my mind, but eventually I fell asleep,” I said looking at him briefly. His deep dark grey/blue piercing eyes looked directly into mine like there was so much more he wanted to say.

“What brings you to our school, Leo?” Rachael asked.

“My parents are living in the Isle of Wight, so I’m at boarding school.”

Rachael asked more and more questions while Henry tried to have a conversation with me. I was trying to concentrate on my conversation with Henry, but kept looking over at Leo from time to time, being careful not to alarm either Henry or Rach. I didn’t like being sneaky and I had always been a good friend, I would never hurt anyone intentionally, I’m a healer for crying out loud. But breaking hearts is different, matters of the heart ware so sacred in Avalon that ruining a heart meant all kinds of problems. I didn’t believe in a chosen one anyway, but what was it I was feeling towards Leo?

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