Beautifully Irresistible (36 page)

BOOK: Beautifully Irresistible
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“You are really worth it, JB,” he replied, kissing me.

I thrust the dress at the assistant. As she rang it through, she leant forward and whispered to me.

“You are one lucky lady. Mm, very hot!”

“Ha! I know! He is such a babe!”

Running out of the shop, we headed over to the train station in record time.

“What did that assistant in the boutique say to you?” he asked as we took our seats.

“She asked if I hired you out as a gigolo.”

“What? You are joking right?”

“I said as long as the price was right, yeah sure!”

His mouth dropped open as he stared at me. He really needed to get on board with my sense of humour.

“Your face is a picture, Zack! She just told me what I already knew!”

“What’s that?”

“That I am the luckiest bitch in the world being with you, my lover boy!”

“Sweet talking pimp!” he laughed.

The train to London only took just over half an hour so we were there before we knew it. We grabbed a taxi to The Dorchester. It was a beautiful hotel and I tried not to look as if I was catching flies as I took in the stunning reception area.

After checking into our plush room, we quickly unpacked.

“I am just nipping out for a minute. I will meet you in the bar,” Zack told me as he headed out.

I went down to the bar and ordered two gin and tonics. Zack came into the bar and I saw several women look around and admire him. He was totally oblivious to the attention and he strode over to me, kissing me deeply. I weaved a hand into his hair pulling him into me. I savoured his taste and his scent. Pulling apart, we looked at each other and smiled. We seemed to have forgotten where we were.

We were sipping our gin and tonics relaxing when I saw that idiot Alex seated at a table in the corner of the bar.

“Good, god. There’s that dick from Paris, Zack.”

“Oh no,” he groaned, turning away so he didn’t see us.

“He must be staying here too.”


“Never mind, just ignore the knob-head!”

“Ha! That sounded funny and very un-American!”

We quickly finished our drinks and went up to our room to get showered and changed into our evening wear. Zack looked so handsome in a tuxedo and I felt quite presentable next to him in my evening dress.

Looking at him gave me goose bumps all over. I shivered breathlessly. He turned around and gazed at me.

“You look so beautiful and I really can’t believe that you are mine. Jennifer, you have taken my heart and it belongs to you.”

“How do you always say such lovely things to me, Zack?”

Tears gathered in my eyes. He stepped forward and brushed them off my cheeks with his thumbs. With my high heels on, I stood over 6ft and didn’t have to tip toe up to him.

“Wait a minute, this outfit needs something else to complete it. Let’s see what this looks like,” Zack said, grinning at me.

He pulled a long narrow box out of his jacket pocket.

“Turn around and close your eyes, Jennifer.”

I obeyed him as I felt him fasten a necklace. He took my hand and led me somewhere.

“Open your eyes.”

I opened them and I couldn’t believe what I saw. Around my neck was the most breathtakingly beautiful diamond necklace. It was so elegant and not ostentatious.

“Oh my god, Zack, it is gorgeous. Thank you,” I squealed, throwing my arms around his neck and kissing him.

“It looks beautiful on you, Jennifer,” he told me, holding me close to his body.

“We had better get going before we get carried away and don’t make it out at all!” I laughed, grabbing his hand.

We headed downstairs and checked the table plan before taking our seats. As we settled in at our table, I noticed that Alex was sitting at the next table with a very attractive red-head. She looked bored. Alex saw me and blew me a kiss.

Luckily, Zack didn’t notice him.

After the beautiful meal, the auction started and we laughed at some of the things that were auctioned off for the charity. The guests dug deep and it was clear to see they could easily afford it.

We were both enjoying the evening when a very slim tall blonde with a stunning model-like figure came walking towards our table.

She was a bit flat-chested but completely gorgeous. Zack saw her and stiffened in his seat.

“Hello, Zack. How are you? You look wonderful as usual,” the blonde beauty purred.

This must be Olivia. The bitch!

“Hello, Olivia. You look well too,” he stuttered, looking at her.

I had never seen a woman have this effect on him. His face was bright red.

“I’m Olivia. It’s good to meet you,” she said warmly, shaking my hand.

In spite of myself, I liked her although I was jealous of the fact that he once loved her.

“I’m Jennifer. It’s nice to meet you too. Are you enjoying the night?”

“Yes, it’s been great. I love these auction things, they are great fun,” she smiled.

She couldn’t take her beautiful cat-like green eyes off Zack. As we chatted, the host interrupted with an announcement.

“Right, for the next auction we need a lady from each table to come up to the stage and we will auction a dance with each of them. Come on, ladies don’t be shy!” he shouted excitedly.

Olivia headed back to her table. All the ladies on our table looked at each other and nobody jumped up.

“Go on, Jennifer. I am a patron and looking at these other ladies you will pull in the most money!” Zack whispered, laughing.

“God, Zack, how embarrassing!”

“Up you get!” Zack said, hauling me to my feet.

I walked over to the stage and the host shook my hand and made me join the line of equally embarrassed-looking ladies.

The auction got under way and most dances went for £500.

It was my turn last.

“Now gents, this is our last dance partner of the evening and what a dark-haired exotic beauty she is!” he said as I blushed profusely from the top of my head down to my toes.

I saw Zack grinning over at me looking incredibly handsome as per usual.

“I will start the bidding at £100!”

“£100!” a man in his sixties shouted from the back of the room.

“£150!” a small bald man at the front shouted.

The bidding increased steadily and went over the average £500.

“£1,000,” someone shouted from the other side of the room.

I looked over and realised it was Alex.

This was not good.

“£1,500,” Zack shouted, glaring over at him.

He looked furious.

“£3,000,” Alex countered, staring back at Zack.

The room seemed to buzz with excitement.

“£5,000,” Zack came back with.

The host looked from one man to the other.

“This lady is certainly popular ladies and gentleman!”

“£10,000,” Alex screamed, taunting Zack.

“£20,000,” Zack shouted at the top of his voice.

“Sold to Mr Zachary Cole!” the host shouted, realising that things were getting a bit out of hand.

Zack got a long round of applause and I went to sit back down next to him.

“You could have a dance for free any time you know!” I laughed, trying to relieve some of the tension.

“I wasn’t letting Alex touch you, I would kill him first!”

“This is getting a bit tired now, Zack! I am going to the ladies,” I told him, bored by the display of caveman behaviour.

As I came out of the toilet, Alex was waiting for me. I stiffened up.

“I would have paid a lot more to dance with a beautiful woman like you,” he told me, staring at my cleavage and licking his lips.

“Just leave it, Alex. I am with Zack and he wouldn’t like you talking to me,” I snapped at him, pushing past him.

“He was a bastard to Phoebe you know. How does he treat you?”

“That’s none of your business Alex!”

“He was so cold and distant to her.”

“Maybe that’s because she was shagging her way through Kent!”

I wished he would just do one. I was tired and ready for bed.

“She loved me you know and I loved her too. So much,” he sniffed and part of me felt a bit sorry for him.

I put my arm around him but he took that as a sign that I liked him and he took my face in his hands, pulling me into him for a kiss.

“Alex, no,” I shouted shoving him off me.

I was aware of Zack’s presence before he spoke. Suddenly Alex was yanked backwards roughly.

“What the fuck are you doing, Alex?” Zack screamed at him.

His face was a barely contained mask of fury.

“Hello, Zack. How are you?” he smiled at him but there was no warmth in his smile, just pure hatred.

“Just do one, Alex, would you?” I tried to warn him to do the sensible thing and walk away while he still could.

“I thought I would have a little dance with your honey since I missed out on a proper one!”

He grabbed my hand and spun me around.

“Don’t you fucking touch her,” Zack shouted, pulling him off.

He had that bat shit crazy look about him again. His eyes were wide and his nostrils flared.

Alex clearly had a death wish.

“What are you going to do about it?” Alex sneered, squaring up to Zack.

The posh public school toff was no match for the boxer from New Orleans.

Oh shit!

“Fuck you, Alex, you dick!”

Zack pulled his strong right arm back and punched Alex really hard in the face. His nose seemed to explode. There was a sickening crunching noise.

“You bloody idiot!” Alex screamed holding his nose.

Blood spurted from his nose as he tried to stem the flow with his hand.

“I warned you!” Zack snarled as he grabbed my hand.

When we got back to the table, Zack had calmed down.

“I can fight my own battles you know. I was going to kick him hard in the balls and run!”

“The cheeky bastard kissed you. It’s like he is taunting me. I’m sorry but he really brings out the worst in me.”

“Let’s go and have that really expensive dance now. I will give you a lap dance later completely free of charge!”

He smiled over at me and we headed onto the dance floor. We danced wrapped in each other’s arms.

“I’m sorry, again.”

“Don’t worry about it, blue eyes. You were just defending me.”

“I am so protective of you with everything that’s been going on. I can’t stand anyone touching you.”

“When we get upstairs, you can touch me everywhere, baby. I am getting wet just thinking about it,” I whispered, licking his earlobe.

“Jennifer, do you have any idea what it does to me when you talk so dirty to me?”

“Yes, I do as it is digging into my thigh right now!”

We finished our dance and I gave Zack a long and tender kiss before we returned to our table.

“I’m just nipping to the gents, I won’t be long.”

As he left the room, I watched as Olivia got up and walked closely behind him. She glanced back at me and I quickly looked away. I couldn’t help myself as I got up and followed them.

Zack turned the corner to the toilets and she ran to catch him up. I sneaked along the wall listening for them talking.

“Zack, wait please,” she breathlessly whispered to him.

Her voice sounded so feminine and sexy.

“Olivia, what do you want? I am with Jennifer now and I am very happy. You have to stop calling me and texting me. It’s over and it has been for a very long time.”

“Do you love her like you once loved me, Zack?” she asked as she started to cry.

“I do. She is the best thing that has ever happened to me Olivia.”

I heard her sigh softly.

“Don’t say that, Zack. We had some amazing times together, didn’t we? You were the best lover I have ever had.”

Yeah, he gets that a lot!

“We did but that’s in the past now. I have moved on and I suggest you do too.”

“I can’t. I still love you so much it hurts.”

She started to really sob now. I couldn’t help but feel sorry for her as I knew what a man Zack was. Some women would kill to be with him, I had no doubt.

“Olivia, I’m sorry but I love someone else,” he told her gently.

“Kiss me one last time, Zack!”

I peeked around the wall and I couldn’t believe my eyes as she pulled him into her and kissed him passionately. He quickly responded to her kiss as his eyes closed. He didn’t move his hands from his trouser pockets. They looked really good together. She touched his neck wrapping her hands into his hair. One hand travelled down to his crotch and she went to touch him. Olivia's fingers pulled the zip of his trousers down and her hand pushed in.

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