Beautiful boy (13 page)

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Authors: Grace R. Duncan

Tags: #gay romance

BOOK: Beautiful boy
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I’d been so lost in my mounting fear, I almost didn’t hear his reply.

“I absolutely do, Kyle.”

My eyes flew up to meet his. “You do?”

He gave me a small smile. “Kyle… I’d date you, I’d get to know you. I’d want to be with you, even if you never wanted a Master.”

My eyes widened and I stared at him. “You… you would?”

He nodded. “I’m not going to lie to you. Your submission called to the Dominant in me. I wanted you at my feet about thirty seconds after seeing you in that cage. But,” he said, brushing his thumb over one cheek. “But it’s the person behind the submissive—the geek, the man—that I want

“I… I didn’t expect that. Not, uh, not that you might want to know me, but the… aw hell,” I mumbled, burying my face in his chest.

He brushed my hair back. “Do you want to date Mal? Would you be interested in me if I wasn’t also a Dom?”

I looked up, smiling. “Yes.” I shrugged a shoulder. “Yeah, the sub is drawn to the Master in you. But I’m drawn to you too. I don’t… I don’t know why the… pull… is so strong. I don’t think it’s the sub drop, though.” I swallowed around my dry throat. “I’m sorry. I know you’ve said you wanted to date. You wanted to get tested, and as airheaded as I’m acting, I know people don’t do that unless they want to be monogamous. I just… I—”

“Expect me to change my mind? Tell you I didn’t mean it?”

I swallowed again. “Yeah. I….” I stared hard at his chin. “They didn’t want me, you know?”

“Well, they’re fucking idiots,” he said, then smiled. I looked up to meet his eyes. “So, let me make this clear. Yeah, I want to be your Master. And yes, I want to date you, get to know Kyle, and maybe be Kyle’s lover as well as the boy’s Master.”

I knew my smile was wide. “I want to be your boy. And I want to date you too.” I leaned in and brushed my lips over his. His arms slid around me, holding me close, and I realized this was the first real kiss I initiated—the peck on his cheek at the club didn’t count. He let me take the lead, only parting his lips when I dragged my tongue over them. I felt out of my element, controlling things like this, especially with him. But I appreciated what he was doing, what he was showing me.

When we broke apart, he smiled again, that gorgeous wide one. “So, then. I know we haven’t known each other a full day, but I’m going to say we’re officially dating. Okay?”

I smiled and nodded. “I’d like that.” Feeling better, I tilted my head. “So, when do you want to go on our first date?”

He chuckled and glanced at the TV. “Do you have plans to see it?” he asked, tossing his head toward the movie.

I knew what he meant—the last in the series—and shook my head. “Not specifically. I was going to take Mike, but he’s not in town this week.”

“How about that, then? Tuesday night?”

I bit my lip as I hesitated. “Only if I pay,” I said, taking a chance.

“I insist. You better take me for dinner too.”

I beamed. “I think I can handle that.”

“Now. You bit your lip again.”

My cheeks reddened. “Shit.” I dropped my gaze to his chest.

He grabbed my chin and tilted my face back to him. “Look at me a minute, please, Kyle.”

I obeyed, blinking at the expression in them. “Master?”

“We need to talk about that. I passed rules down without even consulting you about the fact that I probably shouldn’t be making them.”

I scowled in puzzlement. “Of course you should. You’re my Master, right?”

“We’ve played as Master and boy, but though you wear this—” He touched the collar still around my neck. “—we haven’t agreed on anything.”

“I… I thought by accepting it, you were. At… at least when I wore it.”

“Yes. Well, that’s a safe assumption. But I don’t want assumptions. I want things spelled out.”

My eyes widened. “Oh.” I nodded. “I see.”

“So. Let’s make
as plain as possible. Again, I know it’s soon, but we might as well make it clear and official. Do you want me to be your Master while you wear that collar?”

I didn’t even need to think about it. “Yes, Mal.”

“All right. Do you want me to make rules for you while you’re wearing it?”

Again, I didn’t hesitate. “Yes, Mal.”

“Okay. If things work out for us and we end up in a more full-time arrangement, then we’ll sign a contract. But I want something clear. You will
have safewords with me. I don’t operate without them. Do you understand?”

“I understand,” I said, nodding, then hesitated. “Is… is it
when I wear it?”

He tilted his head. “What do you mean?”

“Like… okay, I can’t get away with wearing this, like, at work. Even under my shirt, it’d draw attention. But… I don’t necessarily want to stop being your boy when I have to go home.”

He looked thoughtful. “I can find something else for you to wear for now. Or we can simply say, collar or not, you’re my boy. You’ll just wear the collar when it’s reasonable for you to.”

I couldn’t stop my smile. “I’d like that,” I said softly. “We can… we can get to know each other as Kyle and Mal while I’m still your boy, right?”

His smile spread slowly. “Yes, yes we can.” He pulled me to him and kissed me again. When we broke apart, he smiled again. “Do you want to stay yet again tonight with me?”

I knew I shouldn’t. I knew I should go home, like I thought about earlier. But I didn’t want to. “Yes, I’d like to stay.”

“Well, then. You’ll be naked until I take you home. If you get cold, I’ll turn up the heat. Do you remember the rules I gave you earlier?”

“I must give you my opinion if I have one or tell you I don’t when you ask.”

“Good. What was the other one?”

I almost bit my lip before saying it. “No biting my lip.”

“Right. So….”

“So, I need to be punished.”

He smiled. “Indeed you do. But I’m not willing to spank your ass again. I want it to heal. So instead, I’m withholding orgasm. You’ll get none until tomorrow, at the earliest.”

I swallowed but said, “Yes, Master.”

“It won’t be easy either. I intend to fuck you tonight. And I’ll make sure you’re teased often.”

The blood in my face drained… straight into my dick. “Yes, Master,” I murmured. As much as I liked orgasm denial and control, I wasn’t sure how well I was going to take to it as punishment. Even so, the control still made my already frustrating arousal worse.

“Sit up,” he said, and I did as he asked. He shifted on the couch until he was sitting up, then reached into the end table drawer and pulled out a bottle. Lube. When he sat back, he arranged me on his lap, my back to his chest. I hissed as my abraded ass hit his legs, and he wiggled, making it even more obvious. Then he put each of my legs over his, spreading them wide. “We’re going to watch the movie like this. I won’t push you until you safeword, but I’m going to make you
uncomfortable.” He poured a bit of lube into his hand and wrapped it around my hard dick, stroking it slowly. “Hmm…. Let me see…. We’re about to come up on the Elves. I think, every time an Elf shoots a bow, I’m going to stroke you. I’ll come up with something new when we get to Lake-town.”

I whimpered. It was about to become a

But I was happy too. We were officially dating. Mal wanted Kyle. And I had a Master.



time we settled down to sleep that night, Master spooning me, I had learned a few things.

One, I didn’t like orgasm denial as a punishment, in part because I wasn’t just denied. He made sure I was as miserable as possible in the process. Which I knew was the point; I wasn’t supposed to like punishment. It had the desired effect, though. I was going to do my damnedest to stop biting my lip.

For another thing, Master was
creative in finding ways to make it as difficult on me as possible. My cock hadn’t gone soft since he’d handed me the punishment earlier. He’d found excuses to keep stroking me through both movies and dinner, then fucked me—slowly, not going anywhere with it—through a third.

Eventually, he fucked me for real, pushing me to the edge of climax several times before allowing himself to finish. Then we’d showered and he’d proceeded to make sure I “tasted clean.” I hit the edge twice more from that. By the time we climbed into bed, my balls were heavy and full, and I couldn’t remember ever being this frustrated in my life.

I really wasn’t sure where long-term orgasm denial fell on my kink list. While I loved the control he exerted, I wasn’t too sure how I felt about the frustration. I was turned on, there was no doubt about it, but the jury was still out on whether that was because I really got off on it or simply because he made sure I was aroused.

I’d lost count over the course of the day how many times I’d been brought to the edge and denied. And now, as I lay next to him, my cock was rock hard and unwilling to go soft. Sleep seemed an impossibility.

taken the time out to call and check in with Mike. He’d been skeptical of me staying with Mal. For one thing, he worried about my immediate safety. He still thought I was kind of nuts to be going home with a Dom. But more than that, he worried I was going ridiculously fast and was going to get hurt emotionally. I assured him I knew I was going fast, but that I wasn’t exactly marrying the guy the next day. All I’d gotten in reply was, “You can’t
married in this state.” Hardly the point, but he let it go.

He was right, though. And while my hard dick was the bigger portion of my sleeplessness, the worry about what I was letting myself in for partially eclipsed my sexual frustration. I knew already I cared about him, liked him—a lot—and lusted after him immensely. The boy in me thrilled at his control and Mastery. I’d known the day before that I could lose my heart to him, and that had only been reinforced in the last twenty-four-plus hours.

I had so much to lose if this went bad, and it scared the absolute shit out of me.

But I was a big boy. I had someone who wanted me, lusted after me,
me, wanted to date me. He wanted to be my Master, give me the things I needed in that respect too. I wasn’t going to let the opportunity pass me by.

Even with that determination, my ridiculous cock kept me awake for a long time.



make me wait. Before I was even fully awake the next morning, Mal was kissing me and touching me. Not long after I was responding, he pushed into me. An embarrassingly short time later, I exploded all over my stomach, chest, and Master’s chest too.

With the exception of the fact that I was naked all day, we spent a rather vanilla, nonsexual day together after that. We made breakfast together, Mal showing me how to cook eggs and bacon. I burned the bacon, but he ate it anyway, making me feel impossibly good.

“Do you play?” Master asked me, wrapping his arms tightly around me from behind. He’d volunteered to clean up the dishes from breakfast and encouraged me to explore while he did. Being the geek I was, I was drawn to his office and found his rather impressive collection of chess sets.

The shelf next to his desk held almost every conceivable theme I could think of. The sets ran the gamut from the Wizard’s Chess from
Harry Potter
Star Wars
, and Arthurian pieces. One set consisted of all Egyptian gods and goddesses, while another had what was either Greek or Roman gods. Still a third set was entirely Asian-themed, complete with samurai, castles with pagoda-style curved roofs for the rooks, and ladies in full face paint and kimono dress. He even had a
Super Mario
set with Mario and Bowser as the kings.

I realized I’d been staring and finally answered. “I love to. Mike isn’t one much for it, though, and I don’t have a lot of other people to play with.”

“Would you like to?”

I nodded eagerly. “Yes, but… these sets are so amazing. Do you have a simpler one?”

He flashed his grin at me and went around his desk to a set of cabinets along the wall. He opened one door and pulled out a box. “I don’t like to play with the themed ones either. Well, not often, anyway. Let’s set up.”

A few minutes later, we had fresh coffee and sat at a simple board setup with basic wooden pieces. I had white at Master’s insistence. As I moved my first pawn, I frowned. “You know, we haven’t had much chance to ask about each other.”

“That’s true,” Master said, matching my pawn move. “This seems like a good opportunity. At least then you can tell Mike we did something other than fucking.”

I’d just taken a sip of coffee, and it took all I had to keep from spraying the chessboard with it. I choked it down and snatched up a napkin from one side of the table as I struggled. I looked up to see Master grinning at me. “You did that on purpose,” I accused when I could speak.

He raised his eyebrows and tried to look innocent. “Me?”

“Master, you couldn’t be innocent no matter how hard you tried.”

He threw his head back and laughed. “I’ll give you that. So… what do you want to know?”

I eyed him for a moment, then
took another sip of coffee. I moved another pawn as I decided what to ask. “How about… favorite color?”

“Too easy. Green.”

I raised an eyebrow at him, not convinced for a minute it was coincidence that I had green eyes and it was his favorite color. “Really?”

“Yes. It even was before I met you. What’s yours?”

“Blue, I suppose. No one’s ever asked me before.” I frowned at the board as Master matched my move again.

“Well, that’s a shame. Music?”

“Yes,” I said without thinking, then blushed. “Uh… grunge, I guess? Godsmack, Linkin Park… that sort of thing, though I tend to like lots of different stuff.”

He nodded. “We ought to get along well with that, at least. My sister used to drive me nuts with her bubblegum pop when I still lived at home.”

I blinked at him. “You have a sister?”

“Yes, though there are times I’d like to forget about Zoe entirely. She’s a bit of a science nerd and has a nasty habit of going
about it.”

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