Awake (10 page)

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Authors: Riana Lucas

BOOK: Awake
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Chapter Ten

Recognizing there are no other options, I gaze at the group around me. “Well, is everyone ready?” I ask with false cheer, of which I am sure everyone is aware—if the smirks on their faces are any indication. I look over each one of them critically, checking their attire, weapons, and intensity. Even though they are all wearing those smirks, they are ready for battle.

Holly is the first to catch my eye, but I move my gaze past her. She's always prepared, and I am relieved that I do not have to worry about her fighting capabilities or readiness. There is no doubt in my mind she will be able to handle herself. Watching my back to make sure she does not put a dagger in it—now, that
be something to worry about. As if the queen has read my thoughts, she pulls Holly aside. Her voice is low, but I can hear her warning Holly how important it is that she keep me safe. I want to cut in so I can tell her I do not need anyone to protect me, especially Holly, but I think better of it. If Holly is forbidden to harm me, I can worry about more important things.

Like Willow, standing there with her spine straight and her head held up rebelliously. I have gotten to know her pretty well over the last few days, so I can tell she is not as confident as her outside appearance portrays. Although she is hiding her emotions well, there is still a hint of worry in her eyes. I approach her with the intention of talking to her about this, but she stops me.

Her eyes hold a fierce glare when she says, “I know that you're worried about me and don't want me to come with you. But I am very smart when it comes to strategy and puzzles. If the need arises, I can help you with those things. Otherwise, I will stay out of the way and won't slow you down. But I must come with you, Poppy.”

The determination in her voice, as well as the case she has made for herself, gives me pause. I have seen her use small amounts of magic and can appreciate how she uses her power with an ease that most other fae wish for. Although she is a mere servant, I have been told that her healing abilities are recognized around the court, and she is one of the most sought-after healers here. Still, I ask, “Why
you go?”

She hesitates but for a second. “You're my one and only friend. If anything happened to you, I don't know what I would do. Besides, I'm a good healer. You'll probably need me."

She is right about that, but still. “I do not want anything to happen to you, Willow. If I failed to protect you…” I gaze at her, willing her to understand, but her determination will not allow her to relent.

Blowing out a breath, my shoulders sag, and I recognize I cannot stop her if she truly wishes to come along.

“Fine, but you must listen to everything I tell you and do exactly as I say at all times. Do you understand?” I finally give in.

“Oh, yes! I promise, Poppy. I swear,” she says very seriously, but she can't seem to stop the huge smile from breaking out on her face. I shake my head in exasperation.

“Um, excuse me, Poppy?” Gideon says from behind us.

I turn and wait.

“I hope you aren't offended by my and Thorne's offer to assist in your rescue mission. We both feel very strongly about our court and our princess, and it is our duty to help and protect you if we can. We respectfully request to help in any way possible on this mission.”

“Duty,” I say mockingly, knowing that is the only reason they are offering to assist me. “Yes, I realize I
the princess and you must protect me. I understand the politics that come along with my position, and I grant you and Thorne permission to accompany me. Make no mistake, though. I may be the princess but I am a
fae first. I can and will protect myself. Do not try to stop me or command me because
am in charge of this mission unless
state otherwise.” I glance around at everyone, waiting for some sort of acknowledgment. They all nod—everyone except Holly, of course.

Before I can say anything further, Gideon moves a little closer, saying softly, “We aren't here only out of duty, Poppy. You're our friend. We
for you and want to help.” He puts more emphasis on the
care for you
part than I like, but I understand what he's trying to do.

“Thank you,” I tell him. “It is an honor to have all of you as my friends.”

“Thank you.” He straightens, taking a step back with the others. They all get in line, shoulder to shoulder—except, once again, for Holly. “Not only are we honored to fight by the side of our friend, but it's our privilege to assist our princess in whatever mission she deems necessary.” In his warrior voice, Gideon adds, “Give us your orders, Princess Poppy.”

“Well, now that there is a group of us, we must first discuss a plan of action. I must admit that I have never gone on a mission with others. Usually I work alone, so you will all need to bear with me and give me time to adjust to working as a team.”

“Yes, Princess,” they all say at once.

“My first order is for you all to stop addressing me as Princess." I shoot the queen a look of apology but I must insist. If we are all to be friends, I want to be treated like one. "I am
, always.”

They all turn to the queen. Part of me wants to yell at them to listen to
but that would contradict exactly what I am seeking from them. So instead, I wait patiently for the queen to give her approval. When she does, I draw everyone's attention once again.

“Okay, so now we make a plan. I am familiar with the layout of the unseelie court, so I know where my friends are being held. It should not be that difficult to rescue them. We can only shimmer so close to the unseelie court without tipping the guards off that there are intruders among the court, though, so we will have to spend some time in the woods, making the rest of our journey on foot. As you all
aware, the woods are not safe. They are full of unclaimed fae who are loyal to only themselves. They will not hesitate to kill any one of us.”

I look into each of their eyes to make sure they understand the danger we will encounter in the faery woods. When I reach Willow's innocent eyes, I begin to worry once more. “Gideon, you will keep Willow as close to you as possible at all times. You will protect her before even me. Give her a weapon she can handle with no trouble, and give her a few quick tips in case she needs it. But I do not want her out of your sight, ever.”

He appears upset for a brief moment, probably because agreeing will mean if I am in danger, he must still defend Willow, but I do not care. I can take care of myself, but Willow cannot.

“Of course, I will protect her with my life,” he vows, inclining his head in a show of respect. I see Willow blush slightly, but she stays silent. She recognizes this must be done to keep her alive.

“Very good.” I nod before continuing, “We will shimmer to the closest point of the unseelie court before making our way through the woods. We should arrive at the edge of the unseelie court just before nightfall. Once we reach this point, I will take Gideon and Thorne with me into the court. I know where Reed and Rho are being kept, so if all goes as planned, it should only take a short time to find them and get back out. Then we can make our way back to the woods. There, we will be able to shimmer back home. This mission should take no time at all and we should be home by dinner.”

Everyone nods in agreement and understanding.

“And what would you like me to do,
Your Majesty
?” Holly sarcastically asks.

“You will stay with Willow when we enter the court. And I just asked you not to call me that,” I snap.

This time the queen interjects. “Poppy, I would prefer that Holly join you when you enter the court. I know how dangerous this is, and I wish for you to be as protected as possible.”

“We will be in more danger if there are too many of us. It will draw attention.” Although my statement is true, my reasoning is more because I also do not want Holly or Willow going into the unseelie court with me.

“I understand, but your life is very important not only to me, but to the entire seelie court. You must remain protected at all times. I ‘m not insisting you take the entire guard with you like I should be, but if you are taking these few warriors, then they must all remain at your side. I've already lost you once. I am not prepared to lose you again so soon after I found you.”

I understand her concern, but I have my own. “Willow will not be safe if she enters the court. I do not want her harmed,” I argue.

“I understand your concern, but Willow is a very capable warrior. Don't let her lack of formal training fool you. You'll all be safer if you remain together at all times, including when you enter the court,” She argues back.

“I do not wish to speak against either of you, but, Poppy, I must agree with our queen.” This is from Thorne, who has remained quiet the entire time. “Our numbers are small enough that we'll be able to move through the halls quietly, but if we're noticed, it would be better if we were all there to fight together.”

I look to the others for their input; they all offer a quick word of agreement. Holly is the only one that has more to say.

Speaking to Thorne, not me, she says, “You're right. Our small group is an advantage in stealth, but not if it comes to a battle. If we fight, we must all do so together.” Holly and Thorne share a smile that I choose to ignore. I need no other puzzles right now.

A good leader recognizes when to give in to a majority vote and a solid plan. We must stay together. The risk will be greater to each of us, but as a group, we have a better chance at success. Right now I must put my own pride aside and consider what's best for Reed and Rho.

“Okay, then. That is what we will do. I would like to leave as soon as possible. Gideon and Thorne, if you would please take Willow to the training room, make sure she knows the basics of self-defense, and how to handle the weapon which suits her best.”

They both nod and begin walking to the training room. Willow takes a step to follow, but I stop her. “Willow?”

“Yes, Poppy?”

“I know you are capable of taking care of yourself. I have full confidence in you, but please pay close attention to what they teach you. It may save your life.”

“I know, Poppy. I will,” she says, her eyes sharp and bright, her mouth set in a firm line, showing the fierceness of a true warrior. With that, I allow myself to hope everything will be okay. She turns to walk away again, and I notice for the first time what she is wearing. Her green, form-fitting pants and long-sleeved shirt are definitely fae-made and ideal for battle. It looks as if a vine of ivy has started at her feet, winding and weaving its way around her entire body, leaving only her hands, neck, and head uncovered. Although it may appear tight and uncomfortable, the material is made to move with our bodies, allowing for fluid movement, and the colors will allow her to blend into the woods. Her hair is pulled into a braid similar to mine. She looks like she is ready to do battle.

I shiver at the thought, hoping it does not come to that. If everything goes according to plan, we will not encounter anyone else. We will have Reed and Rho safe and back in the seelie court in just a few short hours. Once the others are out of sight, I turn to face Holly and my mother.

The queen and Holly face each other, deep in conversation, and so I take the opportunity to study my mother more critically, trying to make comparisons between the two of us. Similarities are difficult to find. Where she is light, I am dark. Her white blonde hair, like that of the sun on a bright, beautiful day, contradicts the black and red of mine which looks more like the night with fire streaking through it. My body type, though tall, lacks the daintiness hers possesses; mine being more muscular and a bit curvier. Where she appears fragile, as if she would break if hugged too tightly, I look fierce and deadly, true to my warrior nature. Her pale skin seems almost translucent, and mine is darker by fae standards. My features are sharper and more defined, like that of the unseelie fae, though not quite as severe.

Thinking of the differences between us makes me question how easily I accepted the fact that she is my mother, but then she gazes at me. That is when I remember what is undeniably similar between us: the eyes. We both share the odd, soft green eyes that are so rare among our kind.

Varying eye color is very common among fae, but they typically match the fae's hair or skin. For us to have green eyes but no other green features is almost unheard of. All my life, I have felt as if I did not quite belong to the unseelie court. Not only because I looked so different, but because I felt different too. These feelings had me questioning many of their ways, even though I never asked those questions nor voiced my concerns aloud because I knew better. Knowing my other heritage helps explain why I always felt at war with myself.

That still did not explain why the king would take me from the queen. Why would he not only raise me as an unseelie fae, but allow my training to be so intense? In a short time, my fighting ability has surpassed every other warrior my age in his court. Why would he risk having such a highly trained
warrior in his court? Now that I am aware of who my mother is and that I was taken from her by the king, I am questioning everything else in my life. Puzzle after puzzle keep presenting themselves; it seems as if there is always something new popping up for me to figure out. The sad part is I will probably never learn the answers to these questions. I do not plan
to ever
see or speak to Damien or the king again. If I had the unfortunate chance to do so…Well, let us just hope it does not happen, because now that I understand more of where I come from and who I am, I know it is a situation I will not walk away from. The king would never allow me to return to my mother.

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