Beautifully Irresistible (20 page)

BOOK: Beautifully Irresistible
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“I love touching you even more, baby,” he panted.

He remained seated in his expensive chair. Our eyes met again as the atmosphere in the room charged around us. The anticipation was palpable. He gently touched my cheek and ran his hand down between my breasts, taking his time.

“Come here sweet, Jennifer,” he said, guiding me onto his most impressive erection.

It felt amazing. We fit together so perfectly. He made me feel complete. Zack was the best lover I had ever had or ever would have. How did I survive without him in my life?

“Oh, that feels amazing, Jennifer,” he told me as he sunk deeply into me.

He started to thrust roughly. He knew I could take it and how much I loved it. Zack gripped my bottom and I quickly felt another amazing orgasm building up inside me as my body involuntarily clamped and tightened around his beautiful hardness. I looked down and watched as he glided easily in and out of me. I leaned back and grasped the edge of his desk.

Zack pulled me closer and kissed me hard as me made frenzied love in his plush office. We both shouted out as we came noisily. Our damp hair was plastered to our heads. I reached up and tidied a stray lock from his face.

Completely amazing! Again!

I kissed him once more and clambered off just as his intercom loudly buzzed. I jumped at the noise.

“Mr Cole. I know you said to hold calls but Serena from the art department is here to see you for your meeting. Is everything all right in there? I thought I heard loud screaming!” Joan said with concern.

“No everything is fine, Joan. Give me a minute,” Zack told her as he grinned at me.

He checked his reflection in my mirror and tidied himself up. I redid his tie for him and kissed his cheek.

“That was ace, Zack.”

“It always is with you and I remember every single time we have made love, JB.”

“You always say such lovely things, Zack. I love you.”

“I love you too.”

“I will go and get a coffee or something, Zack, whilst you have your meeting.”

I introduced myself to Joan and had a quick chat as I passed her. She seemed sweet if a little naïve.

After a visit to the ladies, I took the stairs to cool off.

Clattering noisily along, I felt like someone was following me. Tension pricked my body. I went quickly down another flight of steps and the footfalls grew closer. Trying not to panic, I pulled open a doorway into a corridor.

“Can I help you?” a red-haired young woman asked me.

“Sorry, I was looking for the canteen.”

“It’s the next floor down. This is the finance department,” she told me, smiling.

“Thanks,” I said, making a hasty retreat back to the stairs.

I thought that there had to be some connection to the shooter and Zack’s company. I really needed to identify the dark-haired man.

After getting a coffee, I sat at a window overlooking the city admiring the view. I was lost in my thoughts going over the case. Suddenly I was aware of someone sitting down next to me.

“Hello, you must be Jennifer. I’m Josie.”

She was a pretty petite blonde, just his type. I didn’t like the look of her.

“Nice to meet you, Josie,” I replied, having completely no clue who she was.

“I work under Mr Cole. Well, I used to in more ways than one!” she laughed.

Yes, I was spot on. She had slept with him. I decided that I really didn’t like Josie.

“Do you work for Zack at his house?”

“Yes, I do and I am the one that is under him now!” I snarled.

“Right, I see. Well, lucky you. He is quite a lover!” she said, practically drooling.

“Look, keep your dirty comments to yourself, you little slut!” I whispered to her as I abruptly stood up.

Her face was an absolute picture as I stalked angrily out of the canteen.

Heading back up to Zack’s office, I found that I was beyond fuming. I had managed to meet two of his conquests and they made me feel so jealous. What the hell was wrong with me? I had never behaved like this with anyone else.

I felt like I was still at school. He must have had more flings than he let on. I knew I was being ridiculous as I had a past and mine included a marriage break up and other things that I had never told anyone about.

“Nice coffee, Jennifer? What’s the matter darling?” Zack asked as I stormed into his office.

“I just met another of your exes, Josie. She filled me in on how good you were in bed!”

“Well I’m with you now. Josie was a right bunny boiler and I soon got rid of her!”

“It’s okay. I put her straight the little tart!”

“Jesus! I didn’t know you were so jealous! You have a bad temper, Jennifer! We all have a past, you know!” he shouted as he got up from his desk and stalked towards me.

“I’m sorry but I don’t like thinking of you with anyone else. I am being childish.”

“Yes, you are and it really doesn’t suit you!” he growled.

“I’m hungry. Is it lunch time yet?” I asked him changing the subject.

I felt like such a jealous fool now.

“Yes, let’s get some lunch. It might cheer you up, you moody bitch!”

“Sorry, Zack!”

“I forgive you. It’s you I want, you I love,” he told me, kissing my cheek.

As we walked out of the office, I could see people staring at the two of us together and some of them were whispering. It made me feel quite uncomfortable.

“I am glad to get out of the gladiator arena,” I told him as we got into the lift.

“Were they looking at you? You are totally stunning, you know. They can’t have much in their own sad lives.”

“I should have just flashed my boobs!”

“Ha! Those beauties are for my eyes only, Miss Black!”

“Oh yes, always, Mr Cole!”

I wrapped my hands around his neck and pulled him down to me, kissing him long and lazy. We pulled apart and he smiled warmly at me. My heart fluttered and swelled as I looked at him.

“I will take you to a nice little Italian around the corner.”

We ordered some pasta and I had a glass of wine with mine. Zack stuck to water. As we enjoyed our lunch, I could see women greedily eyeing him up but Zack seemed oblivious to the effect he had on women and men. All his attention was on me and I relished in it.

After lunch, Zack gave me a roll of cash out of his wallet and instructed me to buy some nice underwear.

“I will see you later, beautiful,” he said, kissing me long and hard.

His soft lips were so lovely.

“Bye, sexy,” I told him, feeling his pert juicy bottom before he turned and headed back to the office.

When I went into the lingerie shop, I smiled to myself as I listened to two of the shop workers talking.

“Did you see that man outside the window?”

“I did. Jesus Christ, he was smoking hot. I mean, drop dead gorgeous. He was so tall, like a blond sexy Viking warrior. He must be a male model or something. That woman is really lucky. I mean, he is delicious!”

She fanned her face, laughing.

“I know I am and he is dynamite in bed too. He suggested I buy some nice lingerie for him to enjoy so please can you direct me to something as smoking hot as him,” I told them, trying not to laugh as their mouths gaped open.

“Of course, sorry!” she stuttered.

I selected some beautiful plum coloured lacy lingerie that I knew Zack would approve of.

We drove over to collect the twins from school. As we pulled up, I noticed that Connor had his arm around her shoulders. She gave him a quick peck on the cheek and got into the car.

“Hello, Dad. Hello, Jennifer.”

“Hi,” Jasper chirped, grinning at me.

I really should have a little chat with him at some point or I could just let Zack do it.

“Scarlett, who is that boy you were with?” Zack asked her quietly.

“What boy? Oh, you must mean Connor?”

“Is he your boyfriend?” Zack said in clipped measured tones.

“Err yes, he is Dad,” Scarlett replied quietly.

“How old is he?” Zack carried on his line of ruthless interrogation.

Christ, I wouldn't want to get on his bad side. He could take a career in MI5 as a spook.

“He’s the year above. He’s seventeen.”

“What do his parents do?” Zack continued his relentless questioning.

My Dad used that one. I started to giggle to myself but I quickly stopped when I saw his annoyed expression.

“His Dad is a surgeon and his Mum has her own florist shop,” Scarlett told him indignantly.

Nice one! That would shut him up!

“Well, I would like to meet him. Please can you invite him over for dinner one night, Scarlett?”

“Okay Dad, if that’s what you want.”

“Ha! That was fun!” Jasper laughed softly.

“Shut it, Jasper!” Scarlett and Zack said in unison.

Well, that was awkward.


When we got home, I put some old clothes on and headed to the stables. The place where Billy had been shot was still taped off with yellow police tape and I tried not to look at it.

I mucked out Rio, Bobby and Ace. They were just in at night so the stables didn’t take too long. I really enjoyed the simple task as I always found that I could clear my head and have a good think. I brought in Puzzle last. He came over to me and nuzzled me. I had grown really fond of him.

Zack poked his head into the stable. “Do you fancy a ride, Jennifer?”

“That would be lovely. I must shower first though. I stink!” I told him, nipping back to the house.

When I got back to the stables, Ace was all tacked up and Zack was leading him outside. Gatsby followed in Zack's wake as usual.

“Why don’t you try riding Puzzle?”


I quickly tacked him up, talking to him the whole time, reassuring him like you would a child. My Dad taught me so much about horses and I liked to think that I had inherited some of his wisdom.

Zack took the lead as we headed into the woods. It was a lovely quiet day and Puzzle seemed really relaxed.

“We will go to my secret place. You will love it.”

I was very intrigued.

I followed close behind him and we climbed up a steep bank. Puzzle didn’t struggle at all with the incline.

When we got to the top, we turned sharp left and the woods become darker and more shaded.

We continued on the path for about two miles then there was a clearing in the trees. Pale beautiful light flooded in.

“Here it is. It’s great, isn’t it?” Zack said, smiling at me.

“It’s lovely and very romantic, Zack.”

We dismounted and loosely tied the horses up to a tree.

“Come through here with me,” Zack told me taking my hand.

He led me a bit away from the clearing and I saw a small hut. Zack unlocked the door with a key from his pocket.

The hut was small with a bed, a table, a chest of drawers and a stove. Gatsby lay down in front of it.

“It’s nice here, very cosy.”

“I am sure I have a hip flask around here somewhere,” he said, fishing about in the drawers.

He found the flask and passed it to me. I took a sip and felt warmed by the whisky as it burned my throat. I passed it back to him and he took a generous slug.

“Fancy a smoke, Jennifer?”

Zack rifled around in the drawer again and found a tin with cigarette papers in and some fairly decent looking pot. He quickly rolled a joint, lit it and handed it me.

Shit. I hadn’t smoked since my college days. Strictly speaking, I shouldn’t have done it but the rulebook took a bit of a battering when you were undercover.

I took a deep drag and enjoyed the relaxed feeling that washed over me. It felt so good. Lying back on the small bed, I passed it to Zack, watching him take his turn.

We shared the joint and I remembered how much I used to love smoking back in the day. A lovely warm tingle enveloped my body as I closed my eyes.

“Kiss me, beautiful,” he said, leaning into me.

I responded willingly, kissing him hard, holding his lovely body to mine.

“Strip for me, baby,” he panted, pulling away from me.

I obeyed. I would do anything for him and he knew it.

I unbuttoned the polo top and took the jodhpurs down. I wobbled unsteadily to my feet and stood in my new underwear as he looked up at me with pure wanting in his gorgeous blue eyes.

“Take off your bra slowly. Lovely bra, by the way.”

I took it off, tossing it onto the bed, releasing my large breasts.

“Touch your breasts, flick the nipples,” he instructed, licking his lips.

I fondled my breasts, completely turned on by his demands. My nipples quickly rose to attention.

“I love your tits so much. Now take your pants down slowly.”

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