Beautifully Irresistible (40 page)

BOOK: Beautifully Irresistible
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John introduced us and I saw a look in her eye as she surveyed me, weighing me up. She really didn’t need to worry about me having feelings for John.

“Jesus, JB, she is like your doppelgänger,” Zack whispered to me, staring at Sarah.

“I know, it’s a bit spooky and don’t you be ogling her!” I threatened him, laughing.

“I only have eyes for you, baby,” he told me, kissing my neck.

I popped into the pub to go to the toilet and as I came out, I crashed straight into John.

“Sorry, John!”

“It’s okay. What do you think of Sarah?”

“She’s lovely. John. I am pleased for you. You deserve happiness,” I told him, really meaning my words.

I suddenly felt really brave and decided that it was now or never to have a little chat with him.

“John, can I speak to you for a minute, please?” I asked him, swallowing hard.

My heart was pounding and my stomach churned.

“Yes, of course do you want to sit here?” he asked, steering me into a cosy booth in the empty pub.

“John, I need to tell you something” I gulped, trying to form the words.

“What is it, Jenny? You can tell me anything. We are friends, you know,” he said, kindly looking into my eyes.

God, why did he have to be so lovely?

“You know when I lost our baby?”

“Yes,” he replied unsteadily.

“Well, I lied to you. I got an abortion. I never had a miscarriage. I’m so sorry, John,” I blurted out.

“I know, Jen,” he said calmly.

His blue eyes filled with tears.

“What do you mean you know?” I spluttered.

“You got a phone call to confirm your appointment. They wouldn’t say what the appointment was for but I rang the number back and put two and two together.”

“Why didn’t you say anything and why don’t you hate me, John,” I asked him as hot tears ran down my face.

“I figured if you didn’t want a baby then if I forced you to keep it, you would have resented me and maybe even hated me. I couldn’t bear that, Jen. I loved you so much. I still do. So I buried it deeply away.”

“John, I’m so sorry for hurting you so much,” I sobbed as he pulled me into his warm embrace.

His warm arms wrapped around me and I felt safe like I did with Zack. My tears of shame and guilt ran freely down my cheeks. I felt wretched.

“Hush, Jen. It wasn’t meant to be and neither were we. We were too young and we wanted different things from life. Look how happy you are now and I have met someone and I am in love. Everything happens for a reason,” he soothed, stroking my hair.

“You are one of the best men in the world, John. I will always love you,” I told him, kissing his cheek as the tears continued to fall.

“I will always love you too, Jen. Come on sort yourself out and we will go and re-join the others.” He handed me his handkerchief, he was that much of a gentleman that he had one bless him.

“Thanks, John. I am so glad that we talked,” I told him as we went back outside.

Zack took a look at my blotchy face and pulled me into his warm body as we took our seats. He kissed my cheek gently.

“Are you okay, baby?”

“I am and John is too,” I told him, so relieved.

“Good, I am glad.”

Sarah didn’t seem to have noticed anything amiss as she cuddled into John’s strong farmer’s arms.

“Well, we better head home. We don’t want to have stinking hangovers tomorrow, Jack. Time to call it a night,” I told him, hauling him to his feet.

“Okay, sis! You are so bossy but annoyingly right!” he grumbled as we left the beer garden.

“See you all tomorrow,” John and Sarah shouted as they headed in the opposite direction to his farm.

We trudged home through the warm night. The stars looked beautiful, twinkling and sparkling away. I felt so happy and relaxed now that I had spoken to John. I linked arms with Zack on one side and Jack on the other and we sang a rousing chorus of, “I'm getting married in the morning.”

This had been a good day.


Chapter Fifty Six


We awoke in my old room with the sun streaming through the curtains.

It was another gorgeous day.

I looked over at Zack sleeping quietly next to me and closed my eyes again as I fantasised about marrying him. Imagine how handsome and dapper he would look in a morning suit. Drop dead gorgeous didn’t even begin to cover it. I had every detail picked out in my head.

He just needed to ask me now but would he want to after Phoebe having all those affairs behind his back? I really wanted him to but we had only been together about five months. It was probably way too soon.

There was also the not too small matter of me being in the police to get over. I would just have to be patient and see what happened.

“What are you thinking about, Jennifer?” he asked me, rolling onto his side.

“I’m not thinking about anything.”

I smiled at him.

“You fibber, I know you too well. Your whole body was tense and you were fidgeting around. You woke me up!”

He stretched and yawned. God, he looked so perfect even when he had just woken up.

“I just felt a bit horny, that’s all!” I smirked at him.

He touched me as I moaned into his shoulder. His thumb massaged my clit as his finger gently pushed into me.

Zack grinned knowingly at me.

“You are very wet, Miss Black. We will have to do something about that,” he said before he disappeared under the covers.

I stifled a giggle. His expert award-winning tongue slid into my soaking horny wetness as I gripped his thick hair. He spread my legs wide, pulling me right up into his face by my bottom. Zack licked every fold of me expertly. He took his time with gentle then firmer pressure. He dipped deeper in to me, thrusting his tongue in and out at a frantic pace. I raced towards my wonderful climax. His tongue sucked and nibbled me to orgasm heaven once more.

“Zack, Jesus, that was awesome as usual!” I whispered as I came.

“I love how you taste, baby. It’s so sweet, like sugar. I want you, now!”

Suddenly he pulled me underneath his rock hard beautiful body and pushed quickly into me. I gasped as the force took me by surprise as he vigorously thrust up into me. He continued his enthusiastic lovemaking whilst I panted and writhed about beneath him.

Zack looked down as he pulled nearly out of me then plunged back in. It was so tantalisingly delicious. He watched himself pushing deeply in and out of me.

Every time with him was so perfect and I loved it.

I was suddenly wide awake.

“Oh Zack, do it harder!” I whispered, nibbling his ear.

He loved his ear nibbled. Zack pushed even further into me, pummelling me really hard. How was he so amazing at everything? My body tightened uncontrollably around his as we got closer to our orgasms. His thumb again touched my clit and I knew I was just about to explode into a thousand pieces.

“Fuck yes, Jennifer!” he exclaimed as he came.

His hips pumped once more then he was still.

“Yes, Zack!” I screamed far too loud for 7am in the morning as I climaxed long and hard.

I dug my long nails into his back and kissed his lovely mouth, forgetting that neither one of us had brushed our teeth!

Also I suddenly realised how loud the headboard had been banging whilst we were at it!

Shit! Jack was next door!

“How was that for morning delight, my brown-eyed girl?” Zack laughed, rolling off me panting.

“Not bad, okay totally awesome as usual, blue eyes!” I grinned at him.

We both had a quick shower and put some casual clothes on to see if we were needed in the marquee.

“Busy morning, guys?” Jack asked, winking.

He looked at me and blushed. Jack must have heard me getting a good seeing to. It wasn’t the first time either.

“Quite busy, Jack.” Zack grinned widely at him, knowing full well what he was on about.

He couldn’t have cared less, the git.

“Well, do you need help with anything, Jack?” I asked, quickly changing the subject.

My face must have been a lovely shade of red.

“You are a noisy fuck, you know, Jennifer!” Zack whispered to me, sticking his tongue into my ear.

“Shut up, you are embarrassing me!” I laughed, playfully swatting him.

We helped all morning in the marquee setting up the flowers and doing the finishing touches. The wedding was at 2pm so we all headed back inside to get another quick shower and dress for the big event.

Zack looked absolutely gorgeous in his grey suit.

My eyes greedily took in his perfect appearance.

“Why did you never go into modelling, Zack?”

“Oh I did, for the art department at Cambridge. It was a bit of extra money. I was a nude model!” he told me, grinning shyly.

“I bet the class was full of horny students, girls and boys!” I giggled as I licked my lips.

“Yes, it did used to get over-subscribed!” he told me, putting his head down and blushing.

He never bragged about how gorgeous he was. It was so endearing how he didn’t think he was. My mind pictured a younger version of him and my mouth started to water.

“I am getting wet at the thought of you spread out all naked and gorgeous like that!”

“I love to be spread out all naked for you, baby!”

“Likewise, anyway, we best go as I am getting the horn again, Mr Cole!”

The theme colour for the wedding was a deep crimson pink and it coordinated perfectly with his grey suit. Jack had sweetly asked him to be an usher and Zack had been really surprised and touched by the gesture.

“Zack, you will look great on the photographs,” Jack had told him, laughing.

My delicate flowered dress was perfect for the gorgeous weather.

Everything was going according to plan.

As the church was only a ten minute walk away, Zack and I walked hand in hand down the road like a pair of teenagers.

“I'm glad things worked out with, John,” he said, smiling at me.

“Me too, I just can’t believe that he knew all along. I still feel a bit shit about it but we have made our peace. He looks really happy and I am so pleased for him.”

“He loved you, Jennifer, so he set you free.”

“You have a wonderful way with words, Mr Cole. You always say the right things to make me feel better. Thank you.”

“I actually really like him. He would have made a great husband for you, Jennifer. John worships the ground that you walk on, just like I do, baby,” he said quietly as he looked at me.

I didn't know how to respond to that so I said nothing.

“We better make tracks or we will be late, Miss Black!” Zack laughed as we picked up the pace towards the village.

The church was literally bursting at the seams as the entire village seemed to be in attendance.

I looked around the church waving at people I knew. A few heads turned when I walked in with Zack. Some girls from school were nudging each other and blushing.

I found this really amusing.

Well, he was mine.

All mine.

Sort of!

I took a seat near Mum at the front of the church whilst Zack directed the guests at the rear.

Jack looked as nervous as hell in his grey morning suit. It was really warm in there which didn’t help.

John was also an usher and I watched him and Zack sharing some banter, laughing at some joke between them.

Their blossoming friendship was in stark contrast to the last time they met. They looked completely at ease with each other.

It was good to see.

As I sat there, surrounded by friends and family, I felt a warm glow enveloping me. I sneaked a look at Zack who had clearly taken charge at the back of the church.

He saw me and I felt that familiar charge between us. I smiled at him, thinking back to our morning wake up call.


The bridal march started to play loudly and we all rose from the uncomfortable pews. I was dying to have a look at the beautiful Chloe but I waited until she walked past the end of the pew.

She looked absolutely stunning. Her lovely blonde hair was piled on top of her head and softly curled.

Her dress was simple but stunningly beautiful. Chloe was a natural beauty and made a gorgeous couple with Jack. The contrast of very dark hair and blonde hair was striking.

It was like Zack and I only the other way round.

Chloe was smiling widely as everyone turned around to look at her. The whole church seemed to swell with love. I saw Jack turn around and his eyes grew wider when he saw her.

Zack ducked into the space next to me and we took our seats. He held my hand gently and smiled at me. The service was lovely and we all followed the bride and groom out of the church into the bright afternoon sunshine.

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