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Authors: Lance Parkin,Lars Pearson

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2007 (December) - TW: Random Shoes

Prior to this, there had been a trade for Dogon sixth eyeballs.

Eugene Jones had become a Torchwood groupie of sorts. He tried to raise funds by selling his Dogon sixth eye on eBay, but this led to a string of events in which Eugene swallowed the eyeball - and it kept his spirit tethered to Earth when he died in a hit and run. Eugene’s shade accompanied Gwen as she investigated his death, and he manifested enough to save her life from an oncoming car at his funeral. Gwen and her comrades watched as Eugene then vanished into a haze of light, as if departing for the great beyond.

2007 (18th-24th December) - TW: Out of Time

Pilot Diane Holmes and two of her passengers - Emma Louise Cowell and John Ellis - emerged from the Cardiff Rift, having flown into it in 1953. The three reacted differently to life in the future - Emma thrived, John killed himself and Diane became lovers with Owen. On 24th December, she flew her plane back into the Rift, expecting to find adventures anew.

2007 (Christmas Eve) - The Runaway Bride

The huon particles within Donna Noble caused her to dematerialise from her wedding ceremony, and to re-appear in the TARDIS. Returning her to Earth, the tenth Doctor had to rescue her from Roboforms disguised as Santas. This time, the robot “pilot fish” served the Empress of Racnoss, a huge spider-like creature and ancient enemy of the Time Lords.

From an abandoned Torchwood facility below the Thames Barrier, the Empress harvested the huon particles within Donna - the key to awakening the only other surviving members of the Racnoss, who were trapped at the Earth’s core. The Empress also killed her ally, Donna’s fiancé Lance. The Doctor emptied the Thames into a tunnel leading to the core, killing the Racnoss below. Under orders from Mr Saxon, British Army tanks destroyed the Empress and her spaceship.

(=) 2007 (Christmas Eve) - Turn Left
In the timeline where Donna turned right, she was celebrating a job promotion when the Racnoss Empress’ ship (the “Christmas Star”) attacked London. At the scene, she saw UNIT taking away the tenth Doctor’s body - for lack of Donna convincing him to show restraint and leave, he had been killed without regenerating. Rose arrived to find the Doctor, too late.

Donna’s grandfather, Wilfred Mott, was unable to attend her wedding because he had the Spanish flu.
The Racnoss incident helped Mr Saxon come to prominence with the public.

Meeting the Doctor changed Donna’s life. She tried travelling abroad, including a trip to Egypt, but found it mediocre. Finally, she sought out mysterious happenings, looking for the Doctor.


San Francisco fell into the sea.
The Doctor stopped the End, Rue, Burn Doomsday Cult from destroying London.
Martha Jones owned a television made by Magpie Electricals.

(=) Manipulated by the poodle people of the Dogworld, John Fuchas produced a movie “adaptation” of
The True History of Planets
in 2008 that abandoned the original book in favour of a story about the deposed poodle Princess Margaret. The eighth Doctor prevented this timeline from ever happening.

Ed Gold was born in Australia in 2008, a time when his country was seriously lagging behind in the space race.
Clyde Langer won First Place in a Park Vale drawing competition in 2008.
Theo Lawson, a genius teenage hacker, caused a confidence crisis in the banking system that triggered a domino effect and led to a global recession.

2008 (1st January) - The Girl Who Never Was

Charley was deeply upset by the eighth Doctor’s dispassionate reaction to the death of C’rizz - their travelling companion - and demanded that he take her home. He set course for Singapore Harbour, New Year’s Eve, 1930, but a “temporal hump” diverted the TARDIS to the same location at the start of 2008.

Charley wrote the Doctor a goodbye note at the Singapore Hilton, then agreed to join him for one last investigation when the long-lost SS
mysteriously reappeared at sea. The
was riddled with temporal corrosion - a known TARDIS-killer that engaged the Ship’s HADS and transported Charley back to 1942, stranding her there while the TARDIS returned to this time.

The Doctor encountered an elderly Madeline Fairweather - who still thought her name was “Charlotte Pollard” - and her son, the smuggler Byron. To eliminate the Cybermen in the
’s hold, the Doctor made the vessel to collide with an iceberg. Madeline was killed, and the Doctor, deducing the real Charley’s location, went back to 1942.

The TARDIS finally returned to this time, with the unconscious Doctor inside, after a side trip to the year 500,002. The Doctor failed to realise that Charley had been left behind in 500,002 and went looking for her - only to find her goodbye note. He presumed that she’d left his company for good.

c 2008 - TW: Combat

Torchwood found that an unidentified group was kidnapping Weevils. Jack and company found the Weevils were being used by thrill-seeking businessmen in a “fight club” scenario and shut the operation down.

2008 (20th January) - TW: Captain Jack Harkness

A tip-off prompted Captain Jack and Tosh to investigate the deserted Ritz dance hall, but the Rift flared up and catapulted them back to the building as it was on 20th January, 1941. The Ritz caretaker, Bilis Manger, could travel through time and was attempting to manipulate Torchwood into fully opening the Rift. Owen was desperate to get Diane back, and used the group’s Rift Manipulator to open the Rift. This enabled Jack and Tosh to return home, but although the Rift seemed to close...

2008 - TW: End of Days

Opening the Rift had caused it to splinter, and it started depositing people from the past around the world. The Beatles were seen playing on the roof of Abbey Road Studios, a quarantine was established when someone arrived through time with the Black Death, and a Roman soldier murdered two people. UFOs were sighted over the Taj Mahal, and a samurai went on a rampage in the Tokyo subway system. Concurrent with these events, the Torchwood operatives saw visions of their dead or missing loved ones - each of them recommending that the Rift should be opened.

Bilis Manger was an acolyte of the devil-like being Abaddon, and had arranged these events as a means of freeing his master. The Torchwood operatives rebelled against Jack and opened the Rift, which loosed Abaddon to tower over the city. Abaddon’s shadow killed anyone it touched, but Jack allowed Abaddon to feed off his immortal life energy. This overloaded Abaddon and killed him - Jack revived after spending some days in a coma.

He then disappeared as the TARDIS arrived...

2008 - Utopia

The tenth Doctor and Martha landed in Cardiff to refuel the TARDIS at the Rift. Captain Jack hurried to meet them, and found himself hanging on as the TARDIS launched itself into the Vortex. The trio found themselves in the year 100,000,000,000,000. The Doctor reclaimed the severed hand he’d lost fighting the Sycorax leader, which Jack had in his possession.

2008 - TW: Consequences: “Kaleidoscope”

Gwen became the interim head of Torchwood Cardiff. Her team secured an alien device, a “Rehabilitator”, that could morph anyone seen through it into their “more ideal” selves.

2008 (28th-29th February) - The Condemned

The Shinx were an economically successful and generally low-key race from the planet Shinus. They had red, jelly-like skin, but could use DNA patches to look human. The Shinx government opened a covert embassy on Earth for benefit of any Shinx there.

The sixth Doctor and Charley arrived in Manchester, 2008, and found the body of Kord, a Shinx embassy official. With help from DI Patricia Menzies, they thwarted a Shinx operating on Earth as a mobster named Slater. He’d hoped to perfect a device that emitted a peculiar form of radiation - one that dissolved a being’s physical form and placed their consciousness within a piece of architecture; a much more economic means of dominating a planet than outright invading it.

(=) 2008 - The Haunting of Thomas Brewster
In an alternate version of 2008 that was unlikely to come to pass, smoke-like beings controlled Earth. They reduced the planet to ash, ruin and charred bodies to gain the energy needed to send information back to the eighteenth century, and conveyed instructions on how to create a time corridor. The young Thomas Brewster, convinced he was seeing visions of his dead mother, cobbled together such a device.
Brewster travelled to this timeline by hijacking the TARDIS, but the fifth Doctor and Nyssa followed in a later version of the Ship. The Doctor preprogrammed the earlier TARDIS to return to 1833, then left with Nyssa and Brewster. Owing to events in 1865, the smoke-beings’ history collapsed entirely.

c 2008 - “Warkeeper’s Crown”

Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart vanished from a passing out ceremony at Sandhurst, and materialised on an alien world where he quickly met up with the tenth Doctor - and discovered he had been named “warkeeper elect” of a world of dragons and ogres. The original Warkeeper’s influence was waning, and so he had brought the Doctor and Brigadier to the Slough of the Disunited Planets. The Brigadier asked for Mike Yates to help him, but the wrong Mike Yates - a xenophobic would-be MP - was summoned. As trolls started to overrun the Keep, the Doctor and Brigadier discovered the clone vats that kept the war supplied with troops. The whole planet was, in fact, an R&D facility for galactic arms dealers, and they shut down the operation.

Back on Earth, Yates tried to use the demons to further his political career, but the Doctor and Brigadier arrived back with an army of cloned Brigadiers and stopped him.

2008 (March) - The Eleventh Hour

Earth was a Level Five planet with six billion people on it.

The eleventh Doctor returned to Amelia Pond and Leadworth... twelve years after he promised he would. Amy had grown up, and was now working as a girl who delivered kissograms while dressed as a policewoman, a nurse or a nun. The Atraxi followed the Doctor’s time trail via a Crack in Time, and threatened to destroy Earth unless Prisoner Zero - a multi-form who had been hiding in Amy’s house for twelve years - was handed over to them.

The Doctor met Amy’s “sort-of boyfriend” Rory Williams. To help the Atraxi locate Prisoner Zero, the Doctor arranged a video conference with NASA, Jodrell Bank, the Tokyo Space Centre and the Doctor’s friend, Sir Patrick Moore. They spread a computer virus that the Doctor prepared; it reset every digital number and clock in the world to read “0”. This directed the Atraxi’s attention to Leadworth, whereupon they captured Prisoner Zero and withdrew. The Doctor called the Atraxi back to warn them that Earth was under his protection.

The Doctor made a short trip to the moon and back to recalibrate the TARDIS. He intended to return for Amy, but wouldn’t reappear for another two years...

The Prisoner Zero crisis was passed off as a computer fault.
The Rift transported 15-year-old Jonah Bevan to an alien locale, where he looked into the heart of a dark star and went mad. After the Rift returned Jonah to Earth, he resided at Jack Harkness’ convalescent home for Rift abductees.
Alan and Chrissie Jackson, Maria’s parents, split up when Chrissie ran off with her judo instructor.

In May 2008, Torchwood recovered the Betamax recorder that fell through the Rift in 1982.
Donna’s father, Geoff Noble, died

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