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Demon Quest

2010 (22nd-23rd December) - Demon Quest: The Relics of Time

The fourth Doctor returned to Nest Cottage after a year away, and enthusiastically dismantled the TARDIS console as part of an overhaul. Mrs Wibbsey (secretly under the control of the new Hornet Swarm)
took many of the Doctor’s items to sell at a jumble sale at the village hall, and swapped a mysterious gentlemen - actually a shapechanging demon in the Hornets’ employ
- four components of the spatial geometer in return for antiques: a mosaic tile attached to a page from a history book, a poster, a book of fairytales and a superhero comic. All of these items incorporated images of the Doctor, and the Doctor concluded they were a series of clues. Without the spatial geometer, the TARDIS could move in time, but not very far in space. The Doctor and Mrs Wibbsey headed to the first century AD to investigate this mystery, even as Mike Yates called to say he was at a loose end, and would like to come to Nest Cottage for the holiday.

2010 (23rd December) - Demon Quest: The Demon of Paris

The fourth Doctor and Wibbsey returned from 1894 with the first and second parts of the spatial geometer, and reunited with Mike Yates.

2010 (23rd December) - Demon Quest: A Shard of Ice

The fourth Doctor and Mike Yates took a short trip to the nineteenth century to track down the third piece of the spatial geometer. The last part was to be found in New York City, 1976, so the Doctor, Yates and Wibbsey headed there.

2010 (24th December) - Find and Replace

Iris Wildthyme and Jo Grant were flummoxed when Huxley - a five-legged noveliser from the mooned world of Verbatim VI - insisted that the Doctor had never been exiled to Earth, and that Jo was Iris’ old travelling companion. They left in Iris’ bus to visit the third Doctor during his time at UNIT to settle the matter.

2010 (24th December) - Demon Quest: Starfall

The fourth Doctor and Mike Yates returned to Nest Cottage from New York, but the Demon “kidnapped” Wibbsey. The Doctor and Yates could do little but wait...

2010 (24th December) - Demon Quest: Sepulchre

The fourth Doctor and Mike Yates got an answering machine message from Mrs Wibbsey - a means of luring them to the Sepulchre, a hidden location at the edge of the universe. It resembled an English country house, but was the domain of the Demon. The Doctor learned that the Demon was from a backwater shadow dimension, and was working for secret masters: the new Hornet Swarm. They planned to disintegrate the Doctor and condense his knowledge of space-time into a four-dimensional Atlas of All of Time and Space - a device that would let the Swarm find its lost Queen. The Doctor extracted the Swarm from Wibbsey, and teleported it inside a sarcophagus to a 1914 fire at the Cromer Palace of Curios, where the Swarm died. The Doctor and his friends returned to Nest Cottage, where they enjoyed a dinner on Christmas Eve. The Demon was still on the loose.

2010 (24th-25th December) - Serpent Crest: Tsar Wars / Aladdin Time

The fourth Doctor, Mrs Wibbsey and Mike Yates were enjoying their Christmas Eve dinner when robot agents burst in, knocked Yates unconscious, and took the Doctor and Wibbsey down a wormhole to the Robotov Empire in the far future. After a subsequent trip back to the nineteenth century, the Doctor, Wibbsey, the cyborg teenager Alex and his guardian Boolin returned the following day, while Yates was recovering in hospital. While the Doctor took Alex and Boolin home in the TARDIS, saying he might be gone some time dealing with other business, Wibbsey did some washing up.


Chloe Webber’s father died in 2011. Both she and her mother had been terrified of him.
When Hex was in secondary school, he went on a school trip to Venice.
On 15th January, 2011, the US Senate Committee for Drugs and Alcohol voted to hoard the national supply of surplus drugs, and make them only for use in civil defence programmes.
The Doctor took Stevie Wonder back to 1814 to perform for River Song.

Van Statten discovered the cure to the common cold using alien technology
The Bantu Independence Group originated as a political movement in southern Africa in 2011. It purchased land and built communities on behalf of the oppressed.

The eighth Doctor and Lucie saved a bit of cash by doing their Christmas shopping in the January sales.

c 2011 - The Crimes of Thomas Brewster

The sixth Doctor and Evelyn tried to quietly visit the Tower of London, but instead were embroiled in the conflict between Symbios, the Terravore and Thomas Brewster - who was passing as an East London gang leader named “the Doctor”. The Terravore negotiated with Symbios - it would spare the sentient planet if it provided access to Brewster’s wormhole, enabling them to attack Earth instead. The Doctor deactivated the Terravore by isolating their queen on Symbios, and the media deemed a Terravore assault on south London as something of a “Japanese Toy Robot Terror”. Afterwards, Brewster departed with the Doctor and Evelyn.

2011 - The Forbidden Time

The entire population of Earth heard a prerecorded message that the Vist had encoded into space-time, but most interpreted this as a dream or hallucination. Polly Wright addressed a gathering of esteemed people - many of whom knew of the Doctor - to relate her encounter with the Vist, and assure that they posed no further danger.

(=) 2011 - “Ripper’s Curse”
The eleventh Doctor and Rory arrived in Whitechapel from 1888 to check what if any historical alteration had occurred concerning the Jack the Ripper murders. A tour guide told them that the list of suspected Ripper victims included “Amelia Marple” - the name Amy had been using in 1888. They returned to 1888 and prevented Amy’s death.

2011 - Jago & Litefoot: Swan Song

Elliot Payne arrived from the future and undertook temporal experiments that he hoped would save his wife. A temporal link was forged between Payne’s laboratory and the New Regency Theatre - which stood adjacent to the same site - in the 1890s. Time breaches occurred, and the collective emotions of all the performances given in the theatre coalesced into an intelligence that nestled within Payne’s assistant Alice. The two of them sacrificed themselves to destroy Payne’s equipment before it could destroy the world, and their consciousnesses transferred into what stone that remained from the theatre. Nonetheless, Payne travelled back to the 1890s to continue his plans.

c 2011 - The Sentinels of the New Dawn

Lt. Ed Grueber of UNIT, secretly an agent of the Sentinels of the New Dawn, gained valuable intelligence from Liz Shaw about historically nullified events in 2014.

c 2011 - Ferril’s Folly

Millicent Drake - a thrall of the Cronquist - had married Sir Hector Ferril, and upon his death renovated his estate and observatory in Norfolk. Ferril attempted to bring a Cronquist invasion force to Earth via a star alignment that occurred once every five thousand years, but the fourth Doctor and Romana dispersed the Key to Time segment that was crucial to Ferril’s equipment. The invasion force and Ferril were dissipated into a thin layer of matter, and the Doctor and Romana went to retrieve the segment from the planet Tara.

c 2011 - Tales from the Vault

Captain Ruth Matheson, the Curator of UNIT’s Vault, recruited Warrant Officer Charlie Sato of UNIT’s Skywatch division to serve as her assistant. The mind of Kalicarache, still in the jacket of Tommy Watkins, possessed Sato and hoped to leave Earth by using the Vault’s technology. Matheson drained Kalicarache’s mind into the alien crystal containing a copy of Zoe Herriot’s memories, then smashed it.

c 2011 - Heart of Stone

The silicon-based lifeforms in the Pron-Kalunka galaxy used granite as the base matter for all their technology.

Scientists at the Henson Research Centre conducted experiments on moon rock samples in preparation for NASA’s next moon landings. A moon rock was bathed in ultraviolet light, which activated the alien bacteria it contained. The TARDIS arrived in a pigsty on Conway Farm in England after the bacteria had birthed a new form of life - an animated rock man named Athrocite, who could have triggered a molecular wave that would turn everything on Earth’s surface into moon rock. The eleventh Doctor, Amy and Rory returned the bacteria’s original rock to the moon, cancelling its effects and turning Athrocite to dust.

c 2011 - The Witch from the Well

Workman unsealed the well into which the energy echo of the Agnes Bates-monster was trapped in the seventeenth century. Finicia and Lucern - secretly alien Varaxils who outwardly looked 17 - approached the eighth Doctor and Mary Shelley for help, claiming the monster had killed their father. The four of them went back in time to learn the creature’s origins.

Finicia and Lucern stranded the Doctor in the past, and returned with Mary in the TARDIS. They located the Witch Star that the descendents of Squire Portillon had kept safe, and tried to siphon the monster’s Odic energy. The resultant blast killed the Varaxils and dissipated the creature. Mary learned the historical fate of her associate, George Gordon Byron, from the man’s great nephew. She then used the Fast Return Switch to retrieve the Doctor.

c 2011 (a Sunday) - “Down to Earth”

The eleventh Doctor visited the Tylonian commander Lum-Tee, who had settled into a cosy life in an English village as “Harold Lumley”. The Doctor judged that Lum-Tee was quite at home on Earth, and enabled him to have one last joy ride in his Class II Trylonian Star Fighter.

(=) 2011 - “Do Not Go Gentle Into that Good Night”
A Vorlax Regeneration Drone, built to transfer the minds of fallen soldiers into clone bodies, was brought back to 2011 from 4688 by the time-child Chiyoko. It continued its programming at the Hawkshaw Manor nursing home, shifting the minds of deceased residents into artificially made children’s bodies. The eleventh Doctor and Amy transported the Drone and its charges to peacefully live on an uninhabited garden planet.
The TARDIS absorbed the old-woman-turned-young-girl Margaret into its matrix. She became one of the components that would - in a history that was later nullified - create Chiyoko.

The eleventh Doctor dropped the now-married Amy and Rory off in Leadworth. They wouldn’t see him for two months.
Amy was replaced with a Ganger version of herself by Madame Kovarian.

The Sarah Jane Adventures Series 5

2011 (a Sunday in early March) - SJA: Sky

Miss Myers, one of the Fleshkind in the Tornado Nebula, bioengineered a synthetic lifeform: a baby girl that upon activation would release an energy pulse that would destroy the Fleshkind’s enemies, the Metalkind. The Shopkeeper and Captain, in their roles as “servants of the Universe”, stole Myers’ child and left her on Sarah Jane’s doorstep. The baby - which Sarah hurriedly named “Sky” - primed itself enough to instantly grow into the form of a 12-year-old girl. Myers attempted to lure the Metalkind to Earth and force Sarah to trigger Sky, but Sarah and her friends defeated her. Sky’s genetic potential as a weapon was deactivated, and a Metalkind forcibly took Myers back to its homeworld. Afterwards, Sarah adopted Sky as her daughter.

2011 (first week of April) - SJA: The Curse of Clyde Langer

Clyde Langer was now in sixth form.

The totem containing the spirit of Hetocumtek was found in a cave in Death Valley, and became part of an exhibit of totem poles at the Museum of Culture in London. Sarah, Clyde, Rani and Sky investigated the totem pole as the possible cause of a storm of full-sized fish that rained upon Ealing. Hetocumtek’s full revival was triggered when Clyde got a splinter from the totem pole in his finger - Clyde’s name became the key to Hetocumtek freeing himself, but this left Clyde cursed. Everyone who heard his name ostracised him, and he soon became homeless. Sarah and Rani broke the curse by summoning enough willpower to say Clyde’s name aloud, and brought Clyde to stop Hetocumtek from getting free. Hetocumtek’s totem pole vanished, and was possibly destroyed. Clyde’s only friend during his exile, a homeless woman with the alias Ellie Faber, thought he’d abandoned her and left town.

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