BAD BOY ROMANCE: DIESEL: Contemporary Bad Boy Biker MC Romance (Box Set) (New Adult Sports Romance Short Stories Boxset) (13 page)

BOOK: BAD BOY ROMANCE: DIESEL: Contemporary Bad Boy Biker MC Romance (Box Set) (New Adult Sports Romance Short Stories Boxset)
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Chapter 8


Waiting by the window for Diesel to come home hadn't done much to ease Kim's nerves, and when he finally returned and walked in with a scowl on his face, it took all her willpower not to pounce on him with questions. He'd already been plowed with questions, and he didn't seem thrilled by the results. Kim told herself he would eventually be ready to talk about it and forced herself to wait.

She kept a small distance but followed him into the kitchen, where he bent over and pulled a beer out of the fridge, taking a long swig of it as he leaned against the counter. "You want one?" he asked casually, as if nothing in the world was wrong.

But she could hear the underlying anxiety in his tone. Diesel was definitely worried about something. Taking a deep breath, she shook her head. "Just a soda. I can get it." She reached into the fridge herself for the drink and popped the top, wishing he would cut to the chase and not keep her hanging.

"They tried to bring Sophia into the conversation," he said finally, a rueful grin on his face.

Kim didn't know how he could smile about any of this. "What did she tell them?"

Diesel just shook his head. "Nothing. She's not that stupid. They just wanted to try to weasel something out of me. I told them not to forget she's not even a real witness and walked out."

Narrowing her eyes, Kim asked, "That's not the end of it, though, right? I mean, it's not like they're going to close this investigation."

"No, they won't, and that's what I want to talk to you about. They'll come for you next, and you'll have to tell them what I told you."

"Why should I tell them anything when you don't?" Kim argued. "I can play naïve pretty well."

But Diesel shook his head again. "If they find evidence to the contrary, you'll get taken in as accessory after the fact. You have to tell the truth, or you need to be in a position that they can't force you to talk at all."

Confused, Kim stared at him. "I don't really think that's possible. I mean, it's the law, and they have to enforce it. I don't see how..."

"If we were married."

The words were heavy and should have fallen flat on the ground with an earth shaking thud. Instead, they hung in the air, and Kim couldn't quite swallow the gravity of their meaning. "What?"

He shrugged, as if he'd just mentioned the weather report and not something life changing. "A spouse can't be made to testify against his or her spouse. You have sort of a level of immunity there." He gave her a boyish grin. "Besides, we're practically married anyway. We're basically living together."

Kim laughed incredulously. "You're joking, right? This is too hairbrained an idea to be real."

But Diesel looked wounded. "I thought it was pretty brilliant myself. Ingenious even. It means we can both choose to avoid answering questions, and I selfishly get to call you my wife."

She shook her head, trying to comprehend what he was talking about. He was dead serious, and while Kim was madly in love with him, this seemed awfully sudden. And convenient. She didn't want to be a wife of circumstance, but she'd already offended him and didn't want to say anything about that, in case she was wrong. "But your divorce..." She trailed off as he shook his head.

"It was final two days ago, right after Sophia came by. I think it was her last ditch effort at stopping it." His smile spread further now as he set down the beer bottle and came toward her, wrapping her in his arms and gazing down into her eyes with a meaningful expression. "Why are you so adamantly trying to deny it, Kim? Is there something you're not telling me?"

"No, I..." But she trailed off again, speechless. Why was she trying to find an excuse not to marry this man? She loved him. He loved her. They wanted to present a united front that couldn't be divided for any reason. It would thrill her, make Diesel happy, and make Sophia wail with defeat. What better idea was there? Maybe it was a little crazy, but it was crazy in a good way, and she felt the smile spread slowly across your lips. "Look, it's a crazy idea. Are you sure that's what you want?"

He bent his head and gave her the most passionate kiss they'd shared since he'd come home from the hospital, making her toes curl and her blood boil. When he pulled back, his dark eyes were electric and sincere. "Kim, there are a lot of ways to protect you. I can send you away, and I can just strike you from the record, like you never existed. But that's not what I want. I love you, and I think getting married is a great idea. It solves a lot of problems and gives me what I want anyway. My biggest concern is that you don't want to. Or that me being so unattractively selfish in this is intolerable to you and pushes you away."

Kim couldn't help but laugh, suddenly giddy, and shake her head. "No, it's endearing. But how are we going to do this? Because if we're eloping, it has to be between my gigs, and that's not a lot of time. And we have to have witnesses."

His smile nearly split his face in half. "We'll get Bryce and Nettie to come with us. And you don't have a gig tomorrow night, so pack a bag, and we'll take off as soon as your show ends tonight. It'll make the detectives' heads spin!" With that, he lifted her and twirled her, making her squeal and giggle, but he winced as he set her down.

"Watch it, buster," she chastised. "I want to marry a man who's whole. That shoulder's not well enough for you to start slinging me around!" But she wasn't too miffed and ran off to get her keys. She had to go home to pack an overnight bag and be back here in time to head to her show.


As he walked out of the small chapel behind Bryce and Nettie with Kim under one arm and the folder with the official marriage documents under the other, Diesel couldn't help himself. His sense of elation overrode his anxiousness about what might happen with the police or, worse, the mob. In this moment, he was truly happy and had everything he could want. And to top that off, he could tell Kim felt just as excited.

"I can't believe we're here," Kim said, sounding in awe as she looked around at the busy streets of Quebec City. "I haven't been here since I was a little girl, visiting my uncle."

"It hasn't changed much," Nettie called back. "I grew up here, and it all looks the same as it did when I was six years old."

It didn't matter, Diesel thought. Everything was different now, a new perspective on everything taking over his mind. "Are you sure the two of you don't want to renew your vows while you're here? My treat," he offered.

But Bryce scowled back at him. "Isn't swearing my obedience to a woman once in my life enough?" he joked. Then, he laughed. "Oh, that's right, I forgot. This is your
round. Although, I think you've done much better this time."

Diesel gave him a withering look. "Very funny. Besides, I never swore to obey Sophia. I may have been blind but not stupid." He dismissed the subject. "It doesn't matter, though. This time, I'm sure about the whole thing. No cold feet, no second thoughts." He squeezed Kim against him and kissed the top of her head.

"The question is, how sane are you, Kim? To marry this lug?" Bryce chuckled.

But Kim shot right back, "No crazier than you to be his best friend and let him go through with this." They all laughed as they climbed on their bikes and headed toward the hotel.

For some reason, though, Diesel felt strange being alone with Kim in the room. It was ridiculous. They'd been alone in the house so many times, but now, their relationship was official. They were married, had the certificate of authenticity and all. There were papers to fill out so Kim could change her name and take his, and they'd signed the license.

"Does it feel a little surreal to you?" Kim asked, drawing him out of his reverie. He turned to look at her, and she smiled, shrugging as she opened her bag and rummaged through it. "The whole 'husband and wife' thing. We've been together for a while, I guess. Not long, but a while. But being 'together' isn't the same as being married. So, it all seems a little strange and surreal right now. I just wondered if you felt the same and how long it would take to settle in and seem real."

Diesel smirked, feeling a little less discomfort. "I'm glad I'm not the only one feeling a little awkward. I totally understand what you mean." He moved toward her, embracing her loosely and gazing down into her eyes. He was thrilled to think that he finally had someone he wanted to spend the rest of his life with attached to him. Someone who seemed to feel just as confident about this decision as he did. It stirred things inside him he'd ignored for a long time.

He sensed Kim's arousal a split second after his own seemed to completely overwhelm him. His body tensed, and his groin ached as he dipped his head and took her mouth with serious, passionate intent. She met him full force, her desire pouring out of her to match his, and he knew the flames that were igniting were going to blaze out of control very soon.


Chapter 9


Kim's heart beat wildly in her chest as Diesel slid her blouse down her shoulders, his lips following the trail his fingers made. It seared her skin and made her breath come in short, fast, shallow gasps. Her fingers trembled as she reached for the fly of his jeans, wanting to be skin to skin, nothing between them. The bond they'd built made her tingle, the emotional and mental connection that had grown so swiftly makign the physical element all the more glorious.

As they shed their clothes, Kim reached out a hand and took his large fingers in hers, guiding him to the bed. It was intriguing, really, that she seemed to be headed in the direction of a fairly traditional wedding night, despite the swift decision to elope and all the situational elements that stood in the way and should have served as obstacles between them.

Still, it was invigorating to think that this special moment, their first night together, was going to be a session of lovemaking that followed the most complete relationship two people could share. The man who laid over her as she lie back on the pillows was her
, a word with so much meaning it was difficult to fathom. And yet, as he kissed along the swell of her breasts and caressed the skin of her stomach, she felt like she'd never known anyone better.

The temperature seemed to rise, and there was a heated look in Diesel's eyes that reflected the flickering fire in her belly. They moved together, and he touched her in all the right places, as if he could read her mind. As if they were connected on some higher plane of thought that neither of them truly understood.

They were one entity, made up of two bodies, and Kim had a brief moment to muse that it should always be this way between two people. True love and deep commitment made their physical relationship so much stronger, so much more blissful. As he entered her body, she closed her eyes and felt the electrical shock go through her, followed by the intense sensation that he'd joined them in more than a bodily sense.

Kim's heart beat in the same rhythm as Diesel's, and she sailed to a height beyond her wildest imagination as he filled her completely, his body convulsing as hard as hers as they found their satisfaction together. He hugged her tight to him, their skin fused together in mutual contentment and glory, and when he finally peeled away, it was only to lay beside her and cradle her in his arms.

This was marriage, she thought. This was a deep seated love that nothing was going to break apart. She knew there were things left unsaid, problems left unsolved. But none of that mattered. They were together, linked by emotion and law, and as she threaded her fingers with Diesel's before falling asleep, she knew they would be stronger and more competent together.

She woke up still in his embrace, her face tucked into his shoulder as he snored softly into her hair. Kim shivered with delight, hoping it was always this poetic to wake up beside him, and tried to slide out of his arms without waking him. "I'm a light sleeper," he mumbled in a gravelly voice, cracking one eyelid to look at her with a boyish grin.

She gave him a sheepish, apologetic look. "I'm sorry."

Yawning and stretching, which offered her a beautiful view of his perfect torso, he told her, "Don't be. It's just part of the job description of being in a biker club. And in jail. You always keep an eye open and look over your shoulder. If you sleep too deeply, you're going to get raided and have nothing left." He reached for her and drew her down into a kiss. "Good morning, wife."

"Good morning." Kim beamed. "I'm going to shower so we can be on our way."

He nodded and slipped out from under the covers. The view still made her blush and turned her stomach with desire, all at the same time. "I'll join you." His eyes were predatory, and she squealed as he chased her down.

After a very intimate and enjoyable shower, they packed their things, collected Bryce and Nettie, and headed home. Kim was on an incredible natural high, her body buzzing and her mind full of static. She couldn't stop smiling, not that she wanted to. And the excitement lasted all the way home and almost into the driveway.

Unfortunately, the uniformed officer waiting there dampened her mood slightly. She climbed off the back of the bike and exchanged glances with Diesel, who seemed to be telling her to keep quiet. She did so, waiting to hear what the police wanted this time. He took her hand, and Kim stayed at his side and slightly behind, Diesel holding her in a protective stance.

The officer squinted, looking nervous. "I was told I needed to wait for the two of you to come home and bring you both in for questioning," he said, sounding apologetic.

Diesel sighed. "We just got off the road, and it would be really nice to get a little rest. Besides, we're on our honeymoon. I think your detectives can wait a bit. We can make an appointment to come see them in a couple of days."

Kim could tell the uniform was torn between a 'yessir' and running away and trying to put his foot down and bulldog a man like Diesel who was twice his size. "I wish I could allow that. But I have to bring you in. Maybe you can talk them into rescheduling once you're there."

Kim didn't want to reschedule. She wanted to be done with the damn law enforcement. Until they had some solid evidence that Diesel had fired his gun with the intention of shooting the son of the mob lord, they needed to leave well enough alone. She squeezed Diesel's fingers, calling his attention. "Let's just go, babe. The sooner we let them feel like they're important and can tell us what to do, the sooner we can move on and celebrate."

He grinned and kissed her forehead. "If that's what you want, then that's what we'll do." They got right back on the bike and followed the uniform, Diesel again flat refusing to ride in the car. Kim didn't mind – this was a black and white, not an unmarked, and she couldn't imagine how much like a criminal she would feel like inside. It was a short ride, and they followed the uniform to an interview room.

Diesel put her in a chair facing away from the two-way mirror and pulled a chair around beside her while they waited. This time, only one of the suits – the taller one – came in, and he looked angry. "Do I need to separate the two of you?"

With a frown, Diesel asked, "Why would you do that? There's nothing for either of us to hide here."

"Good. Then, let's get to it." He leveled his gaze on Kim, who refused to squirm under his scrutiny. "I'm assuming your boyfriend tells you about his business, at least enough that you know something about the gun fight the other day that landed the bullet in his shoulder."

Kim hesitated and then shrugged. "I don't know what to tell you. We're a typical couple. He comes home, I ask him 'how was your day', and he tells me a few details here and there about interesting things that happen." The detective opened his mouth to speak again, but Kim held up a hand to stop him. "And I should correct you. He's not my boyfriend. He's my husband."

The detective snorted. "Yeah, right! He's already married."

Diesel shook his head. "How many times do I have to tell you that Sophia is my ex-wife? Check the records. The divorce is final. And we have our marriage certificate with us." Kim took the cue and presented it to the detective.

An even deeper scowl marred his brow, and he all but threw the paper back at her. "This is pretty disgusting." Kim just shrugged and smiled. He knew what it meant, and he knew no amount of questions were going to get him anywhere. "Look, I'm not done. I'm going to find someone who'll talk, and when they do, you're both going to regret this. You'll be up to your eyeballs in trouble."

"That's a threat, detective," Diesel said, his tone warning and his eyes sparking with rage. "I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that, and my wife and I are going to go celebrate our recent union like a real honeymoon. I would resist the urge to interrupt it like this again." Without waiting for a response, he stood, took Kim's hand, and drew her to her feet and through the door.

They didn't speak the entire ride home, and Kim was worried. When they finally got inside the house, she asked, "Are you nervous?"

He shook his head. "I'm angry. I'm not nervous about the police. That guy's never going to get anything. If any of the Skeletons talk, they incriminate themselves. None of the Shadows are going to say anything, obviously. And no one in the mob is going to let the law take care of justice. They'll want to do it themselves. So, even if they know who it is, they're not going to say anything to the cops." He smiled. "And they seem to have realized that Sophia si no longer a viable source of information in this case."

He came over and pulled her against him, gazing down at her with dimples in his cheeks. "Don't worry about all that noise, okay? It'll blow over, and when it does, we'll deal with the mob and whoever we need to worry about. The cops aren't going to take me away from my new wife and my happy home."

Kim felt a little better, honestly relying on the buzz still coursing through her veins to turn her mood around. The police had nearly soured it, despite the fact that she'd gotten a chance to wave her marriage certificate in the guy's face like some sort of grade school taunt. She took a deep breath and relaxed, wrapping her arms around his neck. "Well, tomorrow, I'm going to start packing up my things to bring over. But for now, I have you all to myself, and there shouldn't be any other interruptions. So, what do you say we have a light lunch and see what sort of trouble we can get into alone in this house?"

He grunted in appreciation, and she felt his muscles tense. He opened his mouth to speak, but there was a knock at the door, and he scowled, pressing his lips closed. Kim groaned, certain it was one of those damn cops again. Or maybe a couple of the brothers from the motorcycle club who'd caught wind of their elopement and come to give him a hard time. Nettie liked to gossip, and Bryce wasn't above spreading the word quickly.

Suddenly angry, Diesel grumbled the whole way to answer it, Kim staying on his heels, filled with curiosity. "Whoever it is better not say a word. I'm going to send them packing, by force if I have to. And if I have to kick some ass, they're going straight to hell. Do not pass..." He threw open the door and stared, whispering, "Go."

But he couldn't have been half as surprised – or terrified – by the person on the other side as Kim was. "Grandpa?" she asked, otherwise dumbfounded.

He didn't answer, barely glanced at her, disdain and disapproval carrying disgust and hate riding just on top of it. "Step back, Kimmy," he instructed in no uncertain terms. But Kim couldn't move. She was frozen in place, and she swallowed hard as the old man raised his shotgun and cocked it. "I said, step back."

"Grandpa, I..."

"I don't want to hear it," he cut her off, his voice booming. "I said step back, and I meant it. You have no business being with this boy, and I’m going to take care of it. Now, you can come with me and stay the hell away from this man and anyone else connected to him, or I can make sure you never have a chance to speak to him again."

Diesel took a deep breath, looking more put out than frightened. That didn't make a lot of sense to Kim, who was horrified and shaking. She knew for a fact that her grandfather would shoot Diesel on the spot. Obviously, the word about their elopement had gotten back to him before they'd even gotten back to town, and she couldn't figure out how that was possible.

Diesel simply said, "I love your granddaughter, sir, or I wouldn't have married her. I'm not going to back down, so if you want to take her, you're going to have to shoot me."

"My pleasure," her grandfather replied, and Kim gasped as he pointed the barrel into Diesel's chest. This couldn't be happening right now.










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