Awake (7 page)

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Authors: Riana Lucas

BOOK: Awake
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“I am so sorry, Willow.” I hiccup between words, trying not to laugh. “I have no idea where that came from. It was very
warrior-like of me.”

“It's okay. That was rather funny,” she giggles again and rests her hand on her stomach as if it hurts from her laughter.

“So, are you going to show me the dress or what?” I am unsure of how we ended up in the situation we are in, but somehow the dress got lost in all of the confusion and laughter.

“Oh!” She jumps up and begins digging around looking for the missing dress. “Aha!” she announces triumphantly, lifting a length of fabric into the air in front of her. The dress is still on the hanger so I am able to see the full length of the front.

The black dress reaches about mid-calf with a neckline that scoops down in a flattering way without being revealing. The bodice is fitted with a deep-red belt which cinches at the waist, allowing the rest of the dress to flow loosely down around my calves. At the base of the dress, deep-red poppy flowers finish the design, matching the ones pinned onto the left sleeve.

“Oh, Willow! This dress
perfect!” I beam and push myself up from the bed to take the dress from her. “I am going to try it on, and then I will help you pick yours, okay?”

“Of course. Take your time. I'll wait here.” She sits herself back down on my bed and prepares to wait patiently. I cannot help but to laugh as I walk into the washroom: her patient appearance does
fool me.

Not wanting Willow to wait too long, I quickly pull the dress on and find it a perfect fit. Once I have the gown on, I turn and notice the back of the dress for the first time. It has a deep V-shaped opening. Had I seen the opening before, I probably would have decided against it, but it's not revealing or uncomfortable in any way. Once I step out of the room, I move in front of the full-length mirror so I can get the full effect. I do not recall ever wearing a dress before. They are not practical for fighting or for missions, and I have never been in a situation that called for this type of attire. When I gaze back at my reflection, I find myself speechless. I feel a little awkward, but the shock at my appearance overrides the emotion. I look almost beautiful.

Willow steps up behind me, brushing my hair out so it smoothes out long and straight around my shoulders down to my waist. She hands me a pair of strappy black heels with small poppies just above the toes. I put them on before taking another look in the mirror. This is when I notice the poppy flowers on the bottom of the dress constantly shifting and changing. Looking down to get a better look, I realize the flowers are going through the life cycle right in front of my eyes. They start as buds and then bloom into full flowers before the soft petals fall off and drift to the ground around my feet, where they then simply disappear. Then the cycle starts all over again. The process is simply magical.

“It is perfect, Willow. Thank you,” I breathe.

“You're very welcome. Would you like some makeup? I don't think you need any, but if you would like some, I can apply it.”


Willow gives me a startled look but before I can question it, she walks over to the dressing table and brings over a few small containers with different colored powders in them. “This is makeup. You put the powders and glosses on your eyes, lips, and cheeks to enhance them.”

“I know what makeup is, Willow. I just do not see a need for it."

“Are you sure?"

“Yes. I do not wish to paint my face. I like the way I look just fine the way it is,” I say with a decisive nod.

Willow laughs before placing the items back on the table. "Fine, but I'll get you to change your mind eventually," she says with a wink then begins to look around the room. Before I can object to her prediction, she speaks up again. “So, will you help me find a dress that suits me as well?”

“I will, but I must warn you, I have no experience with this. I might pick the wrong thing,” I say as I begin to lift dresses, trying to imagine what they would look like on Willow. After I hesitate over a few, I finally lift one I think would look beautiful on her. I hold up a light green, ankle-length dress
made of
satin but covered in a thin layer of flowing sheer material dotted with small crystals over the entire dress. The straps are thin, and the neck line modest but flattering. The entire dress may appear simple, but I do not think it will be on Willow. When I hold the dress up for approval her eyes light up, but she hesitates before taking it.

“Are you sure, Poppy? This dress is very expensive.”

“Why should I care? The queen gave them all to me, and I am not going to wear all of them. Besides, this one will suit you much better than it would me.” I shrug, trying to act nonchalant. “This is what friends do, anyway. They borrow each other's clothes.”

She beams at me now and snatches the dress as she practically runs into the washroom to change. When she comes out, I feel a bit of pride in picking such a wonderful match for her. She looks stunning. Nothing like the servant she likes to think of herself as. I push her in front of the mirror and mimic what she did with my hair. I brush out her long, thick waves, leaving them loose around her shoulders. It is much longer than I imagined, almost to her waist, which must be why it is always up. It looks like a wild fire around her shoulders, brightening her eyes with the hint of amber I have seen occasionally. They sparkle like the crystals on her dress. She finds a pair of silver shoes with gemstones on them and then takes one final look in the mirror.

“Thank you, Poppy,” she whispers as she looks at me through the mirror. I'm so happy to be spending this time with her, making such a good friend, but I also feel a stab of guilt over Reed and Rho and how they are missing out on sharing this fun moment with me. I wish they were here as well.

I push the sad thoughts aside for now and hold my arm out to Willow. “Shall we?”

She hooks her arm with mine, smiling brightly up at me. “Yes, we shall.”

Chapter Seven

The dining hall at the seelie court is a typical fae dining hall. Music and laughter flow through the room, all of which can be heard even before entering the doors. Every flat surface stands covered in colorful, delicious foods that smell heavenly. Fae of different ages and social standings gather around, enjoying the food, dancing, and admiring the queen who sits in the very center of the room with some of her most loyal friends. She looks stunning, as always, the main focus of all
those around her.

That is, until we enter the dining hall.

Upon entering the dining hall, we became the center of attention. It appears to be the main dinner hour because the hall is filled to what must be beyond capacity. The music and laughter around us dim and all eyes train on us. The sudden, undivided attention is not something either of us is comfortable with. In fact, Willow and I both stumble over each other a few times while trying to find Gideon and Thorne. Heads turn, and whispers spread as we make our way through the crowd. Everyone knows who I am, but I only recognize a select few. I am at a disadvantage, which makes me uncomfortable and fidgety.

We spot them sitting, of course, at the queen's table. I had not noticed them initially, because the queen fills all lines of sight when she is in the room. She is outright magnificent. With her white-blonde hair flowing, her red dress emphasizing her pale skin, and her green eyes sparkling with laughter, she is a sight that would consume anyone's attention.

When we reach the queen's table, some of the noise picks back up, but the people in our immediate surroundings still continue to stare and whisper. All of the male fae seated at the table rise upon our arrival, and Gideon and Thorne quickly move to pull our seats out for us. I wave Gideon away, pulling mine out myself. This is not a date, and I will not allow him to treat it as such. Willow graciously takes her seat as she allows Thorne to assist her. She looks like she knows what she is doing, and so I turn my attention back to the staring fae around me.

“May I help you?” I ask everyone and no one in particular. I refuse to eat my first meal out with people gawking at me while I do so. Raising one eyebrow in question, I make a point to make eye contact with as many fae as possible. Most bow their heads, returning to their own affairs; a select few remain mutinous as they continue to stare; but the whispers stop. I make a mental note to keep an eye on those few.

When I turn back to my company, I notice that everyone is regarding at me with different variations of amusement on their faces. Willow and Gideon are even covering their mouths with their napkins to keep from laughing out loud. I raise my eyebrow at them as well, trying to give them a pointed stare, but the smile that touches my lips lessens the effect.

“Poppy, Willow, it is very nice of you to join us.” Queen Lily smiles politely as she quickly appraises both of us before continuing, “You both look quite lovely as well.” As is customary, the queen is the first one to greet us. She actually looks very pleased. I do not know why, nor do I care to question it at this time, but the thought gratifies me.

“Thank you, my queen,” Willow answers softly beside me. “I hope I am not offending you by wearing one of Poppy's gowns.” I hate the fear I hear in her voice.

“Of course not, my dear. They are Poppy's gowns. She is free to lend them to whomever she chooses. You made a wonderful choice. This one suits you perfectly. You are beautiful, Willow.”

Willow blushes at the compliment and relaxes now that she has her queen's approval. I had not realized how nervous she was over that, although I know I should have. At times, I find it difficult to remember that this is
court, and they hold the queen in a much higher respect than I do. I do respect her, but her opinion is not as important to me as the king's would be.

“What do you think, gentlemen?” The queen smirks when she turns to Gideon and Thorne, who are both openly staring at Willow.

Gideon recovers first, clearing his throat before speaking. “They both look very beautiful.”

“Yes, yes, they do,” Thorne agrees.

Everyone falls silent once again. Willow, oblivious to the attention she is drawing, breaks the silence. “I'm so pleased to be invited to dine with all of you. Thank you very much.”

“Yes, thank you for the invitation. What are we having?” I add.

Everyone finally seems relaxed now that there is a topic to discuss. Gideon provides us both with a brief description of what is being served for dinner.

Most of the fae in the dining hall are provided with a variety of dishes, which are placed on their tables upon arrival. They are able to choose what they would like to eat from there. This usually consists of a few fresh meats, vegetables, a large variety of fruits, and a great deal of fae wine, all items every fae loves. However, at the queen's table, we are able to choose exactly what we would like from a larger menu. The food is prepared fresh for us, then served directly from the kitchen.

As the options are presented by the servants and everyone at our table places their orders, I observe Gideon sneaking glances at Willow. Willow, on the other hand, has no idea. She has become more confident, speaking quite animatedly to the other fae at our table. I am sure Gideon, along with everyone else, was surprised by the transformation in Willow. She is like an altogether different fae. She has always been pretty, but she tried very hard to stay in the shadows, so most did not appreciate her natural beauty. Now she shines and is catching more than just Gideon's eye. We will have to discuss this after dinner.

I continue to observe the other fae at our table. Thorne and Gideon
both very handsome this evening, appear to be having a pleasant time. Four of the queen's friends have also joined us, two on each side of her, and seem to actually be genuine friends of hers. In the unseelie court, all of the king's friends are for appearances alone. They listen to his stories, agree to his comments and suggestions when told, laugh when prompted, and otherwise stay silent.

I am finding many aspects of the seelie court are different from the unseelie, which causes me to grow fonder of this court every day. If not for Rho and Reed…well, that is not even a thought worth thinking. I know I must return to my rightful home.

I look over and see the queen studying me curiously as I have been watching the others. Her beautiful green eyes are soft, giving the impression of contentment. I wonder what has made her so happy. Her friends must bring her a great deal of pleasure. She smiles kindly at me, and I return the smile. I am also content sitting here among those I could in time call my friends. As I finish my glance around the table, I spot an empty chair to the left of the queen. Too busy studying everyone else, I did not realize someone was missing. I do not need to be told who the seat belongs to, though, because she is making her way to it now.


My body tenses automatically, and I sense Willow's does the same. Her head snaps up, eyes darting between me and Holly. My hands reach to my lap so I can pull up my dress. My daggers are strapped to my thighs, above my knees for easy access. I glance over at Willow when her hand touches mine under the table. She shakes her head once, squeezing my hand. How she already knows what I am thinking is a complete mystery to me, but I decide to trust my friend.

I drop the hem of my dress but rest my hands in my lap, just in case. I notice everyone else at the table is tense as well—all but the queen. Making eye contact with her, I see the knowledge in her eyes, along with approval. The queen seems to be aware of what I was thinking and that I am holding back a great deal, trying to be the better fae. She also somehow knows what it is costing me, how difficult it is for me to sit her and remain quite while my enemy approaches. Oddly, it appears as if she is actually…proud?

I shake my head in confusion for the thousandth time. Breakfast could not come soon enough.

Holly had not detected my presence at the table, because she comes to an abrupt stop a few feet away. Her lip curls up at the side as she looks at me. Her hands clench into fists at her side, her features begin to sharpen as her natural instincts to prepare for battle take over.

“Holly!” the queen snaps, quiet but with obvious command. Holly immediately stops, bowing her head like an obedient dog. I almost laugh aloud at the thought. Thankfully I am able to stop myself. That would be rude.

“Forgive me, My Queen,” Holly mumbles.

“We'll see. Now come, sit and use your manners. You will be respectful to
of my guests or you will not join us. Do you understand?”

“Yes, My Queen.” Holly moves slowly to her seat. She shoots one more glare in my direction before turning to the servant who approaches her.

As I watch, a voice says from my other side, “Wow. She really doesn't like you, does she?”

I turn in surprise to the whispered question, and to the fae who voiced it. Thorne winks at me, and this time I cannot help but laugh. Thorne's playful personality was just the right thing to help loosen some of the tension. Willow and Gideon chuckle as well as I take a deep breath. I will not allow her to ruin my evening, not after getting comfortable, and I will not allow her to win. And if I let her get to me, she will be doing just that.

“Well, the feeling is mutual.” I give Thorne a wink along with a grateful smile before continuing, “But I do believe we were discussing much more important things. Willow, what was it you were telling us?” The queen smiles her approval. Holly shoots me a dirty look but losses the scowl and replaces it with a pleasant smile before the queen sees it.

The rest of the evening continues without further incident. We laugh and joke with one another throughout dinner and dessert. The queen spends much of the time talking with us. As she does, I realize she is not only respected by her people but well-liked. Although I am still unsure of the queen's motives for keeping me at her court and treating me so well, I cannot help but admit that I have found myself respecting her. She runs her court much like I would if I were in her place. She's firm yet fair, and she cares for her people.

Spending the last few days here and sitting at this dinner has opened my eyes to the ways of the seelie court as well as to the ways of the unseelie court. I have grown to recognize the ways of my court are not as common as I believed, along with the fact that all fae are not the same. My king is demanding and fierce, cruel and harsh. He does not care for his people, only himself. I used to think those were traits to admire and mimic, but now I am not so sure. Here I can see that fae respect their queen, but they love her as well. The unseelie neither respect nor love King Foxglove. They only fear him.

When dinner finally ends, my mind is reeling with all of my newfound knowledge. The queen is the first to leave the table, rising elegantly while wishing everyone a good night. I notice Holly rise as well, before moving to the queen's side and trailing behind her as she walks a few feet from the table. Before the queen can get too far, she turns back to us. “Poppy? Would you walk with me for a moment, please?”

Holly, who had remained silent throughout the entire evening, stiffens by the queen's side. She glances back at me, and there is an expression in her eyes I have not seen before—one of hurt. Then she quickly turns back to the queen, causing me almost to wonder if what I saw was even there.

I recall Willow telling me how close the two of them are and wonder if she feels threatened by me. If this is the case, then I understand Holly's hostility a bit more, but it still does not explain why she tried to kill me in the human world. I had not been in the seelie court yet. There was no way for her to know how the queen would treat me. Before I can say anything, Holly walks briskly away from the queen. She is out of sight before I can blink.

I turn my attention back to the queen, who is staring in the direction where Holly has just disappeared. She looks a bit sad, but when she turns back to me, her smile lights up her eyes once again. This reaction makes me more eager to spend a few moments alone with her. Our breakfast in the morning has been at the back of my mind all night. I practically jump at the opportunity to sneak in a few questions and possible answers.

I turn to my friends to wish everyone a good night, thanking Gideon and Thorne for a nice dinner. Willow pulls me in for a quick hug, whispering in my ear as she does, “Thank you so much, Poppy.” I can hear the tears in her voice, and so I squeeze her tight.

“You are welcome,” I whisper back. Then more loudly I say, “Gideon, would you be a gentleman and escort Willow back to her room, please?”

“Of course. I would be honored.” He moves closer to me as if to embrace me, but when I narrow my eyes at him, he quickly takes a step back, and his cheeks turn pink. Thorne does not miss the action, causing him to stifle a laugh. I shake my head and tell them all good-night once again before making my way to the queen's side.

The conversation is light as we begin to walk together.

“So you truly aren't interested in Gideon?” She gives me a sly look that I return with a stern one, which only causes her to giggle. I cannot help but to smile at her. “Okay, okay. I think it might be for the best anyway. He seemed unable to take his eyes off our Willow, did he not?”

I smile once again, having had the same thought. “Yes, he did. He is a very kind fae and very strong. Willow needs someone like him.”

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