Beautifully Irresistible (37 page)

BOOK: Beautifully Irresistible
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Suddenly he seemed to come to his senses as he pulled away from her and shoved her off.

He looked confused and dazed.

She looked triumphant.

I must have looked murderous.

“No, Olivia! I shouldn’t have kissed you, it was wrong. How could I have been so stupid?’ he told her, gripping her wrists.

I was trying not to cry as I watched them. Blood rushed to my ears as pure jealousy engulfed me.

Then rage took over.

I wanted to kill him and her.

“Well, there is still something between us Zack and there always will be!” she said as she ran around the corner, crashing into me.

“I’m so sorry, Jennifer,” she cried as she sprinted back down the corridor.

“Jennifer!” Zack shouted.

Zack’s eyes widened as he wiped his mouth and tried to figure out quickly what I had seen. I stalked up to him and slapped him really hard across the face. It made me feel marginally better. He held his hand up to his red cheek, rubbing it.

“You prize bastard, Zack! How could you?” I shouted at him, not really caring who heard us.

I was so mad it was ridiculous.

Hot tears ran down my face.

“Jennifer, I’m so sorry. I made a big mistake! She felt familiar, that’s all but I pushed her away!”

He tried to grab me but I shoved him off. He looked crushed.


“Too right, you did. I am going to bed and I don’t really care if you come or not. Why don’t you go and fuck your ex?” I screamed at him and then I turned heel towards the lift.

He ran along behind me.

“Please, Jennifer, forgive me. I’m just a weak man. Anyhow, you can talk, what about John?”

“That’s a bit harsh, Zack!”

I knew he would bring that up.

“It’s exactly the same and you can’t come over all holier than thou! We both have history with other people, Jennifer!”

“Okay, fair enough, I deserved that but I am still mad and jealous as hell! She touched you! It made me feel sick!”

“Look, I love you not Olivia. You love me. Let’s forget about it and go and make love. Our bodies never ever get it wrong.”

The lift arrived and we got on. I tried to turn away from him but resistance was futile against him. A hot rush of familiar desire for him took over my willing body as I responded to his urgent kisses. I hit his rock hard biceps in frustration. He grabbed my arms to still me.

Bloody hell! Why couldn’t I be mad at him!

Why did I love him so much when he could hurt me like that?

Thoughts hurtled around my brain as he kissed me with lips that were on another woman a moment ago. I pushed him off again and scowled at him but he was clearly very aroused and he went to pull me back to him.

“No, Zack. Don’t, please,” I told him, holding his hands off me.

He gave me a little boy lost expression as I looked away from him, folding my arms over my chest. His gaze roved over me from my head all the way down to my toes.

“You make me really hard when you are mad, baby,” he told me, touching his crotch.

He slipped his hand inside his trousers and started to move it up and down. Zack never took his eyes off me. His lips parted in a moan as I watched him transfixed by the hotness of him. I licked my lips and my mouth started to water as I thought of him touching me.

“It’s you I want, it’s always been you. I burn for you, baby. You want me, don’t you, Jennifer?” he whispered.

“Yes, you know I do. I always want you, Zack. I love you and hate you right now though!”

I stepped forward to kiss him hard pushing my greedy tongue into his lovely mouth. Pushing my hand into his trousers I grasped him tightly as he grew and bulged under my touch.

“Oh yes baby. That feels so good.”

God! I was such a push over with him!


The lift tinged that we had arrived at our floor and I stepped back from him, quickly zipping him up. As we got off, I was acutely aware that someone was watching us. Suddenly a large beefy pair of arms grabbed Zack from behind. He struggled like a wild animal to push them off and then a second person joined in. The first man punched him really hard in the face. I saw blood running out of his mouth.

“Stop, leave him alone!” I screamed as loud as I could.

I hit the man hard across his face with my evening bag.

“Back off bitch!” he shouted, trying to lunge for me.

They ignored me and one man held Zack’s arms behind his back and the other punched him relentlessly. Zack put up a long and valiant fight but eventually he gave up, slumping to his knees. Blows rained down on him. It was horrible to watch.

“Get off him, you mad bastards!” I screamed as I jumped on one of the men's backs.

My dress ripped loudly but I didn’t care as I clawed his face. He tried to get me off but I clung like a limpet as he spun around wildly. I pulled his long greasy hair and bit his shoulder. Eventually he released Zack and I fell heavily onto the floor as I lost my grip on him.

“Fucking hell, you crazy whore!” he shouted, glaring down at me.

He stepped towards me to grab me but Zack managed to pull his ankle and he toppled over landing heavily on the floor.

The unknown assailant clambered to his feet breathing heavily. His face was bright red. Stinking sweat poured off him.

“That was a message from Alex!” one of them shouted as they headed back down the corridor.

Zack was lying on the floor and I crawled over to him.

“Zack, are you alright?” I asked as tears ran down my face and landed on his.

I was losing count of the amount of times we had been involved in a fight.

“Yes, I will be okay. Can you help me up, please, baby?” he gasped.

I just about managed to help his large frame to his feet and we hobbled back to our room. We collapsed onto the bed and I looked at his beautiful face. It was a complete bloody mess.

I took my torn dress off and went into the bathroom to fill the basin with warm water. Finding a soft flannel, I brought it back into the bedroom.

Zack was still lying on the bed and at first I thought that he had passed out but he opened one eye and looked at me.

“Jesus, we don’t half get into some scrapes, Zack!”

“My face really hurts.”

“What complete bastards. Fancy doing that to the world’s most handsome face!”

“Cut the bullshit, JB. I love you for it though!”

“It looks pretty bad maybe we should go to casualty.”

“No! I don’t want this getting out!”

“Okay, I will clean you up and then I will get you some ice to take the swelling down. I will nip to reception and get a first aid kit.”

“You did me proud there, Jennifer, you fought really dirty!”

“I was so mad that two of them attacked you, now that is really dirty!”

“Well, you fought my corner. You must still love me baby.”

“You know I do. So much it hurts.”

“Me too and I’m sorry for being a complete dick head earlier. I hate that I hurt you.”

“It’s forgotten. We could be a wrestling tag team: Black and Cole!”

“No, it would obviously be Cole and Black!”

His face looked better once I had cleaned off the blood. I dug around in my handbag and found some painkillers. I put some jeans and a t-shirt on and went in search of ice.

As I slipped out of the room, I caught sight of Alex on his own walking down the corridor. Rage towards him engulfed me. I broke out into a sprint as I came closer to him.

“Alex, you nasty bastard, that wasn’t fair but I can’t imagine that you would ever fight fair!” I screamed at him.

“You wouldn’t stick up for him if you knew what I already know,” he shouted in my face.

His nose looked enormous and really painful marring his otherwise very handsome features.

“What are you talking about, Alex?”

“You will find out in time. I’m just warning you. Be careful, Jennifer.”

“Sounds like a lot of jealous bullshit to me, Alex.”

“Suit yourself.”

“Alright, I will take your advice, thank you. Now what about that dance now, Alex?”

I looked straight at him, flirting with him outrageously. He was very handsome even though my taste was always team blond. His thick silky hair was almost black. He had gorgeous deep brown eyes and full lips. His body looked pretty ripped too. I would have been lying if I didn’t admit that I was attracted to him.

“I thought you would never ask.”

He smiled at me. Alex pulled me close and we moved around the hallway. He kissed my neck softly.

“That’s nice, Alex. You really are hot, you know,” I whispered.

He gently caressed my bottom.

“So are you. Zack is a lucky bastard!”

“Kiss me hard, Alex.”

His eyes flashed with need and desire.

“I would love to, Jennifer”

He licked his lips and started to kiss me. I felt his erection pressing into me. I ran my fingers through his silky thick dark hair. It wasn’t the worst kiss I had ever had and I quite enjoyed it as he kissed me gently exploring my mouth.

Alex found that he really regretted kissing me when I pulled my knee sharply up into his groin with all my strength.

I yanked his hair hard as I inflicted my attack.

“Ah, you bitch!” he groaned as he slumped to the floor holding his tackle.

“Stay away from us, Alex!” I shouted at him as I turned heel and headed back to our room without the ice.


Chapter Forty Eight


The following morning after breakfast in bed we caught an early train back home. Zack had donned black sunglasses to cover up his swollen eyes. We were both absolutely shattered and any thoughts of a romantic night in a hotel were ruined by Alex.

“I still can’t believe you gave him a good knee in his junk! You are one tough cookie!” Zack laughed as we sped through leafy Kent.

“He didn’t know what had hit him. I bet he is aching today!”

I had kept the kissing part quiet even though it was only the means to an end.

“Zack, are you sure you are not going to press charges?”

“No. Alex didn’t press charges in Paris and I could have got in a lot of trouble as there were plenty of witnesses. I hate to say it but I appreciated that. It’s probably best left alone.”

“One thing has been bothering me, Zack. He said I don’t know what type of man you are and I should be careful around you. I have never felt like that around you. You are lovely to me all the time.”

“Just ignore him as he’s trying to cause trouble. He took it hard when Phoebe grew bored of him as a plaything. To be honest, he was by far her longest affair.”

“Did he love her?”

“I think he must have. He used to follow her around like a puppy dog. Did I not tell you that he worked for us? When I discovered their affair I fired him. He is still a close friend of David’s.”

Ah yes, the lovely David, the prime suspect.

David Simms, the creep that I was planning on visiting very soon.

We continued the rest of our journey in silence as I mulled over Alex’s words of warning.


Chapter Forty Nine


When we got home, the house was eerily quiet and I would have expected the twins to be home.

“Scarlett, Jasper, we are home,” Zack shouted into the silence.

“She must be upstairs studying with her headphones in, Zack. That will be why they can’t hear us,” I told him as I went into the kitchen to put the kettle on for a cup of tea.

“Hello, Gatsby boy.” Zack patted his dog affectionately.

Gatsby fussed around us clearly happy to see us.

“I will go and check on her. Jasper must be up there too.” Zack bounded quickly up the stairs.

His amazingly long sexy as hell legs carried him. Suddenly an awful thought crossed my mind.

What if Connor was up there?

Oh shit!

“Wait there, Zack. I will check. She might be in the shower or something.”

I tried to overtake him on the stairs.

Sadly I failed, outrun by the earlier mentioned legs.

“Scarlett, we are home.”

He knocked on her bedroom door. He waited a few seconds and then went in.

I had caught up with him by now and I stood in the doorway of her room, taking in the scene.

Oh dear!

“What the fuck is going on here?” Zack shouted.

Scarlett and Connor were naked in bed together. They had the covers pulled up around their necks.

For some reason, I wanted to laugh at Zack’s ridiculous question. It was plain to see what had been going on.

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