Babies for Nikki (5 page)

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Authors: Lynnette Bernard

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Babies for Nikki
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She pushed herself out of Butler’s embrace and walked over to look down at Patrick. His face was decidedly purple as Alexander’s massive hand squeezed his neck without mercy. Patrick was splayed out on the mall floor, his hands ineffectively pulling at Alexander’s grip. She stood between his sprawled legs, stepping close to his crotch.

To the utter amazement of Alexander, Butler, and Julia, Laurie lifted her sneaker-clad foot and placed it firmly on her ex-husband’s genitals, pushing down just enough to get his attention. At his choked groan of pain, Alexander looked up at her, unsure what to do.

“My Alpha?” he questioned.

“Let him go, Alexander,” she told him quietly.

“I cannot risk your safety, Alpha,” Alexander responded quickly, his face a mirror of concern.

“Let him go. Now.” Laurie’s voice allowed for nothing but his complete compliance to her order.

Very slowly, he removed his hand from her ex-husband’s throat, careful to remain alert in case he had to prevent another attack on the women.

Patrick took in great gulps of air as he pulled at his throat. He looked up at Laurie with murderous intent in his eyes. “I’ll kill you,” he croaked. “And then I’ll kill the kids and your friends.”

Laurie’s foot increased the pressure on his groin, pulling another groan of pain from him and making him freeze his movements. “No, Patrick. You won’t,” she told him, a deadly calm coming over her as she spoke.

She didn’t hesitate. She didn’t blink. She stared at him with such anger that, for the first time in her life, the fear that usually paralyzed her left her and was replaced by a hardness that promised retribution.

“These people belong to me,” she told him calmly, indicating the people who stood behind her. “You won’t go near them. And you won’t go near the kids.” Her voice was controlled and soft, and she increased the pressure on his genitals as she spoke. “Because if you go anywhere near the people I love, I’ll cut off your balls and feed them to you.”

She pressed down with her foot to emphasize her words. Patrick’s groan of pain satisfied the need in her to show him that she meant exactly what she said. No one was going to hurt the people who belonged to her. She looked at Alexander and nodded to him.

“Let’s go home,” she told him quietly.

He nodded and stood, taking her arm and pulling her back away from Patrick. He was careful to put his body between Laurie and her ex-husband. He wasn’t taking any chances that the man would reach out and grab their queen. He turned and gently pushed her toward Butler, who still cradled an unconscious Nikki in his arms and a stunned Julia against his side.

“Take them to the truck,” he told his triad partner, reaching up to touch Julia’s bruised cheek, his jaw clenching in controlled anger. Turning to Nikki, he gently brushed her hair off her forehead, worry overwhelming him. He looked up at Butler and saw the same concern mirrored on his triad partner’s face. “Call Jace and let him know what happened. I’ll call Clayton and wait for him and Hunter. I’ll be out shortly.”

Butler nodded, looking at Alexander, both their eyes flashing golden as their wolves fought to get out. Julia reached out and took Laurie’s hand in hers, pulling her toward them as they turned and walked away.

Laurie walked silently beside them, looking at her injured friends as they walked. She felt a sickness deep in her stomach as she saw the pain that they were experiencing because of her. She was especially worried about Nikki, who was still unconscious in Butler’s arms.

Alexander turned to face the man who was still lying on the floor. He walked over to squat down beside him. He faced the poor excuse of a man, his hands resting against his massive thighs. Patrick tried to scuttle away, but Alexander stopped him with one large hand on his shoulder.

Taking out his cell phone, Alexander pushed speed dial for the local police department. He watched Patrick silently as he waited for the connection. “Clayton, it’s Alexander,” he said quietly as the phone was answered. “We have a situation at the mall. An attack was made on our queen and two of our females.” He hesitated, listening to the officer’s response. “Thanks, Clay. Make it fast. All of the females have been injured and need medical attention.”

Ending the connection, he put the phone back into the holder that was clipped to his belt. He looked down at the man who still lay before him. It took every bit of control to hold back his need to destroy this man.

“Listen to me,” Alexander spoke softly. His eyes flashed golden as his wolf pushed forward, fighting for release. “Laurie is much more forgiving than I am.”

Patrick sneered at the mention of her name, and Alexander’s hold on his shoulder tightened, making Patrick wince in pain. He carefully schooled his features and looked up at the massive man before him.

“You have threatened Laurie, her children, and the members of my family,” Alexander’s deep and deceptively calm voice continued. “If I catch you within one hundred miles of us, if I catch you even thinking about coming anywhere near them, I will rip you apart in so many pieces no one will be able to identify your remains.” He looked down at the man whose false bravado quickly dissipated. “But first I’ll make you scream in pain for several hours before I put you out of your misery.”

The growl that emerged from his throat was deep and menacing. Alexander did nothing to mask his wolf any longer.

Patrick’s eyes widened in fear. He nodded briefly and pushed away, knowing that he was able to do so only because the giant before him allowed it.

Alexander stood and waited while Patrick slowly rose to his feet, brushed off his black pants and straightened his shirt, looking at Alexander with contempt. Taking a step back, he took off his cowboy hat and ran his hand through his hair before returning it atop his head and facing him silently.

“Remember my warning,” Alexander told him quietly. “I will not hesitate to protect what is mine.”

Alexander waited, watching as he saw the man before him process his thoughts. His face showed his hatred, but he didn’t utter another word. Smart man.

Only a few minutes passed, although it felt like an eternity to Alexander, before Officers Clayton Forest and Hunter Stewart showed up. Being part of Jace’s pack, they knew the need for discretion in this situation, but the men were determined to book Patrick for assault of the three women and take him into custody. They took statements from the store manager and several witnesses, making sure they had enough evidence to keep Patrick in custody overnight, guaranteeing the safety of the women for the time being.

“We’ll come by the compound later to speak to the women,” Clayton told Alexander as Hunter took Patrick away in cuffs. “Go on and get the women back to pack land so Doc can see to them.”

Alexander nodded, placing his hand on his fellow pack member’s shoulder in relief. “Thanks, Clay,” he told him sincerely. Clay nodded to him then turned to follow his partner, leaving Alex free to go and join his triad partner and the women of Beckett’s pack.

Alexander’s powerful steps ate up the distance between the store and the parking lot where his black truck containing his pack members was parked. When he arrived and opened the rear passenger door, he saw that Butler was holding a still unconscious Nikki in his arms. Laurie sat next to him, holding Nikki’s hand with one of hers, while the other held Julia’s hand as she sat in the front passenger seat.

Alexander looked at Butler, seeing the strain on his face. “We need to get home fast, Alex,” Butler told him quietly, looking down at the unconscious woman in his arms then turning to face Laurie and nodding slightly.

Alexander followed his triad partner’s line of vision and saw the vacant look on Laurie’s face. She was probably in shock. He looked down at Nikki, and his chest hurt as he saw how pale her complexion was. Looking at Julia, he was relieved to see her calm and quiet, even though the right side of her face was bruised and already swelling.

He swore to himself as he carefully closed the door and walked around the front of his truck to open the driver’s door and step up inside. He clicked his seat belt in place and started the engine, shifting it into drive and carefully pulling out of the mall parking lot, entering the highway to get them home, wishing the entire way that he had killed the bastard who had hurt these women.


* * * *


Relief filled Alex as they finally pulled into the driveway of the Circle Three Ranch. Their alpha and beta were there to meet them, along with most of their pack. They surrounded them all, offering their support as they exited the truck.

Laurie released her hold on Nikki and Julia as Alexander walked around the truck to open the rear door and reached in to take Nikki from Butler’s arms. He held Nikki gently, closing his eyes briefly as he fought to control the anger that filled him. He heard Jackson speak as if from a great distance, calling for them to take the injured women inside.

Alexander stopped at the bottom of the steps, holding his precious bundle as if she were made of glass. Nikki’s head lay trustingly against his chest. He watched silently as Butler hesitantly raised his large hand and tenderly touched Nikki’s head, unable to stop himself from petting her soft hair before looking up at Alexander with pain in his eyes. Alexander was sure his own eyes mirrored the same strong emotions that Butler was feeling.

“Clay and Hunter will be here later to take the women’s statements,” Alexander told Jace. His alpha followed him as he carefully made his way up the stairs, Butler following closely behind them.

Martha was there waiting for them, taking in the situation and knowing immediately what needed to be done. Alexander looked at his mother, his eyes filled with anguish.

“Take her to your suite, and I’ll be up shortly. Doc is already on his way,” Martha told him quietly, her eyes filling with tears at the helplessness in her son’s eyes. “She’ll be all right, Alex.” She tried to soothe him, but she knew only the young woman waking up would do that for him.

Alexander nodded, unable to speak. Butler led the way up the stairs to their suite on the third floor. Laurie followed them, displaying a calm that concerned all of them.

Alexander laid Nikki in the middle of the huge bed that was destined to be their triad bed, touching her face gently before reluctantly letting her go and stepping back. Butler reached forward and brushed her hair back from her face, caressing her cheek lightly before stepping back and standing silently beside the bed. They took off their hats and tossed them onto the window seat.

Laurie walked to the opposite side of the bed and sat on its edge facing her friend, reaching out to hold her hand. She sat silently, oblivious to anything or anyone but the woman who lay so pale and still before her. She could only look at the face of her friend who had once again put herself in harm’s way to protect her.

Martha entered the room with Doc Barrett following closely behind her. Alexander and Butler stepped back to allow the man to go to Nikki, watching silently as he examined her. Unable to stop themselves, Alexander and Butler growled as the doctor touched her.

Doc looked at both men with raised eyebrows, smiling slightly as realization hit. “I need to touch her to examine her,” he explained patiently. “I will not harm your mate.”

Butler nodded stiffly, reaching out to place a comforting hand on Alexander’s shoulder. Alexander finally nodded his agreement, knowing and understanding that the doctor had to touch Nikki in order to help her. But that didn’t make it any easier to accept.

“Her name is Nikki,” Butler offered quietly.

Despite Martha’s worry, she couldn’t help the feeling of elation at the thought that Alexander and Butler had found their triad mate. She smiled at them lovingly then turned to face her alpha and beta.

“Julia has been looked at and has an icepack on her cheek,” she told them quietly. “She’s gone with Adrian and Colin back to their home.”

Jace nodded, relieved that one of their women was doing well. He looked to his mate and felt his chest nearly caving in at the feeling of isolation.

“Julia will be fine,” Doc spoke up as he examined Nikki, gently feeling the bump on the back of her head. “Nikki has a bump on the back of her head and another one above her temple. She’ll be a little bruised and sore but that should go away within a few days.” He ignored the rest of them while he checked Nikki’s eyes with a small pen light. “I’m more concerned that this woman is still unconscious. How long has she been out?”

“About twenty minutes,” Butler answered, his voice rough with emotion.

“Well, if she doesn’t come around soon, I’m going to have you take her to the hospital. It’s more than likely she has a concussion, and I don’t want to chance that this could be life threatening.”

Seeing the bruise that was already raised and coloring a deep purple on the side of Nikki’s face, Doc pushed back her hair gently to make sure that there was no cut hidden within her black tresses. Satisfied that there was none, he turned to Martha and accepted the small ice pack wrapped in a soft towel that she offered him.

“Keep this on the bruise for fifteen minutes at a time. It should help the swelling. Unfortunately, the discoloration of the bruise will just have to run its course,” Doc told the men softly. “She will heal at the rate that humans heal until you can claim her. Then she’ll be able to heal faster.”

Both Alexander and Butler took a step forward, unable to keep their growls from escaping them as Doc encouraged them to claim their mate. They wanted to do just that, and they wanted to do it as soon as possible. They just had to convince Nikki first.

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