Babies for Nikki (13 page)

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Authors: Lynnette Bernard

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Babies for Nikki
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Nikki was quiet for so long, the men thought she had fallen asleep. When she slowly turned her body so that she lay on her back between them, they adjusted their bodies so that she was still snugly placed between them. Opening her eyes, she looked at them both slowly, the crystal blue of her eyes softened by the emotions she was trying to sort through.

“I can’t make that choice yet,” she told them honestly. She looked at each man, searching their faces for any sign of anger or impatience. She found none. They only looked at her with open desire and caring.

Alex leaned forward and kissed her lips tenderly, licking them teasingly before pulling away. “We understand, baby,” he told her quietly. “We’ll give you as much time as you need.”

“Just having you here with us is helping to calm us,” Butler added honestly. “We’ll be content for now to have you beside us every night.”

“You want me to stay here with you?” Nikki whispered, surprised by his words.

“We want you beside us every moment of every day,” Alex told her immediately. He smiled at the way Nikki was pulling both of them tighter against her body. He knew she didn’t even realize she was doing it. It was much the same the night before. She hadn’t been able get settled until their bodies had been pressed tightly against hers. She may not accept with her mind that she needed to be close to them, touching them, or them touching her, but her body and her heart had already accepted it.

“But I have my job at the hospital,” she protested, looking at both men with real concern.

“You can keep your job if you want to. Whatever you decide, we’ll support you,” Butler assured her. “But we will have to put measures in place to be sure you’re protected. We will not take your safety lightly.” He caressed her cheek gently before leaning toward her and taking her lips in a gentle kiss.

“Let’s just take this slowly,” Alex offered. “You don’t have to decide anything right now. Just give us a chance.”

Nikki turned toward him and lifted her arms to embrace him when she moaned as pain shot through her neck and back. “Oh, God, that hurts,” she whimpered.

“Our mating bites will help your healing,” Alex explained quietly as he held her pain-filled body tightly against his. “The saliva that we’ll inject into the bites has healing properties in it. Please allow us to claim you.”

“No,” Nikki answered through gritted teeth. “I can’t.” She couldn’t tell them what she feared. She couldn’t allow them to know that she truly felt that she would not be what they needed. Most importantly, though, she couldn’t prevent the fear that her money would be what they desired more than they desired her.

“There is another way,” Butler told her finally, feeling her drawing within herself and pulling away from their bond. It hurt his heart, and he could see that it was hurting Alex, too.

“What other way is there?” she asked them, relaxing a little as they tenderly stroked their hands along her arms to gently hold her hands in theirs.

“We can fill you with our seed, but not claim you,” Butler told her calmly, holding his breath as his words registered in her mind.

“Our life fluid will be absorbed by your body, and you’ll gain some ability to heal,” Alex explained carefully. “But the mating bite would be the best option. Once we claim you, your body will begin changing to help you adapt to our wolves.”

Nikki laughed out loud, looking at both men with a twinkle in her eye. “You’re telling me that if you have sex with me and come inside of me, your sperm will make my body heal?” she asked skeptically.

Both men nodded, their expressions serious, leaning up on their elbows to look down at her.

Expecting them to admit to the foolishness of that statement, Nikki was surprised when neither man denied what she said.

“Boy are you guys the perfect talkers or what? You really expect me to believe that just so I’ll have sex with you? And bareback? I’m a nurse, and you expect me to push all my training aside and blindly accept that I’m not putting myself at risk by not having you use condoms?”

“Nikki, we will never have sex with you,” Alex interrupted her. “When we’re with you we will be making love with you. Never question that.”

His voice was firm, and there was no doubt in Nikki’s mind that he truly believed what he said. Emotions welled up in her throat at the sweetness of his words. She could feel the tightness in her belly unwinding as she opened herself to feel what the men were feeling. She was suddenly surrounded by a warmth that radiated through her chest and settled deep in her heart. How could she be feeling such emotions from them? Were they really a destined triad as they had tried to tell her? Could she allow herself to hope that she might be a part of a loving triad with these two wonderful and caring men?

Hot, gorgeous, and sexy, wonderful and caring men!

“We would never put your health at risk,” Butler told her seriously. “Wolves are not susceptible to human disease. Our sperm will not pose any threat to you.”

“Except pregnancy,” Nikki answered quickly, blushing immediately.

Both men growled and tightened their hold on her. Nikki gasped at the immediate image that flashed through her mind.

It was nighttime, and she was standing beside a still lake. The moonlight was reflecting on the water, and she could feel the gentle breeze against her face. She heard the sounds of wolves howling, and she turned to look toward the area of trees that surrounded the water. Two wolves were emerging from the tree line, one midnight black, the other pure white, and they were running toward her. Instead of being afraid, she saw herself walking away from the water’s edge, going toward the wolves and opening her arms. There was a swirl of blue light, and Alexander and Butler stood before her, naked and aroused as they walked toward her to take her into their arms. They kissed her gently before leaning down to tenderly kiss her belly, swollen heavily with their child.

Nikki gasped in shock. She looked to both men and saw them smiling with obvious satisfaction. “Did you see that, too?” she whispered.

They nodded and leaned forward to kiss her lightly before leaning back and slowly reaching through the folds of the robe that she wore. They placed their hands on her belly, covering it gently with their large hands and tenderly stroking it. Their touch sparked a pleasure so deep within her she had trouble breathing.

“Nikki, having our cub growing inside you would make us very happy,” Alex told her, every ounce of longing coming out in his gruff voice.

“Oh my God, I was huge!” she looked at both men in a panic, unable to prevent the insecurities she had about her body from slamming through her. How could two such hunky men ever want to be with her to begin with? Then add the fact that she was of mammoth proportions when she was pregnant? Their combined chuckles drew her attention back to them. The smiles that covered their faces were accompanied by tender looks that could only be attributed to happiness and contentment.

Really? That’s what they were feeling? How could I know that?

“Yes, Nikki,” Butler told her softly. “You can feel what we feel. Our bond is new and not very strong, but it’s there.”

“We can feel what you’re feeling too,” Alex added, leaning in to kiss her lips lightly. “We can feel that you’re confused, and you’re unsure of our feelings, but you need to know without a doubt that the vision of our cub growing inside of you, changing your body, makes us happy.”

“Yeah, right,” Nikki snapped, snorting in the most unladylike way possible. “Until you see me that way and then you’ll be disgusted by me and not want to come near me. Did you see how big I was in that vision?”

“Seeing you pregnant, filled with our baby,
make us happy,” Butler insisted. “And horny,” he added sincerely.

“Baby, all you need to do is touch us, and you’ll see for yourself that we want you,” Alex told her sincerely. “Thinking of you waiting by the lake to make love to us while our baby is safely sleeping inside of you makes us desire you with every ounce of our being.”

Alex took her hand and brought it to press against his painfully hard cock. When Butler took her other hand and led her to his body, she could feel that he also was aroused and ready for her. She gently caressed their lengths, moaning softly at the hardness that they both had for her. Just for her. Could she dare to believe that they really wanted her? They wanted her not only at this moment but also in their future? A future that included children?

“When we claim you, you’ll be able to feel exactly what we’re feeling,” Alex’s warm voice interrupted her thoughts. “You will never question our desire for you again.”

Nikki smiled up at Alex, moaning lightly as Butler leaned in to kiss her neck. “
you claim me?” Nikki asked, her voice breathless from the double onslaught of Butler’s kisses and Alex’s gentle touches. “Aren’t you a little sure of yourself?”

Both men pulled back and looked down at her with such open longing, she had to bite her bottom lip to keep from immediately agreeing with them. She would do anything, say anything, to see that same expression on their faces as they looked at her for the rest of their lives. She wanted them to want her and love her. She wanted it so much, her heart actually hurt.

“Sweetness, we can feel your pain,” Butler whispered worriedly. “Do you want us to leave you?”

Nikki looked at both men and saw the sincerity in their offer. Whether or not this was going to be for keeps, she owed it to herself and to them to give this relationship a chance. Maybe her life was finally going to be filled with goodness.

“No,” she stopped them as they began to pull away from her. “I don’t want you to leave me.”

Both men smiled down at her, relief crossing their faces immediately. “We don’t want to leave you.” Butler’s voice was firm and he looked at Alex as a growl left his triad partner.

“Ever,” Alex added.

Nikki looked at both men, trying to calm the racing of her heart. “Can we take this slowly?” she finally whispered.

“Whatever you need,” Alex answered her immediately.

Nikki smiled up at him. “What do you need?” she asked him, touching his face gently with the tips of her fingers. Happiness spread through her at the growl that escaped him.

“I need to make love to you,” Alex whispered, looking down at her with open longing, waiting patiently for her answer.

Nikki touched his cheek tenderly, smiling as he turned his head and nuzzled into her palm, kissing it lightly. She reached her hand around the back of his neck and pulled him toward her gently, opening up for his kiss as he surrendered to his deep longing to love her.

“And you, Butler?” she whispered when Alex pulled back from her and gently brushed her hair from her forehead. Turning toward Butler, she couldn’t keep the soft expression of contentment from beaming through.

“I need you, too, Nikki,” he told her softly, leaning in to take her lips gently.

Nikki sighed against his mouth and carded the fingers of her left hand through the silkiness of his hair. Smiling up at both men, she closed her eyes, finally giving in to the longing she had kept hidden deep inside herself for so many years. Did she dare to hope? Did she dare to dream?

Opening her eyes, she looked at the men before her. “I know I want you both,” she told them softly. “I don’t really understand it, but I think I need you both, too,” she admitted finally.

Both men smiled down at her slowly. Her admission that she both wanted and needed them made them breathe a sigh of relief. It was a baby step in the right direction to fulfill the Fates’ choice of their triad members. They had to trust in the fact that everything would be as it should be.

Alex covered her body with his own, gently pulling the soft robe away until her naked skin was covered by his. She could feel his hard shaft nudging against her pubic bone, and she opened her legs to him so that he settled comfortably within the cradle of her hips.

Instead of pushing deep inside her as she expected him to, he slid down her body, kissing her mouth, her chin, her neck as he made his sensuous descent. Settling against her breasts he peppered gentle kisses across the fullness of them, holding one firmly before circling the rosy nipple with his tongue, laving it repeatedly before latching onto it and pulling it deeply into his mouth.

She moaned at the sensation and strained upward, arching her back so that her breasts were willingly offered to him. His soft growl of happiness made her smile, and she turned to look at Butler as he gently drew her face toward his to meet his waiting kiss. Before she could utter a sound, he took her mouth in a fierce kiss that left her breathless and wanting. She loved the taste of him and sucked on his tongue as he searched her mouth.

He groaned at her boldness. Pulling away slowly, Butler peppered kisses down the column of her neck, laving the soft skin of her shoulders and settling against the soft mound of her breast. He palmed it gently and closed his eyes in total joy at the feel of her filling his hand. A vision of her suckling their cub at her breast flashed through his mind, and he quickly shielded the thought from Nikki but allowed Alex to see the glimpse of their future with their delectable mate.

He heard the responding growl from Alex and knew that his partner had the same reaction to the vision that he did. Warmth spread through his body at the sight of Nikki nursing one of their babies, and he knew in that moment that he was lost to her. He was totally and irrevocably in love.

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