Beautifully Irresistible (43 page)

BOOK: Beautifully Irresistible
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Blood rushed to my ears and my heart pounded as his gloved hand touched my cheek and ran across my right breast circling the nipple. He ran a finger over my tattoo. The hand started to travel between my legs. Tears rolled down my face as I felt the knife digging sharply into my jaw. My throat was dry with fear and revulsion.

Suddenly the door flew open and Jasper was standing there clutching a cricket bat.

“Don’t touch her!” he shouted.

He bravely ran over and took a wide swing at my unknown assailant but he ducked and ran over to the window. Jasper took another swing and made contact with his body.

“Ah, you little fucker!” he screamed, clutching his side in obvious pain.

The intruder opened the window and jumped out. I heard him curse loudly before he crunched over the gravel to make his escape. Jasper ran over to the window and looked out.

“You fucking pervert! My Dad will kill you!” Jasper screamed at him.

I pulled the covers up to my neck and started to cry. My whole body shook as nausea washed over me.

“He has run off down the garden and he’s limping. Jennifer, are you okay? Did he hurt you?” he asked softly.

“No, but I think he was going to. Thank you, Jasper, for coming in and saving me,” I told him numbly.

“I will go and make you a cup of tea then we will ring the police.”

He pulled me into his arms and dried my tears. I clutched the covers to me and I clung onto him as immense relief washed over me. Scarlett appeared at the door.

“What’s been going on? I heard shouting!” she cried, running into the room.

“Someone broke in and threatened Jennifer but I scared him off!”

“Jennifer, are you okay?” she asked, coming over to hug me.

“I will be fine. Thanks so much, you two.”

“I will get that tea for you now, Jennifer.”

Jasper disappeared downstairs as I slipped my dressing gown on. I couldn’t seem to stop shaking.

“I might just go downstairs. I won’t be able to go back to sleep now. You go back to bed, sweetheart,” I told her, kissing her cheek.

“I want to stay with you, Jennifer.”

“Thanks but I will be fine, Scarlett, honestly, go back to bed.”

She hugged me again and disappeared into the hallway.

I went downstairs and checked that all the doors and windows were securely locked.

“Are you going to call the police, Jennifer?” Jasper asked me, handing me a welcome steaming mug of tea.

“No point. He is long gone. I will ring them in the morning.”

“You need to ring Dad and tell him. Whoever it was must have known that he wasn’t here.”

I noticed that my hands were still shaking.

“Are you sure you are okay?” he asked sweetly.

“I will be fine, thanks to you. Get back up to bed. You have college in the morning. I will sit down here.”

“I could stay with you downstairs. No funny business, I promise!”

“I will be okay. Gatsby will be with me. Go on or you will be tired out.”

He reluctantly left me after giving me another hug and kiss on the cheek. Fear and tiredness overwhelmed me but I was too wired and wound up to sleep. My mind churned over and over.

I was now 100% sure that the intruder was David Simms.

It was his eyes. I saw pure evil in them.

Just you wait, David Simms, you complete bastard.

I am coming for you.


Chapter Sixty One


After showering and preparing breakfast for the twins, I took them to college. I needed to see Ross this morning. I was on auto pilot and completely worn out by recent events. Deep dark circles were under my eyes and my complexion was pale.

“Come in, Black.”

“Sir, I need to tell you what happened last night at the house.”

“Go on.”

I relayed the events and tears started to cloud my vision. Ross kindly handed me a tissue as I dabbed my tired eyes.

“Right. Well, you have your gun now and I think you should have it on you at all times.”

“Yes, Sir, I agree.”

“Look, Black, do you want to pull out of this assignment? No one will think any less of you. You have done some sterling work.”

“No, Sir, that is not an option. I know now that it is David Simms. I have come too far to give up now.”

“Okay but please be careful and I want you to be in regular contact with me.”

I shook his hand and left the station like a zombie.

Zack had texted me to ask if I could pick him up.

He knew nothing of what had happened last night. I didn’t think it was fair with him going into an important meeting. Pulling up at the station to meet the 2pm train, I saw that I was early. I reclined the seat and closed my eyes.

“Jennifer, Jennifer,” someone said, knocking at the car window.

My eyes snapped open as panic engulfed me. I looked out of the window and saw Zack’s beautiful eyes staring at me. He had a concerned expression on his face. I quickly unlocked the door for him to get in.

“Did you have a late night, baby? Were you partying without me?”

I burst into tears as he pulled me into him. Huge loud sobs took over my body as I let all the tension and fear out.

“What’s the matter, Jennifer? Tell me.”

“Someone broke in last night and came into our bedroom. He touched me and he was going to attack me but Jasper came in and hit him with a cricket bat. He escaped out of the window,” I blurted out.

“What? Fucking hell! Is Jasper okay? Is Scarlett okay? Did you see who it was?”

“They are fine, Zack, and whoever it was wore a mask.”

I wasn’t going to tell him that I knew full well who it was.

“Have you been to the police? I can’t believe you didn’t tell me!”

“Yes, but I don’t expect them to find who it was. You were in a very important meeting. I’m so sorry,” I wailed.

“You and the twins are far more important than business. Come here, baby,” he soothed, kissing the top of my head.

His jaw clenched with anger at what had happened at the house. I could practically see the fury surging through him.

He drove the Audi home as I shut my eyes, giving in to sleep. I abruptly woke up when the car stopped outside the house.

“Jennifer, we are home.”

He came around my side of the car and opened the door helping me out. I managed a weak smile at him as he put an arm around me, pulling me closer to him.

“Go and have a lie down. I will pick up the twins.”

I trudged upstairs and shrugged out of my clothes, slipping into the cold bed.

Sleep thankfully came quickly.


Chapter Sixty Two


I woke up with a start to find I was alone in my bed. I touched Zack’s side and it was really cold.

Quickly putting on my dressing gown, I looked at the clock on the bedside cabinet.

Shit! It was 10am!

The last thing I remembered was getting into the bed at 3pm yesterday.

I bolted downstairs and Zack was sitting reading the paper with Gatsby sitting at his feet.

“Morning. There is tea in the pot.”

“Why didn’t you wake me? I should have taken the twins to college.”

“You were exhausted, Jennifer, so I took them. I need to spend more time with them. It’s not a problem.”

I took a seat and sipped my tea.

“I can’t believe how long I have slept, Zack.”

“You needed it, baby.”

I rubbed my hands over my face and tried to pull myself around.

“I am playing hooky today, JB.”

“I remember with fondness when you played hooky before!”

He started laughing.

“Oh yes, I will never forget that day,” he whispered.

He reached forward and took my hand kissing my fingers softly.

“I remember worrying that it would be a one off and you wouldn’t want me again. I was so scared.”

“What? That's crazy. How the hell could I not want you again?”

I clambered onto his lap as he stroked my hair lovingly. All my worries started to drift away.

“Well, if you sit there much longer I will have to take you over the kitchen table and Marcia is in the dining room so we best not!”

“I will go and get ready and take Gatsby out.”

“I am coming with you. I don’t want you to be alone at the moment with some fucking mad man on the loose.”

We enjoyed a pleasant day together. After our walk, we took the quad bikes out and had races on them then we watched a romantic comedy curled up together. It was so normal and comfortable.

“When we pick the kids up, we should go out for a pizza,” Zack suggested.

“That sounds great.”

My stomach growled its appreciation of the idea.


We picked them up from college and headed to Chez Mario’s in the village centre.

Jasper looked much happier and he was talking about a girl at college that had bought him lunch.

I guess his heartbreak was only temporary.

To other people we probably looked like a normal family unit.

Only I was an interloper.


Chapter Sixty Three


We all went to bed early and I quickly fell into a deep sleep. I was awoken by Zack thrashing around in the bed.

“No, no! Jasper, no! David!” he screamed.

I tried to scramble out of the way of his flailing body but I was just not quick enough. He struck out and hit me hard across the face. I fell to the floor, grasping my sore cheek. Blood filled my mouth and I gagged at the metallic taste. Tears sprang into my tired eyes.

“Zack, please wake up!” I screamed as loudly I could.

His bright blue eyes flickered open as he sat bolt upright in bed.

“What happened? Did I hit you?” he gulped, staring at me.

“Yes, really hard,” I whispered.

I could feel blood trickling down my chin.

“God, I am so sorry,” he blurted out as he tried to hold me.

I shrank away from him. I needed to be by myself.

“I am going to my bed. I will see you in the morning,” I told him as I stumbled out of the room.

“No, please stay with me, baby.”

He looked terrified.

“Go back to sleep and I will see you in the morning.”

He stared at me like a little boy woken by a nightmare of monsters and dragons. Zack was fighting his own demons in his sleep.

Sighing, I shut the door quietly and headed to my own room. I cleaned myself up and lay awake in the cold empty bed for quite some time going over everything that had happened.

Was Zack guilty about something?

I felt like he was holding something back from me but I didn’t know what.

Eventually I must have dropped off and when I woke up he was next to me in the bed cuddling into my back. I knew that we had to discuss what had happened last night. I sat up in bed waiting for him to wake. My head rested on the headboard as I watched him sleeping.

Zack looked so much younger than his years. His face bore hardly any lines and his complexion was flawless. Everything about his face was breath-taking. In sleep, he looked even younger and vulnerable. So fragile, even though physically he was anything but. Emotionally was a different thing entirely.

I just wanted to protect him but I didn’t know what from. I stroked his lovely hair gently and leant over and kissed the top of his head. He started to stir and his eyes slowly opened. Staring into them, I saw worry and unease.

“Are you okay?” he whispered, looking at my swollen mouth.

“I’m fine, Zack. I have survived worse.”

“Were you watching me sleeping?”

“Yes, I was. You looked so beautiful and peaceful.”

He didn’t reply to me. He just stared at me with a haunted look in his eyes.

“Zack, I really need to talk to you about your nightmares.”

“Right, I know,” he replied shakily.

“You need to go and speak to someone about them, a therapist or something. I was really frightened last night and you hurt me.”

“I know I did. I am so sorry, baby,” he told me, stroking my bruised mouth gently.

“You would never hurt me intentionally. I trust you completely, Zack.”

“I will talk to someone. I promise.”

“Good. Are you going into the office today?”

“Yes. I need to catch up on some stuff.”

Things would be okay.

I needed to deal with David Simms first though.


After a shower, I headed down to prepare breakfast and Zack shouted me into the lounge.

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