Beautifully Irresistible (41 page)

BOOK: Beautifully Irresistible
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We posed for various photographs and more would be taken back at Mum and Dad’s. The newlyweds looked blissfully happy together and I was so pleased for them.

Most of the guests decided to walk to the reception at the farm as the sun was still shining brightly.

Zack and I walked along hand in hand.

I kept wondering if we would ever get married. I had never felt so intensely for someone before. It had floored me.

I knew I was just kidding myself thinking that we could have a future together. I had got swept away with the romance of the day.

When all the guests arrived at the marquee, the catering staff bustled around serving drinks and Zack and I started to get quite drunk but nice drunk. I was glad when the meal was served to soak up some of the alcohol.

Zack and I were seated on a round table with John and Sarah.

We all got along like a house on fire as we carried on drinking. As weddings went, it had been a belter so far.

After the speeches, the bride and groom took to the dance floor. I had been curious about their choice of song for the first dance. The music started up and it was Paul Weller’s, You do something to me.

Good choice!

Jack and Chloe smooched across the dance floor whilst everyone watched.

“I can’t wait to get you to bed, my lover,” I whispered as I ran my hand along his rock hard thigh.

“Come on, let’s have a dance first, baby.”

He hauled me up to my feet. We danced around wrapped in each other’s arms, lost in our own secret world. I started to feel aroused as he stroked the top of my arms.

“Are you horny, Jennifer?”

What do you think?

“Yes, I always am when I am close to you. You just have to talk to me and I melt!”

I giggled into his hard chest.

“You love sex, don’t you?” he whispered sensually.

A slow song, Lost without U, was playing. It was one of my favourites.

“I didn’t love it that much before you. It is so amazing with you each time and I don’t think I will ever get enough.”

“I feel the same way,” he said, pulling me closer into him.

I loved the way I felt when I was in his arms. Zack’s hard body moulded perfectly with mine. Our hearts beat steadily in time.

“I have never been happier, Zack. I love you.”

“I love you too, JB, so much,” he told me, tipping me back as we danced.

I saw Mum and Dad looking over at us. They had stupid grins plastered to their faces as they watched us.

After yet more drink and the evening buffet, we were both starting to feel pretty tired.

“Shall we sneak off and retire for the night?” he whispered.

After saying a quick goodbye to Jack and Chloe, we casually strolled outside then we bolted towards the house, laughing before anyone could ask us where we were going.

Bounding up the stairs, we both visited the bathroom and then climbed into bed. I was looking forward to some fooling around as Zack called it but when I got back from downstairs with some large glasses of water, he was spark out and I really couldn’t believe it but he was snoring.

Ha! He would be tortured about that tomorrow!


Chapter Fifty Seven


I woke up at 7am and my head was banging, my mouth felt like the carpet fitters had been in and my stomach was really queasy. My tummy popped and bubbled around.

Oh no! I was going to be sick!

I launched out of bed, leaving Zack fast asleep and hurtled down the hallway to the bathroom. I just made it to the toilet in time as I wretched until my stomach was completely empty. I stayed in the bathroom for quite a while until I felt more human again and I gingerly returned to our room.

“Where have you been? I was lonely,” Zack asked, smiling lazily at me.

“I was a bit poorly sick. How are you feeling?”

“Not great. In fact, oh shit! I’m going to be sick!” he shouted as he hurtled at speed out of the bed.

He seemed to have forgotten that he was completely naked as he ran really fast down the hallway. His impressive tackle swung freely. I followed on with some pyjama bottoms to save any embarrassment.

Zack copied me as he threw up over and over in the toilet. I stroked his hair as it clung limply to his forehead.

How the hell did he still look sexy!

“We are a right pair!” I laughed.

“Could you get me some water, please?” he croaked.

I returned a few minutes later and Zack was curled up on the floor with his eyes closed. His large frame filled the bathroom and I had to stop myself laughing at the state of him. I had never seen him with a stinking hangover. I thought being an Adonis, he would never suffer with one!

“Here put these on before someone sees you in all your glory, Zack. You will give my Mum a heart attack! You are not at Cambridge now!'” I giggled as I helped him into his bottoms.

“You are good looking after me,” he whispered.

“Shall we go back to bed for a bit?”

“Sounds like a good idea. Maybe we should go back tomorrow. I can’t face driving in this state.”

“I will ring Scarlett later.”

I smiled at him as we clambered back into bed. I gently stroked Zack’s hair as he lay on my chest.

“Your fun bags are really comfy. Did you know that?” he teased me as he lay wrapped in my arms.

“I used to hate them until I was about 21 then I thought, what the hell, if you have got it, flaunt it!”

“I am not kidding but they could win an award for most beautiful breasts. But I would obviously give the award out because I am the only one that can see them, touch them or kiss and suck them,” he announced very seriously.

“Stop it, you are giving me the horn and I really don’t have the energy for your awesome lovemaking.”

“Awesome, you say?”

He laughed softly.

“Fucking totally off the scale awesome and I will never ever get enough of it,” I told him, giving him a look that meant business.

I suddenly felt a lot more energetic. He just had to look at me.

“Me neither, baby,” he grinned up at me.

“Oh, I forgot I need to alert the media,” I teased him.

“What are you on about?”

“Last night, I was revving up for some sweet Cole loving and I got back into the room to find you fast asleep snoring! I was gob smacked!”

“Firstly what the hell does gob smacked mean and secondly you are lying. I would never snore!” he said indignantly.

“Calm down, Mr Perfect Pants! I recorded you on my phone. Listen,” I told him as I played back the recording.

“You better delete that pronto, Miss Black!” he shouted as he tried to lunge for the phone.

“What are you going to do, Mr Cole?” I giggled as I jumped on top of him straddling him.

“I might just fuck you into next week!” he laughed, pulling me into him and kissing me long and hard.

We pulled away from each panting with desire.

“Well then, I am so not deleting it now!”

Zack pulled my short nightie over my head with one hand and he pulled his bottoms down just as quickly. His erection burst out ready for action. He grabbed my hips, pulling me on top of him, and pushed gently into me.

Luckily, I was wet for him.

“Oh my god, you took me by surprise there, Zack!” I gasped as he filled me up beautifully.

He was buried really deeply into me. I started to circle my hips, slowly teasing him as he sank even deeper.

“Ride me, baby. Real slow,” he said in his sexy Southern drawl, looking up at me with those gorgeous blue eyes.

I pulled my legs up to a squatting position as I rode him energetically. I steadied myself on his hard chest. His eyes glittered and danced around wickedly as he gazed lovingly into my face.

He felt so amazing inside me, so right, so wonderful.

“That’s it, Jennifer. That feels amazing. Don’t rush. I want this to last.”

He reached up and clasped my breasts as I continued riding his glorious body. We fell into silence as we enjoyed our amazing lovemaking. Sparks started to pop in front of my eyes as the waiting orgasm built up inside my horny hot body.

I picked up the pace as he slipped and slid in and out of me.

“Oh Zack, I am so close!” I shouted as he touched my clit.

As soon as he did that, my body shuddered as I climaxed looking into his perfect face.

“You look so beautiful when you come,” he whispered.

“You make me feel so beautiful, Zack.”

He took over from me and pushed up harder into me. His eyes closed as he started to reach his orgasm. He always felt so deep in this position and I thought back to our first day together and every time since.

Every single time was so very special.

He had never not given me exactly what I wanted, what I craved, what I needed.

Mr Zachary Benjamin Cole was indeed the perfect lover.

“Oh yes, Jennifer! Fuck me!” he shouted as his hips energetically pumped into me as he climaxed.

“I just have, Zack!” I laughed kissing him hard.

He cupped my breasts gently as our breathing recovered. Our bodies were covered with a thin layer of sweat.

“Great hangover cure, baby!”

“Yes, the best!”


Chapter Fifty Eight


After showering, we headed downstairs about midday.

“Hello, you two. Did you oversleep?” Dad asked quietly, giving me a knowing look over his glasses.

We must have been a bit over-zealous again! I squirmed under his gaze.


“To be honest, we were both a bit sick from too much over indulging last night, Dad!” I laughed.

“It was a wonderful wedding, wasn’t it?”

“It was Dad.”

We enjoyed a greasy fry up and I started to feel a lot better.

“Did the newlyweds get away okay?” I asked Mum as I helped her clear the plates away.

“Yes. They are heading to St Lucia.”

“Lovely! They are made for each other and I bet that we hear the patter of tiny feet in no time!” I told him grinning.

“I hope so, Jenny!” Dad replied.

“Zack, I want to lay some flowers on Frankie’s grave. Do you want to come?”

“Do you mind if I just hang around here? I feel so sick!” he grimaced.

Dad piped up, “There is some rugby on the box if you want to join me, Zack.”

“Bye for now, Zack” I told him, quickly kissing his cheek.

I walked down to the peaceful graveyard after picking some wild flowers from the farm. The fresh air felt very good.

My eyes filled with tears as I read her inscription once again.

‘Loving memories of a wonderful daughter, sister and friend. Francesca Barker. Born 30th January 1983 – Died 14th March 2003. Sadly missed and never forgotten.’

I sat down on the grass in front of the worn grave. There were some dead flowers that I removed. I didn’t get a chance to visit last time we were here.

My eyes started to fill up with big tears as I thought about all the good times we shared. It was always me, Katie and Frankie. There was never any of that three is a crowd thing, we all just rubbed along famously. I missed her so much.

As I transported my memory back to happier times, I was aware of someone else walking into the graveyard. I didn’t even have to turn around to know that it was Zack.

My body was always acutely aware when he was near to me. It was like he sent off a mysterious sexy pheromone that I could pick up instantly.

“Hi, baby. Are you okay?” he said, stroking my hair.

His voice sounded like a mixture of melted chocolate and really hot sex. He turned me on just by talking.

“I’m fine, thanks. Thanks for coming down here. I know you feel like crap!”

I smiled over at him and my heart skipped a beat as I gazed into his lovely face.

Would I ever tire of him? Nope.

Would he ever tire of me? God, I hoped not.

“That Prosecco is some evil shit but I couldn’t let you be here on your own. Tell me about Frankie.”

He sat down next to me. His strong arm came around my shoulder and I leaned into his body.

“Frankie was the life and soul of the party. She had crazy light brown hair that was a mass of messy curls. She complained about it all the time but it was beautiful, just like her. Her eyes were a gorgeous emerald green that caught the light. When she walked into a room, it literally lit up. She was in love with a boy from school. They were so good together and they would have got married and had the happy ever after. When she found out she had a brain tumour, she said she would fight it tooth and nail, but it was too much for her.” I sniffed as tears flowed down my cheeks.

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