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Authors: Lance Parkin,Lars Pearson

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2011 (Sunday, 15th May) - SJA: The Man Who Never Was

Sarah Jane was now regarded as one of the top three journalists in the country - as was Lionel Carson, her former editor. While K9 remained at Oxford to back up the Bodleian Library, Luke Smith visited Sarah Jane - and met his “sister” Sky - just as Serf Systems readied to debut the SerfBoard, a device touted as “the world’s newest and best portable computer”. The holographic image of the late Joseph Serf, as projected from equipment manipulated by the enslaved cyclopses from Scultos - had a hypnotic quality. Through this, the scheming John Harrison hoped to make billions by mesmerising the public into loving the SerfBoard when it was really quite rubbish. Sarah Jane, Clyde, Rani, Luke and Sky ended Harrison’s plan, and summoned a rescue ship from Scultos to take the liberated Scullions back home.

2011 - SJA: Children of Steel

Sarah Jane won at auction the head of Adam, Sir Joseph Montague’s Difference Golem, and found its body at Montague’s former estate, Holcote House. Reactivated, Adam created robotic offspring to fulfill Montague’s wish that humanity be freed from servitude. A synthetic female operative arrived from the future, warned that Adam’s actions would pollute the timelines and - with his permission - removed the future-tech probe that enabled his mental function, deactivating him and his children.

2011 - SJA: Judgement Day

The truth-seeking Veritas arrived on Earth in pursuit of Xando, an alien passing as a stage magician. Xando created an illusion of flame beings to distract the Veritas’ spheres as they searched the White Cross Mall near West London, frightening hundreds. The Veritas identified Sarah Jane as a perpetrator of fabrications and cover stories, but she convinced the Veritas to save Sky from a mob, and taught them that the truth could sometimes harm innocents. The Veritas agreed, and Xando departed.

Lake Silencio

2011 (22nd April) - The Impossible Astronaut

“By Silencio Lake, on the Plain of Sighs, an Impossible Astronaut will rise from the deep and strike the Time Lord dead.”

The eleventh Doctor, age 1103, had learned that he was historically fated to die at Lake Silencio in Utah on 22nd April, 2011. He sent invitations to Amy and Rory (who were back to living in Leadworth), River Song and the elderly Canton Delaware III to meet him there. As the Silence had planned, a younger version of River Song rose from Lake Silencio in a NASA astronaut suit and killed the Doctor - she shot him twice; the second time, fatally, in the middle of his regeneration. The River who killed the Doctor left, and the Doctor’s friends give him a Viking funeral, cremating his body to prevent it falling into the wrong hands. Canton Delaware also departed, and the Doctor’s friends met the fourth person he had invited to his murder... himself, age 909. Acting on the older Doctor’s instructions, Amy, Rory and River had the 909-year-old Doctor take them back to 1969. This was the first of a series of adventures in which they fought the Silence and their ally, Madame Kovarian, all in the knowledge that the Doctor was destined to die.

(=) 2011 (22nd April) - The Wedding of River Song
The eleventh Doctor was apparently resigned to his fate at Lake Silencio, but River Song refused to play along... she emptied her weaponry, saving his life but undoing the fixed point in time that was meant to see him die.
All of history happened simultaneously on the exact moment of the Doctor’s intended death, at 5:02 pm on 22nd April. London became a chaotic landscape of steam trains, Roman chariots and pterodactyls. The War of the Roses entered its second year, and Charles Dickens appeared on Breakfast TV. The Holy Roman Emperor Winston Churchill returned to the Buckingham Senate on his personal mammoth, after having argued with Cleopatra (“a dreadful woman, but an excellent dancer”). Churchill’s soothsayer, the Doctor, was kept imprisoned in the Tower of London.
The Doctor was rescued by Amy, who in this reality worked for a military organisation. She took him to Area 52, a military base kept in an Egyptian pyramid, where Madame Kovarian and over a hundred of the Silence were being held captive. River Song met the Doctor at Area 52, but the Silence were merely playing possum - they broke free, attacking their captors. Amy left Kovarian behind to die.
The Doctor believed that River was fated to become either the woman who married or killed him... so he married her, and secretly told her that his body was actually a shapeshifting spaceship, the
, made to look like him. The Doctor kissed River, starting time again and returning them to Lake Silencio. When River shot the Doctor this time, she actually struck the impervious
, thwarting the fixed point.

After the Battle of Demon’s Run, River Song returned Amy and Rory to their native time. The two of them waited all summer for the Doctor to bring word of their missing infant daughter Melody.

Mrs Wibbsey danced the can-can during the Hexford Easter parade.
In late July 2011, Lethbridge-Stewart’s wife Doris was killed in a yachting accident.

2011 (August) - Serpent Crest: The Hexford Invasion

The Skishtari longed for the gene egg that the fourth Doctor had hidden, in 1861, under what would become Nest Cottage. They created a clone of the second Doctor, who tricked UNIT into helping him grow biomesh trees - biomechanoids with metal roots. Captain Yates was brought out of retirement to help. The faux Doctor took up residence at Nest Cottage while the fourth Doctor was away, and spent two weeks planting the trees all around Hexford. The fourth Doctor returned just as a shrouded Skishtari spaceship linked energy beams with the trees and hauled up the entire village, hoping to find the egg underneath. The genuine Doctor tried to counter-act this by having the TARDIS generate a gravity bubble, but the resultant tug-of-war triggered the Skishtari wormhole that had been dormant since 1861, sending the whole village of Hexford into the far future. The fourth Doctor and Wibbsey collected the Skishtari egg, then followed in the TARDIS...

The clone second Doctor and the fourth Doctor combined efforts to return Hexford to its proper location. Yates decided to stay in Hexford for a time, and the fourth Doctor bid Wibbsey farewell, leaving for parts unknown. The second Doctor was a type of clone with a very limited lifespan, and it was expected that he would just fade away in a matter of months.

2011 (end of summer) - Let’s Kill Hitler

The Doctor failed to answer Amy and Rory’s phone calls, so they created a huge crop circle that read “DOCTOR” and was featured in the
Leadworth Chronicle
. He saw the photo and joined them. Amy and Rory’s childhood friend, Mels, was on the run from the police and pulled a gun on the Doctor, ordering that they go back in time and kill Hitler. The Doctor took Amy, Rory and Mels back to 1938... after resolving matters there, Amy and Rory continued travelling with the Doctor.

2011 - Night Terrors

The Tenza were birthed in space, then adapted their form in order to find a nest; they were effectively space cuckoos. One such Tenza transformed itself into George, the eight-year-old son of a young couple named Alex and Claire, and altered their memories so they would accept him. George feared rejection, and his psionic abilities trapped people in the place that symbolised where he put “bad things”: the doll’s house in his cupboard. The eleventh Doctor, Amy and Rory became trapped in the doll’s house prison, and were threatened by living dolls. Alex’s love for his son calmed his fears, and normality was restored.

2011 (7th-14th October) - Touched by an Angel

Mark Whitaker, a widower following his wife’s death in 2003, was now a partner at the law firm of Pollard, Boyce & Whitaker. On 7th October, he received an archived set of instructions... that was written in his own handwriting, and which detailed tasks Mark had to perform throughout 1994 and 2001. The only Weeping Angel that had survived the eleventh Doctor’s trap in 2003 used the very last of its energy to send Mark back to 1994.

The eleventh Doctor, Amy and Rory identified Mark as a curious blip in the space-time continuum, and followed him to that year. After many cross-time shenanigans, the travellers returned Mark to 2011. He had physically become a 37 year old again following events in 1993, and decided to move on with his life - hopefully by starting a new relationship.

2011 (late October) - The Way Through the Woods

The eleventh Doctor, Amy and Rory found that journalist Jess Ashcroft was the latest of hundreds of people who had gone missing in Swallow Woods throughout the millennia. They identified the semi-sentient spaceship of Reyn the were-fox as being responsible for the disappearances, and ended the spatio-temporal anomalies the ship had extruded into the Woods. This retroactively returned everyone the ship had captured. History would record that only three of the abductees - Jess, Laura Brown and Emily Bostock (a barmaid from 1917) - had gone missing, as they opted to travel with the liberated ship.

The Long War was now over, and Reyn returned to his devastated homeworld to fulfill upon the legend of the Traveller: a figure who would restore the lost technology of how to make spaceships semi-sentient.

Torchwood Series 4: Miracle Day

2011 - TW: Miracle Day

The world’s population now exceeded 6,928,198,000. In Cardiff Bay, the water tower had been rebuilt since the Hub’s destruction. Rendition of UK citizens to US custody was permitted under the 456 Amendments to US Code 3184.

The Three Families initiated their plan to destroy the world economy in order to rebuild and take control of it. The Families seeded the blood of an immortal, Jack Harkness, into the Blessing in Singapore and Buenos Aires simultaneously, causing the Blessing to accept the blood as a new template and transmit some of its properties through humanity’s morphic field.

On a Sunday night at 11:36 pm, Eastern US time, in what became known as the Miracle, death instantly vanished from Earth. People became so
that they continued to function despite hideous injuries - not even decapitation could entirely kill someone. Some people had conditions that left them brain dead, their bodies denied the release of death. The child killer Oswald Danes was executed in Jacksonville, Kentucky - but the Miracle kept Danes alive, and the state governor was forced to set him free.

In spite of the Miracle, humanity continued aging as normal, suggesting that everyone would eventually become an undying, aged husk. The 50% of pregnancies that would naturally have aborted didn’t, making genetic mistakes viable. As murder was no longer possible, many murder prosecutions were reduced to assault charges. The need for painkillers skyrocketed, and a bill introduced in the US Congress made all prescription drugs, painkillers and antibiotics available without a prescription - a windfall for the pharmaceutical companies.

Jack Harkness had returned to Earth, and the inversion of the Blessing meant that he had became mortal. His blood endangered the Families’ plan, and so they initiated an online virus to search out references of Torchwood, hoping to flush Jack into the open. Jack used malware to eliminate each and every digital mention of Torchwood, and the word itself ceased to exist online. Agents of the Families moved to discredit anyone with any knowledge of Torchwood, putting CIA agent Rex Matheson and CIA analyst Esther Dummond on the run. They were forced to join Jack and Gwen Cooper as the remnants of Torchwood.

2011 - TW: Web of Lies

Miles Mokri, a conspiracy blogger, uncovered many details pertaining to the Miracle and was rendered silent when assassins shot him. Miles’ sister Holly and FBI agent Joe Bradley combed through Miles’ evidence and became convinced that a shadow group was trying to control the world through the Miracle. They found and destroyed the Three Families’ back-up supply of Jack’s blood, which was hidden at Coney Island.

2011 - TW: Miracle Day

The nations of Earth struggled to adjust to a world without death... Somalia stopped fighting, but North Korea mobilised its army at its southern border, as many of its soldiers thought themselves immortal. The Prime Minister of India announced a desire to reconcile with Pakistan - with reincarnation was no longer an option, the one life accorded to each human seemed too precious to waste on fighting. Some projections held that as the three hundred thousand people who died on average each day were still living, global resources would be exhausted in four months. Contraceptives were introduced to the water supply in India and mainland China. Hospices started closing down. The price of oil crossed a symbolic $100 a barrel amid fears over distribution in the Middle East.

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