Beautifully Irresistible (26 page)

BOOK: Beautifully Irresistible
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“Let me see. Jesus! I do. It’s a car that we have on lease. It’s one of several.”

“Can you find out who was driving it?”

“I will try my best. Come here,” he said, patting his lap.

I went over and sat on his knee for a cuddle. I felt so stressed out with all the things that had been happening.

“You are very tense, Jennifer,” Zack said, massaging my shoulders.

I melted into his soft and gentle touch.

“I’m just a bit pissed off with everything.”

He looked at me longingly and then he kissed me, probing his tongue into my mouth. I felt turned on instantly by him as his hand travelled up my dress and caressed my left breast. My nipples puckered up and a dull throb ached between my legs.

It had been over two weeks and I was suffering severe withdrawal symptoms. I craved his gentle caress and his not so gentle lovemaking.

It looked like the drought was about to be over.

“Feel better?” he whispered as he nibbled my earlobe.

I could tell that he had got the horn.

“Much better, thank you.”

“I don’t think we will make it upstairs,” he whispered.

Zack stood up with me wrapped around his waist then put me down gently. He locked the heavy door and closed the blinds. Turning back around, he looked at me with such raw wanting I thought I might set alight. He cleared his desk with one swoop of his hand. Papers and pens clattered noisily to the floor.

“Get on the desk and spread your legs real wide, baby,” he whispered as his eyes burned with raw desire.

I quickly unbuttoned my dress and he peeled my underwear down my legs. He unclasped my bra and I lay back down on the cold hard desk. Zack pulled his t-shirt over his head so that I could gaze longingly at his body. Quickly shoving his jeans down, he released his erection and loomed over me.

“There is no time for any play. I need you now!” he growled in a deep feral sexy voice.

Grabbing himself, he pulled me roughly to the edge of the desk nudging my slick entrance with his erection. He glided quickly into me.

“Jesus, Zack!” I panted as he started to move slowly.

I gripped the edge of the desk as he pulled my legs up onto his shoulders. He kissed my left leg, biting it playfully.

His face broke into a wide grin as he claimed what was his once again.

“Oh baby, you feel fantastic. I am so deep!” he told me as he built up his frantic thrusts.

He moved at a vigorous hypnotic pace. My head lifted up and banged on the desk as I moaned and panted.

God, I had missed him making love to me.

“Oh yes!” I screamed loudly.

“Hush, you noisy woman, Marcia is upstairs!”


“I have been waiting to fuck you hard for days now, baby!”

I started to feel light-headed as my body embarked on its delicious ascent. My breasts throbbed as I tugged the nipples. I gritted my teeth as I started to ride the heavenly wave.

I pushed my hips further towards him, meeting his energetic thrusts. We moved together in perfect rhythm. Our bodies rubbed together causing delicious friction.

“Yes, Zack, do it harder!” I whispered as he increased the speed plunging and slipping in and out of me.

“Yes, Jennifer. Is that hard enough?” he panted, continuing my pummelling.

We had never gone at it with such passion and urgency. He filled me and satisfied my insatiable craving for him. He looked at me with tenderness and love as he dominated my eager and willing body.

I screamed his name as I climaxed. My hair was plastered to my head. I gulped in air as I tried to regulate my breathing. My cheeks felt flushed.

My back banged noisily on the desk as he showed me no mercy.

It felt so good.

“Oh fuck, yes baby!” he shouted as he powered into me reaching his own orgasm.

That was certainly one hard rough session. My back felt raw and sore.

“That feels so much better!” Zack panted.

His hair had fallen forward and was framing his gorgeous face. He raked a hand through, trying to straighten it up.

“I couldn’t agree more!”

“You are the best lay ever, baby!” he laughed, kissing me lazily.

“That is the most romantic thing you have ever said to me, Mr Cole!”

“My darling Jennifer, you give me such pleasure when I make sweet and tender love to you.”

“Ha! Sweet and tender! I don’t think so! I will be aching for days after that shag!”

“You love it that way, Miss Black!”

“I love it any way I can get it with you, Mr Cole, and don’t you ever stop giving me what I want, ever.”

“I don’t intend to! Well, no rest for the wicked.”

“Oh, you are so very wicked, Mr Cole!”

Zack looked back to his former glorious self. He headed upstairs to his en-suite.

I quickly got dressed and gathered up some papers from the floor. I couldn’t help but notice a list of names and I quickly scanned through it. There were about fifteen names in total, all male. I looked for the names with the initial ‘D’ after hearing Billy’s last words.

There was a Daniel Turner, a Derek Fletcher and a David Simms.

David must have been the man we met when we went out for dinner. I suddenly realised that he was the one that had groped me when I first met Zack.

“Where are you?” Zack called in a singsong voice.

“Sorry, I’m on my way.”

I joined Zack for a quick refreshing shower. He washed my hair and all of my sore body. I returned the favour.

As we headed downstairs, he grabbed me and kissed me sweetly against the bedroom door. His tongue slid into my mouth as we enjoyed our making out session. It was a tender loving kiss.

“You are so amazing, Jennifer, and I love making love to you so much.”

“Likewise, Zack, I don’t want to ever let you go.”

“I’m not going anywhere without you, JB.”

I pulled him greedily to me again and kissed his gorgeous mouth over and over.


We eventually managed to head back downstairs. Zack looked so much better and I felt so much better to have renewed our connection so spectacularly.

Zack went to collect the twins as I prepared a lasagne and garlic bread with a green salad.

He sauntered into the kitchen still wearing his black leather jacket. The contrast of the jacket against his blond hair was deliciously sexy and made my mouth water.

“Mm, you look very tasty, Mr Cole. You make my tummy go all funny!”

“You make other parts of me go all funny, Miss Black! I will nip down and get a good bottle of red wine.”

“Let’s face it, you don’t have any crappy bottles, do you!”

Zack disappeared down to his peruse his large collection of wine in the cellar.

A bit later, the doorbell chimed.

“Connor’s here!” Scarlett shouted, hurtling down the stairs at breakneck speed.

She flung the front door open and Connor was standing there looking utterly petrified. I would be scared facing Zack too.

He came across as a formidable force.

Poor kid!

“Hi, Scarlett. I brought you these,” he told her, handing her a beautiful hand tied bouquet.

I bet his Mum had knocked those up!

“Hi, Connor. They are gorgeous. Thank you.”

Scarlett stepped aside for Connor to come in. She went into the kitchen to get a vase from under the sink. He followed her like a lamb to the slaughter. I had to stop myself from doing a quick sheep imitation.

“Hi, Connor. I’m Jennifer. It’s good to meet you.”

“Hi, Jennifer. I have heard a lot about you.”

“Connor, stop looking so worried. My Dad is okay, you know. I can wrap him around my little finger,” she winked, grinning.

“What would you like to drink, Connor?” I asked him, giggling to myself about Scarlett’s last very truthful comment.

“We’ll have some wine please, Jennifer!” Scarlett chipped in.

“Try again. We have lemonade, fruit juice, coke or mineral water.”

“I’ll have a water please, Jennifer.”

I got Connor his drink just as Zack came back into the kitchen. Connor seemed to stiffen up as he came closer.

“Bye, everyone. Have fun, you crazy kids!” Jasper shouted as he headed out of the front door.

“Mr Cole, it’s good to meet you,” Connor said as he bravely stepped forward, holding his hand out.

He gulped loudly. His body seemed to quiver.

“Nice to meet you too, Connor.” Zack shook his hand with a vice like grip.

Connor winced. Zack’s smile didn’t reach his gorgeous eyes. The atmosphere was tense to say the least as Zack weighed up Connor.

He seemed to have his poker face on.

“Why don’t you two go and sit in the dining room? Zack, can you help me in the kitchen please?”

I shot him a look that meant business.

“What’s up brown eyes?” he asked innocently.

I quietly shut the door and spun around to give him a telling off.

“Give the poor kid a break. He is shit scared of you. I mean, you have a very large presence. You have this way about you that is pretty menacing!”

“That’s a bit brutal, although when I was at Cambridge if any of my mates were owed money for blow, or whatever, I used to have no trouble collecting it for a small fee!” he laughed at the memory.

“What are you like? You could be a repo man!” I giggled as I pictured him scaring the crap out of people.

“Okay, I will try to like him. I know what boys of his age think about you know!” He arched an eyebrow as he groped my breast.

“Just try, will you?” I pleaded swatting his hand away.

He helped me bring the food in and we took our seats at the table. I was at one end, looking at Zack, and Scarlett was to my left with poor defenceless Connor quietly quaking to my right.

Zack cleared his throat and arched his fingertips.

“So, what are your plans after college, Connor?”

“I am planning on being an architect. I know it’s a long slog but it’s been my dream for a long time now,” he told him confidently.

Zack’s blue eyes lit up as they talked.

“Very good, that’s a great career path. I’m impressed.”

The rest of the evening turned out to be a lot more pleasant than I had expected. When his Dad pulled up to collect Connor, Zack accompanied him outside and had a quick chat with him before shaking his hand.

When he came back into the house, Scarlett was bursting to hear what he had to say.

“Well Dad, did you like him?”

“I did, Scarlett. He seems a decent young man. I actually know his Dad from playing golf. We are going to have a round sometime.”

Scarlett looked immensely relieved and hugged her Dad tightly.


Chapter Thirty One


The following morning, Scarlett and Jasper had a teacher training day so I decided to call into the police station to run the names with the initial ‘D’ through the computer.

Daniel Turner drew a blank other than a couple of parking tickets but Derek Fletcher, well, where do we start?

I couldn’t understand why he was employed by Cole Enterprises unless he was some sort of hired muscle. He had convictions for GBH, extortion, assault with a deadly weapon and he had spent a good few years at Her Majesty’s pleasure.

Looking at David Simms, I found that he was arrested on suspicion of rape when he was at university but the case was dropped.

I quickly popped in to see Ross to update him. “Right,” he said, “I will get a tail on this Fletcher character and see what we can turn up, Black.”

As it was a nice day, I decided a quick workout followed by a swim was in order. It was very nice having a pool and gym at my disposal. I could get used to this.

Plugging in my iPod, I did a circuit of the impressive gym equipment and then enjoyed a leisurely swim in the stunning outdoor pool.

After my swim, I headed upstairs to have a quick shower and get changed and as I passed Scarlett’s room, I heard whispering. I wondered who she was talking to as I had thought she was in the house on her own. I quietly stopped at the door and listened in.

“Oh, oh yes Connor, it’s lovely,” she panted as the bed creaked loudly.

“Is it okay, Scarlett? I'm not hurting you, am I? It’s my first time.”

“It’s mine too and no, it’s great,” she replied breathlessly.

The bed creaked again as Connor picked up the pace.

Oh my god! They were having sex and Zack was due back any time. My cheeks flushed red with embarrassment as I listened to them. I wanted to cover my ears and block it out.

What the hell was I going to do?

“Oh Connor, I love you!” she shouted quite loudly.

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