Beautifully Irresistible (33 page)

BOOK: Beautifully Irresistible
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“Hi, Mum. How are you feeling?”

“I’m fine. Give me one of your beautiful smiles, darling, they always make me feel so much better.”

I plastered the biggest, widest smile I could muster on my face as I leant in for a big hug. She kissed the top of my head and held me close.

My huge sobs echoed around the quiet room.

“Hush, don’t cry, Jenny. I am going to be fine.”

Memories of Frankie pushed into my mind. She had sadly lost her battle to cancer. I couldn’t bear to think someone else I loved suffering so horribly.

“I’m sorry, Mum. I am trying so hard to be brave but I suck so much at it!”

“Is Zack with you?”

“Yes, he’s outside.”

“Go and get him, Bill, will you, darling?”

Dad got up from his chair and beckoned Zack inside the room.

“I will go for a coffee with Jack. I won’t be long,” Dad said.

I could see his chest rumbling with tightly held in emotions.

“Zack, come in dear,” Mum said, smiling broadly at him.

“How are you, Pamela?” he asked her as he brushed a kiss to her cheek.

“I am fine, thanks. The worst is over now. I know that the chemo isn’t going to be a walk in the park but I am damned if this bloody cancer is going to beat me!” she told him seriously.

“That's the spirit!” he laughed, resting his hands on my shoulders.

“Look after her, will you, Zack? I can see how you feel about her by the way you look at her.”

“I will Pamela, I promise.”

“Christ, I could do with a brandy and coke. You don’t fancy smuggling me some in, do you, Zack!”


Chapter Forty Two


After spending a couple more days up North, we headed back to Kent to get back to normality. Dad had promised to be in regular contact. Mum had come home from hospital and was in good spirits.

The next few days passed without incident as we settled back into our daily lives. DI Ross informed me that another witness had come forward after Billy’s shooting to say they saw a tall dark-haired main running towards a dark car.

The tail on Derek Fletcher had turned up nothing. He seemed to mainly work as a driver and, other than a penchant for lap dancing clubs and prostitutes, nothing of interest came up.

Zack said there was no record of who was driving the 4x4 BMW the day I was chased. Whoever took the car did it without the correct permission.

I also didn’t turn anything up in the woods. It was a pointless exercise that was a bit like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Scarlett seemed happy and she was clearly in the throes of first love. I didn’t tell Zack about her and maybe I should have but I could just imagine his reaction so I thought it best to keep quiet. Jasper looked really contented after our trip up North.

I managed to ride Puzzle again around the paddock, not daring to go into the woods just yet. Jonathan watched me and helped me to build my confidence back up.

The case was certainly taking some cracking and I was frustrated not be any further on. I suggested going into the office with Zack again to see if I could find anything more out. He agreed that I could go in with him the next day.

After a night spent with Zack wrapped in his arms, we dropped Scarlett and Jasper at college and carried on to Canterbury. It was such a beautiful city and I was looking forward to seeing the amazing view from Zack’s office again.

As we headed into his office, I could feel all eyes on me as we walked along, hand in hand. Zack didn’t seem bothered by the attention but it really made me feel uncomfortable.

“Joan can we have two coffees please?” Zack asked through the intercom.

“Yes, right away, Mr Cole.”

“What are you going to do? Snoop around here all day?” Zack teased me.

“Yes, I am determined to find out who killed Billy, attacked me on the ferry and nearly ran me over!”

“You have that sexy look when you are mad, Jennifer!”

After our coffee, I took a quick trip to the ladies. Whilst I was in the toilet, two young women came in chattering loudly.

“What do you think of Mr Cole’s latest bit of stuff?” one asked as I sat there in silence.

“I think she’s stunning and she has really big boobs!” the other one laughed.

I held my breath as they gossiped.

“Lucky bitch having him. I would give anything to sleep with him again. That night we hooked up was amazing. I mean he is enormous and he is the best shag I have ever had!” one of them joked as my hands clasped into fists of rage.

“Ha! You certainly bragged about it for long enough, Karen!”

“Christ, we went at it all night. I was gutted when he had to go home in the morning. He said it would just have to be a one off but he had had a great time and he wouldn’t forget me!” she sighed in a sad way.

I could keep quiet no longer so I flung the toilet door open and stalked out. The pair of them looked like they were catching flies.

“Hi, ladies. I was enjoying listening to your chat. It was certainly interesting!” I told them, smiling sweetly.

“Err, we are sorry. We didn’t mean anything by it,” the prettier one of the two witches said.

She had long dark hair and was fuller figured than his usual type. In fact, she was annoyingly very attractive.

“Are you Karen?”


“He told me all about you!” I lied to her, giving her an up and down look.

I quickly turned heel out of the toilets. I stormed back to Zack’s office. He obviously had had more liaisons than he led me to believe. I was not that bothered as we all had a past. I just wish he had been more truthful.

Flinging his door open, he watched me open-mouthed as I stomped into his office.

“What’s wrong with you, sweet cheeks?” he asked with a bemused look on his face.

“I just met yet another of your conquests in the ladies. Karen. Does the name ring any horny bells, Zack?” I practically shouted at him.

“Oh Karen, yes.” He smiled at the memory.

She must have been good.

The bitch!

“How many more are floating around here Zack?”

“Okay, there may be a few more than I let on. I’m sorry Jennifer but a man with my libido has needs, you know. Months of Phoebe ignoring me where I had to, um, see to myself got to me. It was just sex, nothing more.”

“Did you have an affair during your marriage? You may as well tell me, Zack. I don’t like you keeping things from me,” I told him, thinking that I was the liar in our relationship.

He couldn’t look me in the eye.

“Okay, I did. I don’t know why I said otherwise.”

“Who was it with and for how long?”

“It was with my solicitor, Olivia, and it lasted three years.”

“Three years! Jesus, that’s a long affair. Were you with her when we met in the bar, Zack?”

“No, I hadn’t been unfaithful then. I just thought about it a shit load. I didn’t want just a one night fling with you. I wanted a lot more.”

“I am glad that you told me, Zack.”

“What about you. Are you all squeaky clean?”

“Not exactly, I had an affair with a married man in my last, err, job. It broke up his marriage and I felt pretty bad about that. It was with James that we met in the restaurant. You obviously know about John but other than that I just had flings but I am not a hussy!”

“I know you’re not. Did you love James?”

“No, I didn’t. It was always just a bit of fun to me. I went out of my way to get him knowing full well that he was married. I am not proud of myself. Did you love Olivia?”

“Yes. But not like I love you. I thought about leaving Phoebe for her but I couldn’t as she is the main shareholder in Cole Enterprises.”

“What happened then?” I asked him as my heart pounded.

I still couldn’t figure out why he would lie about his mistress.

He still played some of his cards close to his chest.

“Olivia made me an ultimatum to either leave Phoebe or we were over. I obviously didn’t leave her. I couldn’t do it to Scarlett and Jasper no matter how much I loved someone else.”

Well, he did always put his children first.

“How long has it been over with her?”

“Well over a year.”

“I’m sorry to pry Zack but you could have told me all this. I am a grown woman, you know.”

“I know, I’m sorry, Jennifer. I felt ashamed.”

“Please don’t ever feel the need to keep things from me. I won’t judge you, Zack.”

He took me into his arms and tipped my head back to kiss me. His tongue snaked into my mouth and twisted with mine as he gripped the back of my head tightly. He took little licks and nibbles of my lips. I folded into his body as I started to feel horny. We briefly pulled apart then I tugged his tie and kissed him again biting his lip playfully. I messed up his hair as I breathed in his sexy scent. He nibbled down my neck and I had to pull away before we ripped our clothes off.

“Wow, that was nice, Zack.”

“I love you baby,” he whispered then he ran his soft hand along my cheek.

“I love you too and you are making me horny as per usual, Zack!”

“Me too, JB,” he grinned, pushing my hand into his erection.

“Looks like you need a little relief there, Captain America! Sit down please,” I bossily instructed him as I quickly closed the blinds.

“You are being the Dom this time, Miss Black!”

“I am, so sit down for your mistress!”

His gorgeous eyes flashed with desire as he sat back in his chair. I knelt before him as he spread his legs so I could scoot up between them. I unbuttoned his trousers and released his bulging erection. He smiled lazily at me as I started to move my hand up and down him.

“Do you want to be in my mouth, Zack?” I teased him, turning up the sex goddess to full throttle.

“Oh yes baby, it’s my second favourite place to be in you,” he murmured, stroking my hair.

I kissed down him and dipped him slowly in and out of my mouth.

God, I really loved pleasuring him!

“Jesus, Jennifer,” he moaned as his eyes half closed.

He started to thrust quickly into my mouth as his orgasm started to build. I took my time as he enjoyed the sensation of being in my greedy mouth. He felt so good, so sexy. Suddenly Joan knocked on the door and walked straight in.

Shit! I forgot to lock the door!

Zack pushed me under the desk out of sight as he wheeled his chair forward. I continued with my task, licking, sucking and nibbling him in all his glory. His hand held my head in a vice like grip as I taunted and teased him knowing Joan was in the room.

My tongue flicked over and over the end tantalising him and slowly pushing him to near orgasm before pulling back and starting all over again.

“Err, yes, Joan?” he gasped as his feet pushed into the floor.

“I brought those documents for you to check. I need to email them to Steven in the finance department.”

“Okay, I will look them over,” he just managed to reply as my tongue slowly circled his slit.

He groaned loudly as he pushed further into me. His fist banged onto the desk.

“I thought Jennifer was in here with you, Mr Cole.”

“No! She just nipped out for a minute.”

“Oh, I didn’t see her pass me. Never mind. Are you okay, Mr Cole? You are really flushed.”

“Yes, it’s just warm today, Joan. Is that all?” he coughed as my tongue teased him relentlessly.

“Yes, thank you, Mr Cole.”

She shut the door and Zack exhaled noisily. He slipped and slid in and out of my mouth as he roughly pulled me closer to him. Gliding quickly in and out, his hands tugged my hair tightly.

He was really enjoying this!

“You bad, bad girl, Jennifer!” he whispered.

He pushed greedily into my mouth with complete abandon. I loved it so much. He must have been so very close.

Give me just a little bit more, my darling.

“Jennifer!” he shouted as he finally reached his climax.

I guess Joan popping in put him off his stride! He threw his head back and closed his beautiful eyes as he climaxed.

I gently released him from my grip.

“Any wipes and mints in your desk drawer, Zack?”

He fished around and passed me the wipes and mints. I cleaned him up and zipped his trousers back up. Clambering out, we couldn’t stop laughing at what we just did.

“You are such a naughty girl, Jennifer. What ever will I do with you?”

“Stay with me and love me, Zack.”

“That’s easy, baby.”

“Well, I am going for a nose around. I will keep you posted, boss!” I told him kissing his cheek and running my fingers through his thick blond hair.

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