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Authors: Lance Parkin,Lars Pearson

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The tenth Doctor travelled down one of the Historia’s time corridors from 4039, and sent the hotel’s main time-travel device - the Chronexus 3000 - back there to thwart the Graxnix. Cosmic bailiffs arrested Majenta, took her to the future and imprisoned her at the Thinktwice orbital penitentiary.

Fansom’s own teleport beam to Thinktwice was diverted, and he came into the service of the Skith leader.

2008 (24th October) - Brave New Town

Various rivers in Uzbekistan had been depleted by the continual use of water for cotton fields, cloth, swimming pools and more. The Aral Sea dried up, and the faux English village of Thorington - formerly on an island - had rejoined the mainland. A Nestene unit with the mother consciousness for the Thorington Autons exerted influence over them, turning them murderous. The eighth Doctor and Lucie cut off the signal from the mother-unit and left as the Autons, now aware of their origins, faced the decision of whether to stay in Thorington or go elsewhere.

2008 (late October to early November) - TW: Adrift

Gwen discovered that the Rift had claimed dozens if not hundreds of Cardiff residents in the last ten years, and learned about the shelter that Jack was operating for such persons.

2008 (1st November) - TW: Pack Animals

A young man named Gareth Portland found an alien terraforming device that enabled him to manifest creatures and effects rendered in
, a card game he’d created. The telepathic device enhanced Gareth’s emotions, causing him to hurt or murder those he believed had slighted him, and then to transform Millennium Stadium into a replica of an alien locale. Jack shot Gareth dead, and the monsters he created fell into a chasm that opened up inside the Stadium.

2008 (Tuesday) - TW: “Jetsam”

Torchwood neutralised a battlewagon used by an extra-terrestrial race to settle turf wars and border disputes.

A Verron soothsayer gave Sarah Jane a warp star - a warpfold conjugation trapped in a carbonised shell; it was “an explosion waiting to happen”. The soothsayer advised that she use it at “the end of days”.

2008 - SJA: Whatever Happened to Sarah Jane?

By now, the book
UNIT: Fighting for Humankind
by Sarah Jane Smith had been published.

Sarah Jane told her friends that Meteor K67 was approaching Earth through a radar blind spot, but that Mr Smith would emit a magnetic pulse to deflect it the next day. A Verron soothsayer had given Sarah Jane a small box with instructions that she pass it along to the person she trusted most, and so she gave it to Maria. That night, a mysterious hooded figure, the Trickster, approached Sarah Jane’s house.

(=) The box protected Maria’s memories when the Trickster altered history in 1964. Maria was the only person who remembered Sarah Jane, and found that a woman called Andrea Yates was living in Sarah’s house. Maria remembered the oncoming meteor, but without Mr Smith, there was no way to deflect it. The Trickster thrived on chaos, which the meteor strike would certainly cause. At the local library, Maria learned that a 13-year-old Sarah Jane had drowned after falling from a pier... as seen by her friend, Andrea Yates. A Graske working for the Trickster took the meddlesome Maria to Limbo - but she escaped, and briefly found herself back on 13th July, 1964. Faced with the evidence of what her deal with the Trickster had done, Andrea revoked her bargain with him.

Sarah Jane and Mr Smith deflected the meteor at the last moment. Having skimmed Sarah Jane’s memories, the Trickster became curious as to how much damage would ensue if the Doctor had never existed.

2008 - SJA: The Glittering Storm / SJA: The Thirteenth Stone

Sarah Jane and her friends investigated a series of gold thefts, and found that the Keratin (slug-like aliens who used gold to enhance their psychic abilities) had a foothold at the Auirga Clinic in Hounslow. The Keratin’s mind-slaves were developing a bacterial culture that would boil away Earth’s oceans in a day, exposing twenty million tons of gold that the Keratin could harvest and use to conquer many worlds. The Keratin on Earth were destroyed with seawater, and Sarah Jane and Luke destroyed the formula for the culture.

Luke Smith’s class visited a tourist attraction called The Stone Whisperers - actually the petrified criminal Ravage and his twelve jailors. Ravage transferred his mind into Luke’s body, and his wardens revived as armoured warriors intent on killing his host form. Luke banished Ravage from his mind, and the warriors turned themselves back into rock.

c 2008 (a Saturday) - SJA: The Lost Boy

Mr Smith moved forward his secret plans to free the colony of Xylok crystals trapped since ancient times under the Earth’s crust. Smith allied itself with a group of Slitheen, who - disguised in new fleshsuits that were slimmer, and handled gas exchange better - posed as the Stafford family. TV news reports were said they had been looking for their missing son, Ashley, for five months - and the photo shown was that of Luke Smith. Sarah Jane was arrested for child abduction, and “Ashley” was reunited with his “parents”. UNIT vouched for Sarah Jane and she was released.

Mr Smith had manipulated the Slitheen into spurring the creation of a telekinetic energiser, Magnetized Intensification of Telekinetic Reactive Energies (MITRE), at the Pharos Institute. Luke’s mind was forcibly used to power the device and draw the moon toward Earth; Mr Smith intended that the collision would free the Xylok. Earth experienced spontaneous forest fires, avalanches, freak storms and tidal waves. The United Nations convened an emergency session.

Sarah briefly brought K9 back to Earth. The robot dog defeated Mr Smith, who was reprogrammed to protect Earth from harm. The moon returned to its original position, and the Slitheen departed.

Darlington became a nexus point for adventurers and other travellers because it was home to the Deadly Flap: a gateway to the multiverse. In December 2008, Barbra the vending machine arrived in Darlington from the fifty-ninth century via the Deadly Flap. Iris Wildthyme persuaded MIAOW to accept Barbra as a trainee operative.

2008 (December) - The Raincloud Man

A coalition of species had restrained the alien Tabbalac, and an unknown party infected the Tabbalac with a neurosis that created the Cyrox - a race that replicated like a hyper-intelligent virus, and was ever ready to combat Tabbalac aggression. The Tabbalac could still leave their homeworld, but only if their intentions were peaceful.

In Manchester, DI Patricia Menzies had developed a network of aliens and time travellers whom she’d aided. The sixth Doctor and Charley again met Menzies while investigating Carmen Priminger, a time traveller who had gambled her memories away at the planet-jumping High Straights casino boat a year ago. The Doctor and Charley played a Tabbalac leader at the High Stakes table, and Charley’s victory caused the Tabbalac to forfeit their conflict with the Cyrox. As events played out, the Tabbalac leader and Brooks - the High Straights owner - were killed, and the casino was destroyed.

2008 (mid-December) - “The Stockbridge Child”

The Doctor’s former companion Izzy was now a world traveller, and had recently written to Max Edison that she’d found something “amazing” in Kabul. Bonnybridge, Scotland, contained a large dimensional flaw, and would have been a nexus of alien activity were it not for the Cardiff Rift.

The TARDIS brought the tenth Doctor and Majenta Pryce to Stockbridge as the town celebrated its Aurelia Winter Festival. The Lokhus, which hailed from the universe after ours, had completed its chrysalis stage - upon its birth, it would be larger than Earth’s sun. The creature was incinerated before this could happen. After the Doctor and Majenta left, the Crimson Hand scanned Max’s memories to determine Majenta’s whereabouts.

Lucie Miller, thinking the Doctor dead, accepted a lift from the Time Lords back to Blackpool.

2008 (24th December) - Death in Blackpool

The Zygon Hagoth, still disguised as Lucie Miller’s Aunty Pat, discovered he was dying from melanoma - the result of his having maintained the same form for too long. “Pat” outwardly looked middle aged as a result, and the only cure was the milk of a Skarasen.

A Zynog (sic) named Landack schemed to mentally possess Hagoth and become a proper Zygon again. Hagoth - knowing he wouldn’t live another year - summoned the eighth Doctor and Lucie to Earth, wanting to have a proper Christmas with Lucie one last time. Landack killed Hagoth’s mind, then transferred his consciousness into his body - which Hagoth had poisoned, slaying Landack.

Lucie discovered the deception that the Doctor and Hagoth had perpetrated regarding her “Aunty Pat”, and - unable to trust the Doctor any longer - left his company and stayed in Blackpool. She agreed to keep low until the Headhunter kidnapped her younger self, who was currently back home, the following summer.

2008 (24th-25th December) - Voyage of the Damned

London was near-emptied as everyone feared a repeat of the devastating events of the last two Christmases. The Queen stayed in Buckingham Palace over the holiday. Wilf Mott, a news vendor, was impressed by her courage and stayed at his post.

Max Capricorn Cruiseliners now offered tours from the planet Sto in the Casavanian Belt to “primitive” cultures, and had one starliner designed after the Earth vessel
. Max Capricorn himself wanted revenge after he was voted off the company board - he bribed the captain of the
to lower the ship’s shields during a meteor storm as it arrived in Earth orbit to celebrate a traditional Christmas. Capricorn hoped that the
would crash and detonate its nuclear storm drives, destroying Earth and dooming the board to charges of mass murder. He then intended to retire to the beaches of Penhaxico II, where the ladies loved cyborgs such as himself.

The tenth Doctor met the waitress Astrid Peth and the faux historian Mr Copper aboard the
, as well as Wilf Mott during a brief shore leave to Earth. Capricorn’s plan came to fruition - the
fell from orbit, and the Heavenly Host angelic robots built to serve the passengers started killing everyone on board to eliminate potential witnesses. Astrid sacrificed herself to kill Capricorn, and the Doctor both assumed command of the Host and ignited the
’s secondary engine, pulling the ship up just before it hit Buckingham Palace. The Queen thanked the Doctor for his help, and wished him a Merry Christmas. Mr. Copper started up a new life on Earth.

By the Light of the Asteroid
was a popular soap opera on Sto. Cyborgs were discriminated against on Sto, but were gaining more rights, including the right to marry The minimum penalty for space-lane fraud was ten years in jail. Five thousand Sto credits represented twenty years’ wages; 50,000,056 credits equalled a million pounds.

Earth was designated as a Level Five planet and had six billion people. The Doctor hinted that Europe and America would go to war at some point in the future.

Mr. Copper founded the Mr. Copper Foundation. Harriet Jones, the former Prime Minister, had Copper’s foundation develop the Subwave Network.

(=) 2008 (24th-25th December) - Turn Left
The Noble family followed Rose’s advice and stayed in a hotel outside London. The starship
hit Buckingham Palace, killing everyone in London and dosing southern England with radiation.

Amy Pond learned to pick locks when a Mr. Harrison became a little over-eager with the handcuffs during a 2008 Christmas party.


A young woman who would befriend Clyde Langer became homeless after her father died and her mother remarried, and the new living situation “didn’t work out for her”. She adopted the name Ellie Faber.
Leet, a child of the Dellacoi, rode the time winds but was hurled to Earth. His arrival killed sixty-three people at the Regal Cinema in Splott. Leet sought refuge in the only survivor, 22-year-old Oscar Phillips.

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