Beautifully Irresistible (19 page)

BOOK: Beautifully Irresistible
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“Jennifer, are you okay?” he asked, putting his arms around me.

“I’m okay, thanks,” I replied, realising that I was shivering.

“What the hell happened?”

“Billy was arguing with someone and he was saying he would tell you about whatever they were arguing about then two shots rang out. Billy’s dead,” I said as tears ran down my cheek.

“What? The ambulance passed me but I had no idea about Billy.”

“Can we go inside? I’m really cold.”

“You will be in shock, Jennifer. Let’s get you some brandy.”

He led me slowly back to the house.

“What about Scarlett and Jasper? They will need collecting soon.”

“I will pick them up. Don’t worry.”

We got into the house and Zack seated me on one of the large sofas in the lounge. He made me a large brandy and sat next to me with his arm around my shoulder.

“I wonder who would want to kill Billy,” Zack said, more to himself than me.

“It has got to have something to do with Phoebe, Zack. He must have found something out.”

“Yes, it must. What did the man who shot Billy look like?”

“He was tall with dark, almost black hair and slim built. Does he sound like anyone you know?”

“No, I don’t think so.”

“I will go and get the kids. I will have to tell them about Billy. They will be heart broken. He was like a Grandfather to them.”

“Oh, bless them.”

Zack kissed me gently on the lips.

“I won’t be long.”

I sat on the sofa mulling over the recent events trying my hardest to figure out what was going on.

The shooter seemed familiar and I was sure that I had met him.

DI Ross rang me.

“Are you okay, Black?”

“I’m fine, thanks.”

“Where was Cole at the time of the shooting?”

“He was travelling back from his office. He has an alibi.”

“Keep me posted and please be careful.”

Ross must be going soft in his old age.

Zack and the twins returned from school and Scarlett’s face was all blotchy from crying.

“Oh Jennifer, poor Billy!” she cried as I took her into my arms.

She sat next to me on the sofa and cried herself to sleep. I never left her side as I stroked her hair.

Jaspers eyes were filled with tears as he sat down next to me. He nuzzled into my shoulder and I kissed the top of his head. Quiet tears ran down his face.

Zack smiled over at me, grateful for looking after them.

“Poor kids, they really have been through some bad stuff.”

“I know they have. Thank you, Jennifer.”

Scarlett was in a deep sleep so Zack gently lifted her off the sofa and carried her up to her bedroom.

Jasper mumbled something about going into the garage to practice his guitar. He looked pale and washed out.

I went into the kitchen and opened some wine.

“Are you hungry, Zack?”

“No, not really.”

I passed him his glass of wine and we sipped it in silence, brooding over Billy's death.

“I will need to see his widow at some point. Billy worked for me for a long time.”

“Well, you can do that tomorrow. Try and relax now, Zack.”

I stood up and put my arms around him as a lone tear travelled down his tired face.


The following morning, we ate breakfast in silence. Eventually, Zack turned to me. “Why don’t we drop the twins at school then you can come into the office with me. We could have some lunch. It might cheer you up after yesterday. I can’t stop thinking about Billy. Will you come and see his widow with me?”

“Of course I will, Zack. Do you think that Scarlett is up to school?”

“I have asked her and she doesn’t want to be at home thinking about Billy.”

“Okay. That sounds great, poor Billy.”

“I know I feel terrible about it. He didn’t deserve that. I don’t want to think about it but I will need to take on someone to work in the stables.”

“I can help out in the meantime. I am no stranger to mucking out. My Dad used to pin up a list of horses that I had to clean!”

“That’s really good of you, thanks.”

We got into Zack’s car and I let Scarlett get into the front. She looked a lot better this morning. I climbed into the back with Jasper. He smiled over at me as I held his hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. For some reason, he kissed my knuckles softly. His blue eyes bored into me and I saw desire there. I quickly pulled away from his touch, kicking myself for giving him the wrong impression. He stared out of the window before putting his headphones on.

“Bye and have a good day,” I told them, climbing in the front.

Connor was waiting for her and he pulled her into an embrace, kissing her as we pulled away from the school. Jasper skulked off and disappeared into the crowd.

“Who is that boy with Scarlett?” Zack spluttered, looking none too pleased.

His cheeks flushed red.

“It’s Connor, her boyfriend,” I told him, squirming in my seat.

“What? You knew?” he scowled over at me.

“Yes. I’m sorry. She was going to tell you in her own time.”

“Well, I’m not happy about it!”

His face twisted into a grimace, marring his lovely features.

“I didn’t think you would be,” I replied, starting to giggle.

“It’s not funny, Jennifer. Stop laughing!”

“I’m sorry but she’s a young lady now so you will just have to get over yourself, Dad!”

“I know that, but it doesn’t mean I have to like it!”

“Stop being such a sour puss!” I told him, sticking my tongue out at him.

“Okay, I will try and Miss Black, that tongue is for other purposes!” his eyes flashed at me.

“Whatever do you mean, Mr Cole?” I teased him, licking my lips.

“Spread your legs, Jennifer.”

His beautiful eyes bored into me. I obeyed him as he ran a hand up my leg. I moaned as he touched me, my body coming to life. He pushed roughly into my pants. I gasped as he quickly dipped into me.

“Very, very wet again, Miss Black. How impressive!” he smirked.

“It’s only for you, Mr Cole! Shit! I need to go into the police station and make a statement. It shouldn't take too long.”

We pulled into the car park and I started to get out of the car.

“Do you want me to come in with you?” he asked.

“No! I will be fine. See you in a bit,” I quickly replied.

I breezed into the station and luckily the detective from yesterday was in. I made my statement and got out of there in record time.

“All done,” I told Zack as I got back into the car.

He had been reading some documents but I couldn’t see what they were. We pulled out of the car park back on our way to his office.

We reached his offices and drove into a large underground car park. I undid my belt and Zack reached over, touching my cheek. He gently stroked my face and looked into my eyes. My stomach flipped over and over as butterflies whizzed around.

“You made me so happy when you told me that you loved me,” he said before he kissed me softly.

I weaved my fingers through his hair, holding him in place. It was a lovely tender kiss full of love and promises. He left me breathless. Eventually he pulled away and smiled at me.

“I am so crazy in love with you, Zack. You mean so much to me.”

“I am crazy about you too, Jenny Bear.”

“Jenny Bear? I like it. It’s cute.”

“You have got me all hot and horny. We should christen my office, Miss Black.”

“I would love to, Mr Cole,” I replied, suggestively fluttering my eyelashes at him.

“What position do you want me in? Any ideas, JB?” he said as a flush of desire spread across his neck and face.

“I am going to ride you hard on your leather chair, boss!” I told him seriously.

“Sounds perfect, let’s go!” he said as we got out of the car.

We walked to the lift hand in hand. The lift arrived and we got in.

“You look really nice today, Jennifer. I love your rack so much,” Zack told me staring at my breasts.

“You look drop dead gorgeous as per usual boss,” I laughed as he pulled me into him for a long sensual kiss.

I ran my fingers through his sexy tousled hair and I started to feel very hot and bothered. This feeling took absolutely no effort with him.

“You turn me on so much, Jennifer,” he whispered to me as he nibbled my earlobe.

A dull familiar ache for him throbbed between my legs.

“Right back at you,” I told him as the ting of the lift reaching our floor interrupted our kissing.

“This is us,” he told me, grasping my hand tightly as we got off.

I didn’t have time to straighten his messed up hair and we were both flushed. Anyone looking at us would have known we were being hot and heavy in the lift. I suppressed the urge to giggle.

“Morning, Mr Cole,” several people said as we strode confidently towards his office.

I felt like all eyes were on us. People stopped what they are doing and a silence descended across the packed room.

I gulped and held my head up high, gripping Zack’s hand.

“Hold all my calls, please Joan. I don’t want to be disturbed for some time,” Zack told his secretary as he passed.

I smiled over at her warmly. Zack’s office was a corner one and it lent itself to beautiful views of Canterbury with its stunning architecture.

It was beautiful sunny day and the warm sun streamed through the large windows.

“Wow, Zack, this view is gorgeous,” I told him, admiring the vista.

He wrapped his arms around my waist, holding me to him. I felt his erection digging into my back. He kissed my neck. I closed my eyes as I enjoyed his touch.

“My view is gorgeous too,” he told me, spinning me around and kissing me urgently.

His tongue eagerly pushed into my waiting mouth. My libido roared into action ready for another awesome round.

“Don’t you have work to do, boss?” I breathlessly giggled, pulling away.

“Work can wait, Miss Black. There are more urgent matters to attend to,” he told me, undoing his belt and unzipping his trousers.

He quickly shut the blinds and locked the door.

“Is this how you treat your secretaries?” I laughed.

“Have you not seen Joan? She’s about fifty five! Now Miss Black, come here and sit on my knee. I have had so many fantasies about fucking you in this office!”

“Ooh, I like the sound of your fantasies, you bad dirty boy!” I giggled as I prowled like a panther towards him.

“Do you want this?” he asked me, gripping his erection tightly.

It strained and bulged in his hand. I bit my lip and looked directly at him.

“What do you think, you gorgeous man?” I playfully batted my eyes at him.

My tongue ran across my lips with delicious anticipation of the pleasure to come.

“Don’t be cheeky, biting and licking your lips like that. You have no idea what it does to me!”

He swallowed noisily as his tongue darted out to lubricate his dry lips. The room was cool with the air conditioning on and a gentle breeze whipped my long hair around my face.

I climbed onto his lap, straddling him. His eyes flashed with raw desire. Zack could go so quickly from being a cool and confident successful businessman to an amazingly tender lover.

He took my mouth in a lush deep kiss.

His hands started to undo my short tea dress and he reached inside, releasing my breasts. He suckled, licked and nibbled my nipple, his lovely hot tongue moving back and forth.

Sharp pangs of desire washed through me as my pants grew wet. I ground up against him trying to get some welcome relief for my throbbing clit.

“Oh Zack, that feels so good,” I purred as I gripped his head to me.

I took off his red tie and un-buttoned his shirt, running my hand across his smooth chest. Scorching heat radiated between us. I kissed his chest as he moaned into my hair. He slid his hand up my leg and pushed a long finger into me.

“You are really wet as usual, baby,” he whispered as he touched me.

His finger glided greedily in and out of my welcome wetness as I charged towards an orgasm. He built up the pressure as his finger pushed deeper into me. My body convulsed and fluttered as I came. I felt light-headed.

“Oh Zack, I get wet just thinking about you. You turn me on so much!”

Zack held himself tightly as his hand started to rub up and down his long thick length. It turned me on even more as I watched him. His eyes never left my face. How hot!

“I love it when you touch yourself. It’s so sexy, Zack!”

I pushed my tongue into his ear and nibbled his earlobe. I had discovered that this drove him crazy.

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