Beautifully Irresistible (16 page)

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He was clearly over Phoebe!

“No, thanks. I have a partner, Zachary Cole. We live over on The Avenue,” I told him, watching for a reaction. “Do you know it?”

I was delighted to see the colour drain from his face.

“No, I don’t think I do. Anyway, never mind. Abby will give you the times that I am working in the gym so pop along whenever it suits you,” he said, shaking my hand.

He looked really nervous all of a sudden.

“Thanks, Tyler, and I will see you really soon.”

When I got back into the car, I rang DI Ross and told him what I had discovered.

“I think we will get young Mr Henderson in. Please could you forward all the texts and the video over to me? Good work, Black.”

I felt better for achieving something positive and I debated whether to speak to Alan about the video. It couldn’t be what he saw on the day of her disappearance as it had been forwarded to her secret phone.

It had to be something else but what?

As I waited for Scarlett and Jasper, my phone beeped with a message. I looked at the screen and saw that it was from Zack. My pulse quickened as I opened it up.

It read, ‘For your eyes only, my beautiful Jennifer.’

I clicked on the attachment and I saw that it was the video Alan made of us in the woods. A red hot flush of desire hit me as I watched Zack making love to me outside, up against the ancient tree.

I giggled to myself. I was so noisy. God, it was so hot watching us. His naked arse looked gorgeous as he thrust roughly into me. The cheeks hollowed and clenched.

“Oh yes!” I moaned in the quiet car.

Luckily, I was parked in an empty part of the street outside the school. I panted breathlessly as I relived making love to Zack.

The school bells interrupted my ‘X’ rated thoughts as the students started to spill out of the exits.

I took a deep breath and pulled myself together. It was like Zack had awakened a sex siren that had been hidden deep inside of me. I had never ever behaved like this before and I always enjoyed sex, but not this much. I thought about him making love to me constantly and it was wearing me out.

“Hello, Jennifer,” Scarlett said as she clambered into the Audi.

“Did you have a good day?”

“Hi, Jennifer,” Jasper grinned as he got into the back again.

Scarlett was so bossy with him and for some unknown reason he just accepted it.

“I did thanks and someone I have had my eye on for a while asked me out.”

“Tell me more. What is he called?”

“He’s called Connor and he’s really fit.”

“He’s alright and an improvement on that tit Ollie you were seeing!” Jasper chimed in.

“Shut up Jasper!”

“When are you going out with him then?” I enquired.

“At the weekend, we are going to go to the cinema then for something to eat. Please don’t tell Dad as I don’t think he would like it.”

“If that’s what you want. I’m sure you will have a great time.”

“I hope so. Anyway, what about you and Amy? She’s mad for you, Jasper!”

“I’m just playing it cool. I don’t want to seem too keen!”


After I had got the evening meal on the go, I decided to go and confront Alan. I took the path along to the stable block and I found him in a makeshift office, flicking through an old porn magazine.

“What do you want?” he snapped.

“I want to talk to you.”

“What do you want to talk about?”

“Did you see Phoebe and a man in the woods shortly before she disappeared?”

“I might have done. What’s it got to do with you?”

“Did you film them?”

“Yes. I was going to make the bitch cough up some cash for me. It’s not like she couldn’t afford it.”

“You really are a regular charmer, aren’t you, Alan?”

“Fuck off you bitch and leave me alone.”

“I might just tell Mr Cole what you have been up to. Do you know anything about her disappearance?”

“Yes. But I’m not telling you.”

Suddenly he launched at me and pinned me up against the door. I could smell sweat and sour breath. Fear prickled in my scalp. I managed to get my phone out and hit Zack's number on speed dial.

“Get off me!” I screamed.

“You want me, don’t you? I would satisfy you more than him and you are a right goer. You have fucking amazing tits. I have seen you in action, remember?” he spat as he started to undo his jeans.

He roughly grabbed one of my breasts and squeezed really hard. I could hear Zack’s voice shouting my name.

“I don’t think so, Alan, you creep. Get off me!” I screamed in his face as I started to back up towards the door.

His hands gripped my blouse tightly. I managed to shrug him off. He had a wild untamed look in his watery eyes.

Suddenly he punched me hard in the face. It hurt like hell. Blood filled my mouth and my vision blurred. His body pressed against mine and I started really panicking. Stars swam around in front of my eyes.

“Help me, help!” I screamed loudly before he clamped a dirty hand over my mouth.

“Shut up, you bitch or I will hit you again!” he shouted.

Zack crashed through the flimsy door of the office.

Thank god!

“Get off her, you sick bastard! Don’t you dare touch her,” he shouted at Alan, grabbing him roughly by the scruff of his neck.

Zack didn’t even break into a sweat. He threw Alan into a heap onto the path outside. He smacked him really hard right in the mouth and he continued hitting his face.

Zack could really fight.

He continued raining down punches on Alan as he cowered in a ball on the ground. I thought he was going to kill him.

Zack kicked him really hard in the side before I pulled him away.

“Stop, stop! That’s enough Zack!” I shouted holding his arm.

“I promise I won’t say anything, Mr Cole. Please stop!” Alan gasped.

What was he talking about?

His knuckle was bleeding from the exertion. Alan who was a bloody mess wisely remained on the ground groaning. He took me into his welcome embrace as I started to sob uncontrollably. The shock of what happened hit me.

“It will be okay, Jennifer. He can’t hurt you now,” he soothed, kissing my hair.

“You forgot something Zack,” I sniffled.

“What, baby?”

“Your white horse, you are my hero!” I laughed, breaking the unbearable tension in the air.

He laughed as he held me to him. Billy raced over from the stable block.

“Are you alright, Jennifer?”

“I will be, thanks, Billy. Mr Cole came just in the nick of time.”

“I am sorry, Jennifer.”

“Billy, please can you call the police?”

“Yes, right away, Mr Cole.”

Zack put his arm around me and led me back to the house after asking Billy to lock Alan in the office.


Chapter Seventeen


Zack led me into the kitchen and tended to my cut lip. He applied antiseptic to my sore mouth. His face was full of concern for me. I noticed that his shirt had my blood on it.

“What happened to Jennifer, Dad?” Jasper shouted as he came into the kitchen.

“Alan attacked her.”

“What? The bastard!” he said, clamping his fists to his side.

“Hey! Watch your language. The police are coming for him now.”

“I’m okay, Jasper, thanks,” I told him, squeezing his shoulder.

“I'm sorry he hurt you, Jennifer.”

“I’m just going to nip upstairs for a few minutes, guys.”

I went up to my bedroom and shut the door. I needed to speak to DI Ross in case any of the policemen recognised me. He answered after three rings and I relayed the events to him.

“Jesus, Black, are you alright?”

“I will be, Sir. Zack, I mean Mr Cole, is looking after me,” I stuttered.

Something caught in my voice as I said his name and Ross picked up on it straight away.

He wasn’t called Razor Ross for nothing!

“Oh yes. Are you two like an item then?”

“Yes, I am sleeping with him and I look on it as a very good perk of the job,” I sarcastically informed him.

That shut him up!

“Err right. Bloody hell! Okay then, I will call dispatch and make sure no one blows your cover, Black. Keep me informed on any further developments.”

I enjoyed a shower as I washed away the memory of Alan’s attack. When I went back downstairs, the police had arrived and I knew one of the constables.

“Jennifer, this is PC Smith and PC Anderson. They have come to take Alan into custody,” Zack explained.

“Hello,” I said cautiously, trying not to make eye contact with PC Anderson.

We had worked together before I got my promotion to CID.

“Miss Black, please could you run through what happened?”

I relived the incident and realised that I was more shaken up than I thought. I closed my eyes tightly trying to get rid of the images that flashed before me.

“Thank you, Miss Black. We will be in touch,” PC Anderson told me kindly.

Zack showed them out and returned to the lounge.

“Are you hungry, Jennifer?”

“No, I think I will just have a cup of tea and go to bed. Let me fix up your hand first, Zack.”

“It’s okay. I have had worse.”

“Do as you are told, Mr Cole, or suffer the consequences!” I told him, arching an eyebrow.

“Mm sounds interesting, Miss Black!”

I tended to his injury and kissed his knuckle softly.

“Are you okay, baby?” he said.

“I will be. I’m as tough as old boots. I am from the North, you know!”


Chapter Eighteen


The following morning I woke up with a start and realised that Zack was between my legs giving me a wonderful wake up call. He leisurely licked my clit over and over as I moaned sleepily. His tongue teased me, diving deeper and deeper into my wetness. Zack gave me little licks, bites and nibbles as I ascended once more to Cole orgasm heaven. I touched my breasts, relieving the pressure in them. Flicking over my clit once more, I tightened up and gave myself over to the amazing feeling as it washed over my aroused body. He kissed me gently between my legs. Zack licked up my stomach and then spent time worshipping my breasts, sucking my nipples greedily. He hummed softly to himself as I stroked his gorgeous hair.

“I need you in me, Mr Cole, now.”

“Bit bossy, aren’t you, Miss Black?”

“You love it!” I giggled as my cheeks flushed.

“Roll onto your side, baby.”

I rolled over and he quickly spooned behind me. He positioned himself as I spread my legs wider. It was his turn to moan as he thrust up into me.

“Oh baby!” he said breathlessly.

Zack slowly and gently made sweet love to me, showing me such tenderness it made tears form in my eyes.

He wasn’t in any rush or needing instant gratification.

I loved how he felt inside me, satisfying me so completely. His thrusts gained power as he pushed harder and harder into me. I pushed my hips back towards him, meeting his expert mesmerising moves.

Another amazing orgasm was waiting in the wings. He touched my breasts, tugging the hard taut nipples. His touch was so tender, so loving.

“Touch yourself, beautiful.”

I circled my wet clit with my thumb, moaning with pleasure as I came completely and utterly undone.

“Yes! That is so hot, baby,” he whispered, biting my neck quite hard.

I gasped with the sharp pleasurable pain that shot straight between my legs.

“Oh yes!” I screamed as my marvellous climax rushed through my body.

Zack gripped my breasts tightly, rolling the nipples as his orgasm built deliciously. His own climax ripped through him.

“Jennifer!” he shouted as his hips pumped roughly for the last time into me.

I felt him filling me up and I greedily took everything he gave to me.

I would never get enough of him, ever.

“Good morning, beautiful. That was awesome, baby,” he whispered as he kissed my neck.

“Good morning, sex on a stick. You are awesome in every single way.”


Chapter Nineteen


I got up and prepared breakfast whilst Zack was in the shower. Scarlett came into the kitchen and gave me a warm hug.

“Are you okay?”

“I’m fine, thanks and thanks for the cuddle.”

Jasper came into the kitchen.

“Jennifer, are you okay?” Jasper asked me gently.

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