Beautifully Irresistible (35 page)

BOOK: Beautifully Irresistible
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“Jennifer, you poor thing. Are you okay?”

“I’m fine, thanks. This is one tough assignment!”

“Yes, but you get to be with the gorgeous Mr Cole so there are perks!”

“I see that it’s common knowledge then.”

“There are no secrets here, Jennifer. So is he as hot in the sack as he looks?”

“Girlfriend, you have no idea. Why do you think I look so knackered all of the time?”

“Ha! I am insanely jealous!”

“Well, I best be off. Can you keep me up to speed on anything you turn up? Oh and Ross said to fast track the items.”

“No problem, Jennifer. It was good seeing you.”


I returned home and moped around the house with only a very busy Marcia for company. My mind kept wandering back to my attacker and I was sure I recognised the voice. I racked my brains to recall who it belonged to.

Getting out my file that was hidden in the wardrobe, I flicked through all the information I had gathered over the last few months.

My eyes kept coming back to the same name over and over again.

David Simms.

I met him at the restaurant that night. He was about 6’1” and athletically built. I closed my eyes trying to recall his aftershave and I shut everything else off as I went back to that night. I breathed in deeply and I really started to think that everything pointed to it being him and not Alex.

Alex just wouldn’t have the bottle for it.

I was going to pay David Simms a visit but first I wanted my gun.

I would have to wait.


Chapter Forty Six


I picked Scarlett and Jasper up from town and I smiled to myself as she stood kissing the face off Connor in full view of her brother.

Young love, so fresh, so uncomplicated. That butterfly feeling in your stomach.

Zack gave me that feeling when he walked into a room. I’m sure I wasn’t the only woman or even man that he had that effect on. There must be dozens of people that worked for him that fantasised about being with him. I knew I would if he wasn’t mine.

Well, sort of mine that is.

“Hi, Scarlett. Did you have a good day?”

“Yes, thanks. I had lunch with Connor so I got to spend time with him.”

“You are still going strong then?”

“Oh yes, he’s wonderful. Are you okay, Jennifer? You were in bed last night when I got back from Connor’s?”

“I’m fine, thanks. I was just tired, that’s all.”

“Pass me the sick bucket!” Jasper groaned as he got into the car.

“Shut up, Jasper!” Scarlett shouted.

We chatted about nothing much and we all decided on a curry for dinner.


I pulled into a small convenience shop on the way back to the house to buy some ingredients for the curry.

As I got back into the car, I saw the black 4x4 BMW.

Fear prickled my scalp.

Its engine was running. I couldn’t see the driver as there was a tree between us.

I noticed that Scarlett was miles away, texting on her phone. Jasper was looking at his phone too.

Neither of them had noticed the Beamer.

Pulling out of the space, I accelerated quickly out of the car park. Checking my mirror, I was unsurprised to see that the BMW was hot on my tail.

“Whoa, Jennifer, you are going really fast,” Scarlett squealed as we drove down the country lanes towards the house.

“I’m sorry, Scarlett, but there is a car following us. Can you see a dark BMW in the wing mirror?”

“Yes, I can. Why is it following us?”

“I don’t know,” I lied.

“Jesus, Jennifer, you can really drive. I’m very impressed!” Jasper shouted.

His face broke into a wide grin.

“Hold on tight my favourite twins!”

We were about four miles from the house and there were no other cars on the road. Not a soul around. I really needed to keep my nerve as I had Scarlett and Jasper to think about.

I dialled Zack on hands free.

“Hey, my brown-eyed lover, are you okay, baby?”

“That BMW is following me again and Scarlett and Jasper are with me. We are close to home. Can you find out who is driving it?”

“Leave it with me and please be careful, Jennifer!”

We continued on the narrow winding road. Scarlett and Jasper held on for dear life. The Audi handled the road very nicely, taking every turn and bend with ease.

The phone rang and it was Zack.

“There is no record of the car being taken out. It should be parked in the underground car park.”

“Well, it certainly isn’t!”

“I am on my way home right now!”

I disconnected the call and we turned off onto the road where the house was. The BMW kept up closing in on us.

My heart was in my mouth. I accelerated and I decided a bit of a risky move was in order. I just prayed that it would work.

“Brace yourselves, kids!”

Suddenly I grabbed the handbrake and did my best Fast and Furious move doing a 360 degree turn. We spun around really fast and the BMW was coming very quickly towards us. My heart was pounding wildly as I really didn’t know if it was going to stop in time.

At the last minute, the BMW braked heavily and the driver lost control. The car went into a long skid and hit a large oak tree at the side of the road. The driver’s door opened and someone wearing a baseball cap quickly took off into the undergrowth.

Switching off the Audi’s engine, I jumped out and started to chase the driver.

“Stop, you bastard. I’ve got you now. You won’t get away with this!” I shouted as I followed him into the trees.

Unfortunately he was a lot faster than me and I soon lost him in the woods.

I headed back to the car and I must have been running after him quite a way as it took fifteen minutes to get back to the road. I panted with the exertion and sweat ran down my body.

I got back to the car and Zack was standing next to it talking to Scarlett and Jasper.

I was very relieved to see him.

“Are you okay?” he asked me, holding my shoulders.

“I’m fine but I lost him in the woods.”

“Is it worth me having a look?”

“No he’s long gone. His legs were a lot quicker than mine. I’m sorry.”

“Don’t worry about it as long as everyone is alright.”

Zack pulled me into his warm chest.

“You should have seen her driving, Dad, it was amazing!” Scarlett laughed, trying to lighten the situation.

“Yeah, Dad, it was fucking awesome!” Jasper shouted.

“Watch your language!” Zack and I chimed in unison.

“Let’s go home,” Zack said, kissing the top of my head.


Chapter Forty Seven


“I am taking you to London for the night, JB,” Zack informed me, coming into the kitchen the following morning.

“Sounds just what we need with all this stuff happening. What’s the occasion?”

“It’s a children’s charity that I am a patron of. They are holding an auction at a hotel on Park Lane.”

“Sound’s swanky. Will I need an evening dress?”

“You will and as it’s last minute, would you mind using one of Phoebe’s?”

“Thanks for the offer but we can nip into town and get one on the way.”

“No problem. We could call on the way to the train station.”

Marcia came over to stay with the twins. We headed into the town centre to get me a dress.

“There is a lovely boutique down here, Zack. I am sure there will be something there.”

We went into the small shop and I saw a black dress, a red one and a royal blue one.

“I won’t be a minute. I will let you choose, Mr Cole.” I winked at him.

I turned around and he had followed me into the small changing area.

What was he playing at?

The assistant raised an eyebrow at him but he just turned on the famous Zachary Cole charm and insisted that he had to help me pick a dress.

“Wait out there on those chairs, you naughty boy!”

He smiled at me as I kissed him deeply. His hands threaded into my hair as he pulled me closer. We devoured each other hungrily.

“I’ll be right back,” I breathed, managing to extract myself from him.

I tried the red one first. It was nice but a bit plain. I stuck my head out of the door and Zack told me to try on the black one. I quickly put it on and headed outside.

“Mm, it’s nice but put on the blue one. Blue is my favourite colour.”

“Really, it’s mine too and I love your beautiful blue eyes, Zack!”

I tried the blue one on and it really did look stunning. I went out to show Zack.

“Yes! That is the one, baby. You look gorgeous,” he told me as two girls in their early twenties passed him gazing at his stunning face.

He grinned at them, letting them see his dazzling smile.

“Wow! Did you see him? Jesus! He was really hot! I reckon he was a model,” one of them said too loudly.

I was dying to laugh. Zack’s face flushed bright red.

“Thanks, Zack,” I replied, turning around to go back into the changing room.

I was just wriggling out of the dress and putting it on the hanger when Zack popped his head around the door of the changing room.

“What are you doing?” I asked him, spinning around.

It was my turn to flush with embarrassment.

Oh! I knew that look only too well!

“I got really horny after kissing you and seeing you in that dress. I need some relief and quickly,” he told me, prowling towards me.

He locked the door behind him, turning round to face me. The look in his eyes was unmistakable. The atmosphere grew heavy between us as our fierce chemistry charged the small changing room. I could hear people either side trying clothes on.

He put his arms around me and kissed me deeply. His kisses grew more urgent as did his huge erection. He kissed along my jawline with a gentle feather-like touch.

“I have to have to you now, JB. I can’t wait until London.”

Zack un-clasped my bra, freeing my throbbing breasts.

“I know, I can’t wait either!” I panted as he kissed my neck.

Wetness gathered between my hot, sticky legs. He touched my breasts, kneading the soft flesh. My nipples tightened as he lovingly caressed me.

“Turn around, baby,” he grunted as he released himself from his jeans.

I obeyed him. I could see him in the mirror looking directly into my eyes. One hand came around and touched my right breast cupping it gently. He pushed a finger deeply into me, moving it quickly in and out.

God, he really turned me on so much!

Our eyes stared at each other, wide with desire. I stifled a moan of pleasure as he kissed the back of my neck.

“Open your legs wider, baby,” he whispered, never taking his gorgeous eyes from my face.

My cheeks looked flushed with wanton need for him.

“Zack, Jesus! That feels good!” I panted as he pushed deeply into my wetness.

I greedily took him as he thrust hard into me. We made love quietly looking into each other’s eyes the whole time. My naked breasts pushed up to the mirror and they felt cold as they rubbed against it in the red-hot changing room.

I pushed back up into him, angling myself so he could get even deeper. I gasped at the blissful feeling.

It felt so dirty, so hot and so horny.

As long as I didn’t get arrested for public indecency!

“You really love making love to me, don’t you, Jennifer?” he whispered, looking straight into my eyes.

“I do, Zack, every time is so beautiful,” I panted as an amazing orgasm rushed through my hyper sensitive body.

“Oh, I’m really close, baby. You are the best!” he whispered as his hips pumped in and out of me.

I stifled my moans of pleasure as we made love. He quickened the pace as his climax jerked through his lovely body. His expression was glazed as I watched him in the mirror.

I loved watching him come.

He looked so beautiful, so young, so vulnerable, so free and so lost in the moment.

Zack slumped over my shoulder kissing my hair. We were both panting after our exertion.

I quickly cleaned up and got dressed.

“Shit, look at the time. We will miss the train, Zack!”

“As quickies go that was awesome,” Zack grinned like the cat that got the cream.

“It’s never a quickie with your stamina! I had better go and pay for the dress.”

“I am getting it for you,” Zack told me, taking it out of my hand.

“I wish you wouldn’t. It’s far too much,” I complained, looking at the £600 price tag.

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