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Authors: Lance Parkin,Lars Pearson

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2007 - School Reunion

Mickey called in the tenth Doctor and Rose to help investigate Deffry Vale School. The Doctor posted a winning lottery ticket through the letterbox of one of the physics teachers and took their place. He met Sarah Jane Smith, who was also investigating the school. The Krillitanes were using the children’s brains to formulate the Skasas Paradigm - an equation which could be used to control “the building blocks of the universe”, even to the point of rewriting the past. The reactivated K9 sacrificed himself to destroy the Krillitanes.

The Doctor built a new K9 for Sarah Jane. Mickey joined the TARDIS crew.

The new K9 contained a compartment with a number of helpful gadgets for Sarah Jane, like the sonic lipstick.
A black hole was released following a Swiss laboratory accident. K9 contained it, but this fully occupied his time, so he was unable to help Sarah Jane on her adventures.

c 2007 - “The Green-Eyed Monster” (

When Rose was infected by an alien worm that ate emotions, the tenth Doctor induced great jealousy in her by setting Mickey up with a girlfriend, and having an adventure on the planet of the Amazastians (the entire population of whom were beautiful teenage girls, much to the mystification of even their own scientists). The Doctor resorted to kissing Jackie, which overloaded the alien worm.

2007 - Borrowed Time

Little Green Storage had installed a storage facility, the internal dimensions of which were compressed down to 7.5% normal, beneath the Millennium Dome. This provided a service to space travellers on Earth, which Little Green regarded as “the most frequently attacked colonised, exploited and enslaved planet in the five galaxies”.

Members of the Ah N’Drubrn Clan of Warrior Molluscs were currently residing in the Thames. The Doctor had access to Galactic Enquiries, a newly introduced service that could provide an individual’s phone number based upon such data as their sporting interests, their mother’s name and whether or not they had a stain on their tie that day.

A parasitic organism posed as “Jane Blythe”, a high-ranking personal assistant at Lexington International Bank. Blythe’s avatars, Mr Symington and Mr Blenkinsop, offered select individuals Time Harvesters: wristwatches that they could use to borrow extra time. Interest was accrued at a rate of five minutes per hour,
every hour
, meaning the debt quickly exceeded the borrowers’ lifespans. Blythe traded the accrued debt on the Time Market.

The eleventh Doctor, Amy and Rory ran afoul of Blythe when they arrived to observe the bank’s historic collapse. Amy used a Time Harvester to spend more time with her husband, her parents and by herself, and the Doctor surrendered twenty-five years of his life to pay off the debt that this accrued. Blythe sought to sell the Doctor - the last remaining Time Lord - on the Time Market. He achieved an estimated value of five inhabited galaxies (about fifteen sextillion lives) before Blythe suffered a liquidity crisis. The Doctor bought Earth’s outstanding debt for a second a decade. Blythe became a fugitive from the Time Market.

= 2007 (1st February) - Rise of the Cybermen / The Age of Steel
The TARDIS materialised in a parallel universe with military checkpoints in the streets and zeppelins in the skies. The tenth Doctor, Rose and Mickey found that Rose’s father Pete Tyler was alive in this reality, and had become rich from selling a health drink called Vitex Lite. Pete was preparing for Jackie’s fortieth birthday party, and the guests included the President of Great Britain and a Torchwood agent named Stevie.
This world was home to a New South America and a New Germany. The Torchwood Institute was releasing studies to the public. The Bio-Convention required the registration of new lifeforms. Rose was never born on this world, but the Tylers owned a small dog with the same name.
John Lumic’s Cybus Industries owned “just about every company” in Britain, including Vitex. Cybus had sold EarPods to virtually everyone. Lumic himself was dying, and had developed a robot body that could house the human brain. His agents, operating through a dummy company named International Electromatics
, started rounding up the homeless to convert into such cybernetic beings. Mickey discovered that his alternate self, Ricky, ran a resistance cell.
Lumic activated his cyborgs - the Cybermen - and they stormed Jackie’s birthday party. The President was killed, and many guests were captured. Lumic transmitted a signal via the EarPods to all Londoners, making them march to Battersea Power Station to undergo conversion. Cybermen took to the streets, and Ricky was killed.
The Doctor confronted Lumic - who against his will had been converted into the Cyber Controller. Cyber-conversion factories had been built on all seven continents, but the Doctor instructed Mickey on how to deactivate the Cybermen’s emotional inhibitors. Mentally unable to confront the nature of their lost humanity, the Cybermen malfunctioned. The Doctor and his allies escaped in Lumic’s zeppelin, destroying the Power Station and the Controller.
Mickey remained in the parallel universe to help liberate it from the remaining Cybermen.

Back in our universe, the Doctor and Rose met Jackie for a tearful reunion.

= On Pete’s World, the People’s Republic took control of Torchwood. The Cybermen were sealed in their factories, but a debate ensued about what to do with them, as they were living beings. Some Cybermen infiltrated Torchwood and vanished.

2007 - I am a Dalek

A Dalek left over from the Time War activated the Dalek Factor within the human Kate Yates. The tenth Doctor and Rose deactivated the Dalek, neutralising the Dalek Factor within Kate.

c 2007 - 100: “Bedtime Story”

Near Harrogate, the sixth Doctor accompanied Evelyn as she paid respects to one of her former students - Jacob Williams - regarding the death of his father Frank. The Doctor exposed the shapeshifting creature responsible for the Williams family “curse”, but the shapeshifter rendered Evelyn, Jacob and Frank’s wife Mary immobile - just as it had with Frank. The Doctor tricked the creature into thinking the Williams line had ended, then showed his charges the wonders of the universe in the TARDIS - and returned them home once they had recovered.

2007 - Love & Monsters

A “Bad Wolf” virus had corrupted Torchwood’s files on Rose.

Elton Pope had been obsessed with the Doctor ever since seeing him as a child. He became a member of the group LINDA (London Investigation ‘N’ Detective Agency), which was made up of other people for whom the Doctor’s existence filled a gap in their lives.

On a Tuesday night in March, the group fell under the sway of Victor Kennedy. He was secretly an Abzorbaloff from Clom, the twin planet of Raxacoricofallapatorius, who wanted to absorb the Doctor and his memories. Elton briefly met the tenth Doctor and Rose as they fought an alien Hoix, then later struck up a friendship with Jackie Tyler - in an attempt to get close to Rose. The Doctor and Rose tracked down Elton because he was “stalking” Rose’s mother, and together they confronted the Abzorbaloff - who was defeated, and burst. Elton continued his relationship with Ursula, a member of LINDA, even though she had become a living paving slab.

Daily Telegraph
ran the headline: “Saxon Leads Polls with 64 per cent”. Four more months of government paralysis were forecast.
Ghosts started appearing around the world, but people got used to them.

2007 (Monday, June 25th) - Turn Left

Donna Noble, a Chiswick resident
, was offered temp work with HC Clements, but her mother insisted that she consider a full-time position as a secretary with Jival Chowdry’s photocopy service. At one minute past 10 am, Donna made a fateful decision while driving: turn left and continue on to HC Clements, or turn right to interview for the full-time job. She turned left, and so went on to meet the tenth Doctor.

(=) Owing to the intervention of one of the Trickster’s Brigade, a parallel timeline was created in which Donna turned right. Rose Tyler and UNIT aided the alternate version of Donna in travelling back to the temporal junction point, enabling the alt-Donna to sacrifice her life to cause a traffic jam so her other self would turn left. History was placed back on track.

2007 - Army of Ghosts / Doomsday

Torchwood sought to obtain energy independence for the United Kingdom, and had been using particle engines to further open the temporal breach in Canary Wharf. A Voidship, designed to exist outside space and time, came through the breach; Torchwood took to studying it. The parallel-Earth Cybermen as created by Lumic followed in the Voidship’s wake, and were manifesting on Earth as ghostly figures.

The tenth Doctor and Rose returned home to find that the public had accepted ghost appearances as a fact of life. Many media shows, including
, discussed the phenomenon.

The Doctor tracked the appearances of the ghosts to Torchwood HQ in Canary Wharf, and confronted the head of Torchwood, Yvonne Hartman. Soon after, the Cybermen achieved full manifestation - five million of them materialised from the parallel universe and occupied the planet. Hartman was forced to undergo Cyber-conversion. A Cyberman was seen strangling the host of
Martha Jones’ cousin, Adeola Oshodi, worked for Torchwood London and died just prior to the Cybermen takeover.

Meanwhile, four Daleks - members of the Cult of Skaro, a secret order above even the Dalek Emperor - emerged from the Voidship with a Genesis Ark. The Cybermen and Daleks began fighting, and the Daleks opened the Ark - a Time Lord prison containing millions of Daleks. With the help of Pete Tyler and Mickey who had arrived from Pete’s World), the Doctor and Rose opened a gateway to the Void and sucked all the Cybermen and Daleks into the gap between universes. The Cult of Skaro Daleks fled to the 1930s, but the Void was forever sealed. Rose, Jackie and Mickey were left trapped in the parallel universe with the alternate Pete.

After the battle, Rose and Jackie were listed as dead.

These events became known as The Battle of Canary Wharf.
Captain Jack read Rose and Jackie’s names on the official list of those killed in the battle, and believed they had died.
During the battle, Donna Noble was scuba-diving in Spain.

Items in the Torchwood HQ archives before the battle had included a particle gun, a magna-clamp that was found in a spaceship at the base of Mount Snowdon and a sarcophagus. Torchwood still used the Imperial weight system, having refused to go metric.

The Cybermen had converted a number of the Torchwood London staff, but the conversion of Lisa Hallett - Ianto Jones’ girlfriend - was interrupted by their defeat. Ianto cared for her in secret.

Three Cybermen who were built on our Earth survived and escaped from the Torchwood Tower with an alien teleportation device. They set up a base inside the Millennium Dome.
The Cybertechnology Institute of Osaka was founded to learn the secrets of Cybertechnology. It was headed by a Dr Tanizaki.

The Cybermen stole from the Daleks a dimension vault as well as information about the Doctor, which they placed on an infostamp.
Two members of Torchwood Cardiff scoured the remains of Torchwood London to prevent its equipment falling into the wrong hands.
They failed to prevent billionaire Joshua Naismith from acquiring an alien device, the Immortality Gate, from the ruins.

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