Beautifully Irresistible (3 page)

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He smiled at me then quickly left the room.

After he had gone, I exhaled loudly. This was going to harder than I thought. In more ways than one! I looked around my plush bedroom and unpacked my modest belongings. My phone beeped with a text alert.

“How are things progressing, Black?”

It was from my boss DI Ross.

“I am in position. No problems so far. I will report in the morning,” I quickly replied.

DI Ross was my superior officer. I had been sent undercover to investigate Zachary Cole with regards to his wife’s disappearance. She vanished just over six months ago. Her passport was taken from the safe and quite a lot of her clothes.

The passport had never been used.

Zachary was the thirty-eight-year-old co-owner with his missing wife of a large publishing company. They owned dozens of newspapers and magazines as well as websites. He was set to inherit millions of pounds in six months if his wife didn’t turn up.

This assignment was what you might call my last chance as a year ago, I was suspended for three months for jeopardising an undercover drugs case. I was involved with a superior married officer.

Not my finest hour.

Now was the time to change all that.

After showering and changing, I went downstairs to prepare the evening meal for Zachary and his children.

I found the fridge thankfully well stocked as I prepared a prawn salad followed by roast chicken and vegetables.

Gatsby followed me around, enthusiastically waiting for something to drop out of the fridge.

I felt his presence in the kitchen before he even spoke. The air around me felt heavy with tension. My temperature notched up a few degrees. I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself down. His aftershave smelt masculine and sexy.

My body stiffened up as he moved closer to me. I just wanted to grab him and run my greedy hands over his lovely body.

“That smells wonderful, Miss Black.”

He stood inches away from me. My body reacted to his as I became breathless. He had showered and changed into expensive looking jeans and a plain white t-shirt. His abs looked very nice underneath his t-shirt and he suited a casual look just as well as he suited a more formal one. I could see a tattoo peeking out of the sleeve of his t-shirt on his left arm.


It just added to the perfection that was Zachary Cole.

“Thank you. Do you think it would be okay if you called me Jennifer or Jenny?” I asked him quietly.

“Okay. You can call me Zack then.”

He grinned at me just for a brief moment, revealing a perfect Hollywood smile. I shyly smiled back at him.

A shiver ran down my spine as his eyes danced over my face.

“Okay then Zack. When are Scarlett and Jasper due home?” I spluttered blushing.

He glanced at a beautiful Tag Heuer watch.

“Probably any time now. You may as well know that I have been going through some issues recently with Scarlett. Jasper is much easier to handle!”

“I see. I’m sure it will be just a phase she is going through. I remember it well!”

The front door opened and shut with a loud bang.

“That will be them,” he informed me, cringing at the noise.

“Dad, Dad where are you?” I heard a loud female voice say.

“We are in the kitchen.”

“What do you mean, we?” she shouted.

“Come and meet our new housekeeper, Jennifer Black.”

Scarlett stomped nosily into the kitchen scowling at me. I noticed how pretty she was. Tall, slim and blue eyed with blonde shoulder length curly hair.

Her lovely face was probably prettier when it wasn’t screwed up. She stared at me with a look that could kill.

Jasper trailed in her wake. His school uniform was creased.

I took in the appearance of his children. What a good looking family. I bet their Christmas card resembled a photo shoot.

Jasper was like a younger version of Zack with lovely blue eyes and blond hair. He stood about 6’ 2”. I bet he was a hit with the girls. His eyes came to rest on my chest.

So predictable!

“It’s very nice to meet you, Scarlett, Jasper. Are you hungry?”

“Not really,” she replied, sulkily glaring at me.

“I’m always hungry!” Jasper chirped grinning widely.

His eyes were still on my chest.

“Scarlett, don’t be so rude,” Zack told her, giving her a look.

“Shout me when dinner is ready then,” she replied, turning on her heel and leaving the kitchen.

“Just ignore her, she’s always like that!” Jasper told me, smiling sweetly.

“I’m sorry, Jennifer. I just don’t know how to handle her.”

“Don’t worry about it, Zack,” I replied, not really knowing what to say.

He sighed loudly and examined his nails.

“Wow, Dad, where did you get her from? Hot and horny She’s gorgeous! What a rocking body!” Jasper whispered to Zack.

I pretended to be busy at the sink.

“Shut up, Jasper, and go and get a shower,” he instructed him, letting out a low chuckle.

We settled into the silence as Zack brooded about his daughter’s churlish behaviour.

“I didn’t realise that they were twins, Zack.”

“Yes. We certainly had our hands full. It’s easier now though.”

“They seem good kids.”

“Thank you, they are. Where are you from Jennifer?”

“I’m originally from North Yorkshire. My family still live there. What part of the States are you from?”

“I’m from Mississippi, New Orleans to be exact.”

“What made you come over here?”

I already knew but pretended that it was news to me.

“I came over to attend University. I went to Cambridge to study English,” he explained.

I busied myself finishing the meal for them, trying my best not to look at him. Butterflies fluttered around in my stomach.

“Would you like to join us Jennifer?” he asked as our hands brushed together.

My cheeks flushed red as heat rose through my body. His skin felt warm and soft. A jolt again passed through me as our bodies connected once more.

“Yes that would be lovely thanks,” I replied without giving it too much thought.

I served the meal out and we took our seats around the kitchen table. Scarlett made a dramatic appearance.

“Why do we need a housekeeper anyway, Dad?” she said, scowling at me.

“Jennifer is here to make our lives a bit easier. I expect you to be polite and kind to her, young lady.”

We ate our meal and Zack told me about Cole Enterprises. He was very passionate about it and I realised he had worked very hard to build the multi-million pound business up.

I told him about my Mum and Dad’s equestrian business in North Yorkshire. He seemed genuinely interested as his eyes looked warmly at me.

I could feel Jasper staring at me. I tried to smile at him in a motherly way but his mouth just hung open. His teenage hormones were clearly raging!

“Thank you Jennifer, that was delicious,” Zack told me.

“It’s my pleasure.”

Our hands brushed together again briefly as he passed me a plate. I blushed red and put my head down.

“I have some work to do in my study and then a quick workout in the gym. Please could you take Scarlett and Jasper to school in the morning about 8am?”

“No problem. Goodnight Zack.”

“Goodnight Jennifer,” he said as he retreated out of the kitchen.

When I had tidied around, I decided to explore the grounds to see if I could find any leads.

I left the kitchen through the French doors and took a path that led to the outdoor pool and a cabana. The pool was lit up and looked very inviting. I checked the door of the cabana and finding it open, I went inside.

Someone was in there already. I stopped to listen in.

“No, Ollie. I don’t want to. I’m not ready yet. I thought you said you would wait for me,” Scarlett said quite loudly.

“Don’t be such a prick tease, Scarlett. You will have to do it sometime,” a cocky voice replied.

“Well, I’m not going to do it yet, Ollie,” she told him firmly.

“At least let me get to second base, Scarlett. I can tell that you want to.”

“Get off me! Leave me alone!” Scarlett shouted as she pushed the door open.

I managed to melt into the shadows just in time. He quickly stormed past me.

Well, he seemed like a nice young man. Good job Zack didn’t catch him manhandling his precious daughter.

Continuing my tour of the outside, I noticed a tall perimeter fence that skirted the estate and I also saw that there were several security cameras that I thankfully dodged past.

As I turned a corner, I discovered a gymnasium and saw Zack on a treadmill, working out shirtless. He wore black shorts that were slung low on his taut hips.

I stopped in my tracks staring at his Adonis-like form. He certainly was a sight to behold. What an amazing body! He took my breath away. His skin glistened with sweat.

Workout porn!

His beautifully-defined pectorals and abs gave way to a sexy v shape. I took in the large tattoo on his left shoulder and bicep. It seemed to be some sort of Hebrew lettering. It looked as hot as hell.

My feet seemed to be rooted to the spot. Suddenly my imagination wandered to a picture of me licking down the lovely honey-shaded skin of his chest. I felt another red hot rush of desire crawling over my body as I stood mesmerised watching him.

I had never felt so turned on just by looking at someone. A moan escaped my lips as my heart pounded erratically in my chest. Sweat gathered between my heavy breasts and on my upper lip.

He truly was the most stunning man I had ever seen.

Just then Jasper entered the gym and got on an exercise bike. They smiled about something and Jasper made a big boobs gesture over his chest. Zack roared with laughter, throwing a towel at him.

I got the impression that they were talking about me.

Eventually I managed to pull myself away and recover my composure.

Sneaking back into the house, I was heading up the stairs when Zack appeared in the doorway of my room in front of me. He was still shirtless and very, very sexy. In his hand he had a gorgeous expensive bouquet of pink and cream roses.

“These are for you, for your birthday. Been exploring, Jennifer?” he asked as rivulets of sweat slowly dripped down his beautiful torso.

I couldn’t help but stare at his dark pink nipples. His hair was wet after his vigorous workout. It had darkened in shade. Gatsby stood by his master’s side wagging his tail.

My tongue darted out to wet my dry lips.

“That’s so sweet of you. Thank you very much. Err, yes, I just wanted some air. It’s a beautiful night.”

Heat again rushed over my extremely horny body.

Taking the flowers from him, I breathed in the lovely fragrance, trying my hardest not to stare at him. I was glad that my hands were busy as I would have loved to have rushed over to him and caught the droplets of sweat running down his gorgeous smooth chest with my tongue.


“It is. Well, goodnight,” he said as he licked his full lips, never taking his eyes off me.

His beautiful mouth twisted into a wry smile. He leaned forward and kissed me quickly on the cheek. His face felt really warm.

“Goodnight,” I replied smiling and trying not to look at him.

My heart was pounding and my libido was well and truly wide awake and raring to go.

What the hell was this man doing to me? I felt like a bitch in heat. I hadn’t seen any action for quite a while and I was obviously long overdue.

“Oh, by the way Jennifer, you are welcome to use the gym and pool any time. I would welcome a workout buddy but you already look in fantastic shape!” he said looking at me up and down as he licked his lips again.

Then he winked at me.

He raked a hand through his gorgeous thick hair. It rebelled and flopped forward into his eyes.

Impulsively, I stepped closer to him and tucked it behind his ear. I gasped as he grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to him. He turned my hand and pressed a kiss to the palm. I felt like I would melt at his touch. His eyes twinkled mischievously.

“Goodnight, sweet Jennifer,” he said with a sinful smile, heading to his bedroom next door.

He turned and looked at me once more before he went in and closed the door behind him.


Chapter Two


In my dreams, Zack was kissing me passionately as he lay on top of me. He was making sweet love to me and it felt really amazing. His eyes shone down at me as I gazed up into his beautiful face. I awoke with a start and quickly realised that I was touching my naked body. I darted out of the bed to get my vibrator, switching it to the highest speed. I came quickly as his face swam in front of me.

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