Beautifully Irresistible (21 page)

BOOK: Beautifully Irresistible
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I peeled my pants slowly down my legs and threw them onto the small bed. He inhaled them then he put them into his pocket. My heartbeat quickened as I flushed.


“Now Jennifer, I want you to touch yourself, really slowly.”

I obeyed him again as I slid my fingers into my wetness. My fingers circled my clit as I closed my eyes.

“Oh yes,” I moaned, completely lost in the erotic moment.

“That’s excellent, Jennifer. Come closer to me,” he replied, touching his large erection.

He pumped his hand along his thick long length, never taking his eyes off me. Watching him turned me on even more.

I stepped forward and he grabbed my fingers, pulling them into his mouth. He sucked them and flicked his tongue along the tips.

“Mm, that’s gorgeous, baby.”

My legs felt like they were going to give way.

Zack roughly pulled me towards him, plunging his tongue into me. I cried out with pleasure. His tongue darted in and out of me and he nibbled my clit, holding me to him by my buttocks. He took his time pleasuring me beyond belief. I panted with raw desire. My whole body visibly shuddered as I reached orgasm.

He pulled back to remove his top and he took his jodhpurs down his legs in one swift movement.

Jesus! He didn’t have any boxer shorts on!

I kissed down his neck then continued down his glorious body. Grabbing him, I took him into my mouth. He pushed up into me, taking me by surprise. Zack moaned loudly as I licked up and down him, dipping him in and out of my gentle mouth. My tongue slithered underneath his rock hard length at his soft sac as he writhed around beneath me. His eyes were closed and he was wearing a dreamy look. I loved pleasuring him so much.

Zack held my hair tightly as he ground up against me, whispering my name.

“I can’t wait any longer. Bend over,” he whispered, panting heavily.

I bent over the bed. He vigorously entered me and I gasped at the wonderful sensation. We made love at a furious pace. He pushed deeply, thrusting into me, taking his time as my body tightened around him. His hands cupped my breasts, teasing the nipples. Our bodies entwined together beautifully. A slick of sweat covered our hot skin. He built to a satisfying crescendo as we climaxed noisily.

“I love being inside you so much, Jennifer,” he whispered.

He kissed my neck gently as his arms wrapped around me.

After our love making, we lay together for some time in silence, completely exhausted. I felt so happy like my addiction for him had been fed.

My insatiable need filled for now.

Until the next time that was.

I closed my eyes, wrapped in his embrace. Suddenly my eyes sprung open as I realised that it was raining. Zack was asleep. I gently roused him shaking his shoulder.

“Zack, it’s raining.”

“We had better get the horses back,” Zack said as we started to get dressed.

“Please can I have my pants back, Mr Cole, you kinky deviant!” I asked him, arching on eyebrow.

“Sorry, I forgot about them!” he chuckled.

He removed them from his pocket and held them up. I stepped into them, holding onto his shoulders for support. He caressed my bottom gently as he pulled them up.

Zack fastened my bra at the back and admired the new underwear. Until that moment, I didn’t actually know that any man was capable of doing that particular task.

We got back onto Ace and Puzzle and started our journey home.

“Shall we have a canter back?” Zack asked as we reached a wider part of the track.

“Okay, sounds good, boss.”

Zack gently kicked Ace on and I followed suit. I was trying to figure out why his wife had all those endless affairs.

I mean, this man was more than enough for any woman. It just didn’t make sense to me. Maybe she just fell out of love with him.

We cantered quickly up the hill back towards the house when suddenly loud gunfire echoed around the woods. It sounded really close by.

Before I knew what was happening, Puzzle had panicked and reared up onto his back legs. I could feel my feet sliding out of the stirrups. I tried my best to grip onto him but it was no use.

All I could see around me was the rainy sky then all that I could feel was raw pain as my body hit the ground at speed.

Then everything went completely pitch dark.


Chapter Twenty Two


I was really freezing cold. It was as if I had been sleeping outside in deep snow. I couldn’t feel my legs or my arms or anything come to think of it.

There was a lot of shouting going on but the voices seemed really far away. It sounded like Zack’s voice.

What were they saying? I thought about having a little sleep.

Someone was tugging me around and I didn’t like it. There was a loud whirring noise that was scaring me.

“Her blood pressure is dangerously low. We need to get her to St James’s as soon as possible.”

What were they on about? They must be talking about someone else. Suddenly there was more noise and pulling around.

My stomach lurched and I felt like I was flying.

After a little while, there was a bumpy jolt then a rush of ice-cold wind as I hurtled along somewhere. I kept my eyes shut because I felt really sick. It was a horrible feeling.

Was I on a funfair ride?

I didn’t know where I was and I wished someone would tell me what the hell was going on.

Everything went black again.


I could hear a lot of noise and people were around me talking quietly.

“Luckily we have stabilised her but she will need to remain in ICU for some time. She has sustained a head injury and we don’t know what damage she has done to her back in the fall. We will sedate her to let the swelling in her brain go down, Mr Cole.”

“Thanks, Doctor. Can I sit with her?”

“Yes, but just for a few minutes.”

“Jennifer, can you hear me, sweetheart? You gave me such a fright there. Puzzle threw you off. I should never have let you ride him. Everything is my fault! I will come back in the morning as the Doctor says I can’t stay with you. You need your rest.”

He sniffed loudly and blew his nose.

“I love you, Jennifer, so much.”

I heard his voice catch in his throat.

His hand clasped mine. I felt his soft lips kiss my forehead. A tear dropped onto my face.

Please don’t go. Don’t leave me.

I tried to open my eyes and but I just didn’t have the energy.

I love you too.


I woke up and eventually after a mammoth effort, I opened my eyes. There was a loud machine to my left and I seemed to have a drip in my hand. There was a blood pressure monitor on my finger. I wasn’t going anywhere for the time being. I got the sudden urge to go to the toilet but I couldn’t move my legs to get out of the bed. I realised that I probably had a catheter in so I just went for it. No, I didn’t feel wet so I was right.

Trying to sit up, I decided that it was a pointless exercise as I couldn’t move. My body felt sore and stiff. I could feel my legs and I could wiggle my toes. That must be a good sign.

A nurse came in and I stared at her.

“Good morning. How are you feeling, Jennifer?” she asked kindly.


“Would you like some water?”

I nodded my head as she put a straw in my mouth and I took a few sips. The sheer effort wore me out and I lay back down on the bed exhausted.

“I will go and get Doctor Knight. I won’t be a moment,” she said, disappearing out of the room.

A few minutes later, a small bald doctor entered the room.

“Right, Jennifer. How are you today?”

“I feel like I have been hit by a bus,” I croaked.

The doctor smiled warmly.

“We will need to run some more tests to check out your back to see the extent of your injuries. Luckily you were wearing a back protector,” he explained.

“I can feel my legs and move my toes.”

“That is good news,” he said, pulling the covers back and running his pen along the underside of my foot.

“Please can you ring Zack and tell him I am awake?”

“Yes, I will have a nurse call him now.”

I sank back into the bed and racked my brains trying to remember what happened. The last thing I could think of is Zack and I making love in the small cabin then nothing.

Suddenly it all rushed back to me.

I had fallen off Puzzle after I heard gunshots.

I could hardly keep my eyes open so I rested them until Zack came.

“Jennifer, Jennifer,” Zack whispered as my eyes flickered open.

“Zack, it’s good to see you,” I said as tears formed in my eyes.

“Don’t get upset. The doctor says you are making good progress and he doesn’t think you have done much damage to your back which is really good news. I am so glad you wore a back protector.”

“I know.”

“Your Mom and Dad sent some flowers. I hope you don’t mind but I rang them from your phone. They are worried and they would love it if you could call them.”

“Are Scarlett and Jasper ok?”

“They are fine and send their love.’

“That’s long enough for your visit today, Mr Cole. We need to let Jennifer rest and recover. I will let you have five more minutes,” the nurse said sternly.

“Bit of a dragon, eh?” Zack laughed, holding my hand.

“Who fired a gun, Zack?”

“I don’t know. I think someone must have been shooting pheasants close by. I will find out who it was and they will pay for it!”

“Is Puzzle okay?”

“He has gone back into his shell again, hiding at the back of the stable but he will come round.”

“It wasn’t his fault, Zack. He must have been very frightened.”

“I know. I was scared for you. You went in the Air Ambulance. Do you not remember?”

“For some reason I remember it all vividly. Not something I want to repeat!”

“Well, you just need to concentrate on getting better,” Zack said, stroking my head.

“I will. You had better get going or you will be in trouble with Matron!” I giggled.

“Okay. Bye then, beautiful. I love you, JB,” Zack said, kissing me.

He gently cupped my face in his warm hands.

I wish I could have brushed my teeth before he kissed me but he didn’t seem to mind.

“I love you too and thank you.”

“What for?” he replied, looking puzzled.

“For giving me my pants back. At least I had underwear on!”

“You are funny!” he told me, blowing a kiss as he headed out of the door.


Chapter Twenty Three


My Mum and Dad insisted on travelling down to see me even though I didn’t think they needed to.

“Zack is certainly gorgeous, Jennifer,” Mum said, winking at me.

“Yes, he is,” I replied, flushing bright red.

“Are you together?” she whispered as she didn’t want Dad to hear.

He was miles away reading the paper.

“Yes, but it is part of my undercover. I am hopelessly in love with him though.”

“Does he feel the same way?”

“Yes. Mum, he is wonderful and he makes me so happy.”

“I am happy for you, sweetheart. I can see his many attractions. What a tough assignment!”

“Mum, he is the one, the love of my life, but he won’t want me when I have cracked the case. I will be a fraud!”

Tears flowed down my cheeks.

“Don’t cry, sweetheart. It will all work out. You’ll see.”

“When will you get out, dear?” Dad asked, suddenly coming back to life.

“Hopefully in a couple of days the doctor said.”

“Thank goodness you are okay. You gave us quite a scare!”

“I know. It’s not something I would want to repeat.”

“We will head back up North tomorrow, sweetheart.”

When they had gone, I rang Ross for an update.

“It’s Black here, Sir.”

“Black, how are you? You gave me quite a fright. Are you getting out soon?”

“Yes, in a couple of days. I am on the mend, thanks.”

“A witness came forward to say she saw a tall dark-haired man running down the lane, but she only saw him from behind. He got into a flashy saloon car possibly a Lexus but she didn’t see the plate. That’s all we have.”

“It’s somebody at Cole's office but there are over one thousand employees there plus people coming in from other branches so it could prove to be a nightmare.”

“Well, keep at it, Black. Get well soon.”

“Bye, Sir.”

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