Beautifully Irresistible (30 page)

BOOK: Beautifully Irresistible
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We jumped into Zack’s Range Rover and sped towards the village.

“Firstly we shall partake in liquid refreshment in the pub,” I told him, leading him into The Queen’s Head.

I smiled to myself as we went in as nothing much had changed in the last six years since I moved away.

The same landlord was in residence.

“Two pints of lager please, Phil.”

“Jenny Black! Good to see you darling!” he beamed at me.

“This is my partner and boss, Zack” I told him, introducing him.

We found two cosy seats by the fire and Zack looked around at the old fashioned pub.

“How do you still look sexy and feminine whilst drinking a pint?”

“Northerners know how to rock it!”

“Did time forget this place?” he whispered.

“Oh yes! I have spent many a drunken night in here growing up.”

We enjoyed our drinks and then we headed to the small shop to get some more bits for Dad’s party. I saw a lot of people that I knew and they all had the same reaction to Zack.

They couldn’t stop staring at him and I knew they all thought that I had done really well for myself. Zack exuded charisma and confidence but he didn’t come across as arrogant.

“It’s a beautiful village, Jenny.”

As we got back to the car, I saw John, my ex-fiancé, walking towards us. John stood about 6’3”, a tiny bit shorter than my beautiful lover. He shared a similar shade of blond hair and warm blue eyes.

John was ruggedly good looking and still a head turner.

He was seen as something of a catch around the village.

My heart started pounding as I didn’t know how Zack would react.

“Jenny Black, how the hell are you?” John asked, scooping me up and swinging me around.

Zack looked far from impressed as he leant against the open car door.

“Hi, John. Long time no see!” I laughed as he put me back down.

“You look gorgeous. Where are you living now?”

“In Kent, this is my boss and partner, Zack,” I said, turning towards a very quiet Zack.

“So you’re not in the police?”

“Err no, it didn’t work out.”

“Oh I see. Good to meet you, mate,” John said, pumping his hand firmly.

“You too,” Zack replied, eyeing him cautiously.

“Are you coming tonight, John?”

“Yes, I can’t wait. See you two later!”

We got into the car and John looked back at me smiling. He still looked good and I knew that he had taken over his Dad’s sheep farm and he had really worked hard to build the business up. John was my first love and we were all set to get married but I realised I wanted more out of life. Mum said that I broke his heart and he never married or had a long-term partner.

“Was he an ex-boyfriend of yours?” Zack casually asked me as we drove back to the farm.

“He was my first love and I was engaged to him. How did you guess?” I asked him as I squirmed in my seat.

He was so in tune with me, it was spooky.

“I saw the way he looked at you. He looked at you the same way I look at you. You do know that he still loves you?” Zack informed me gently.

I just stared at him.

John still loves me? What?

“Well, he’s in the past. I broke it off when I realised I wasn’t cut out to be a farmer’s wife. I never even think about him.”

“I see he is tall, blond and blue eyed too. You definitely have a type, Jennifer!” Zack laughed, easing the tension in the car.

“I do but you normally go for skinny blondes with small boobs and I am the opposite of that! What attracted you to me, Zack? I have always wondered.”

He looked over at me and smiled in a knowing way. I waited for his reply as we pulled up outside the farm. He turned off the engine.

“Physically you are not my usual type but when you turned up at my door, I was instantly attracted to you as I was in the bar when we met before. I thought I was going to lose my mind! You have a beautiful face and a body that could stop traffic!” he whispered sexily.

He looked over at me and winked. His long eyelashes framed his gorgeous eyes.

“Physically you ticked every box for me,” I said, “and I had never felt such a deep attraction before in my life. It hit me like a thunderbolt. I knew I had to have you, but not just your body, your heart too.”

“You have got that, Jennifer. At first I thought you would be a challenge for me. I had no idea that you felt the same way about me. You always came across so calm and collected when I was a mess inside. God, I thought about you all the time and wondered about us together as a couple. I was mad for you! I fell in love with you before anything ever happened between us,” he told me, kissing my fingers gently.

He really was beautiful inside and out. I reached over and touched his stubbly cheek and caressed his face. He kissed my hand lovingly.

I moved closer to him and kissed him deeply enjoying his taste. My heart always fluttered when he kissed me. Our kiss deepened. It was wet, lush and sensual. My tongue greedily claimed his sweet mouth as it twisted and turned with his. We settled into the kiss and started to get a bit carried away.

Zack hummed softly as he pulled me into his lap. His warm hands stroked up my bare legs and I touched his bulging erection through his jeans. My hand wrapped around him and gripped him tightly.

“Why are you so very irresistible, woman?” he said gruffly.

His fingers snaked between my legs and into my pants tugging my clit. My body reacted instantly as I arched my back against the steering wheel.

“You are wet, baby!” he whispered as he kissed my exposed neck.

I thanked the gods above for the blacked out windows of his car. His finger pushed into me deeply as I tightened around him. He started to move it quickly in and out of me with just the right amount of pressure. I moaned, circling my hips and grinding closer into him. Zack added another finger sliding it into my wetness. My orgasm gathered momentum and crashed ruthlessly through me.

“Zack,” I whispered as I shamelessly rode his expert fingers.

He kissed me hard with no finesse, just wanting and lust. I released him from his jeans. My hand grasped him tightly as I moved closer to him. I sank onto him with a groan as he thrust into me roughly.

“Oh baby!” Zack moaned as we energetically made love.

I threw my head back completely and utterly lost in the moment.

Suddenly there was a loud tap on Zack’s window.

“Shit! It's Jack!” I panted, looking out of the window.

We quickly pulled away from each. He looked so turned on and horny, his lips swollen from our kisses. Our breathing was ragged as we stared out of the window.

Zack put the window down. I stayed on his lap. I could feel him twitching inside me.

“What’s up, Jack?” I snapped.

“Anna has gone back to Leeds. We had a row and she said you called her some names!” he shouted at me.

His face was bright red with anger. My own anger gathered itself up.

The cheeky blonde bimbo harlot!

“Wait a minute, Jack. She tried to kiss Zack and she asked him to sleep with her the cheeky bitch. What did she say to you?”

“Nothing about that. I’m sorry, Jenny. She didn’t tell me.”

“Forget about it. You could do a lot better than Anna. Is Chloe coming to the party tonight?” I asked him.

Jack had had his eye on Chloe for a long time.

“Yes, she is.”

“Well it’s about time you asked her out, Jack. She is crazy about you!”

“Bloody hell, I will then. Thank you, Jenny! Err, were you two shagging?” he asked as his mouth dropped open.

His face was bright red with embarrassment.

“Yes we were, Jack, so fuck off!” I told him, enjoying the look of shock on his handsome face.

Zack looked at me and laughed. He put the window back up and locked the doors.

“You are so very bad, JB! Now, where were we? Oh yes, I remember,” he whispered as we resumed our breath-taking lovemaking.


Chapter Thirty Seven


As darkness fell, the party was in full swing. Zack and I danced the night away and Scarlett was having a great time with some of her new riding friends. Jasper was sitting with the blonde girl and she was holding his hand and gazing up at him. Young love!

Dad had had a wonderful evening and he was certainly a bit worse for wear as the time crept towards midnight. Zack and I were pretty drunk too and he cuddled and kissed me playfully as I sat on his knee.

I kept looking over at John and remembering how good things had been between us. He was a fantastic lover too. Not quite in Zachary Cole’s league but he was up there on the top shag list. Probably in number two position. I couldn’t figure out why I kept staring at him as I had everything I could ever want in Zack. I think I was just happy to be home.

“I have to go to the toilet. I won’t be long, gorgeous,” I whispered.

I wobbled unsteadily to my feet and headed back to the house. The cool night air hit me and took my breath away. I stopped for a few moments and held onto a fence to steady myself.

“Jenny, are you alright?” John asked, rushing over to me.

“I’m fine, John, thanks.”

“Can I talk to you, Jenny?”


“Down here,” he said leading me to the side of the party barn.

“No, I shouldn’t really, John.”

“Please, Jenny. I need to tell you something.”

I followed him cautiously in the dark.

What the hell was I playing at!

“Jenny, I never stopped thinking about you. I still love you,” he boldly declared, looking into my eyes.

His rough hand caressed my cheek gently. My body rushed with unexplained desire for him. This was not good. I shouldn’t have feelings like that. I loved Zack, the love of my life, not John. John was from my pre-Zack life. He was in the past and he should stay there.

“John, I will always love you and I am sorry about how things ended. I know that I hurt you and I never meant to, John,” I told him as I touched his cheek gently.

“Do you think there could ever be a chance for us, Jenny?”

“I’m sorry, I am with Zack now. I love him.”

“We had some great times though, Jen. I still remember how much I loved making love to you. Do you remember that time in the barn?”

Yes, I did! It was hot!

Before I knew what was happening John was kissing me passionately. My hands caressed his warm neck as his body caged me in against the barn.

It felt familiar. I responded willingly, pulling him into me.

It was quite different to the way Zack kissed me but it was still sexy. His tongue twisted with mine and I felt desire for him building in my body. I could feel his erection pressing into me and for a split second, I really wanted him.

I wanted his familiar gentle touch and his sweet declaration of love for me. John's hand ran down my body and he was about to touch me between my legs. Our kiss deepened even more.

Wait a minute, what the hell was I doing? What an idiot!

Too much alcohol had clearly affected my judgement and had turned me into a bitch in heat.

I didn’t want him. I had everything that I could possibly want. What an earth was I playing at? I had to get out of there. Now!

“Jennifer, what the fuck are you doing?” Zack shouted loudly as he grabbed my shoulder.

His body seemed to be simmering with anger. He stood next to us as his rage bounced off him in waves. Even in the semi-darkness, I could see his eyes burning into me. John pulled quickly off me and straightened his crotch.

“It’s not what you think, Zack!” I shouted as he roughly yanked John backwards.

“Calm down, mate. It’s not her fault. I kissed her!” he told Zack crossly.

“Zack, I’m so sorry. Let’s go and talk about this,” I said quietly.

I tried to grab his hand.

“Get the fuck off me, Jennifer!” he shrugged my hand away and stalked off towards the house.

“Look, mate, Jenny was mine. We were just reliving the good times!” John shouted, grinning.

I really wished that he hadn’t said that.

Zack spun round and punched John hard in the face but John was an almost perfect physical match to Zack and he punched him back even harder.

Zack hit him again and a full on fight ensued.

“Stop please, Zack. Stop John!” I shouted.

The fight continued as they gave each other a good pummelling. I saw Jack heading towards the house arm in arm with Chloe.

“Jack, please help!” I shouted as he came running over.

“It will take more than me to separate them!” he told me running back to the party for reinforcements.

He quickly returned with some of his friends.

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