Beautifully Irresistible (15 page)

BOOK: Beautifully Irresistible
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“Jesus, you are talking really dirty again, baby!”

“Tie my wrists again and make love to me, Zack” I whispered.

His face was a picture of lust as he secured my wrists again to the headboard.

“You look so sexy like that, Jenny,” he groaned sexily.

He claimed my eager mouth, kissing me long and hard, his tongue pushing around my mouth as my clit tightened. His erection just touched it, tantalising me as my body prepared itself for more wonderful lovemaking. I opened up like a flower as Zack glided easily into my wetness, thrusting in and out, teasing me slowly then picking up the pace.

Zack grasped my bottom tightly and pulled my legs up onto his shoulders, angling me up to him so that he could push deeper into me. The burning friction between was sublime. My body tingled and my temperature rose as he made love to me.

I surrendered myself fully to him and I really let myself go thrusting my hips up towards him. The intensity of his dominance of me was unbelievable.

I was his willing submissive housekeeper.

“Jennifer, I am going to fuck you senseless and make you scream out my name over and over!” he told me as he pounded quickly in and out of me.

It felt dirty and I loved it. His eyes shone as he energetically made love to me. All my senses seemed heightened as he picked up the pace.

“Zack, Zack.” I screamed his name as I exploded into a million pieces around him.

“Ah Jennifer, yes!” he said as he filled me up.

His body shuddered as he gave himself fully to me.

After we had made love, we were lying in each other’s arms thinking that all was well with the world.

“It just gets better with you each time, Jennifer. It’s like we were made for each other. You have breathed life back into me. I felt empty before. You are everything to me,” he gently whispered to me stroking my flushed cheek.

I got a sudden urge to tell him how I really felt about him but before I could, we heard a noise outside. A car door slammed loudly as voices shouted goodbye.

“God, is that a car?” I asked him as I heard the gravel crunching loudly outside.

I abruptly sat up as panic started to wash over me.

“It must be Scarlett or Jasper coming back. Shit! They can’t see us like this!” Zack shouted as he jumped up from the bed, scrambling for his clothes.

I literally slid off the bed I was that sticky and started to gather my clothes up. Zack quickly put his jeans on with no boxer shorts.

“Dad, where are you? Jennifer, are you there?”

Scarlett’s questions hung in the silence. We could hear her bounding up the stairs. Oh god! Suddenly the door burst open.

“Scarlett, have you never heard of knocking!” Zack shouted as their eyes met.

He looked away from her embarrassed. You could have heard a pin drop. She took in the scene and her face dropped as she tore her eyes away.

Zack was standing at the side of his bed just in his jeans and I had just managed to get my black lacy underwear back on. Our faces were flushed from our recent lovemaking.

“How could you, Dad? I hate you!” she shouted with tears streaming down her cheeks.

She then turned heel and left the room. Suddenly Jasper appeared in the doorway.

Oh great!

“Nice one, Dad!” Jasper shouted, clearly enjoying the display.

His beautiful eyes came to rest on my breasts clad in my bra. He shifted his gaze further down my body taking it all in as I quickly shoved on Zack’s t-shirt. I blushed from head to foot.

Zack saw my embarrassment and he looked furious.

“Shut it, Jasper! Just leave it! Get out!”

Zack exhaled noisily. Jasper turned away after having another look at me, still grinning widely.

“I must go after her,” Zack told me, looking white as a sheet.

“Leave her to calm down, Zack. What’s done is done.”

“I’m sorry, Jennifer.”

“It will be okay. She will come round. She’s upset about her Mum and she misses her terribly.”

“Thanks for being so understanding, Jennifer.”

I went back to my room for a much needed shower and nap.


Chapter Fifteen


I got into bed and dropped a quick text to DI Ross about the meeting tomorrow and the fact that Phoebe was against the merger. This provided a motive for Zack to kill her but I really didn’t think he was capable of doing that.

He loved his twins too much to take away their mother, didn’t he? Were my feelings for him clouding my judgement?

Zack didn’t join me and I guessed that he was feeling guilty about Scarlett seeing us together. He wouldn’t be as worried about Jasper as he clearly already knew.

After a lonely restless night, I went downstairs to prepare breakfast unsure of how Scarlett would react.

“Good morning, Scarlett.”

“Don’t even speak to me. I don’t want to look at you. When I close my eyes, all I see is you two together.”

“I’m so sorry, Scarlett, but don’t be hard on your Dad. He is very lonely, you know.”

“Well, he could go and have sex somewhere that I don’t know about. There are women that provide that sort of thing, you know!”

I flinched at her words. What we shared was so much more than just sex.

“We have grown close over these last few weeks. I have feelings for him. He is a wonderful man, but you already know that, don’t you? Please try and understand that sometimes people just can’t fight their feelings for each other.”

“Yes, he is and I don’t want you to hurt him. My Mother already did that. She ripped his heart out over and over. He didn’t deserve it!” she shouted and then she started to sob.

Why would I hurt him? I loved him.

“Scarlett, you poor thing. This isn’t just a fling to me. I am crazy about him.”

I put my arms around her and hugged her into my body. Thankfully she didn’t push me away. Zack stood in the doorway taking in the scene and I caught his eye and waved him away to give us a moment. He retreated silently into the lounge.

“I’m sorry I shouted at you, Jennifer. I really like you and you have been a good friend to me,” she sniffled into my shoulder.

“It’s okay, Scarlett. Come on, dry your eyes or your make up will run,” I told her giving her a tissue.

“Lighten up, sis. Dad deserves a break you know and let’s be honest, he would have to be gay to not notice Jennifer! Don't you think he should be happy with someone?” Jasper said as he strode into the kitchen.

She stared at him and smiled warmly. He pulled her into a warm hug. They were such sweet kids.

Zack made his second entrance and Scarlett looked at him. After a moment, she pulled away from Jasper to embrace him.

Zack’s eyes filled up as she folded into him.

“I’m sorry, Dad. I know you deserve to be happy and Jennifer is really good for you,” she told him.

“I’m sorry, Scarlett, but we couldn’t help it. Sometimes people are just really attracted to each other. Jennifer and I share a lot of chemistry. She means a lot to me,” he told her gently.

He looked over at me and our eyes locked together. His blue eyes shone beautifully in the bright sunlight of the kitchen. My stomach did a little flip as my chest tightened.

“It’s okay, Dad, really it is. Anyway, what’s for breakfast I am starving!” she smiled.

“Thank god that is all sorted!” Jasper laughed, grabbing a muffin from the table.

He stuffed it quickly in his mouth. A loud knock at the front door interrupted us and Zack went to answer it.

“Come in, Alan. We will go into the study,” I heard him abruptly say as Alan followed him along the hallway.

They were gone for about twenty minutes then Zack showed him out of the front door without saying goodbye to him.

“Right, I best make tracks to work. I have a busy day today.”

“I will walk you to the door.”

He grabbed my hand firmly as we walked along.

“Bye, beautiful Jennifer. Have a good day and I won’t stop thinking about you for a minute. I love the way you taste. I love the way you kiss me. I love the way you make love to me and I love making love to you.”

Oh my god! Is he for real?

“Jesus, you are making my legs turn to jelly and you are making me horny as usual, Mr Cole!”

“I just think of you and I get really hard, baby!”

“Is everything okay with Alan?” I asked him pulling myself together.

“Yes, we have smoothed things out. I made him delete the video of us after he forwarded it to my phone. It’s really hot! He won’t mention it and to be honest, I just think he’s a bit jealous that I have you and he doesn’t!”

“Did he say anything about Phoebe?”

“No, I couldn’t get anything out of him. I have my eye on him, though.”

“Have a good day, Zack.”


Chapter Sixteen


After I had taken the twins to school, I decided that I really needed to find some more information about Phoebe’s disappearance. I made my mind up about digging around in her bedroom. There must be something there. I checked that Marcia was downstairs well away from Phoebe’s bedroom and I started opening drawers and cupboards.

I looked through her personal things and I couldn’t find anything until I pulled out a drawer. The drawer got stuck on something. Carefully I pulled the drawer out and ran my hand underneath it. I could feel something rectangular shaped that seemed to be fixed to the underside of the drawer. Pulling at it gently, it eventually gave way and I yanked it out. It was an iPhone and was obviously dead. I sprinted down to my bedroom and plugged the phone into my charger.

The phone took about half an hour before it came to life. I looked through the call log and only one number appeared. Taking my notebook out, I made a note of it. Next, I opened up the message in box and it was the same number again.

I read the first outgoing text.

‘I can’t wait to see you again and for us to be together again. It’s been too long and I need you and I miss you. Love you P xxxx’

The reply read, ‘Meet me at our special place my darling. I will be waiting for you. Love you too T xxxx’

I made a note of the date and time of the text and I was sure that was the day before Phoebe disappeared.

The next incoming one read, ‘When are you going to divorce the heartless bastard and be with me? I can’t wait for you forever T xxx’

She replied, ‘Things are in motion but it will take time. Please be patient. I love you P xxx’

There was one video on the phone and I opened it up. It was a video of Phoebe and the mysterious T making love. I could see her face as she was lying on her back but he had his back to the phone. He kissed her and told her that he loved her and she shouted his name, “Tyler, Tyler.” They were really going for it. It looked like they were outside. Could it have been the woods? Suddenly she looked at the phone and shouted at someone.

“What the fuck are you doing, Alan?” she shouted as she sat up covering her bare breasts.

Tyler stood up quickly, not bothering to cover himself up and chased after the filmmaker.

“You fucking pervert. Come here!” he shouted then the film finished.

I checked the number that the film was sent from and made a note of it. Alan was a creepy weirdo. I wondered if he had tried to blackmail her with the video.

We needed to establish who this Tyler was. He looked quite young and well built with very dark, almost black hair. He might have been a tennis coach or a personal trainer.

She must have had a gym membership. I could have tried ringing the number but that could raise his suspicions.

I trawled the Internet for expensive gyms in the area and decided to check them out.

I started up the Audi and roared out of the driveway. Yes, I could get used to playing at lady of the manor, but that was all I was doing, playing. Zack wouldn’t want me when the truth came out that I had been investigating him as a suspect for his wife’s possible murder.

The first two gyms were a dead end but I hit it lucky with the third.

“I will page our personal trainer, Tyler Henderson. He will be along to see you shortly. You won’t be disappointed, if you know what I mean!” the receptionist winked at me.

“Did you page me, Abby?”

“Yes, this is Miss Black. She’s enquiring about you working with her as a personal trainer.”

“Right, it’s nice to meet you, Miss Black,” he said shaking my hand.

Oh, he loved himself and if he had any more gel in his hair, he would have started an oil slick.

“Good to meet you, Tyler,” I replied as his eyes rested on my breasts.

“I will show you around the facilities,” he said, licking his lips whilst he looked at me.

He took me on a gym tour and explained about all the equipment.

“Do you fancy getting a drink sometime?”

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