BAD BOY ROMANCE: DIESEL: Contemporary Bad Boy Biker MC Romance (Box Set) (New Adult Sports Romance Short Stories Boxset) (161 page)

BOOK: BAD BOY ROMANCE: DIESEL: Contemporary Bad Boy Biker MC Romance (Box Set) (New Adult Sports Romance Short Stories Boxset)
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Megan got the hint that I wasn’t having as much fun as she would have liked after I tried on the third or fourth dress. I left in a rush and sped all the way home, desperate to talk to Stratton. When I’d left that morning, he hadn’t gotten back yet. I tried to stop myself from panicking as bad thoughts ran through my mind. What if it was too late? What if he never wanted to talk to me again?


Stratton was unpacking a suitcase in his room when I ran down the hallway and knocked breathlessly on his open door. He glanced at me, then back down to the untidy clothes on his bed.

“Hi, Leda,” he said in his trademark even voice. “How was your summer?”


“I need to talk to you,” I said urgently. “Can I come in?”


Stratton looked up at me with a half smile. “You’re already in,” he pointed out. I looked down and saw that my feet were just over the threshold of his room. “But close the door if you like.”


Gratefully I nodded and stepped forward, closing the door behind me. “I have to tell you about Matthew,” I blurted out. “I think you got the wrong idea.”


Stratton straightened up and gave me a cool glance. “I’m not sure I did,” he said slowly. “But tell me anything you want, Leda.”


I frowned. “Look, I know Megan said something to you about it in the spring, but she didn’t know what she was talking about. I had lunch with him because he said he wanted to talk to me. That was it, Stratton. It never went anywhere. I don’t want him back”


Stratton narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms over his muscular chest. His room smelled woodsy and masculine and I inhaled deeply, closing my eyes. I’d missed his fragrance so unbearably much. I wished we could just get the fight over with and have things go back to normal.


“I understand,” he said finally. “I was hurt, Leda. I thought there was something special that had happened between us, and then heard from Megan about how excited you were to see your old boyfriend Matthew.”


I shook my head quickly. “That’s not true at all,” I said. “The last part, I mean,” I added when Stratton gave me a sharp look. “I didn’t miss him and I didn’t want to be with him.”


Stratton stared at me. “I believe you,” he said finally. “But I was pretty angry about it all summer, to be honest.”


I felt about two inches tall as I looked down at my feet. “I’m sorry,” I whispered. “I didn’t meant to hurt you, Stratton.”


His expression softened and he came closer and wrapped his arms around me. My skin jumped at his touch; it had been months since we’d been close, but it felt like no time at all had passed. Stratton’s grip on me tightened and I snuggled closer to his chest, inhaling deeply. Every nerve in my body was standing at attention and Stratton shifted as he leaned down and cupped my chin with one hand. Looking into his gorgeous eyes, I wondered how I ever could have wanted to be away from him. It was like as soon as we were together, all the weirdness faded. I forgot that we were married. It was just like we were a normal couple, snuggling and canoodling after being split up for the summer.


“Did you have a good summer?” I whispered. Stratton grinned and kissed me on the forehead. The feel of his dry lips against my skin made me shiver and he gently kissed his way down my face, stopping on my cheeks and jaw.


“This is better,” Stratton whispered in a husky voice. “I’ve missed you a lot, Leda.”


I shivered and wrapped my arms around him. Stratton’s skin radiated heat and I let my fingers glide over his muscular back. He stretched in my arms and his massive shoulder blades rippled under my touch.


“I’ve missed you too,” I said quietly, blushing furiously. I just wanted to close my eyes and stand in Stratton’s arms forever, but before I knew it, his mouth was on mine and we were kissing deeply. Stratton slid his tongue into my mouth and sucked and nibbled at my lower lip, making me moan quietly with pleasure. It had been so long since I’d felt his affectionate touch that I didn’t even know how much I’d truly missed him. Stratton groaned as I flicked my tongue against his and tangled my fingers in his luxurious mane of hair. He slid his hands down my back and squeezed my ass. I squirmed in pleasure and pushed my body against Stratton’s. There was already a bulge between his legs that was pressing into my body and I shivered, thinking of how it would feel when he slid inside of me again.


Stratton gently guided me over to the bed and pushed me down. I kept my grip firmly on him and pulled him down on top of me, so every inch of his toned body was covering my own. He nudged my head to the side and began to kiss my ear and neck. The exquisite sensation made me shiver and I dug my nails fiercely into his back through his shirt. Just then, Stratton pulled back.


“Are you sure this is okay?” His eyes flicked over my prone figure. “The last time we did this, things got a little crazy afterwards.”


I blushed hotly. “I know,” I said quietly. “I’m sorry. I can go if you want.”


Stratton shook his head and came closed. He gently kissed my collarbone and my neck. “That’s not what I want at all,” he whispered. “But we have to be a little nicer to each other this year, Leda.”


Shame flooded my body and I fought the urge to push him away. “I know,” I repeated quietly. “I really want to try this with you, Stratton. I want to make this work while we’re here.”


He gave me an odd look that turned into a dazzling smile and crushed my body close to his, pressing his lips firmly against mine. “I’m glad,” he whispered into my mouth. Then, his hands were at my slides, slipping my shirt up and over my head. When I was naked against his chest, I cuddled close again Stratton. The material of his shirt rubbed against my nipples and I squirmed and sucked in a gasp of breath. He chuckled and lightly dragged his fingernails down my bare skin. The sensation of being touched for the first time in months was really incredible, and I felt my whole body waking up in pleasure.


There was a ping from Stratton’s phone but neither of us looked up. I slipped my hands under his shirt and yanked it over his head, exposing the tattoos that I loved so much. I grinned; seeing him shirtless never lost its charm for me.


“What’s so funny?” Stratton teased quietly in my ear. He nipped the lobe with his teeth and I gasped and dug my nails into his shoulder. Stratton traced his hands to the front of my chest and took my nipples in both hands, pinching gently. Pleasure swirled through my body and between my legs was pulsing more than ever. I threw my head back and moaned loudly. Stratton chuckled low in his throat and dragged his nails across the swells of my breast. The sensation was both slightly painful and incredibly amazing and I started writhing around in his arms, desperate for more.


“I know how much you like that,” he whispered in my ear. Stratton’s breath tickled my sensitive skin and made me squirm even move. He traced his hands down my bare belly and hooked them into my jeans, unfastening them and tugging them down my hips. Clad only in panties, I suddenly felt incredibly exposed. Stratton made a big show of looking my body up and down and grinning and I blushed. It had been so long since I’d felt his attention on me like this; I suddenly never wanted it to stop.


Keeping Stratton’s eyes locked with my own, I slid my hands down my own body and slipped my fingers into the front of my panties. His eyes widened and he grinned as I slowly pulled them down and kicked them off. With Stratton still watching, I spread my legs and traced my fingers up the insides of my thighs. I knew that I was blushing red all over but his attention made it worth it. Eventually, he growled and yanked my wrists away, shoving me back on the bed. Stratton gently slapped the inside of my thigh and I yelped. Then he dipped his head to my body and began to kiss my belly as he slid down. The feel of his warm, wet mouth on my skin was too much and I wriggled around on the bed. Stratton kept a firm grip on my wrists, preventing me from moving around too much, and crawled in between my legs. He gazed up at me and bit his lip and I felt little darts of anticipatory pleasure shoot through my body. Leaning closer to me still, he nuzzled the inside of my thighs and licked the delicate skin. I moaned loudly and arched my back. The slight bit of stubble on his chin was scratching against my most delicate areas and it was hard not to thrash around even more. I felt his tongue between my legs and pleasure blossomed in my lower belly. He began to lick and gently suck at me until I was howling and digging my hands in his hair. As his tongue swirled in circles over my clit, I felt my orgasm start to build and build. Stratton pulled back just as I felt myself close to the edge. Moaning loudly in frustration, I glared at him.


Stratton got to his knees and grinned at me. “I’m not ready to let you come yet,” he said, sweeping his eyes over my spread-eagled body. “I want to make you mine, first.”


A shiver ran through me as I watched him unfasten his pants and kick them to the floor. His massive erection strained the front of his briefs and I watched as he yanked them off and tossed them aside. Stratton was so gorgeous naked. He always looked like a statue—a really naughty statue that some single rich Grecian woman would have had. Just watching him made my mouth go dry. Stratton kept his eyes locked with mine as he climbed on the bed and nudged my legs apart once again. He leaned closed and I felt as his manhood brushed the inside of my thigh. The thought of him entering me actually made me shiver.


“Are you ready?” Stratton whispered. He reached over me and fished a condom out of the nightstand, sheathing himself in a latex wrap. I nodded and bit my lower lip as Stratton kissed me deeply. He steadied himself on my hip and I felt the tip of his cock pushing against me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer as Stratton groaned and thrust inside of me all at once. He felt so filling and so amazing that I wanted to cry. Stratton grinned at me as he began to rock back and forth on top of my body. Every time he thrust deeply inside, his pelvic bone pushed against me in a way that made me cry out in a hoarse voice. Soon, I was grinding my hips against him and pressing my face into his neck with my eyes screwed shut. I could feel every muscle in Stratton’s lean body straining into me and I gasped as he plunged in so deeply that I felt like I was being impaled. The warm pleasure coiling in my belly spread outward and I could feel the sweat beading on my skin as I pushed my hips against him with all of my might. Stratton wrapped his arms around my back and pulled me up into the air so I was bracing my weight against him. He took hold of my hips and moved me up and down on his erection. Feeling the cool air against my bare back made me shiver even closer to him and I whined in frustration as he slowly pulled away.


Stratton set me back down on the bed and tossed his head to the side. I grinned and rolled onto my belly, burying my face in the coverlet. Stratton’s hands wrapped around my ankles and pulled them apart so that I was completely exposed to him. A hot blush spread down my face from the roots of my hair all the way to my neck. Even though this wasn’t the first time Stratton had seen my naked, I still felt exposed. I jumped when I felt his finger caress the inside of my thigh and slip inside of me. Moaning, I arched my back and spread my legs further. Stratton slipped another finger inside of me and chuckled. I felt his weight crushing the bed as he crawled on top of me so he was straddling my ass. Whimpering and desperate for more pleasure, I ground my hips on the bed. Stratton grabbed a handful of my ass and slid inside me in one smooth motion. He felt so good that I screamed with pleasure, my cries muffled by the bedspread. He began to ride me harder and harder and I could tell by his rapid thrusting that he had to be close soon. Stratton leaned over my body and slipped his hands underneath of me. I could feel his breath on the back of my neck and my own pleasure was starting to build up to an incredible climax. I’d never had this kind of perfect intimacy with someone and it scared me a little how well Stratton could please me. As his fingers pinched at my nipples, I felt pleasure explode in my lower belly. All I could do was moan loudly with every wave of my orgasm. Stratton rode me to the rhythm of my pleasure and I felt his teeth on the back of my neck as he thrust in so deeply that it almost hurt. Inside of me, I could feel his cock twitching and pulsing with every spasm.


When we were done, we lay there for a few minutes. Stratton collapsed on top of me and I could feel his heart pounding through his muscular chest. Taking a deep breath, I rolled out from under him and pulled the blanket over us.


“Feel better now?” Stratton teased, running a finger down my bare arm. My breath was coming quickly and I had to nod.


“Much,” I said after a moment. “So you had a good summer?”


Stratton grinned. “This is better,” he said. “Trust me.”







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