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Authors: Lance Parkin,Lars Pearson

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2010 - The Big Bang

As the eleventh Doctor regressed through his timeline, he saw Amy place a card in a newsagent’s shop that would prompt him to become the lodger of Craig Owens...

2010 - The Lodger (TV)

A prototype timeship crashed in Colchester, Essex - its crew died, and the vessel’s emergency programme made it blend in with the local architecture. It became the top floor of a house; Craig Owens lived on the main level. The TARDIS was headed for the fifth moon of Sinda Callista, but instead arrived in Colchester and was caught in a materialisation loop. Amy was trapped in the TARDIS while the eleventh Doctor was left behind and became Craig’s lodger - he spent three days excelling at football, matchmaking Craig with Craig’s friend Sophie and using the nontechnology technology of the Lammasteens to detect that the time engine was upstairs. The timeship was seeking someone who wanted to travel, but Craig and Sophie’s desire to stay caused it to implode. The TARDIS landed properly, and the Doctor went back to retroactively smooth the way for his becoming Craig’s lodger, which included having Amy drop off an advert in her handwriting for him to find.

2010 (March) – TW: The House of the Dead

The House of the Dead, reputed to be the most haunted pub in Wales, had a change of ownership and was slated to become flats. An alignment in space-time, combined with a final séance being held in the House as part of its “closing down” party, accorded Syriath the Death Feeder the opportunity to enter our universe. Jack Harkness interceded, but was confronted by the “ghost” of Ianto Jones, whom Syriath had re-created by reaching through time. Ianto’s shade sacrificed itself to detonate a box of rocks and coal laced with Rift energy – the resulting dust storm destroyed Syriath, and sealed the Rift forever.

2010 (March) - TW: Children of Earth

Jack Harkness had travelled across the world while coming to terms with events concerning the 456, but deemed Earth as too small, and that it felt like a graveyard. He briefly met with Gwen and Rhys, who returned his Vortex Manipulator; it had been recovered from the Hub’s remains. He then accepted a lift from a cold fusion cruiser surfing the ion reefs at the edge of the solar system.

Jack ended up at an alien bar. He saw the tenth Doctor for one last time, and the Doctor introduced him to Alonzo Frame, a former midshipman aboard the starship

2010 (April) - TW: First Born

Gwen and Rhys escaped Cardiff and went underground when government agents tried to capture them.

2010 (spring) - The End of Time (TV)

The tenth Doctor attended Donna Noble’s wedding. Joshua and Abigail Naismith had been arrested. The Doctor gave Donna a triple rollover winning lottery ticket... bought with a pound he had borrowed from Donna’s late father, Geoffrey Noble.

c 2010 / 2010 (spring) - Death and Diplomacy / Happy Endings

The small, furry, three-eyed Skrak constructed automatons to pose as the “Hollow Gods”: purportedly powerful beings who demanded that the rival empires of the Czhans, the Saloi and the Dakhaari negotiate a peace accord on Moriel - a world at the intersection of their territory. In truth, the Skrak were steering the empires toward war so they could ransack their remains and become more powerful. The Skrak also diverted the seventh Doctor to Moriel as they hoped to obtain his TARDIS. The Doctor’s companions - Bernice, Roz and Chris - were transmatted to other worlds to deprive him of help.

Bernice encountered the rogue Jason Kane, who had been travelling the Dagellan Cluster for about fifteen years. The two of them consummated their relationship and, despite their abandonment issues, increasingly fell in love. The Doctor foiled the Skrak’s plans and broadcast an announcement from “the Hollow Gods” that the talks had been a resounding success, establishing peace. Afterwards, Benny broke the news to the Doctor that she’d accepted Jason’s marriage proposal.

Guests from across space and time attended the wedding of Bernice Summerfield and Jason Kane in the Norfolk village of Cheldon Bonniface. Those present included - thanks to the seventh Doctor’s efforts - Roz, Chris, Ace, General Lethbridge-Stewart and his wife Doris, Mike Yates, John Benton, Irving Braxiatel, Kadiatu Lethbridge-Stewart, Muldwych, William Blake, the Pakhar Keri, Ruby Duvall, Hamlet Macbeth, Anne Doras’ daughter Bernice, Creed McIlveen, Christian Alvarez and his son Benjamin, the Ice Warriors Savaar and Rhukk, Tom Dekker, Sherlock Holmes, John Watson, Joan Redfern, J.R.R. Tolkien (who gave Benny and Jason a signed first edition of
The Hobbit
) and a girl who looked remarkably like Death of the Endless. Winifred Bambera and Ancelyn couldn’t attend, as they were off on a quest. Music was provided by the Isley Brothers, the band Plasticine and the Silurian group Bona Fide. Leonardo da Vinci served the wedding cake he had designed.

The Master had stolen the Loom of Rassilon’s Mouse, a bioengineering tool, to fashion himself a new body. A Fortean Flicker caused him to coincidentally be operating in Cheldon Bonniface during Bernice and Jason’s wedding, and he did what he could to disrupt events. Multiple clones of Jason were created, and the Loom generated a huge gelatinous monster. The Doctor had Ishtar Hutchings slay the creature with her dormant Timewyrm abilities.

General Lethbridge-Stewart, having been engulfed by the monster before Ishtar killed it, found that - as a happy side-effect - his body had become decades younger.

The Doctor gifted Benny and Jason with time rings; together, they could travel throughout space-time.

Ace reconciled with her mother, Audrey - who was now engaged to Robin Yeadon, Ace’s boyfriend in 1968. Ace herself left on her time hopper with one of the Jason Kane clones. Ishtar was left pregnant from an encounter with Chris Cwej. She believed that their daughter, Jasmine, would become the girlfriend of Ricky McIlveen - and that the two of them would sire the Eternal named Time.

The word “cruk” was introduced in the anime series
Bones and Kay
, and quickly caught on as a mild expletive.

The rejuvenated General Lethbridge-Stewart returned to active duty with UNIT.
Mike Yates told the Brigadier about his adventure with the Hornets, and did the same when he met Liz Shaw in the summer.

The Sarah Jane Adventures Series 3 (second half)

2010 (spring) - SJA: The Eternity Trap

Sarah Jane and her friends investigated Ashen Hill Manor - one of the most haunted locations in the UK. They confronted the shade of the alchemist Erasmus Darkening, an alien whose attempts to manipulate other dimensions to get home had caused all the spooky happenings. Darkening proved hostile, but Sarah and her allies dissipated him into mere electricity. The spirits of everyone Darkening had captured over the centuries were likewise liberated.

2010 (spring) - SJA: Mona Lisa’s Revenge

Clyde Langer won a competition that saw his imaginative drawings (actually images of aliens and their technology that he had seen in his adventures) displayed in the Artists of the Future competition at the International Gallery in London. The gallery was also hosting the Mona Lisa, which was on loan from the Louvre. The close proximity of the Mona Lisa to Guieseppe di Cattivo’s painting
The Abomination
- which had, along with the Mona Lisa, been painted with oils derived from an alien mineral - caused the embodiment of the Mona Lisa to come to life and step from the painting. The Mona Lisa had the ability of molecular transplantation, and sought to release others of her kind. She did so with William Bonneville’s
The Dark Rider
, and wanted to liberate her “brother”, the Abomination. Clyde drew a picture of K9, which temporarily came to life and dispersed the Abomination’s pigments. All the effects of the Mona Lisa’s power were reversed, and she returned to her painting.

2010 (end of school year) - SJA: The Gift

Sarah Jane and her friends were about to thwart a Slitheen child’s plan to crush the Earth into a large diamond when Tree Lorn Acre and Leef Apple Glyn - two Blathereen (cousins of the Slitheen) - captured the child. The Blathereen gave Sarah a Rakweed plant - a staple food they said would grow even in the harshest conditions, and end world famine. In actuality, the Rakweed was a fast-growing addictive drug that would seed itself via spores across Earth, and could then be harvested for a massive profit on the galactic market. Tree and Leaf were not true Blathereen, but Slitheen-Blathereen hybrids. The Rakweed seeded spores that could have taken over London in hours, Earth in days, but Sarah Jane learned the plants would burst if exposed to a sound frequency of 1421.09 Hz. Sarah broadcast the sound with K9’s help, ending the threat... and making the Rakweed-soused Blathereen explode.


Anwen Williams, the daughter of Gwen Cooper and Rhys Williams, was born in or near early May 2010

(=) 2010 - TW: The Twilight Streets
Bilis Manger showed Torchwood a potential future in which the Dark influenced Owen, his wife Toshiko and Gwen. They slaved Jack to the Hub’s Rift Manipulator, then used his life energy to harness the Rift - in less than a year, the Torchwood Empire had conquered the world. While Gwen gave birth to a son, Geraint Williams Junior, Ianto killed Owen and was shot dead by Toshiko’s guards. Jack destroyed the Rift Manipulator, breaking the Dark’s power.

2010 - TW: “Shrouded”

John Hart established himself in Mexico, near a mini-Rift that provided him with an easy means of transport, as a trafficker of alien artifacts. Hart and Rhys realised that a rogue time traveller named Beatrice was attempting to meddle in Ianto’s history, and went back in time two years to warn him.

The new coalition government in the United Kingdom became desperate for funds. Mr Black facilitated the sale to the Americans of a cache of advanced weapons - including Judoon, Yeti, Sea Devil and Sontaran firearms, as well as a Ytraxorian Reality Gun - that had been recovered from the Torchwood Hub.

In June, Luke Smith got four As at A-Level, earning a place at Oxford University a year early.
Sarah Jane defeated a piece of sentient concrete that had disguised itself as a flyover in Chiswick, and was attempting to control people’s minds.
The Ood Food Guide gave June 2010 “a whole solar system of awards”.

2010 (summer) - TW: First Born

Gwen, Rhys and their newborn daughter Anwen remained on the run, and took up residence in the North Wales town of Rawbone because Torchwood had keys to a caravan there. In the ten weeks to follow, they learned the origins of the townsfolk becoming sterile, the Scion children given to the Rawbone families, and the alien Juniper Tree that had birthed them.

Budget cuts necessitated that the Rawbone Project produce results, and so Eloise, the project’s director, initiated Stage 2 of it. She killed the Juniper-spawned Sebastian and grew Sebastian 2. He was intended to take mental command of the Scions and turn them into soldiers, but viciously wanted to grow an army of Scions and kill humanity. Gwen contacted the creators of the Juniper Tree, who were so horrified by the new Sebastian’s mindset that they aged him and the Juniper Tree to death. The people of Rawbone compiled enough evidence of the Rawbone Project to compel a huge payment from the government, and the new leader of the Scions, Jenny Meredith, was hopeful that the town’s sterility could be reversed. Gwen, Rhys and Anwen left for parts unknown.

2010 (summer) - TW: The Men Who Sold the World

The cache of advanced weaponry recovered from the Torchwood Hub was now being sold by the UK to the US, and was clandestinely routed through Cuba. The American CIA sent agents to safeguard the shipment, but a mishap with the cache’s Ytraxorian Reality Gun caused agent Oscar Lupé to materialise in the flight controls of American Airlines Flight AA2010. It crashed into the Gulf of Mexico, killing the four hundred and fifty people aboard. Two members of the CIA team - Cotter Gleason and his second, Mulroney - went rogue and stole the weapons, intending to stage enough devastation to force a large payout from the US government.

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