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Authors: Lance Parkin,Lars Pearson

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In 2009, Hyperville opened - at five square miles, it was the largest shopping mall in Europe. The Nestene-controlled Elizabeth Devonshire had facilitated construction of Hyperville for benefit of the Nestene unit she was nursemaiding, and also arranged for production of Plastinol-2: an all-purpose plastic intended to serve as the chief substance of a new generation of Autons. At this time, Kate Maguire, age 16, was given an all-access Hypercard to Hyperville by a mysterious stranger - the tenth Doctor, who knew they would need the card in 2013.

UNIT repelled an advance party of Ice Warriors.
Craig Owens (a future flatmate of the Doctor) and his friend Sophie met at a call centre.
The last of the Steggosians attempted to wipe out Earth with poison. The tenth Doctor fought him on top of Big Ben, and the fight ended with the Steggosian Captain falling to his death.

The Sontarans collaborated with Luke Rattigan in a new bid to conquer Earth. Rattigan’s company distributed the Sontaran-based Atmospheric Omission System (ATMOS), a navigation system and means of reducing carbon dioxide emissions in cars to zero. Before long, it was fitted as standard on all UK government vehicles.
Some bees on Earth were migrant bees from the planet Melissa Majoria. Sensing danger approaching due to the Daleks’ reality bomb, they began returning home.

2009 - Peri and the Piscon Paradox

The fifth Doctor and Peri dealt with a suicidal Piscon named Zarl - or so they believed. The sixth Doctor, sensing something awry about the incident, revisited it... and accidentally killed Zarl before his previous self had defeated him. The sixth Doctor fulfilled history by disguising himself as Zarl, and was aided by Peri’s contemporary self: Dr Perpugilliam Brown, a talk show host and three-time divorcee who convinced her younger self that she was a secret agent for the X-Files. Thinking “Zarl” defeated, the fifth Doctor and “his” Peri left. The older Peri declined to travel with the sixth Doctor again.

c 2009 - The Sontaran Games

The tenth Doctor arrived at the British Academy of Sporting Excellence (BASE), where elite athletes were training for the Globe Games. A group of Sontarans from the Twelfth Sontaran Fleet, led by Major Stenx, forced everyone there to a series of physical challenges to assess human prowess - those who failed were killed or fed to Sontar Sand Shrews. The BASE athletes gained the upper hand, and killed Stenx’s Sontarans. The Doctor realised that Emma, one of the athletes, was a Rutan spy wanting to stage a diplomatic incident at the Games, which would trigger a war and allow the Rutans to invade. She seemed to consider the Doctor’s offer that she abandon her plan and let him take her away from the Sontaran-Rutan conflict - but before she could decide, she and Stenx died in combat with one another. The Doctor fled as the energy Emma had absorbed was released, destroying BASE.

2009 (March) - TW: “The Return of the Vostok”

Torchwood killed the Vostok - jelly-fish-like aliens capable of creating winter conditions, and who sought to use the Rift to retroactively send an ice age back through time.

2009 (a Tuesday and Wednesday in March) - Partners in Crime

The loss of the breeding planet Adipose III compelled the Adipose first family to hire Matron Cofelia of the Five-Straighten Classabindi Nursery Fleet to oversee the production of their offspring. She founded Adipose Industries on Earth as a front for this operation. The company signed up a million customers to its weight-loss programme in Greater London alone, with the intention of going national. Pills were distributed under the claim that anyone who took them would lose exactly a kilogram a day, but in actuality the pills slowly transformed people’s fat into baby Adipose. The tenth Doctor and Donna independently investigated Adipose Industries, were reunited, and came to the realisation that the pill-takers’ bones, hair and internal organs could be completely broken down into the Adipose offspring.

The Matron sent a signal that generated ten thousand Adipose, who marched through the streets of London, but the Doctor stopped the signal from fully converting all one million of the weight-loss customers. A giant ship of the Adipose first family arrived over London and collected the baby Adipose with levitation beams. Seeding a Level Five planet such as Earth with offspring violated a galactic law enforced by the Shadow Proclamation, and so the first family killed the Matron to cover up her crime.

The Doctor agreed to let Donna join him on his travels, and briefly showed the TARDIS in flight to Wilf Mott as they departed.

Before she left with the Doctor, Donna briefly met the dimension-hopping Rose Tyler.

(=) 2009 (March) - Turn Left
An Emergency Government took control of the United Kingdom. Seven million were in need of relocation from the radiation-flooded southern England, and France closed its borders. The Noble family were relocated to Leeds, and shared a small house with the Colasantos family. The United States promised £50 billion in aid... but before it could deliver, America’s economy was devastated when sixty million Americans were converted into Adipose. Spaceships collected the Adipose offspring.

2009 (March) - The Sontaran Stratagem / The Poison Sky

UNIT had been renamed the Unified Intelligence Taskforce. It received massive funding from the United Nations in the name of homeworld security, and still operated the
. UNIT had access to the nuclear arsenals of the US, UK, France, India, Pakistan, China and North Korea. Sir Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart was currently in Peru. The Doctor was technically on staff with UNIT, as he never formally resigned. UNIT Headquarters was near Tower Bridge, London.

The ATMOS navigation/anti-pollution system had now been installed in half of the world’s eight hundred million cars. Martha summoned the tenth Doctor and Donna when fifty-two people were poisoned to death inside their cars at the exact same moment, in eleven different time zones. General Staal the Undefeated of the Tenth Sontaran Battle Fleet advanced his plans to release poison gas from every car fitted with ATMOS. The gas was a Caesofine concentrate that would alter Earth’s atmosphere, turning the planet into a Sontaran breeding world.

As the ATMOS-made gas intensified, the UK government declared a national emergency, and the UN issued a worldwide directive for people to leave the cities. The first deaths were reported in Tokyo. In Europe, thousands walked across country to escape. The Eastern seaboard of America became reminiscent of Dunkirk, as boats took refugees out into the Atlantic. The tenth Doctor and Donna restored Earth’s atmosphere to normal, and the genius entrepreneur Luke Rattigan, realising the Sontarans never intended to give him the power he sought, sacrificed himself to destroy the Sontaran mothership.

Martha was now engaged to Tom Milligan, who was in paediatrics and working out in Africa. Rattigan’s inventions, not all of them derived from Sontaran technology, included nanotech steel, biospheres, gravity simulation, rattifan 18 and a cordolaine signal.

The tenth Doctor and Donna returned Martha home after sharing an adventure with her - and the Doctor’s daughter Jenny - in the future.
The Rutans learned of the Sontaran plan to make Earth a breeding world, and seeded Saturn with a spore that would possess the resultant clones. With the Sontaran defeat, the spore remained inactive on Saturn until the twenty-sixth century.

(=) 2009 (mid March) - Turn Left
With so little petrol, Britain was spared the worst when the Sontarans activated their ATMOS stratagem, although the rest of the world was badly affected. Torchwood took the fight to the Sontaran mothership and although they prevailed, Gwen and Ianto were killed, and Jack Harkness was transported to the Sontaran homeworld. Rose met Donna again, and claimed that Donna would come with her in three weeks time.

2009 (April) - TW: Fragments / Exit Wounds

Jack Harkness’ vengeful brother Gray coerced Captain John Hart into embarking upon a major terror campaign against Torchwood. Hart wracked Cardiff with fifteen building-levelling explosions, and aided Gray in taking Jack back to 27 AD and burying him. Gray enhanced the Rift so that Cardiff came under siege from ghosts, Weevils and hooded figures bearing scythes. The four most senior police offers were murdered. The systems servicing the Turnmill Nuclear Power Station failed, and Owen Harper died a final time while diverting irradiated coolant to contain the resultant meltdown. Gray shot Toshiko Sato, killing her. Torchwood quelled the situation; Jack revived from the stasis into which he’d been placed in 1901 and overpowered his rogue brother, then placed him in cryo-freeze.

Martha attended Owen and Tosh’s funerals.

2009 - SJA: The Last Sontaran

Strange lights were seen near the Tycho Project, a radio telescope that searched for friendly alien life. Sarah Jane, Clyde, Luke and Maria went to investigate and were stalked by Commander Kaagh, a Sontaran who had survived the recent invasion. He planned to use the Tycho radio telescope to crash Earth’s satellites into its nuclear stockpiles, but Sarah Jane and her friends drove Kaagh away.

Kaagh became a mercenary for the Bane, and encountered the fugitive Mrs Wormwood on a planet in the Snake Tongue Nebula. They hatched a scheme to acquire the power of the banished Horath.

2009 - Beautiful Chaos

The tenth Doctor took Donna home so she could spend time with her mother and grandfather on the anniversary of her father’s death. Morgan Tech, owned by a thrall of the Mandragora Helix, was about to release the newest personal computing gadget: the M-TEK. The Helix planned to control and speed up man’s expansion into space - it was projected that humans would build farms on Mars in twenty years and colonise Alpha Centauri in a hundred, all part of a Mandragoran Empire. The Helix took control of people whose lineage extended back to San Martino, Italy, but the Doctor ended its schemes. UNIT helped to recall the M-TEKs.

The Prime Minister at this time was Aubrey Fairchild.

c 2009 - “The Time of My Life”

The tenth Doctor and Donna confronted gun-totting dog aliens from space, whose spaceship arrived over London to incite the dogs of Earth into revolution against their human masters.

(=) 2009 (early April) - Turn Left
In the “Donna turned right” universe, the Emergency Government adopted an “England for the English” policy, sending foreign-born residents to labour camps. Soon afterwards, the stars started going out. Donna met with Rose and a UNIT group led by Captain Erisa Magambo. They had recovered the dying TARDIS from under the Thames, and used its technology to build a time machine that could reflect chronon energy from mirrors. Donna agreed to travel back to the point of temporal deviation, and convince her past self to turn left...

2009 (a Saturday in early April) - The Stolen Earth / Journey’s End

Davros, rescued from the Last Great Time War by Dalek Caan, created a new generation of Daleks genetically derived from his own cells. A new Dalek Empire was born, and set about creating a reality bomb - an alignment of twenty-seven planets that would flatten Z-Neutrino energy into a single string, and thereby undo the electrical field binding all reality. The Daleks intended to shield themselves as all matter became dust, then mere atoms. They would become the only living creatures in existence. Three worlds were plucked from different time zones for the reality bomb: Adipose III, Pyrovillia and the lost moon of Poosh.

The Daleks moved into the second phase of their plan, and teleported twenty-four planets - including Callufrax Minor, Jahoo, Shallacatop, Woman Wept and Clom - into the Medusa Cascade along with the three worlds already taken. Earth was also one of the stolen planets, and humanity was horrified to look into the sky and find itself surrounded by other worlds. When the translocation occurred, Martha Jones was at UNIT’s New York HQ, working as medical director on Project Indigo: an attempt to salvage Sontaran technology into a teleport system. Captain Jack was at the Torchwood Hub, and Sarah Jane was at Bannerman Road. Rose Tyler materialised on Earth from Pete’s World. Mickey Smith and Jackie would later journey from Pete’s World to help her.

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