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Authors: Lance Parkin,Lars Pearson

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2008 (a Monday in June) - Smith and Jones

The tenth Doctor investigated electrical anomalies at the Royal Hope Hospital in central London, and met medical student Martha Jones. At the same time, the Judoon - intergalactic policemen/enforcers who looked like humanoid rhinos - were looking for a fugitive Plasmavore who was charged with the murder of the Child Princess of Padrivole Regency Nine. The Judoon had no jurisdiction over Earth, and so transported the entire hospital - and the Plasmavore within - to the moon. The Plasmavore disguised her alien nature by drinking human blood, but thanks to the Doctor’s intervention, the Judoon registered her as an alien and killed her. The hospital was returned to Earth, and Martha joined the Doctor on his travels.

(=) 2008 (June) - Turn Left
In the timeline where Donna turned right, the Thames was closed following the Racnoss’ defeat. Mr Chowdry sacked Donna on the day that the Royal Hope Hospital vanished. Without the Doctor’s intervention, those inside the hospital had suffocated, including Martha Jones, Sarah Jane Smith, Luke, Clyde and Maria. Rose met Donna again, and warned her to stay out of London over Christmas.

2008 (a Tuesday in June) - The Lazarus Experiment

The tenth Doctor returned Martha home twelve hours after they left. The 76-year-old Richard Lazarus conducted an experiment: hypersonic sound waves created a state of resonance and rewrote his DNA, which rejuvenated him into the body of a young man. Martha’s sister Tish worked for Lazarus’ public relations department, and the family attended the first demonstration. Lazarus mutated into a cannibalistic monster, but the Doctor killed him in a showdown at Southwark Cathedral.

Saxon had funded Lazarus’ experiments; his agents warned Martha’s mother to beware the Doctor.

2008 - Made of Steel

The tenth Doctor took Martha home, and they learned about a number of recent thefts of advanced electronics. Martha was captured by the culprits - a small group of Cybermen who had survived the Battle of Canary Wharf, and had set up camp in the Millennium Dome. The Cybermen wanted the Doctor to open a gateway into the Void to free their fellows, but instead he opened a time portal and released a Tyrannosaurus - which killed the last of the Cybermen.

? 2008 - The Family of Blood

The tenth Doctor and Martha attended a World War II remembrance service and saw an elderly Tim Latimer.

c 2008 - Wishing Well

The tenth Doctor and Martha arrived in the English countryside near Creighton Mere. The brain of the Vurosis parasite living beneath the well there had become separated from its body, which emerged as a huge tentacled creature. The Vurosis tried to take over the Doctor, but he destroyed it, turning both its body and brain to ash.

c 2008 - “Bus Stop!”

The tenth Doctor arrived from the twenty-seventh century via a crude time machine, and tried to prevent mutant assassins from killing the Mayor of London. The Doctor concocted a thermos-full of soup that contained the Mayor’s DNA, making the mutants track him by mistake. Martha recalled the Doctor to the twenty-seventh century, and the mutants perished when the Doctor destroyed the time machine.

c 2008 - “Death to the Doctor!”

Research base Truro served as a meeting place for would-be conquerors and villains who had been defeated by the Doctor, and wanted to pool their resources against him. The eighth Doctor and Izzy had previously reclaimed the Crystal of Consciousness from Valis, High Arbiter of the Darkness; the fourth Doctor, Romana and K9 stopped Bolog and his Reptilios Invasion Fleet from invading Earth; the ninth Doctor and Rose defeated Zargath and his army within five minutes of their landing at the Powell Estate; the sixth Doctor and Frobisher bested Plink; and the first Doctor, Dodo and Steven overcame Questor in the living jungle of Tropicalus. The base’s wiring proved faulty, and villains became paranoid and trigger-happy about the Doctor. They eventually killed one another. The tenth Doctor and Martha found all the bodies at Truro moments later, and the Doctor lamented that had he arrived sooner, he might have saved the “poor unfortunates”.

2008 - Blink

The tenth Doctor and Martha, on their way to stop a dangerous migration/hatching, met Sally Sparrow for the first time… although she’d met them in her past, and was able to give them a dossier with details regarding their becoming trapped in 1969.

Martha phoned her mother on Election Day.
Saxon sent the Torchwood staff to the Himalayas to prevent them from helping Captain Jack and the Doctor.

2008 (a Friday and Saturday in June) - The Sound of Drums

The United Nations had provisions for removing the British Prime Minister from office.

Harold Saxon, secretly the Master, won the election and convened a meeting of his Cabinet in the newly-rebuilt Downing Street. He killed everyone present, then announced to the world that he had made contact with the alien Toclafane and refused to keep it secret as past governments had. As President of America, Arthur Coleman Winters flew to Britain - both to warn Saxon to take his responsibilities carefully and to take control of the public revelation of the Toclafane.

Meanwhile, the British authorities were looking for three “terrorists” - the tenth Doctor, Martha and Jack, who had returned to the twenty-first century from the far, far future. Onboard the flying aircraft carrier
- a UNIT ship - a number of Toclafane materialised and killed President Winters. The Master revealled his plan…

(=) and six billion Toclafane emerged from a space-time rift. They decimated the human population, and the Master took control of Earth. The Master incapacitated Jack and used Professor Lazarus’ technology to greatly age the Doctor, capturing both of them.
(=) The Story of Martha
Martha escaped London, dodging the Unified Containment Forces under the Master’s control. As she went, she told people stories of her adventures with the Doctor. Her travels took her through France, Turkey, Munich, Ljubljana and Belgrade. In Japan, she met the Drast: tall extra-terrestrials who had sought control of Earth’s economy, but owing to the Master’s domination sought to leave via a Relativistic Segue. This would have punched a hole in space-time, eradicating Earth. The Drast operation was exposed, and the Master ended their threat by eradicating Japan.

2008 (a Saturday in June) - Last of the Time Lords

returned from a year in the future, to a point just before the Toclafane appeared. The Master’s devastation of Earth had been temporally reversed. Lucy Saxon shot her husband, but the Master refused to regenerate and died. The Doctor burnt his body on a funeral pyre. Martha declined to rejoin the Doctor on his travels. Jack returned to Torchwood.

One of the Master’s acolytes, Miss Trefusis, retrieved his ring.
Lucy Saxon was tried in secret and confined in Broadfell Prison.

2008 - “The Widow’s Curse”

A cadre of female Sycorax searched for the males of their clan: the group of Sycorax defeated by the Doctor at Christmas 2006. They were led by a head warrior, the Haxan Craw, and a chief strategist, the Gilfane Craw. Their rock spaceship landed in the Caribbean, was designated the island of Shadow Cay, and remodelled its exterior on parts of London using Adobe Magma-Sculpt Version 12.2. (Adobe Magma-Sculpt Version 13 could craft interiors as well.) It featured a version of Westminster Abbey in which Hawkmoor’s towers included such twentieth-century martyrs as Martin Luther King, Oscar Romero, Lucian Tapiedi and Wang Zhiming.

The Sycorax women were enraged upon learning the fate of their men, and dispatched zombies carrying a virus to London - Earth would become a planet of the undead. The tenth Doctor and Donna terminated the zombies, and destroyed both the Sycorax and their spaceship.

Thirty-five years after Jo worked for UNIT, she and her husband Cliff were based halfway up the Rio Negro at the Institute of Mycology. Cliff was now an MBE, a Nobel Prize winner and a veteran eco-warrior; Jo served as his manager. The two of them visited London for the first time in ages so Cliff - his slogan being “Make the Future Yourselves” - could appear on the chat-show circuit, attend the UN’s World Future Conference and harangue people there about the imminent collapse of the Amazon forest.

While Cliff did so, Mike Yates took Jo out to dinner. Jo had found Diamond Jack’s playing card in her uncle’s attic a few weeks prior to this; her stolen memories had returned, and she gave the card to Mike - which he took to a UNIT office. At this time, Mike was single.

By now, one of the old UNIT HQs had been turned into an embassy for a new east-European state. A window that the Doctor blew out at least three times was barred over, and had CC cameras.
UNIT currently had offices at Tower Bridge.

Torchwood Series 2 (2008-2009)

2008 - TW: Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang

Captain Jack returned to Torchwood and was approached by Captain John Hart - a former Time Agent and Jack’s ex-lover, someone with whom Jack had been trapped in a time loop for five years. Hart conned Torchwood into retrieving what he believed was an Arcadian diamond, but was actually an explosive device planted to kill him - an act of vengeance from one of Hart’s murder victims. Torchwood contained the explosion within the Rift, and Hart left town.

2008 - TW: “The Legacy of Torchwood One!”

Torchwood eliminated the fear-inducing Chimera, but not before it killed its creator, Rupert Howarth.

2008 - TW: Sleeper

Torchwood discovered that aliens designated Cell 114 - whose
modus operandi
was to infiltrate planets with intelligence-gathering sleeper agents bearing false memories - had deployed a cell of such agents on Earth. The agents blew up a telecommunications centre and killed the Cardiff emergency city coordinator, but Torchwood prevented them from detonating ten nuclear warheads that the military had secured in a disused coal mine.

2008 (Friday, 20th June) - TW: To the Last Man

St. Teilo’s Hospital in Cardiff was slated for demolition, which caused the Rift to fluctuate and make time overlap with the hospital as it stood in 1918. Torchwood saved both time zones by reviving Thomas Reginald Brockless from stasis, then sending him back through the Rift to 1918 with a Rift Manipulator that sealed the Rift behind him.

2008 - TW: Something in the Water

One of the remaining inhabitants of the vanished planet Strepto - having biological abilities that resembled water hags, legendary witch monsters - travelled to Earth. Torchwood killed the water hag and her offspring, but not before the hag murdered an old associate of Jack Harkness, Professor Leonard Morgan.

2008 (Sunday) - TW: Trace Memory

The remains of the Vondraxian Orb that exploded in 1953 were stored in the Hub, and had discretely irradiated Captain Jack’s team. This tethered the time-jumping Michael Bellini to their personal histories, causing him to appear at least once in their lifetimes. Bellini finally arrived at Torchwood Three in 2008, and made one last jump back to 1967 - where he was fated to die.

2008 - TW: Meat

A band of criminals captured a baby star whale that flew through the Rift, and profited by selling big chunks of it as raw meat for pies, burgers, pasties, etc. Torchwood shut down the operation, but the star whale died

2008 - TW: Everyone Says Hello

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