Beautifully Irresistible (6 page)

BOOK: Beautifully Irresistible
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“Let’s go!” I told them, grabbing Jasper’s arm and leading him out of the door into the warm spring morning.

“See you later!” Zack shouted after us.

“Jennifer, I am going to hockey practice after school and Yasmin’s Dad said he would drop me back off so you don’t need to worry about me later.”

“Right Scarlett, that’s fine.”

“I have rugby practice and I will get a lift back too,” grumpy Jasper muttered.

We sped off down the lane. I felt happy with how our earlier conversation had gone. I really hoped that things would progress between us.

“Have a good day, you two,” I told them as they jumped out of the car, slamming the doors noisily.

I was excited to head back to the house as I knew that Zack was there. He would probably be holed up in his study all day but at least he would be close by. That would have to be enough.

Going back into the large beautiful kitchen, I was surprised to see him still sitting there. He was playing a game on his smart phone and he looked happy and relaxed, not a multimillionaire businessman under incredible pressure. His face lit up in a broad smile.

“It’s good to see you smile. You should do it more often. You have a beautiful smile, Zack. Would you like a cup of tea?”

“Thank you, Jennifer. I would love a cup of tea. I can tell you are from Yorkshire!” he replied, flushing slightly.

“We love our tea there. I call my Dad teapot he drinks that much!”

Setting the steaming mugs down, I didn’t know whether to sit down next to him. I hesitated and remained standing next to the worktop. What I wanted to do was grab hold of him.

“Are you going to hover over me or sit down, Jennifer?”

His blue eyes rested on my breasts again and he didn’t seem to care that I noticed. Our eyes met and that familiar charge passed between us.

“Sorry,” I spluttered, taking a seat.

“So what are your plans for the day?”

I am planning on taking you to bed and having mind-blowing hot primal sex with you.

He stared at me waiting for a reply.

“Oh, I thought I would walk Gatsby. We have got into a routine and he will be waiting for me to take him out.”

“Mind if I join you, Jennifer?”

“I would love that, Zack.”

We finished our tea and Gatsby magically appeared from nowhere with his collar in his mouth.

After we had put on our trainers, we headed out of the French doors of the kitchen and started walking towards the dense woods.

“It’s a lovely day to play hooky,” I teased him as we walked along.

“It certainly is and I am in lovely company. You are very easy to be around and you don’t seem to feel the need to chatter on about rubbish like some women I know!”

“Thanks, Zack.”

We continued our walk in a comfortable silence. Gatsby sniffed around and disappeared from time to time but Zack just had to whistle and he reappeared in seconds.

“It’s so beautiful here. How long have you lived here?”

“Ten years next month. The house used to belong to an ageing rock star. He had gone bankrupt so it was an absolute bargain. It had gone to wrack and ruin but I loved fixing it up.”

“It is stunning and all this land is amazing. My Mum and Dad have about the same but there isn’t much woodland as it is split into paddocks and exercise areas for the horses.”

“It sounds very impressive, Jennifer.”

“I was pretty pleased that you kept horses here. It has been far too long since I fed my horse habit!”

“You can ride them any time you like. I want you to feel like this is your home, Jennifer.”

“Thanks, Zack. You are very different to how I imagined you.”

“Different? How do you mean?”

“I thought you would be all business and no pleasure but you are just a normal man. A filthy rich smoking hot one, mind you!” I laughed blushing.

Jesus, just shut up now!

He looked at me as he flushed red. I loved the way he was so modest and seemingly unaware of his many, many charms.

“I thought you would be stuffy and uptight. I never imagined that you would be a stunningly beautiful woman who is kind and sweet. You are great with the kids at a time that they need attention.”

I just didn’t know how to respond so I gave him a shy smile and he smiled back at me. I was finding it very hard to take my eyes off his full mouth and thinking about it all over me.

It was near to lunchtime when we got back from our very pleasant walk. I had to stop myself from grabbing his hand.

“You do know that we have met before, don’t you?” I told him grinning.

“Of course I do, Jennifer or Jenny, I don’t really mind!”

“Mr Zachary Cole. You devious man! I can’t believe you didn’t say!” I laughed, digging him hard in the ribs.

“Jennifer, did you really think I would ever forget you? You are even more beautiful than I remembered,” he whispered, holding my wrists gently.

“I never forgot about you either. I thought you were absolutely gorgeous. The most beautiful man I had ever laid eyes on,” I blurted out then I felt myself blushing profusely.

His pupils enlarged as he looked into my eyes.

“Jennifer, stop it! You are embarrassing me! I remember thinking that you were an absolute stunner. It’s your dark brown eyes they are so warm and gorgeous. I also had some very explicit thoughts about you. Especially when you bent over behind the bar!” he grinned at me winking.

“I wish I hadn't knocked you back, Zack.”

“Me too. I went back in a few times to find you but I never saw you again. The guy behind the bar said you had left.”

Wow! He came back to see me!

I had just been accepted into the police and I was undertaking my training just after I left the bar. What would have happened if I had been there when he came back in? We will never know I suppose.

I lifted my chin, staring into his eyes as I rubbed my finger over his wedding band. His hand felt warm in mine.

“Well, beautiful Jennifer, fate has brought us together once more. We will have to see where it takes us this time.”

He reached up and touched my cheek gently. It was a sweet gesture and I held his hand to my face, enjoying the feeling of his skin on mine. I could smell his sexy spicy aftershave. My heart pounded erratically in my chest. We looked into each other’s eyes. Moments passed as we stood staring at each other.

His eyes held my gaze as something unexplainable passed between us. I kissed his soft palm and the ends of his fingers. A warm flush spread over his handsome face. He moved closer to me as heat radiated off our bodies. Zack stared at me intensely. His hand stroked the nape of my neck. I moaned softly. He pulled me towards him and our lips touched. I closed my eyes as my heart beat wildly. He gently kissed me with his soft lips. His tongue slowly explored my mouth. It felt like heaven. He tasted so good. My breasts throbbed and grew heavy. I touched his warm neck, pulling him into me. My fingers enjoyed the feel of his lovely skin.

His phone rang, interrupting the intense moment between us. He pulled back from me and took his phone from his jeans pocket. We were both panting. I looked down to his crotch and I could see the start of his arousal. A familiar dull ache throbbed between my legs.

“Zachary Cole,” he growled into it.

He had a short tense conversation, hanging up quickly. His eyes never moved from my face. I stared at his sensuous mouth.

“Sorry about that, Jennifer. That sort of spoilt the moment there, didn’t it?”

“God, I’m so nervous, Zack. I feel like a teenager! Shall I make us some lunch?” I asked him turning away.

“That would be lovely, thanks. I’m nervous too, Jennifer, but there’s no rush. When the time is right for us we will know,” he whispered, hugging me from behind.

His lips brushed my neck as he wrapped his arms around me. I could feel his erection. My heart thudded heavily.

“I will get us something fizzy to drink,” he whispered.

Zack disappeared down to his cellar. I realised that I could have a drink as the twins didn’t need collecting later. It would hopefully relax me a bit too. My nerves seemed to jangle in my body as we tentatively edged closer and closer to each other.

He reappeared a few moments later with a chilled bottle of Prosecco. Zack opened it like a professional and poured us a glass each.

We sat down and enjoyed our lunch together. He was really great company. Zack and I laughed about stupid things and I finally relaxed.

“When are you planning on doing any work then, Mr Cole?” I teased him.

“Well, I don't know if I can be bothered now,” he laughed, checking his beautiful watch.

“I suppose you are the boss. There is no one to give you a good telling off!”

“True. Cheers, Jennifer!”

After another bottle of Prosecco, we were cracking jokes. I felt so happy in his company. I wished he would take more hooky days so I could hang out with him.

“Well, what shall we do now, Jenny?” he asked as his bright blue eyes sparkled mischievously.

“What about a game of snooker?”

“Good idea. I haven’t played for ages.”

We headed into the games room. Zack set up the snooker table as I admired him from behind.

“Are you staring at my butt, Miss Black?” he asked me, not turning around.

He knew I was checking him out and he let me. I watched as he chalked up a cue in an erotic way. Turning around, his tongue darted out to wet his lips. He blew the chalk off the end of the cue as my pulse raced.

“Err no, of course not, Mr Cole! Okay, I was!” I giggled, covering my face with my hands.

“It’s okay, I have checked yours out many, many times, Miss Black!” he laughed loudly.

His blue eyes flashed wickedly. Taking off his hoodie, he draped it on the back of a chair. I wanted to run my hands down his rippling taut biceps. Zack’s arms were like the rest of him, completely gorgeous. His tattoo just peeked out of the sleeve of his t-shirt. Blood seemed to heat up through my aroused body.

Taking a gulp, I grabbed a cue and broke the game.

“Good shot, Miss Black!” he smiled, looking at my mouth.

I licked my lips nervously as I waited for him to take his shot.

We were level pegging in our game. I used to play pool regularly against my brother Jack. I was also fiercely competitive.

As I leaned over to take a tricky shot, he came behind me and gently touched the tops of my arms to help me get the shot. My skin turned hot at his soft touch. His groin pressed into my bottom. It felt like a jolt of adrenaline passing quickly through me. His hand slid down my arm slowly. His touch was so slow and tentative. A small moan escaped my throat. I coughed, trying to cover up the noise.

“There you go, just lean in a bit more, Jennifer,” he whispered as his large body pinned me to the table.

I swallowed as my heart rate quickened and a dull ache throbbed uncomfortably between my legs. His lips brushed my ear.

“Oh god!” he muttered as a deep moan escaped his beautiful mouth.

I managed to take the shot and felt his erection pressing into me. I wanted him so much and he was clearly really turned on. His sweet breath tickled at my neck as I felt his heart pounding.

I breathed out noisily as I realised that I had been holding my breath. I pictured him spreading me wide on the snooker table and thrusting into me really hard. My underwear grew damp with my arousal. Swallowing, I tried to push the erotic image out of my mind. Straightening up, I tried to compose myself. I must have looked a horny mess!

He stood back up and his hand touched his crotch to adjust his jeans, trying to relieve the pressure of his growing erection. His cheeks also flushed red. I looked away from him.

We continued our game, laughing nervously. He narrowly beat me. Zack shook my hand and gave me a kiss on the cheek. His lips were warm and soft on my skin.

“Not bad for a girl!” he laughed, looking down at me.

With his height he must do that a lot.

He gave me a cheeky wink. Heavy tension hung in the air between us. We both seemed really nervous each trying to anticipate the other’s next move.

“Zack, I know what this house would be fabulous for.”

“What pray tell?”

“Hide and seek!”

“What, are we twelve?”

“Scared I will beat you, Zack?” I said.

“You do know that you are looking at the New Orleans junior champion hide and seeker 1985!”

“Shall we make a little wager, Mr Cole?” I asked him in my best seductive voice.

“Yes, why not? What did you have in mind, Miss Black?”

“Err, the winner gets a massage from the loser!” I brazenly replied.

Where the hell did that come from?

I waited for his reply with a red face.

“Ooh, sounds kinky! You are most definitely on, Miss Black!”

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