Battle Lines. (13 page)

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Authors: Abigail Anderson

BOOK: Battle Lines.
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Chapter 13.

Here was her chance to end it. She could set the record straight and that would be the end of it. An end to this fiasco and a way to get Harry off the hook. A hook he should never have been on in the first place.

Did she really want to though? She had to admit that she was having a good time knowing that she was finally getting under Jake’s skin.

She had never managed to get the upper hand before and she found that she was reluctant to let go of that advantage.

“Jake please.” She pleaded with him as she sighed wearily suddenly feeling very tired. She finished the last of her drink for a second time, not paying attention to how much she had just drunk, and put the glass down on the small table at the side of the sofa.

“Please what?” Jake asked.

Amanda rubbed at her forehead and then grazed over her cheeks as she tried to reduce the tingling on her skin she could feel starting.

“Please stop this. I just came to apologize, that’s all.” She told him.

“Mandy…” He stopped abruptly and then she heard him sigh deeply. “What is going on in that beautiful silly head of yours?”  Her head came up as she looked at him.

He was watching her closely. Too closely and Amanda fought the urge to wriggle and squirm in her seat. “Did you really think that you could pull something like this off and that I would believe you?”

“I…” she stopped. He was right.

“You have been away far too long. Remember I know you far too well and I am not stupid. There is no way that you could have been idiotic enough to have married someone like that. I know that you are smarter than that.” Jake’s voice dropped lower, taking on a cajoling sensual tone that made her tummy do a funny kind of flip and sending little shivers down her spine.

“Well, maybe I am not smarter than that. Perhaps you have got me all wrong.” She replied.

“No I haven’t.” He assured her confidently.

“Yes, you have.”

“Everyone can see that you are not in love with him. He is not in love with you.”

“And you… you would know what love looks like would you.” She scoffed. “I am surprised Jake. I…” She stopped, the look in his eyes told her to. They glinted at her menacingly.

“Oh no don’t stop. Do carry on. I want to hear what you have to say.”

“Jake.” She briefly closed her eyes and she took in a much needed breath. “I have lived my life quite well for the last ten years without any interference from you. You are not my brother, so stop trying to act like one. I don’t need a brother.”

“Someone needs to look out for you.” He informed her.

“No they don’t. I am fine all on my own.” She clenched her jaw trying to stop her anger from getting the better of her.

“Of course you are.” He agreed, venomous sarcasm dripping from his voice. “I can see how fine you are. You seem to be making a first class hash of your life by yourself.”

“Nothing I say is ever going to change your opinion, is it? Leave me alone, you got that Jake. Stay away from me.”

“If it’s about money, I’ll willingly pay for you to divorce him.” He told her. Had he not been listening to her? Did he really need to have that much control over her life?

“Jake.” Her voice rose as she began to become more agitated. The liquor she had drunk already affecting her. Already lowering her defences. “Why? Why are you doing this?”

“Why are you?” He shot back at her.

“Because I Lo…” she stopped abruptly. Her heart clamoured in her chest painfully. For one dizzyingly sick moment she actually thought that she might faint.

Had she really been about to say what she thought she was going to say. She had been. She had been about to say the L word. No... It was the alcohol talking.

“Go on.” Jake urged softly and she shook her head trying to clear it.

“Why do you always do this?” she asked instead.

“If you just thought through your actions before charging ahead with silly stupid plans then I wouldn’t have to be like this.” He said.

“You act this way because it’s my fault?” She exclaimed. Of course it was. Jake couldn’t possibly be at fault. He couldn’t possibly be wrong. He really was so full of himself.

“Here I am trying to mop up the mess you created.” Amanda felt that somehow he actually enjoyed it. It was his way of always keeping the upper hand against her. Well she was determined that it wasn’t going to be like that anymore.

“I told you that I have been just fine for the last ten years without you cleaning up after me. Face it Jake. I… don’t… need… you. I don’t… want you. I don’t… L–” she stopped abruptly before the words spilled out of her mouth. What was wrong with her? She had been about to use the L word again.

They stared at one another for what seemed like forever. All the time Amanda could hear the roar of blood pounding in her ears and her heart beating wildly, erratically against her ribcage as though it were trying to break free.

“You have no idea what you want. What you need or who you...” he paused briefly as his eyes swept over her, unhurriedly. She felt the heat rising on her skin. “Perhaps you should start finally facing up to the truth yourself.” Jake told her in a soft voice.

“How dare you.” She hissed at him and then shouting at him she said. “How dare you try telling me how I should run my life or tell me what I should feel or what I should think. Coming from you –”

That was as far as Amanda got except for the cry of alarm that escaped her lips as Jake, with super lightning speed, left his seat.

And then she could do nothing but cry out in alarm and panic. He was kneeling in front of her. His hands coming to the backs of her knees so that he could pull them apart and he slid his body closer to her before his lips plundered hers.

He leaned into her, pushing her back against the sofa. And despite her alarm Amanda’s body responded to him immediately. Springing into life, throbbing with urgent need. Her lips moved against his. Matching his hunger.

She shuddered, more at disgust with herself for being so weak where Jake were concerned. She felt his arm around the back of her waist as he pulled her closer to him.

He slid her from the couch until she was sitting on his lap. Her legs either side so that the soft flesh between her legs was pressed up against him. She gasped as she felt his hard arousal close to her intimately.

She should have worn trousers, she reflected. Her skirt had already been hitched up from when Jake pulled her off the sofa and onto his lap. It was now bunched around her waist.

The only material between her and him was a brief piece of lace on her part and trousers on his. And that was so not enough she decided.

She felt his hand on her back, tracing a path up to her neck and then his fingers delved into her hair. Clenching his fingers as he held onto a fistful of her hair in his fist. She whimpered and his fingers loosened a little as he realised that he was hurting her.

His lips pressed against hers. His tongue delving into her hot sweet mouth. His hands urging a response from her. She arched her back.

Her hands stroked a path from his elbows and up to his shoulders, they felt hard under her fingers. She could feel the solid muscle under his shirt. She heard him groan and a ripple of pleasure ran through her.

His lips slid down the column of her throat whilst his hands came round to undo the buttons of her blouse and then she felt the silky material fall from her shoulders. She breathed a sigh as the clasp of her bra came undone and then her bra was being removed and replaced with Jake’s hand.

His thumb rubbed the sensitive nipple, teasing it until it had hardened. His lips were on her collarbone. The upper swell of her breast until at last her nipple was drawn into the hot moistness of his mouth.

She cried out, a hand coming to Jake’s head. Her fingers diving into his hair.

“Mandy.” She heard Jake call her name. His voice strange and husky. Thick with passion. And then she was moving, being lowered to the ground, spread out on the rug. She heard Jake gasp then and her eyes flew open.

He was looking at the faint bruising on her upper arms. The bruising he had caused yesterday. His eyes looked into hers. She could see the haunted look in them. The pain of knowing he had done that to her.

She felt the sting of tears, she couldn’t bare him looking at her like that anymore. She reached for him. Bringing him closer so that she could kiss him.

Through the fog of passion, she was only dimly aware that he had removed his clothes and that he had removed her skirt and her knickers. Free of their material cages they were free to explore.

Amanda’s hands ran across his chest and down to his abdomen. Jake kissed her, touched her. Sending her into a frenzy.

Her nails dug and clawed at his back. His teeth bit into her flesh. She gasped, unable to stop it escaping from her mouth. She reached down then. Touching him, feeling him. His arousal hard in her hand as she savoured the feel of skin on skin contact.

She really should try and stop this before it went too far. Amanda tried to focus, to put an end to it. To save herself but she was fighting a losing battle and she knew it.

“Jake.” His name ripped from her throat as his fingers found the warm moistness between her legs.

“Shh.” Jake whispered soothingly into her mouth as his fingers tormented the sensitive nub that he found under the soft folds of her skin.

Amanda instinctively opened her legs wider, thrusting her hips forward to give him better access, her breathing turning into panting as she felt the pleasure rising, spreading out through her body.

She cried out again. She could feel her whole body beginning to tense. Her muscles becoming tighter. “Slow down, there’s plenty of time sweetheart.” He assured her as his fingers slowed. Not that it helped, the tenseness was still building just a little slower.

The truth was that Amanda was sending Jake into a fever pitched passion that he was finding hard to control and his words had been more for his benefit than for hers.

Every moan and sigh went through him. Every touch of her hands. Every scratch of her nails drove him further to the edge.

If only she knew what she was doing to him? “Mandy.” Jake groaned against her mouth with raw passion making his throat sting with the effort.

He had been waiting for more than ten long years for this and he didn’t want it to be over too quickly. He wanted to savour it, make it right, for both of them. He deserved that, she deserved that.

She was weeping, he could taste it. He could feel it. “Hush baby.” He whispered into her mouth between kisses. “Don’t cry.” And then he felt her body tense, her body becoming rigid.

Her breathing stopped for a fraction of a second, her fingers curled and bit into his skin. And then she cried out, a primal earthy sound that excited Jake as he felt her body convulse and tremble as she came against his fingers.

“Jake.” She cried out as she trembled violently but he did not stop the assault. He drove her on, gently, his fingers keeping their firm pressure.

“Say it again.” Jake demanded hotly

“Jake.” Came back her hoarse response as she thrashed and bucked wildly.

“And again.”  He felt the tension in her body again. Her breathing stopping and he knew that she was about to fall over the edge again. And then she was shaking, trembling.

“Jake.” She cried out again. He moved then. Shifting his body on top of hers in order to complete their union.

He thrust his hips. Amanda tensed suddenly as he began to enter her. Her legs squeezing tight either side of him. He heard the sharp in breath as her hands came to his hips as though to stop him.

Jake opened his eyes and looked into hers. Amanda held firm, stopping him from moving into her any closer. She saw the shock in his eyes and something else, she wasn’t sure what it was. Had he guessed? Did he know?

He couldn’t possibly, she dismissed it. He was just shocked that she had stopped him.

She had not meant to. It had been more of an involuntary action. The minute she had felt him dip inside her the muscles had closed and tensed in response to the unfamiliar action. Causing a sharp sting.

Jake kissed her then, slow languid kisses. His eyes keeping hers captive. Not allowing her to break the contact.

She kissed him back, feeling the stroke of his tongue. Slowly her body began to relax. Still he did not move. Her hands moved from his hips. Her legs relaxed again.

Jake continued to look into her eyes as he kissed her and slowly he pushed himself into her. He gave her body time to adjust, to accommodate him. He moved, thrusting his hips, slowly allowing her to get used to it without pain.

Their kisses became more passionate. Jake’s hands stroking and soothing. His thrusts becoming faster, firmer, deeper.

“Do you have any idea what you are doing to me?” Jake whispered hoarsely. And then his own body tensed and she felt the explosion inside her. Heard his moan, felt his body shuddering.


Chapter 14.


Amanda awoke slowly from her heavy slumber and she stretched lazily like a contented cat. A soft smile played on her lips. She had died and gone to heaven of that she was sure. She sighed and opened her eyes.

Oh… my… god… Amanda sat up quickly as reality set in. She was still lying on the floor in Jake’s study. A blanket had been placed on her, she noticed, and a cushion had been placed under her head. She blushed profusely. Jake must have watched her sleeping. Sleeping and naked.

Oh what had she done? What had she done with Jake? How could she. Why had she been so weak? How was she going to face Jake now?

She looked about the room, Jake wasn’t here. She spied her clothes on the sofa. All folded neatly. She blushed harder. He must have picked them up off the floor.

Quickly she got up and threw her clothes on. She did not know how long it would be before Jake came back and she wanted to be fully clothed by then.

If Jake came back and found her still naked… well… what? He would make love to her again. And that’s not what she wanted. No, she told herself, that’s not what you want. It was funny how even the voice in her head did not sound all that convincing.

Amanda stumbled as she put her skirt on. She had no idea why her body responded so readily to Jake when she hated him so much. She found her shoes and slipped her feet into them.

Something was missing. She ran her hands over her blouse and her skirt. And made a mental assessment. Blouse, check. Bra, check. Skirt, check. Shoes, check. Knickers…

Where were her knickers? She scrambled on the floor looking under the sofa, no they weren’t there. She picked up cushions. Felt in between the cracks of the sofa. But they were nowhere to be seen.

They had to be here. After all, she had been wearing them when she had come into the room. She froze as she heard Jake’s voice. Her breath caught in her chest, her heart speeded up.

She kept an eye on the door, fear rooting her to the spot. He sounded like he was on the phone. Good, she could make her escape and be long gone before he realized.

His voice grew closer. What if he came in and stopped her? It was now or never. She felt in the pockets of her skirt. Making sure her house keys, small purse and mobile phone were all present and correct.

Quietly Amanda slid open the door of the study and popped her head round. She saw Jake immediately. He was leaning against the white wall in the hall standing between the study and the front door up ahead.

She was going to have to walk passed him to get to it. Luckily it was a wide hallway. What a stupid place to put a telephone, Amanda thought childishly.

The call sounded important. Business, she could tell. Suddenly, as if he had inbuilt radar, Jake turned to look at her. A slow sexy smile curled around his mouth and she felt herself go red. Very red.

He put a hand over the receiver and whispered. “I’m in the middle of something important. I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

He spoke as if he were asking her to wait for a job interview instead of having just made love to her.

Something deep down and not very nice uncurled itself from the pit of her stomach. The way he had spoken and then dismissed her as though she had been nothing more than a cheap… Don’t even think it, she told herself sternly.

Still, she reminded herself, this would be the perfect opportunity to slip away. No awkward silences. No apologies or pleasantries. They could both walk away and save face.

He couldn’t put the phone down on a business call. So, she could walk straight past him and out the door before he had a chance to do anything. There was nothing he could do about it. Did she dare to? Of course she did.

Decision made, she quickly began to move towards the door whispering to him as she went past him.

“It’s okay, I won’t disturb you. I have a ton of things to do anyway.” She anticipated his arm coming out to make a grab for her.

She moved quickly. Jake tried again but was stopped by the cord of the phone, thank god for that old fashioned thing.

Amanda smiled a little. She did not dare look at him instead she focused everything she had on the front door. The ultimate goal. There she would find freedom.

“Mandy.” Jake whispered at her departing back. “Ah yeah, I’m still here… look… could you give me two seconds I think I hear a saucepan boiling,”

Amanda’s heart lurched in her chest with sickening quickness. He was a damn liar. She wished she could have stayed to enjoy the moment but then she remembered that it would mean that he would certainly catch her.

She ran for the door then, fumbling with the handle clumsily, nearly there. So was Jake. She could hear him. She could feel him.

The door swung open and just as Jake was about to make a grab for her she spilled outside and slammed the front door hard behind her.

Amanda knew that she was being rather childish. She knew she would have to face him eventually. But not just yet, she needed time to think clearly and she couldn’t do that with Jake so near. She had already proved that to herself.

Amanda leant up against the door, allowing it to take her weight as she took a few deep breaths. For so long she had hated him and now things had changed.

In just the briefest of moments everything had changed and blurred. She had to face the fact that she might feel… what?

She shook her head to deny the thought process. She had to come to terms with the fact that she might actually feel… Love?

No, she couldn’t. She still hated him. This did not change anything at all. But she already knew that she was lying to herself. It was already too late, it had already changed things and there was no going back. So what now?

The door swung open then and Amanda cried out as she found herself falling backwards until she landed with a thud on the floor staring up at the ceiling in the hallway. Her feet still on the doorstep outside.

“What do you think you are doing?” Jake asked her as he look down at her.

“Umm.” She said.

“Yes.” She could hear the amusement in Jake’s voice. Great he was going to toy with her. She really liked that particular pastime he had developed.

“I thought the exercise might do me good.” She suggested.

“And did it?” he asked her.

“Not as much as I thought it would.” She told him honestly.

“See, there I was thinking you were trying to get away from me.” He told her. He did not move from his position at the open door and she remained fixed on staring up at the ceiling.

“No of course not.” She told him. “Why would you think that?” she asked.

“Yes, why would I?”

“I have no idea.”

“You had some pretty slick moves as you walked passed me on the telephone.” He said.

“Oh… oh… that was you? Sorry.” She told him. “I didn’t see you. You should have said something.”

“How remiss of me.”

“Yes.” She agreed.

“Would you like some help up off the floor.” He asked her now.

“Actually I am fine. You know I have never noticed that crack in the ceiling before.”

“That’s probably because you have never been on your back sprawled over the doorway before now.” Jake reminded her,

“Yeah, that’s probably it.”

“Here let me help you.” Jake told her and she heard him move. If he touched her it would be all over. He would pull her back inside and then he would close the door and then… and then…

Amanda shot up quickly and took several steps outside before turning quickly on her heel to regard him. Jake stepped forward and then leant up against the door frame. “Don’t tell me you needed more exercise.” His eyebrows shot up.

“Um... I have to go.” She said.

“You know you are surprisingly fast and agile.”

“Well, you know. I keep myself active.” She shrugged.

“Yes, I can see that.”

“Well, Like I said, I have things to do so I should just....” she pointed toward the street beyond the front garden.

“Yeah, I just caught that as you threw it at me over your shoulder as you whizzed passed in a blur.” She felt herself blush. When he said it like that it did sound very childish indeed.

“Okay then. I’m glad we’ve got that straight.”

“What things do you need to do?” he asked her now.

“Things? What things?” She asked blankly.

“The things. You know the things you have to do that cannot wait because they are so important.” Jake supplied helpfully.

“Oh yes, those things. I have to wash my hair.” She told him.

“Your… hair? There was a pause as his eyes roamed over her hair. “It smelt quite fine to me when I had my face buried in it.” He said calmly and Amanda fidgeted and blushed harder. “But if you insist I have shampoo here. I even have conditioner. I don’t have anything that smells like freesia though.” Wow, he did notice a lot didn’t him?

“And I need to do some shopping, otherwise I will have nothing to eat.” She really needed to get her brain in gear.

“I have food here. Don’t worry you won’t starve. Cross my heart.” He ran his finger in the shape of an x on his chest over his heart whilst giving her his best little boy lost look.

Amanda wished he hadn’t, the movement drew her attention to his shirt that was only half buttoned and she could see tanned flesh.

She wanted nothing more than to run back into his arms. “Why fight it?” he was doing that mind reading thing again. “You know you would rather come back in so that I can make love to you again. And I can’t deny that that’s what I’d rather be doing right now.” Amanda felt shamed heat rise in her face.

“Jake do you have to be so crass?” she scolded him as she shuffled her feet uncomfortably.

“Crass. Why? Because I would rather be listening your sweet sexy voice begging me not to stop. Just as you were doing about twenty minutes ago. Pleading with me not to…”

“Jake.” She snapped and her voice rose sharply.

“Mandy give in. I promise I won’t think any less of you. We both know it’s what you really want to do.” He held out a hand invitingly to her. “Come back inside. I want to make love to you again.” His voice dropped to a husky seductive whisper.

“I want to go home because I feel uncomfortable being here after what just happened and I don’t know how to deal with it.” There, she thought, the truth. That wasn’t so bad to do.

She realised too late that if Jake wanted to use that information against her then she had handed it him on a plate.

“Stay there I’ll get my keys.”

“What?” she asked in alarm.

“I’ll drive you.” He stated simply and it made her jump. What no arguments? He wasn’t going to try and convince her to stay or change her mind?

She oddly felt put out by that. “No arguments, I would rather you stay of course. Well?”

“I’d rather go home.” She told him. She didn’t, not really, but if she went to Jake now then there was only one place they were going to end up. And she wasn’t really sure if she was ready for that.

“If you insist. I’m not going to force you Mandy. If you are not completely comfortable then I will take you home.” Was that sincerity she could hear in his voice?


“I am not an unfeeling monster you know. Most certainly not the monster you have turned me into in your head. I am willing to give you some time to get your head around things.”

“Okay what have you done with the real Jake Michelson?” she jibbed weakly and he flashed her a smile that stopped her heart in her chest.

“I am right where I have always been.” He told her softly. This wasn’t the type of conversation she was used to having with Jake.

Arguments she could do, but this. Whatever this was, was different. It almost felt like she was flirting with him and that he was flirting back. It was all so… friendly and nice.

Without thinking she stepped closer. Jake did not move instead he stood still regarding her with those eyes.

“So you would let me just go home?” She asked him.

“Of course.” He told her and she stepped closer.

“Just like that?” she tried again as she took another step.

“Just like that.” He agreed as he bent his head to one side to regard her. His eyes sparkling at her and she stepped closer still.

Then she felt his hand at her elbow, his fingers resting lightly before he began gently pulling her to him until she was close against him. “If that is what you want? Is that what you want Mandy?”

“I…” Amanda stared into his blue eyes and watched mutely as his head came down to hers.

His kiss was gentle, soothing, healing. Gently nipping at her bottom lip and then her top lip before the tip of his tongue grazed the inside of her mouth.

Then, becoming bolder he dipped his tongue in deeper. Moving slowly enticing her to deepen the kiss. Take the initiative.

His hand found its way to the back of her head and he cradled it whilst he let her take control of the kiss. He let her set the pace of it. She felt herself being twirled round, her feet moving as though she were dancing with him, and then she heard the click of the front door as it closed.

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